In bed with Wonder Woman, it's not chapter r-18... probably

Allen observed the woman clinging to him. Before, he couldn't appreciate her well, but now, he saw her intently, and as expected, she was very beautiful.

It's not an exaggeration. Allen has seen many versions of Wonder Woman, but definitely, this Diana is definitely one of the most beautiful in every way.

Her skin must have been weathered in a thousand battles, yet it was as smooth as that of a teenage princess, a thing of goddesses. Her hair was silky and pleasant to the touch, with an aroma of almonds.

Allen saw Diana's voluptuous figure; she was one of the best-curved Wonder Woman in the multiverse.

He also noticed well-defined muscles on her, but they weren't excessive. Allen could only sigh and think once again that whoever designed his reality was an artist H.

"Hmm..." Feeling fingers in her hair, Diana shifted, and Allen felt the soft, addictive, and dangerously feminine body molding against his.

It didn't help that Diana had one of her legs bare over his younger brother. She held Allen firmly, as if refusing to let go, but this only put Allen in a difficult position.

In an attempt to ignore the woman clinging to him, he looked at Wednesday on the other side. She lay there looking like a gothic and gloomy girl, yet beautiful and elegant at the same time.

The girl had a fixed and expressionless gaze on Allen; Wednesday was unfazed by the erotic situation and the boldness of a naked Diana clinging to Allen.

"You have great self-control..." commented Wednesday without expression.

"Thanks," Allen replied with an ironic smile.

It wasn't easy for him to endure this; Diana's ample bosom pressed against his side, and it was hard to ignore. However, Allen managed to focus his attention on Wednesday and finally asked something that seemed strange to him.

"Why were you practicing how to be a realistic corpse?"

"I like to make use of every opportunity, tool, and advantage available to me," Wednesday extended her hand and placed it on Allen's face, brushing his cheek. "I have no pulse, no body heat, I don't need to breathe."

"..." Allen was surprised by the girl's actions; sometimes, he didn't know if she was flirting with him or simply doing these things without any aim.

Wednesday moved her hand to Allen's chest over his heart. "Surprisingly, as silly a technique as pretending to be dead can be a weapon if you have a body like mine."

Allen swallowed hard; every move by Wednesday was strangely intimate and suggestive, especially in her human form. You wouldn't know that she lacked her body heat if she didn't touch you, but her face showed no hint of attraction towards Allen.

Allen felt trapped; on one hand, he had a naked woman so beautiful that she would make Aphrodite envious, and who also exuded divine charm, and on the other hand, there was the temptation of the devil embodied in an expressionless gothic girl challenging Allen to make her blush, devastating her lips.

Allen coughed and focused on his last bastion, his system. Allen opened the inventory and was surprised to see many fragments of destiny, thirteen in total.

[Host, Superman's death could have been something that would have caused a huge number of events and changed the world. Thirteen fragments are the minimum I could obtain.]

While Allen fought, the system was crystallizing the fragments.

The number of fragments was too much, but it was indeed Doomsday, the opponent. Allen couldn't even believe everything that had happened; did he face that monster?

'My body, my mind, my soul, there was nothing out of tune; it was as if I had already faced many life or death situations like these before...' Allen sighed and decided not to dwell on that for now.

Allen also saw many notifications and emails waiting to be opened, but he wasn't in the mood. His body felt sore and tired.

Allen felt the woman wrapping around him move again, with faint moans; it was as if she would wake up at any moment.

"In ancient times, relationships were more straightforward... surprisingly, this woman didn't drag you into a cave to impregnate her," Wednesday mocked before transforming into her doll form and floating away.

"Wednesday," Allen called out.


Allen looked at her silently and then smiled. "Would you like to have a human body, Wednesday?"

Allen had thought more than once that if he gave Wednesday fragments of destiny, perhaps she would be able to have a flesh-and-blood body.

If Wednesday were a normal girl, her response might have been an immediate affirmation, but Wednesday Addams is a very peculiar girl.

Wednesday looked silently at Allen for a while and then blinked with her deep, bewitching black eyes. "Perhaps later. For now, being a doll is... convenient."

"Convenient... huh," Allen shook his head unsurprised by her response. "Let me know when you change your mind."

