The amount of sprinting I needed to gain a speed stat had gone up to one thousand as well. I was starting to notice a trend here. Under ten stat points, and I needed one hundred. Over ten I needed a thousand. Over twenty I need two thousand.
I was pretty sure that this trend would continue as I got higher, and higher stats. As long as my speed continued to go up with my strength then I should still be able to up my stat points manually. I was looked at funny as I started doing pushups. I ignored them for a while until more people showed up. My added strength was a nice little bonus that had made doing proper push ups much easier.
I kept on doing more push ups until my arms started to burn. I'd only done about forty push ups before I switched to crunches because my arms hurt.
"What are you doing?" Someone who was dressed in cheap looking armor.
"I added some stat points to some of my stats," I huffed out words between crunches, "I need to know what my new normal is before I get cocky."
This seemed to catch him off guard.
"Can't you figure that out once you fight?" he asked.
"No," I huffed, "I need to know how my body will react before I'm throwing punches. If I don't know how my body will react then there's a good chance I'll get killed simply because I didn't take the time to get to know my body better."
I'd stopped doing crunches to explain my point of view to him. Most of it was just bullshit that explained away why I would feel the need to do exercise when I could just add more stat points, but I didn't care. I didn't like lying, but I would excuse white lies. What I considered a white lie you might ask? Personal information, and anything that wouldn't affect other people were things I considered fine to lie about.
The fact that I was exercising to increase my stats wouldn't affect him was something I considered both personal, and wouldn't affect him so it was fine to lie about. I started doing crunches again. Then my midsection started to hurt. I switched to squats, and started doing that. I kept going until my legs hurt.
I found my headphones in one of the pouches of my bag, and started listening to a podcast. I was a bit self conscious about the fact that I was still overweight. Doing this kind of exercise while I was overweight made me look seem even more overweight. Crunching my belly up between my boobs, and my legs just made me feel kind of disgusting as I started to sweat. Once there were enough people around I stood up.
I was tired. My legs were shaking a bit as I stood there. I didn't realize I was so tired until I stopped. I sighed heavily, and sat down with my legs crossed. I started trying to circulate my mana.
This particular exercise didn't take any physical exertion, and no one looked to be in a hurry to get into the dungeon. I needed to rest for a bit before heading back into the dungeon again. Once I was rested I stood up, and headed toward the dungeon checkpoint again. I was grouped up with Mr. Chatty as well as a bunch of other people. I didn't care.
They all wanted to chat about what they could do, but my resting bitch face, and my quiet disposition made them hesitant to chat with me. We entered the dungeon, and were teleported to the same general location. I pulled out my bow, and knocked a bone arrow. I was glad that I didn't have to borrow weapons again. I had a bone dagger in my bag as well just in case shit happened.
It felt as if my archery skill was slowly starting to improve so it was starting to take me less time to hit what I was aiming at. I kind of forged ahead toward the front of the group when there weren't zombies around, but there was one thing that made killing them way harder this time around. These zombies could run. It wasn't a fast run, but it made it hard for me to hit them after I'd gotten used to them being slower. Then you add on the fact that the zombies were in larger groups then before, and this version of the forest graveyard was heavily overgrown.
Half the shots I was missing was because I was hitting trees. I was glad I wasn't the only one who'd brought a bag because the trees were much harder then the zombies bodies, and I was breaking more arrows. I had to keep stopping to make more, and my bow was starting to crack so I made another one of those as well. I was glad that my Basic crafting skill was doing what it was meant for. Even if it was a random kind of crappy skill it gave me unlimited ammo as long as I had enough monster parts.
I needed those unlimited arrows to survive. Being able to make another bow was just a necessity. I could even use the broken arrows to make more arrows. Although what I could use them for was shrinking as the fragments got smaller, and smaller. It didn't matter to me though.
I had enough bone fragments that I was getting from everybody that it didn't matter if I could repair the broken arrows or not. I started being the go to person for spare weapons. My cold demeanor didn't make me that unhospitable. Our entire team had to have weapons or we would all be at risk. I wasn't the only person that used projectiles, but the other guy used a gun.
We were the first to act whenever we spotted zombies, and it was pretty obvious the other guy had better aim then me. The only problem with that was the fact that I did not run out of ammo, and he was running low so while I could shoot, and miss many times without it being a problem, he could not. That made him hesitant to shoot the zombies until they were too close for comfort. Thankfully we weren't the only group in the dungeon so we didn't get swarmed completely. The first group we came across was entirely military so they were far more organized then we were.