Chapter 1 [First Encounter]

With a loud thump, the body dropped, causing an almost deafening crash. The two men stood at the top of the stairs in shock, ready to make a run for it before the person or thing could get to them. With just two big steps the creature swept the men off their feet and the rest was history.

The wailing of police sirens echoed into the night as the men were loaded into separate cars and taken away. They all looked like they had just been eaten limb by limb.

This was something that would surely be written up in the papers, but this was hardly the first time something similar happened. "This doesn't look like it was done by anything human," said a Cop "It looks more like an animalistic attack," said another one, shaking slightly. All three men agreed, but they didn't say so out loud. "What do we do, people are asking questions," Said another cop.

"We keep investigating," said Officer Laura.

"Whatever that has been doing this isn't human for sure, and I'll make sure to find it" Officer Laura stated.

Laura James, a 45-year-old head of the crime unit was a woman with an attitude, who was determined not to let this happen again. She wasn't about to go back on her word, no matter how hard it may be. She knew it would have been easier if these attacks hadn't happened so often, but this was part of life, and she's been dealing with this for quite some time.

"Once the forensic results are out we can know exactly what we're dealing with"

Officer Laura looked up from the pictures taken of the bodies of the two victims.

The bell signaling the end of the history lecture went off.

Diana walked out of the room quickly, eager to get away from Kai who's been talking her ears off since the lecture started. "Wait up Ana" Kai ran after Diana, catching up with her outside "So as I was saying, these new guys are phenomenal" She gushed, grabbing Diana's arm "Apparently they just transferred from their old college to ours... I saw them at the staff office.. ugh hotties" She continued.

Diana rolled her eyes playfully, she loved her best friend, she really did, but sometimes she could be so over the top when it came to her crushes on guys, and she was just going on about it now, which was making Diana want to punch her square in the face.

"Well, I can't wait to meet them if they're all that you've been talking about," Diana said with a forced smile.

"I told you right? they're three in number-"

"Yes, you told me in the middle of history class, you're making my ears bleed. So if you don't mind, can we just go?" Diana asked

"Yes! Okay fine, whatever". Kai gave a small pout, but she soon changed her demeanor and smiled.

"Where are we even going?"

"I don't know, maybe we could sit here," Diana pointed at one of the seats under a large tree.

"So did you watch the news last night?" Asked Kai as they sat down.

"No" Diana shook her head.

"You missed the latest episode of another brutal killing in the woods," Kai said. "They said it isn't anything human," She added.

"That's why Mum wasn't home last night" Diana muttered.

"That's right, have you heard from your mum? She's handling this case, right? She should be very careful, whatever it is, it ain't playing games"

"Yeah," Diana sighed "I hope she's okay though..." She said quietly.

"We have a class now," Kai said. Diana and Kai both sighed, wishing their classes were over for the day.

Both walking hand in hand into class Kai dragged Diana to the back side making Diana groan. Students started filling the class, and there were barely any empty seats left, only a few. Three undeniably handsome guys walked into the class. They must be the guys that Kai had described earlier. And oh boy was their beauty out of this world.

Diana noticed a few girls whispering behind their hands, even boys. One of the guys had blonde hair and tan skin, he looked unreal, his eyes were gray, and he wore a black jean jacket. He seemed confident and cool as he looked around the class.

The other boy was damn hot, slightly shorter than the rest of them, he wore yellow framed sunglasses, tight skinny jeans ripped on the knees, and a dark gray shirt tucked into the jeans. His brown hair fell onto his forehead as he turned to whisper something to the blonde guy who nodded slowly.

Finally, the last boy, speechless, let's start with his full arm tattoos, and the fact he wore a sleeveless shirt wasn't helping. He was just too good to be true. His eyes were piercing. Oh, and his piercings? How many were they? He's just what you simply call perfect, they all are, in different ways and auras. I honestly wasn't expecting them to be...this ethereal. Kai clearly wasn't explaining well.

Even though everyone was staring at them, they seemed perfectly calm. My breath hitched when the one with the tattoos locked eyes with mine. Why was he staring? Did he notice me staring at him?

My thoughts were broken, however, when the lecturer walked into the class. Everyone's attention snapped away from the three boys and onto the teacher as they took seats close to each other.

Something about them was strange. Did they all transfer at the same time? Why did they leave their previous school?

These were the thoughts running through my head.

"I told you they are beautiful" Kai whispered loudly enough to catch the attention of several students next to me.

"Shut up Kai," I responded without looking over at her.

A few minutes passed in awkward silence until the lecturer finished his lesson, everyone shuffled out quickly to find their next class, while still eyeing the new students with curiosity. A couple of the boys introduced themselves as they went.

"Should we go introduce ourselves?" Kai chimed

"Don't be embarrassing Kai" I scoffed leaving the class just like every other student did. Suddenly I'm being pulled back into the class immediately I took the first step out.

I gasped, pulling my arm away from the stranger's grip. "You dropped this." The tattoo guy said, staring at me the same way he did at the beginning of class but this time with a smile.

Seeing him up close was even much better. He got more handsome the more I stared. My heart was beating violently against my chest.

Something about him just makes me curious.

Draws me in.

Makes me feel like we should be together, I know that sounds stupid considering I'm just meeting him for the first time today, but I can't help the feeling.

"Oh... thank you" I took the pen I thought I had on the side of my bag.

"I'm Zayn" He extended his right hand for me to shake "And these are my friends, Justin and Cole," He said turning his head to gesture towards the two boys at the back Kai stood probably introducing herself.

"Uh I'm Diana" I shook his hand and I swear electric shocks shot throughout my whole body. His grip on my hand was tight, almost too tight to be painful.

"Nice to meet you Diana" He bit his lower lip, staring me down. It took everything in me not to blurt out something embarrassing, but instead, I smiled and made my way over to Kai, ignoring Zayn's stares as I dragged Kai along with me and walked past him and his friends.