Chapter 7 [I don't share]

It's been a week since I went to Zayn's house. A new Monday of school and a new day of missing Zayn and wondering if he's okay.

"Settle down, take your seats" Mrs Yoon yelled immediately she rushed into the class slamming her book on the lecture stand.

"I'm so full" Kai groaned "My parents returned this morning and we had a feast, I overate" she continued.

"Then maybe you should stop eating when you are full" Our heads snapped to the voice behind us to see Zayn, Cole and Justin seated next to each other behind us. "Don't you think Kai" Zayn leaned forward on his table completing his earlier statement.

"I-I-I gues-guess" Kai withered under his stare. He turned to me, flashing a smile. "Hey there angel?" He asked me to give him a new nickname.

"I- Hey!" My voice unintentionally came off higher than it should have alerted the lecturer.

"Something you'd like to share with the class Miss Diana?" The lecturer scowled. "No...I'm sorry Prof" I mumbled.

The entire class I was tense and happy too because Zayn was back to school. God, I didn't know I missed him this much until I saw his face. At the end of class, everyone started packing their stuff up and leaving. "We'll be in the stadium" Justin patted Zayn's shoulder whose eyes were fixed on me as I was shoving my laptop into my bag. Cole and Justin left the class together with the crowd of students.

"Uh I'll be somewhere," Kai said shifting her gaze to Zayn before bowing 360 degrees and speed walking out of the classroom.

"Why's she being strange?" Zayn stood up from his seat shoving his hands into his front pocket.

"The last time she saw you, you almost strangled her to death so her behavior is understandable," I said. He scoffed, walking closer to me and biting down on his lower lip, making me gulp. "I can hear your heart beating" He smirked before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his side. "And I love it," He whispered.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he looked down at me with an unknown expression before nodding. He leaned closer and planted his lips softly onto my forehead then my cheeks. The softness of his touch was causing me to blush. His breath tickled my skin, his hands sliding down to my waist and squeezing them.

After a second or so, his hands pulled back slowly. I wanted to feel his warmth again but sadly he stepped back. "Let's hang out later and I'm not entertaining any excuses this time" He smiled tapping my nose. "The last time I took your excuse because my identity was still unknown to you" He whispered with his face close to mine I could feel his hot minty breath on my face.

He flashed me a grin as I watched him walk towards the exit.

I entered the library after receiving Kai's text telling me where she was. "Bruh what took you so long?" Kai questioned while my cheeks were still burning.

"Nothing.. why'd you run off like that?"

She scoffs "His eyes have the word kill written on them, and you want me to spend another second close to him?" She said, pulling out her textbook.

Kai didn't know about Zayn's identity yet. Would it be a bad idea if I tell her? I should ask Zayn when we meet up later.

"Are we still going to the festival later today?" She whispered when the Liberian started giving us dirty looks

"Um about that, I have plans with Zayn later" She smirked wiggling her eyebrows at me

"Is it a date?"

"What? No, it's not! He just wanted to catch up since he missed school for so long" I cleared my throat avoiding eye contact.

"Since when did you and Zayn become so close to the extent of catching up, Justin and Cole hadn't also been in school, so why are they not among the catching up hmm?" She questioned trapping me.

"Ugh okay fine you got me, you know I like Zayn so maybe this is a date," I said.

"I still don't understand why Zayn hates my guts, why he strangled me on the wall, and how he found out about us.. y'know" Kai questioned earning a look from the Liberian.

"Look, why don't we go out of here first," I suggested.

Entering an empty lecture hall, we quickly took a seat at a table in the corner. We had just gotten settled when someone slammed their hands down on the table. The two of us looked up at the source of the noise with wide eyes.

"Hey girls.. Why are you both in an empty class?... Alone" Zayn questioned taking a seat opposite us. He gave one glance at me before glaring at Kai.

"Zayn what are you doing? Why are you here?" I asked, trying not to raise my voice but the boy just smirked and shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I'm just making sure my m-"

"No!" I yelled, grabbing Zayn with me and out of the class before he mentioned the word 'MATE' leaving Kai behind.

"Are you following me?" I whispered yell once we were outside.

"You can't blame me, your scent Is so strong, I just know where you are," Zayn said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Zayn, stop! I get you don't like Kai but she's my friend so can you stop intimidating her?, it's not nice" I said getting frustrated.

"Ugh, I'll try... I'm not making any promises though" He said while shrugging.

"Just try," I said looking over at Kai who was seated in the room alone waiting for my return.

"Are you bi?" He suddenly asks, causing me to freeze, my face flushed red as I tried to find my words. My gaze landed on his lips and then back on his eyes.

"What makes you think that?" I asked nervously.

"You underestimate me angel" He placed his hand on my cheek cupping it "I can perceive every single thing on you, when you fuck, I know it, aroused, I know it, when you're on your period, I also know that. The same way I can perceive your emotions" Zayn said tracing his finger on my cheek down to my jaw making my breath hitch.

"You're flustered now aren't you an angel... Now answer me because you can't hide anything from me" His voice turned dark at the last statement.

"Y-Yes I'm Bisexual" I answered with a shaky breath.

Zayn smiled softly, pulling me closer to him.

"That's hot, but unfortunately I don't share" He whispered before giving me a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"See you later" Flashing me a wink he was gone leaving me blushing.

After calming down I made my way to Kai to apologize for staying outside too long.

"Did I just see y'all kissing?" She smirked knowingly, raising her brow.

"We weren't-" I exhaled "It was just a forehead kiss alright!"

"Forehead kisses are so intimate, you don't even know" She whispered, banging her palm on the table.

"Okay now I get why Zayn hates me.. he likes you so he feels threatened by me" She slowly nodded stroking invincible beards. "But how did he know about our relationship aside from being friends... don't tell me-! Did you tell him?"

"What? No! Let's get out of here already!" Pulling her with me as we exited the hall.

Benjamin paced around anxiously biting his bottom lip.

"Zayn I'm gonna ask you for the last time, did you kill any Human?" The alpha of the pack spat angrily. "The day we all invited ourselves to Diana's room, we all sensed something changed in your demeanor when she mentioned the killings in the woods," Benjamin explained clearly.

"Is that why you called me back from school?" Zayn asked, looking bored.

"Oh don't act like school is suddenly important to you" Lucas growled.

"Okay fine, y'all got me, I was angry okay, and out of control, so I killed a man and his girlfriend I think," Zayn said nonchalantly.

"You know we don't kill people Zayn!" Noah yelled.

"Yeah right! Like we didn't kill in the past"

Benjamin charged forward grabbing Zayn by the collar. "That we, as in the past, stopped doing that shit!" Benjamin exclaimed while pulling Zayn closer.

"Even Cole can control himself from killing a human" Benjamin completed.

"C'mon guys let's forget it, we know why Zayn did what he did, it's not like he goes around killing people, he was on his heat we all know that" Jake interjected.

As if a light bulb went off Benjamin let go of Zayn who immediately walked away from the group making sure to slam the door to the point of almost breaking.