Chapter 6 [Readiness and Pain]

Do they live inside a forest? Because we've been driving through the woods for about an hour and I don't see any houses. He hasn't said a word to me or at least told me why he's taking me to their home. But I can guess it's because of Zayn. As we drove further into the woods I could sight a huge house coming into view. It looked ancient yet majestic. It looked like it has been standing for years, but you'd expect something like that from people who aren't human. He pulled over in front of the big white gate and hopped out of his car before running around to open my door and help me get out.

He leads me through the gates and up a winding dirt driveway. He stopped when we reached the double doors that stood wide open. I saw nothing behind them other than darkness and then there was this sudden chill that came across my skin like something out of a horror movi

When we walked in I took in the view of the house. I couldn't help but gasp at the beauty that lay before me. The house was tall and imposing, its roof covered by what must have been thousands of ivy-crawling vines. Its stone façade seemed to have been left untouched. There was no sign of anyone living here, but I knew better. This must be where they sta

"Would you like something to drink?" I shook my head, still mesmerized by the house

"Well hello there Diana" Benjamin's voice echoed from where he stood on the stairs of the grand staircase. He had a small smile gracing his lips as he descended the stairs until he met us in the middle of the large sitting room. The others rushed out from different parts of the house including a lady I didn't see the last time they invaded my room but I couldn't sight Zayn

"So as you already know we're werewolves and I'm the alpha of the pack" Benjamin started as we all took a seat in the large living room. "We'll just skip to the mating part since that's the problem now," he said with a dimpled smile. "You're Zayn's mate, he felt it the moment he walked into your lecture room. Unfortunately, his heart had to come before you could get to know him well and it all seems rushed" Benjamin explaine

"Like the name Intel's it's basically like a soulmate but a stronger bond than human soulmates," Benjamin sai

I couldn't help the way my heart rate increased at his mention of mates and I bit down on my lower lip in an attempt to stop myself from saying anything. "Normally we just hookup with some girl till our heat is over but that stopped for some of us after we found our mates and the same goes for Zayn, he can't have a random hookup anymore because he found you..and it's pure torture for Zayn not to have you right now fucking you senseless" Benjamin finished. That sentence sent chills through my body. "I-I don't think I'm ready" I quietly replied trying to sound brave even though I knew my face gave me away

"I understand," He said, sighin

"Zayn will just have to suck it up till after a few more days" Justin exclaimed jumping up from where he'd been sitting

Her scent filled my senses as my claws pierced through my flesh, she's close, so fucking close by that I could hear her breathing, I want her so bad. I've never felt this much pain in my entire life, not even on my very first heat. Why wasn't anyone bringing her to me, she's definitely in this house so why isn't she here yet? I can't break through the dungeon because It was made with extremely strong words that even a wolf cannot break down. I need to find her, I need to hold her tight in my arms and show her how much I love her. How much I need her, how much I hate her for making everything so damn painful. She was mine from the beginning. Mine to own and protect, my everything. As I tried to fight it my vision turn

"A wolf?" Detective Laura asked, looking up at Faye from her seat. Faye is a cop that started work not too long before the strange attacks start

"How could a wolf do this?" Mrs. Laura asked, more to herself than to Faye

"The DNA of wolf a was detected on the crime scene, and the bodies of the victims," Faye said.

"This can't be just any wolf," Mrs Laura whispered. "What about the CCTV footage from the last attack?" Mrs Laura aske

"Nothing could be made out from that one too, the creature was just too fast"

"Too fast!?" Mrs Laura snapped standing up from her chair. "Did you watch it yourself?" She lowered her voice this time.

"N-No I-"

"You have to freaking watch it yourself to be sure before you report to me, you can't just take what you're told without confirmation. You see this is why I don't work with amateurs" Mrs Laura threw her hands up. "I'm sorry Sir" Faye sighed. "I'll be sure to do a thorough investigation next time before reporting back to you"

"Next time?.. There won't be a next time because I'm pulling you out of the plug! If you keep messing up we won't be able to catch this thing, and this isn't a case that needs careless people like you" Mrs Laura's words cut through Faye like a knife. "Yes ma'am" Faye replied before heading towards the door. Mrs. Laura watched her leave before sighing and dropping back on her seat.