
"Oh, is that so?"

"Well then, since you asked oh honorable teacher, then I will cut the crap. I want their heads on spikes, as for the b*tch she's mine!!" b

Lance spoke with confidence, elegance, and a tinge of excitement. His eyes glowed with thrill and his hands became cold.

"Pftt, you don't understand the situation do you?, you are surrounded and there's no one to help you, and you are still behaving pompous? I guess you don't understand the real world yet, kid"

Arian didn't notice the look of excitement on Lance's face, so she went on to berate him. However , the two paladins immediately put their guard up. They didn't understand why he was so confident, but alarms went off in their heads instinctively.

"I'm not the one who doesn't understand the situation yet, sweetheart."

Lance responded with an evil smile on his face and not even a second later


A massive figure jumped out of the Bushes and sent a claw slash towards one of the paladins, causing him to stagger.

"What the hell?"

The new arrival was a monstrous bear - like creature with small horns sticking out of its head, the creature looked like it was about to cut the paladin in half but as soon as it slashed at the Paladin the other paladin assumed a fighting position.


He pulled out his sword and thrust towards the bear-like creature, only, before he could get close enough to land an attack, an arrow flew past him and grazed his skin. In that brief moment, he understood what was going on.

"Shit!!, it's an ambush!! We need to stick together"

Immediately after the arrow grazed him, the paladin jumped back and alerted his partner. This was bad they had to fall back And regroup else they wouldn't know how they even died.

However, the next few seconds showed that even that was impossible. The arrows coming from the dark shadows of the night kept coming, completely cutting off the paladins from regrouping. It soon became clear that they were not facing a small Force.

"Hold your ground until I handle this creature!!"

The first Paladin, who seemed to be the stronger one commanded, he too was having a hard time fighting against Asher so he couldn't help his counterpart.

"Teacher Arian, where are you going to?"

Amidst all the chaos, Lance's voice resounded In Arian's ear as he made his way towards her slowly. Seeing the situation turn like this, Arian had no choice but to back away. However, as she did so, Lance proceeded to follow her.

The Arrows came flying towards Lance, but he didn't budge. He kept walking in a straight line slowly towards Arian, the arrows seemed to be avoiding him.

"Water blades"

Arian fired a spell at Lance while she made her retreat into the forest. At this point it was all she could do, this was an ambush from the Naldir family men. Their original intention was to sneak in without alerting anyone, but it was ruined. If she stayed here and waited for Escanor to get here, her life would be forfeit.

"Teacher Arian!! Where the F are you running to??"

Lance soon broke into a mad sprint as he rushed towards Arian's fleeing figure, on his waist a sword and on his face, a wicked smile resembling that of a crazed villain.

"Water blast!"

"Water blades"

"Seven spring water cannon"

Arian shot out spell after spell, hoping to hit Lance, so she could escape. But Lance only needed to sway slightly to dodge each attack. It was a breeze for him, however, for her, it was not so easy to continue. On one hand, she was getting pissed off by Lance's persistence, on the other, she couldn't stop for the fear that Escanor could just pop out of nowhere and attack.

As time went on, however, exhaustion overtook her and she could no longer take it anymore and finally came to a halt deep inside the forest. There, she turned to lance and shot out a spell.

"Die!! You ignorant brat!!"

As those words left Arian's mouth, a familiar spell began materializing from thin air. The treads of Mana in the air formed around her hand and formed the magic circle of the water bombardment spell.

This spell had been stolen by her from Lance because even though she was technically a grade 2 mage, she had only managed to do so with a grade 2 spell meant for healing and exorcism. That meant that this peak level 1 skill was in fact the most powerful spell she had gotten her hands on. Naturally, she couldn't control herself when she saw it in the hands of a brat like Lance.

"Water bombardment!!!"

Several balls of water formed in the air and began shooting at Lance unceasingly.

"Using my own spell against me?"

Lance chuckled, Arian stole the water bombardment spell from their library. It would be foolish of Lance not to think of a way to counter this spell after losing it.




Lance's figure dashed around the forest, easily dodging each and every ball of water thrown in his direction. This was where his warrior class and exceptional physical strength came in handy, he was fast, faster than the common fighter. Even with the multiple blasts of water flying towards him, Lance was able to easily dodge each one of them.


Name: Lance Naldir

Race: human??

Class: Mage (grade 1), warrior (grade 1)

(Dual wielder)

Innate ability: Love gas, ?????

Level: 5

Mana: 600

Title : inheritor of Lust

Spells: water blast, ???, ???, ???

As the inheritor of lust, the host will now gain the powers to control and gain power from the canal desires of men and women alike. He will draw power from Lust, and will give power to the Lustful. He will spread his power and one day become the true sin of lust.


"How is he so fast?"

When she left, Lance was but a little minnow. Now he was able to dodge a peak level 1 spell like the water bombardment spell? The improvement was too fast. It completely shook her.

"Haha, honorable teacher, why do you look so scared? I only want to give you a hug!!!"

The look on Lance's face was one of pure delight and bliss, he had dreamed of hunting done Arian for months, and now she was finally in front of him


Arian warned Lance vehemently, but it seemed like he just didn't care because he just kept coming. The whole situation was frustrating for her, making her Grint her teeth.

"Looks like I will have to use that technique"