Chapter 8 [Good Talk]

Mrs Laura shoved her gun Into her belt ready for the night's patrol. "Sir!" Faye came rushing into her office.

"I'm not backing down from this assignment!" Faye firmly said standing her ground. Mrs Laura scoffed "This case isn't for kids girlie, I gave you a chance and you showed me how incapable you are-"

"I'll try harder.. please don't kick me out of this case" Faye pleaded looking pleadingly at the older woman.

"Care to tell me why exactly you want to work in this case knowing how risky it can be, any other officer would be happy to be removed from the case" Mrs. Laura leaned forward with her fist on the table.

There was silence from Faye's end before she spoke "My father...he...was killed because of this creature in the woods." She hung her head low "He loved hunting.. he just went to do what he normally does but never returned" Laura maintained a hard facial expression.

"Will you give your life if necessary to catch this wolf?" Laura asked.

"Yes, I will," Faye firmly said.

"Grab your gun and follow me"

"Good night Dad!" I yelled, shutting my room door and making sure to lock it. Zayn is supposed to be here any moment from now so where is he?

"I'm here angel" Zayn's voice boomed through my room startling me.

"Do you read minds?" I whispered, turning around to face him.

Zayn chuckled "Nope! I sensed your impatience" He casually said, dropping his frame on my bed.

"What are you doing? You said we'll hang out" I asked sitting by his side

"Yea, hang out in your room" Zayn replied, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

"My mum might come home" I reminded him nervously.

"Your mum Isn't home?"

"No she works late, sometimes doesn't even return home" I explained as a blush rose to my cheeks by how close Zayn was.

"What does she do?" He asked me to pull him down to lay on the bed with him. My heart beats fast as I lay down on the bed feeling Zayn lying down next to me at his side, his palm on the side of his head as he stared down at me.

"She is a police officer" Zayn's eyes widened

"A police officer?-"

"She's been trying to find whatever has been killing people in the woods"

"I see... " Zayn's eyes left mine to land on my nightstand.

"Benjamin said you guys aren't the ones responsible for those killings right?" I questioned as Zayn turned back to look at me.

"Tell me about yourself" He suddenly said, taking me by surprise. Come to think of it, everything happened so fast, I mean the werewolf and mate thingy, we didn't even get to know each other well.

"Well I'm Diana James" He hummed taking my hand and intertwining it with he's making the butterflies in my stomach erupt. I wasn't used to this closeness with Zayn yet.

"I'm African American" He hummed again, staring at my lips before meeting my eyes.

"And uhh. I'm 21 years old" I said "Your turn" I smiled which he returned.

"My last name is Tailor ... German .....6000 years old" I choked on my saliva with hot tears itching by the corner of my eyes.

"What?" He laughed, allowing me to see the mole under his lower lip. He was so beautiful it hurts to even look at him.

"You're 6000? I thought it was vampires that don't age"

"Ouch I feel insulted," He said feigning a hurt expression. He wrapped his hands around me making me lay on top of him. "Werewolves also don't age angels" He whispered, cleaning away the dry tears that fell from the corner of my eyes from my choking.

"So who is the oldest among you seven?"

"Hmm, Noah. He's so old I don't remember how old he is anymore" He informed me, making me laugh.

"At first I thought you were mysterious, I was right, you being a wolf explains why I found you dark and mysterious," I said closing my eyes and resting my head on his chest. His heartbeat was extremely fast.

"I knew you were my mate the first time I saw you" I lifted my head to look at him.

"Really? How? Do you have a voice in your head that tells you stuff?" My curiosity perked its head out earning a cute laugh from Zayn. How could you go from being extremely hot to cute?

"Uhmm you could say my wolf talks to me...when I stepped into the lecture hall, I felt an intense pull to you, a pull so strong that I felt like I might die if I didn't talk to you, or touch you...just anything at all" He finished while I watched him with wide eyes. "And I know you felt it too, you would have known what you felt if you weren't human" He popped my nose with his index finger. "So since you were just a little angel, my little angel....all you felt was a crush"

"What?" I scoffed "I wasn't crushing on you" I pulled myself off him landing on his side and avoiding eye contact.

"Oh c'mon Dian, no need to be shy around me, we both know you fell for me at first sight...but don't worry, we'll pretend that you didn't" I couldn't help but laugh. Spending time with Zayn was fun and comforting.

He makes me feel like I can be safe with him, that I can trust him.