"System, how many fragments do I need to reduce the cooldown time?"

Allen had already confirmed that he couldn't underestimate his situation; there was no assurance that he wouldn't find himself in a similar situation tomorrow, so he decided to be more proactive in becoming stronger.

[According to my estimates, with ten fragments, the host can extend the use of the Gojo techniques for an additional hour.]

"From one hour to two?"

[Yes, and if the host uses that same amount of fragments in the system, it can reduce the cooldown time of all its abilities. In the case of the Gojo set it would decrease from four to three days.]

Allen delved into his thoughts; evolving the system reduces the cooldown time between abilities, affecting all skills that aren't permanently active.

But Allen can also increase his strength with the fragments and extend the time he can use his abilities.

An example is the Bullet Time ability, which went from only being usable for one second every twenty-four hours to being usable for ten seconds every twelve hours.

As Allen gathers more and more fragments, those times will decrease until one day Allen can use every ability, power, and object permanently, no matter how powerful they are. But in the meantime, Allen must be strategic in using his abilities.

Diana opened her blue eyes and looked at Allen, half asleep. She smiled beautifully and leaned in with her dreamy, teary eyes.

The woman wasn't shy about showing her body to Allen, including her pink buttons; her demeanor was that of a newlywed wife. If that were the case, why would she feel embarrassed to show her body to her husband?

This made Allen even more confused. Diana was as affectionate as MJ. Why would a woman he just met show him such deep love?

Diana's pink, moist lips drew closer, and Allen already knew what was going to happen. While this might have seemed like something done unilaterally by Diana, Allen didn't resist much, in truth.

Their lips met, and soon after, their tongues. Allen embraced the naked beauty, unable to resist any longer. It was a miracle that he resisted for so long!


In Marvel, just before Allen's virality increased wildly, another piece of news had already shaken the world.

Norman walked down a long corridor accompanied by a police officer. Both entered a room where Gwen's father, George Stacy, was. He looked through the one-way mirror at Harry in the interrogation room.

"What are you doing treating him like a criminal?! Get my son out of there immediately!"

"Norman Osborn..." George Stacy remained unperturbed. "Your son is facing serious accusations."

Norman saw his son handcuffed while being interrogated, and his irritation grew. "My lawyers are already on their way! Stop interrogating my son!"

"..." George didn't show it, but he was annoyed. He didn't have time and couldn't extract anything from Harry Osborn; the young man had a sharp tongue and knew about laws. Worse, his father appeared too quickly.

George was upset because Norman couldn't know this so quickly where they have Harry, if someone hadn't informed him, 'Seems like there's more than one bastard in the police station on Osborn's payroll,' George Stacy clenched his fists in frustration, but despite his anger, he could only call his men to halt the interrogation.


Inside the interrogation room, Harry was talking to an officer.

"Officer, I've told you three times, I don't know who leaked that audio or where it came from, but I can assure you it wasn't me. It must be an AI imitating my voice; I was just in the bathroom, and when I came out, I was taken down and arrested," Harry said confidently, treating the interrogation as something boring and unimportant.

He decided not to admit anything, even if it meant getting into more trouble if they found out. His father's lawyers were among the best in the world. Even if it was impossible to escape cleanly, he wouldn't go to jail.

Harry's real problem was the irreparable damage to his reputation. The law can be manipulated; loopholes and technicalities can be used to reduce or avoid convictions, but people's trust is very difficult to regain.

Harry spent his entire life learning to handle public opinion, influence people, to hide truths in lies and vice versa. That's why he knew the kind of storm he had unleashed. He had lost people's trust and was now seen as a bastard by the whole world.


"Harry!" Norman entered the interrogation room with a lawyer.

"D-dad," Harry's confident face disappeared, replaced by fear. The self-assured, rich young man was gone, replaced by a terrified boy facing his father.

Harry stood up, backing away from Norman, he knew he had made an unforgivable mistake, especially after he had sworn to his father not to do any more stupid things.

Harry didn't know what to say or do; he could only stammer when he saw Norman approach. Harry closed his eyes, expecting to be struck. But the pain never came; instead, he felt his father's arms.

"I'm sorry, son..." Norman apologized with a melancholic voice.


