Chapter 2 [Found you]

"We both know she didn't lose that pen" Cole smirked at me.

"Yea I stole it from the side of her bag"

"So wanna tell us why you introduced yourself to this girl?" Biting his lower lip Justin asked me.

"Yea I could hear your thoughts the entire class about how you want to train her," Cole said, scoffing, making me roll my eyes. He's gotta have to learn to not listen to my thoughts.

"She's my mate" Their eyes widened as they stared at me with mouth agape.

"What?!" They both yelled at the same time.

"How were you so calm around her?" Cole grabbed my arm looking worried.

"Do you know how difficult it was to stay sane when we entered the class at first? My wolf was begging to claim her, to have her, but I had to hold myself back" I sighed.

"Wow," Cole exclaimed, staring at me in awe.

"So what are you gonna do now? Tell her?" Justin questioned.

"Not now, I'll just try not to be in a room with her alone but damn it's painful watching her" I groaned rubbing my face.

"Are you going to tell Benjamin? " Cole asked curiously. I looked down at my hands and nodded my head.

"Why not? He's our alpha" I smiled, missing the presence of Diana already.

"I think it's break time, I hear the sound of spoons and forks clashing" Cole informed. We walked down the hall to the cafeteria where other students were eating.

We secured a seat close to the wall and ordered our food. My eyes scanned the whole area searching for Diana or even her friend.

"If you're looking for your mate she's right on the table behind me" Cole gestured over to the table where she sat with her friend surrounded by three other students.


"Control yourself" Justin gripped my wrist making me turn to look at him.

"Those boys are fucking flirting with her" I growled. I stood up to make my way over to where Diana was sitting but Cole grabbed me before I could get closer to her table.

Why's he so strong?

"Zayn I know it's difficult for you to watch but you have to control yourself, you've learned self-control so what's this? I'm the one that doesn't have control yet in the pack" Cole said quietly but firmly enough.

Oh, how I wanted to rip those guys apart, limb for limb.

My hand twitched at my side itching to rip something into shreds but Cole held tighter on my wrist forcing my body back to the chair, I gritted my teeth at him knowing there was nothing I could do but let him drag me away from the cafeteria when it looked like I wasn't going to calm down anytime soon.

Slamming me against a locker hard I pushed myself away from it and looked Cole straight in the eye.

"I'm going to have to knock you out if you keep thinking of killing those guys," Cole warned.

"Stop fucking reading my thoughts!" I shouted

"Zayn takes a deep breath" Justin urged. I inhaled slowly, calming myself down. But her laugh kept echoing in my head, and knowing that those guys were the reason behind that beautiful laughter made my head almost explode.

It took everything I had not to pounce on them when I saw them talking shit over there. The urge to destroy every one of them and rip their heads out is almost unbearable.

Cole and Justin both noticed my eyes turning bright blue, my claws piercing through my flesh.

"Shit" Cole cursed, dragging me into an empty lecture hall and locking the door.

Before I could charge at them Cole threw a punch at my face knocking me out cold.

"How do we carry him out?" Justin whispered.

"We'll have to wait for him to wake up so he can walk out himself because I ain't carrying this muscle pig" Cole responded.

They waited hours until Zayn woke up cursing and holding his jaw.

"Finally you're awake" Justin huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"School is over, we missed the rest of the lectures" Cole informed and the realization hit me, Diana must have left.

"She hasn't left yet" Cole pointed out.

"I saw her walking towards the gate with her friends just now," Justin added.

"I'm calm now, so we can go," I said mostly telling Cole, he gave me a knowing look "I said I'm okay now" I scoffed getting up and dusting my ass before walking out of the door with them following behind me.

Students crowded the school gate, some rushing past each other while some others walked slowly with their friends. I found Diana with Kai laughing about something as they just left the gate. I rushed towards them wrapping my hand around her arm to stop her.

The moment she looked up at me I swear my heart did flips.

I want her.

My wolf howls inside of me wanting to claim her and I have no idea how I've been able to hold back. Her gaze flickered to Cole and Justin who followed behind us and then back to me again.

"Diana, do you have time? I'd like us to hang out" I spoke softly, trying to make sure my tone came off as sweet and caring.

"Um, I'm so sorry Kai and I have plans" Looking over at Kai the urge to snap her neck grew inside of me.

"Okay!!.. we'll get going now" Justin threw his hands around my neck dragging me away.

"I think Zayn likes you" Kai whispered to Diana earning a slap across the back of the head from her friend.

"Shut it" Diana whispered.

As Zayn, Cole, and Justin walked away a red Ferrari pulled up next to them making them groan.

The window rolled down revealing a blonde-haired Jake. "Hello kids, I'm here to pick you up" He beamed smiling ear to ear.

"We told you not to pick us up, we ain't kids no more" Cole huffed.

"Don't act like you didn't miss me" Jake rolled his eyes as they all entered the car.

"Zayn, I can feel how angry you are. What's wrong? You just started school today and you're already pissed" Jake Spoke smiled.

"I found my mate today"

Jake suddenly stopped the car causing Zayn to crash directly into the dashboard.

"Dude!" he whined

"You found your mate? Wow, that's great news Zayn" Jake laughed.

"Yea," Zayn nodded.

"So who is she?! I want to meet her!" Jake grinned.

"Ugh let's get home first" Cole groaned earning a glare from Jake.