The True Nordic Winter Spell

As Lance continued his Dash towards Arian, he felt a slight chill spread and engulf his surroundings. It felt like the very air itself was about to freeze up. In that brief moment, Lance decided to slow down and observe.


Right in front of him, Arian stood, emitting a white vapor from her back. As it was in the middle of the night, it seemed like she had sprouted a pair of wings, making her look like an angel. This wasn't the case, though.

"Nordic winter"

Arian muttered as her iris became white. She had also stolen this spell from Lance, however what she didn't expect was for it to be such a high tier spell. Contrary to what Escanor thought, Arian didn't come specifically for the spell, but when she found it, she made sure that she made good use of it. She even went to the lengths of hiding it from her superiors.

She practiced It day and night, reaching this level. Furthermore, she was now able to turn water attribute mana to ice. This marked the first minor completion of the spell. It was a trump card.

"I gave you the option to stop chasing me, you spoiled brat, but your arrogance didn't let you take it. Now you must die!!"

Arian stretched her hand forward and the icy vapor coming from behind he rushed towards Lance, freezing everything in its path.

Leaves turned to icicles and fell off their branches, and the trees themselves turned ice-cold. This was a testament to how powerful the Nordic winter spell was. It was able to turn the surroundings into an icy landscape.


Lance sneered upon seeing Arian use the Nordic winter spell. It really pissed him off to see her use that spell, it had been stolen from him, and now she was using it as her trump card against him.


Lance pulled out his sword and sent a vertical slash towards the icy vapor rushing towards him


The attack landed and the gust of icy vapor spread out at the point of impact, but Lance's figure remained standing in front of Arian. His hands were ice-cold from the impact, and his gray Hood had turned to an icicle. However, Lance did seem phased at all.

"Is that how the Nordic winter spell is supposed to be used?"

Lance asked with a tinge of mockery in his voice. It was a potential grade 3 spell, if Arian had managed to master it, he should be a frozen popsicle right now.

But here he was standing upright with no real damage done to his body.


This time, the look on Arian's face had morphed from one of shock to fear. Could she be blamed? She had just used her trump card on Lance and he remained unharmed? Didn't that mean.....

"Dear Teacher has disappointed me. However, you should rejoice. Isn't it the dream of every teacher to see their student surpass them? Watch teacher, this is how the true Nordic winter spell is used"

Lance swung his sword to the side and slowly ice began to spread around it, creating an intricate pattern. It wasn't long after Arian stole the spell that his father Escanor explained to him that the spell "nordic winter' was their family's secret spell. It was tuned to them and was effortless to practice, no matter what level they were on.

During these few years, Lance had practiced this spell and learned how to use it properly. Just based on skill, Lance was better than Arian in using the spell. The only difference was that she was a grade 2 mage and as such had more mana than him.

"Nordic winter: Cold blade,"

Lance muttered under his breath and dashed forward with his sword in hand.


Arian immediately tried to counter, only, Lance was already too close to her as he moved with blinding speed. She had no choice but to block with her vapor wings.


Nevertheless, she was still pushed back by Lance's attack, causing her to ram into a tree in the distance.


Her head hit the trunk of a tree, knocking her unconscious.

"So easy?"

Lance appeared in front of her and shook his head. She was too cocky and that was what led to her downfall.

"Tie her up in the room I designed, as for the other two….do with them what you please."

Lance spoke casually and suddenly Asher, Ember and a few others stepped out of the shadows and walked up to Arian. They had long since finished their battles and were waiting for Lance this whole while.

They knew not to interrupt Lance while he was battling Arian. But since it was over now, they came out.

Asher stepped forward and picked up Arian. He placed her on his shoulder and walked into the night, meanwhile, A young man walked over to Lance and whispered something into his ear.


Hearing the words escape the new arrival's mouth, Lance's eyes became wide with shock