178 Tony is dying and Monaco Grand Prix

The young master lost control of his speedboat and fell overboard, his friends on the yacht in the distance shouted and immediately went for him.

Allen smiled slightly, it was impossible not to notice that Emma Frost was a mutant, yet that was irrelevant. What was interesting was that she didn't hesitate to attack someone who bothered her.

In the present time, mutants have two types of behavior: those who desperately try to hide their abilities so that no one knows they are mutants, or those who actively use their abilities and end up becoming known, usually as villains and heroes. However, unlike in DC, superheroes are not very well-regarded, and they generally work clandestinely.

Allen noticed Emma Frost's gaze from his shoulder. Allen remained like that for a while; it's not like he suddenly fell in love, and it's not that she was an easy girl, there were just two hidden messages in their brief interaction.

She firmly declared with her eyes, "I desire you."

Allen responded with his gaze. "You are free to try."


"Damn it!"

The rich boy was brought back onto the boat by his friends, however, he felt the hidden mocking gazes, and he simply made a fool of himself.

Someone who is so egocentric desires the attention of others and is obsessed with being at the center of attention. This mentality gives you great self-confidence but it is false because you depend entirely on public opinion. Being humiliated, even if it has nothing to do with Emma and Allen, he feels an irrational rage.

His anger with Emma was because she looked at him like trash, and with Allen for having the attention of a beauty that he doesn't have. The young master grabbed his bodyguard and gave him instructions; the man nodded and pulled out a phone.

"This won't be over!"


Eventually, the yacht returned to the port, and everyone disembarked. Tony was no longer in the mood to continue, it was already late, so they returned to the hotel.

Emma changed inside the yacht, she wore a pink blouse, an ankle-length white skirt, and a sun hat, and she put on a sweet smile in Allen's direction.

He saw as the image of a sexy girl disappeared and turned into a refined young woman.

Allen offered his hand to help her off the yacht; she smiled in response and accepted the help. This caused jealousy among the other flight attendants. By this point, Allen no longer believed that Emma was a flight attendant, but he decided not to say anything.

The other flight attendants returned to their hotel, waiting for their return flights. However, Emma followed Allen to his luxury hotel, which filled him with curiosity. Allen glanced at Tony, but he just shrugged, washing his hands of it.

She walked arm in arm with Allen, and upon arriving at the hotel, Allen, Tony, and Happy were curious about what Emma would do. This hotel only accepts reservations in advance. Emma gave Allen a coquettish look and walked to the reception.

The next spectacle left everyone stunned; a manager came running out while sweating, greeting Emma with a bow as if she were his ancestor.

She looked at him with a serious and emotionless gaze, completely different from the one she gave when she was with Allen. Immediately, the manager offered the presidential suite, but she shook her head pointed in Allen's direction, and asked for a room next to him.

The manager looked surprised for a second but immediately began shouting, and the staff ran everywhere.

"Tony, she was a flight attendant just a day ago, right?"

"She was actually an escort I think we got scammed..."


Emma Frost returned to Allen after a demonstration of status and power.

"Are you disappointed?"


"That I'm not an escort~"

"That depends..."


"It depends on whether you'll continue with the great service so far or act like an arrogant lady?"

"Hee hee, it wasn't my intention, but when even the slightest kindness, the wrong people try to climb up your legs."

"Then it's okay." Allen gave her a mischievous look. "I wouldn't want anyone else climbing up those legs but me."

Emma laughed, and they both went up to their rooms. Unexpectedly, Emma didn't try to go further, and it wasn't because of shame or lack of desire.

"I don't want to scare you on the first date; I'll wait until I like you before invading your bed," the woman declared before turning around and walking with a slight hip sway, revealing her beautiful legs under the dress as she walked.

Allen remained silent; it truly was a new experience to be the one courted and didn't make him feel any less of a man or turn him into a vegetarian.

Allen ended the stream and changed into a robe before looking out the window at the views of Monaco.


[Host, she's a mutant; aren't you worried she might have ill intentions?]

'My spider-sense doesn't seem to react to her, and personally, I don't think she has ulterior motives, although she's not a common woman... Emma Frost... huh.'


In her room, the White Queen was taking a bath, while rose petals covered her body. She sighed, looked at the room's ceiling, and covered her flushed face.

"What am I doing?"

She had no intention of getting involved with Allen to this extent. She would only pretend to be an escort, with no intention of anything more. To begin with, Tony Stark wouldn't lay a hand on her. If he tried, she would sink Stark Industries.

As for Allen, she knew him from his streams and knew he wouldn't do anything like enjoy the company of a beautiful escort; she understood that Allen wasn't that kind of womanizer. Allen had the qualities of a kind and affectionate boyfriend, a passionate and seductive lover, and a protective and "devoted" husband, but he only showed them to women who truly had a relationship with him. It's contradictory, but Allen had all the good characteristics of a perfect man except that he could not be faithful to just one woman, and to maintain his remaining integrity, Allen promised not to hide his relationships and not to have casual relationships. Furthermore, even if she was beautiful, Allen had women who wouldn't lose to her beauty in his house.

Emma got up and put on her robe, poured herself a glass of wine, and walked silently in the darkness to the window. Now that she was calmer, she realized everything she had done; instead of regretting destroying her disguise, she smiled when she realized how much fun she had today.

"It's truly worth it..." That night, Emma Frost slept peacefully after making some calls.

Outside the luxury hotel, there was already a van with armed thugs, they looked at the hotel with malice, but being a luxury hotel, security was high, so they didn't do anything.


The next day was time to tour the Monaco Formula 1 Circuit and feel the excitement of this iconic race.

Tony put on his suit; however, there was a smile on his face. Happy tried to convince him not to do anything stupid, but Tony still had his stupidity episodes even after sorting his life out.