"If It wasn't for the guys interrupting when I was on my heat, even the devil wouldn't be able to say what I would have done to you....and what I still want to do to you" His voice suddenly went low and his gaze darkened. He started at me with need, lust, fascination, and longing. I gulped trying to hide how flustered I felt.

"Yea? And what's holding you back?" I don't know where that confidence came from but thank fuck it did come out at the needed time because Zayn was intimidating.

"I want you to be fully ready before I take you, I want to take things slow since this was all rushed, even though my wolf is asking to devour you right now" I've never had a guy say all these things to me. But then Zayn isn't any ordinary guy.

"Did Benjamin or the others say anything about marking?" I shook my head.

"Marking is when I mark you as mine, where we bond, we become one, and when that happens we won't be able to stay away from each other...I mean literally, we won't be able to stay away...from each other" He whispers against my face, his eyes occasionally glancing at my lips as he speaks "And that's when I'll steal you away" He says with a smirk plastered on his gracious inviting lips. Everything he has been saying, I can hardly comprehend, but I'm sure I'll understand as time goes on.

His eyes lowered again as he stared at my lips, his hand moved from his side over my cheek as he leaned closer to me and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. His hand traveled back to my neck as our lips parted. "You have beautiful hair" Zayn whispered to me burying his fingers into my 4c afro.

"Thanks" I whispered in response as I looked down to his lips back to his eyes. He stared at me intently as if memorizing every feature on my face.

His thumb traced down to your lower lip slowly parting them. He presses his lips on mine hard enough to make my eyes snap shut. I could feel myself being pulled towards him, my body was responding without me thinking about it. Zayn bit down on my lower lip causing me to wince slightly from the pain.

"You like that? You like it when I bite your lip?" He purred slowly to me. He smirked at my reaction, I nodded slightly as I blushed deeply. His lips connected to mine again immediately, shoving his tongue into my mouth. My hands reached up to rest on his shoulders, I tangled my fingers through his hair as I kissed him back eagerly. His hand snaked from my cheek to my ass holding onto it tight as he deepened our kiss.

When we finally separated for air Zayn looked at me lustfully, I looked up at him, my heart beating extremely fast against my chest as I took several deep breaths. Zayn ran a hand down my back as he brushed his thumb over my hip bone as he watched me. I lifted my head and gazed into his doe eyes and he smiled at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck burying my face into the crook of his neck taking on his scent.

Does he smell like linen or soap? I can't tell.

He brought his hands up to hold my face as he kissed me again, passionately, his kisses became sloppy as I let out a small moan.

He suddenly lifted me, making me gasp, he positioned me to straddle his waist. I laid down on top of him as we continued kissing.

Zayn ran his hand down the curve of my spine grabbing my ass cheeks, I moaned lightly at the slight tickling sensation caused by his touch. "Damn you have the perfect ass" He purrs trailing kisses down my jawline and along my neck. "Zayn..." I whispered trying to catch my breath.

I gasp when he flips me over laying me on my back with my thighs around his slender waist. His lips trailed a light path down my collarbones biting and sucking on my skin, leaving goosebumps wherever they touched, and then moving down, lifting my t-shirt to kiss my stomach, he nibbled at my skin right beside my navel making me gasp as he kissed up and down my torso. "You'd look more and more gorgeous with a tattoo here" He lightly kissed the skin beside my navel.

His hands gripped tightly to my thighs as he pushed himself further up to meet my lips again. The warmth of his hand as he stroked my thick thighs made me arch my hips into him, Zayn pulled away and looked up at me, he licked his lips taking another deep breath as he continued staring at me and tracing patterns on my stomach with his finger "And your thighs. I have no words" He said, making me chuckle.

"Does your dad come Into your room occasionally at night?" Zayn asked. I shook my head. "No, he doesn't"

He hummed lightly before leaning down to place kisses along my collarbone and removing my shirt over my head leaving me naked on the top. Zayn's hands caressed my breasts softly before squeezing and massaging on them making me let out a soft moan.

My fingers threaded into his hair. He smiled as he leaned down kissing the side of my breast. "They're so soft" Zayn whispered in awe. "And squishy too" We both laughed as I gently slapped his shoulder.

"Diana?" I gasped hearing Dad call from across the door.

"I thought you said your dad didn't come into your room at night" Zayn amused, not caring to reduce his voice.

I looked at him and glared as I threw him off of me, quickly putting back my shirt on. Zayn laid back on the bed grinning with his bottom lip caught between his teeth.