"When you said that you weren't the son I chose but the one I got, I couldn't say it wasn't true. It was the other way around; you deserved a father who could guide you, not someone like me..."

Harry didn't know what to say, and his mind went blank. Norman stepped away from Harry and patted him on the shoulders.

"I don't care what you did this time; I'll get you out of here. This time will be different... this time, I'll be there facing everything with you."

Harry's face seemed to have seen a ghost, and he didn't know what to say; he simply nodded silently and was guided back to his seat by Norman.

The lawyer prepared to speak with Harry about his case.

"Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom," Norman apologized and left.


It was a touching scene of reconciliation between father and son, but it didn't erase Harry's actions and his several crimes.

The damage caused by Harry Osborn was much greater than anticipated. The major media quickly covered the spectacle.

BBC World News: "In other news, it seems the Osborn family is on everyone's lips... again. Death threats and plots against one of their peers, young Harry Osborn were arrested in NYC after being subdued by angry students."

CNN: "Seems like all you need is money and power to do whatever you want," commented a close friend of young Allen Walker, after Harry Osborn's arrest for death threats against him.

HuffPost: "How long do you think it'll take for Norman Osborn to get his son out of jail? Stark Industries released a statement canceling all cooperation with Oscorp. It's no surprise; ever since Tony Stark changed his mentality and became Iron Man, he's sought only to portray a positive image to distance himself from the arms industry. Associating with someone who can't even properly raise a child is not what Stark seeks."

In the farthest bathroom, Norman washed his face, looking worried as he glanced at the mirror. He took out his phone and watched as Oscorp's stocks plummeted.

As public figures, they are allowed one or two mistakes that they can solve with money, but Norman now carries the stigma of a son who is potentially a murderer.

"Look at them, all you did for the world, the technology Oscorp created has helped many people..."

A voice similar to Norman's sounded in the bathroom but was strangely darker, hoarser, and disdainful.

"Shut up..." Norman muttered.

The mysterious voice didn't stop. "It took just one small mistake, just one! And those leeches who worshipped you jumped off the ship, how despicable!"

"I told you to shut up..." Norman replied to the voice, grabbing his head.

"You must show them what happens when they turn their backs on you... Come on, let me out!" demanded the voice.

"Shut up!" Norman shouted.

"HA HAHAHAHA, Look at you! Are you acting like a father now?! Are you here to give a hug and hope that eighteen years of neglect disappear?!"

"It's not true! I love Harry!!"

"Do you love him?" Norman saw his face behind him in the mirror. "Where were you all those Christmases when you left him with your butler? Where were you the day he won the spelling contest? Where were you on all those birthdays?! In your lab! In meetings! On trips! You were never a father!"

"Disappear!" Norman struck the mirror, breaking it and cutting his hand. "You're not real!... No!... You're not."

Norman sat on the floor, exhausted.

Norman saw his twin approach him.

"Hehe...he... I am... I am very real, Norman..."

"It's not true... you don't exist."

"Then... why are you answering me?"

"..." Norman couldn't respond.

"I am you... you can't get rid of me... you know what you must do... someone is trying to take our son's life, they're trying to brand him a criminal! You know what you must do! Be a father for once!"

"No! I'm not going to be a monster!"

Norman got up from the floor, pale-faced, and left when he heard people approaching.

In his nightmares, there was always a green creature haunting him; he knew they were the effects of the serum he invented. But sometimes Norman thinks that maybe that monster was always inside him.


Norman went to the interrogation room and hugged Harry, even tighter this time.

"Son... whatever happens in the future, I want you to know that I love you, and I regret being a terrible father."

"Dad, I'm sorry!" Harry broke down and hugged his father.

"I know, son... I know," Norman comforted his son, but within his eyes, there was a seed of madness present.

Norman couldn't stop hearing the eerie laughter in his head as he feared the worst, but this was his sin and his punishment.


*Top ten*

Aizen-san feeling pressure D:

*My lovely readers proceed to post a lot of supportive comments telling me not to put pressure on myself, and the story is good*

Aizen-san relaxes :D

*Top five*

Aizen-san has a stomachache D:

Joking aside, this already seems like a joke, what am I supposed to write? Should I make each of my chapters as an Avengers level event? hahahaha

This feels unreal but here we are, thank you ;3