Allen was in the hotel dining room having breakfast when a beautiful lady in a dress approached with a bouquet of roses.

She was Emma Frost, without hesitation, she smiled and approached Allen. "I wonder if it's embarrassing for a man to receive flowers?" she said with a smile, looking at Allen's reaction. If this made him uncomfortable, she wouldn't force him to accept them.

"Thank you, don't worry, it doesn't bother me at all," Allen said as he got up and accepted the flowers. He smiled in response, took one flower, stored the rest in his inventory, and smelled it. Then he placed it in a vase on his table and pulled out a chair for Emma.

"Thank you, I'm really glad," Emma smiled, and they had breakfast together.

Later, Tony and Happy joined them, and they all headed to the Formula 1 circuit.


Allen started his livestream.

"Well, folks, we're here to watch some super expensive cars crash!"


– Don't say that, with your luck, it's sure to happen D:

Allen was annoyed by the comment. "Hey, I'm not a damn jinx!"

Gwen – Remember that time we were going to the park in a month when it hadn't rained even once, and the forecasts assured a drought?


Gwen – This time you said, "I hope it doesn't rain because I've been looking forward to going out with you, of course, as a friend," you said quickly."

"Why the hell does a damn storm start of nowhere? Does God hate me?!"

Allen had to cancel his date (It wasn't a date) with Gwen and felt depressed, although it passed quickly when Natasha dragged him to the bathroom to have a family intimate moment.

Allen seemed to swallow a bitter insect when he remembered the power of his bad luck, but that's just a coincidence, right? Because it would suck if his luck could change the weather.


– Hey, aren't you too excited?

– Allen's in tourist mode!

– Hahahaha

"Why do you guys think that?"


Allen had a bewildered look without realizing he was wearing a cup holder helmet and a huge hand glove in the shape of a one, the classic attire of a racing fan.

"What?!" Allen asked, puzzled. "For your information, I'm someone who likes to experience the atmosphere of the place."

Emma and Happy laughed, and Tony shook his head, which annoyed Allen.

"Look who's talking." Allen grabbed Tony and saw that under the suit, he had a pilot uniform!

"Ugh, don't tell Pepper."

Pepper, Tony Stark's secretary and a regrettable woman who, despite being relatively young, already has several stress wrinkles.

"I won't tell her, but what's going on, Tony? This seems like one of those stupid ideas that can only end badly," Allen shook his head. "If something is bothering you, tell me, we're friends..."

Tony looked at the ground as the palladium poisoned his blood, "The truth is...I got a Formula 1 for you too..."

"Let's fucking go!" Allen replied, putting everything aside.


Ruby – You've got to be kidding me!

Rogue – This is unacceptable!

Nikky – Hey!!!

JackBlack – Allen, Wtf!

SnoopD – But what the hell just happened?


Allen got into his car, while sounds of dissatisfaction filled the Chat.

"Hey, I literally received universe-destroying blows, do you think crashing a car will do anything to me? As for Tony, I can save him before he kills himself."

After Allen's comment, the Chat calmed down. While this might seem stupid and dangerous, with Allen present, nothing could go wrong, right?

"Are you going to be okay?" Emma Frost approached, concerned. Allen assured her he would be fine; she smiled and kissed him on the cheek for good luck. This didn't escape the press, which took photos.

However, Tony wasn't as lucky; Pepper approached with a look that seemed like she hadn't slept in three days. She was really angry at her boss's nonsense; she worked herself to death, and he just played with his life.

There was an argument between her and Happy, but they couldn't convince him. Allen approached and assured them both that he would make sure Tony didn't kill himself.

Pepper gave him a pitiful look and nodded; Allen patted her shoulder, and she gave him a bitter look. Happy apologized to Allen for having such a troublesome boss.

"Don't worry, I'm used to defending ungrateful idiots..."

– What does he mean by that?! :v

– Did he just call us ungrateful pigs?!

– Hey!! D:

"I didn't mean that because my kind Chat doesn't try to screw me over all the time, doesn't insult me, and doesn't troll me... even though I've saved their asses, twice!"

– True...

– Ah...

– I have no words...

– Screw you, I didn't ask you to save me from an Emo god and an angry Hulk.

"Huh?! What disrespect! I'll ban all of you and stay alone in the Chat! Don't provoke me!"

– Come at me, old man! :v

– You and how many others?! Huh?! >:(

– I'll kick your ass with the kung fu I learned by correspondence. :b

Allen was astonished, these bastards were challenging him one by one, apologizing instead.

"Many of you disgust me, you have no idea, you sons of b..."

The signal started, and all the vehicles had to line up. Allen and Tony left their seats and went to line up.


Wednesday – Do you even know how to drive those things?

Rebecca – I bet he has no idea hahaha!

Felicia – I can see where this is going hahaha!

Natasha – Allen, do you know how much a Formula 1 car costs? You're going to have a huge debt.

MJ – Just don't explode...

"Hey, how about a little support?!"


Allen smiled indignantly, "For your information, I have a secret weapon." Allen did the preparation laps without standing out or embarrassing himself, which gave his viewers more confidence that he knew what he was doing. The same went for Tony.

How the hell were both of them competing? Why the hell didn't anyone say anything about Tony and Allen entering professional racing? These are things nobody knows.

"All cars to the starting line."

Allen closed his eyes.

"Speed. I am speed," Allen murmured, causing the jaws of all the spectators to drop. "I eat losers for breakfast."


– Allen is using Lightning McQueen's line!!

– Don't tell me his secret plan is a damn line from a children's movie?!

Rick – Hahahahahaha!

"A winner, everyone else is a loser!"


Because my previous patreon was taken away I made a new one and now my new patreon is: Patreon.com/_Aizen

Next chapter comes out in a few hours :3