Chapter 350

Hugo's life suddenly began to become fulfilled. After the establishment of Glory to Death, the band can finally start practicing. At the same time, the members of the band are also exchanging their opinions with each other, forming a musical style belonging to the band. They spent a lot of time gathering together, practicing, discussing, and cultivating tacit understanding. In addition to sleeping time, the five members of the band devoted all their 'essence' to the band with great enthusiasm.

Since from the beginning, Hugo insisted on gathering together a group of friends who share a common musical hobby, so the five members of the band have their own understanding of music. It is not the same to integrate everyone's musical ideas. An easy thing. This also makes every discussion within the band full of fire.

"So you really want to follow the'tide' flow?" Fujin asked with a serious face, frowning.

Alfonso was sitting with his legs crossed and he also looked suspicious. "You said for a while that we should create our own style, but then you said that we can't abandon the advantages of the current'tide' flow. This is not Contradictory?"

Hugo was the target of the attack. He also took off his coat at this time, his cheeks were flushed, and he said 'excitedly'. Why don't you understand my thoughts? What I want to say is that the "tide" of music is the same as all the "tides" of fashion and TV series. The arrival of any "tide" is inevitable. Yes, two years ago, could you predict that horror movies would not be popular anymore? And ten years ago, could you predict that action movies would be so popular? No! But the formation of the'trend' is all there is It must be regular. "

"Hugo, you mean, metal rock has pursued the extreme technology and the gorgeousness of the arrangement. This is the trend of'tide' flow." Neal also joined the discussion, although he and Hugo met for a while. Time is up, and he has a certain understanding of Hugo's musical philosophy, but he didn't concentrate on discussing it like this, so he was very focused.

"Yes!" Hugo nodded vigorously, "That's what I mean. Excellent performance techniques can add a lot of color to music, but technology is not the whole thing in music. Why are there so many bands that have so many skills to show color? But they never make it to their heads? Because what they lack is a kind of aura and a feeling. What's more, a band like Nirvana who constantly'plays' complicated techniques can not be copied by every band, simple and rough. The duplication of "Tide" will only make people feel bored. When any'tide' reaches its peak, it will enter a bottleneck, so we must seek change."

Pedro recalled the theory that Hugo said on the night of rock and roll, and then said. "So, we must inject more new elements into the music, open and simple arrangement structure, rich and diverse instrument use, can make The music level becomes richer."

"Yes." Hugo said quickly. "My idea is that we can't ignore the'tide' flow. Why, because the importance of technology is self-evident, this is a means of musical expression, so we must Pay attention to technology. But at the same time, we can't blindly follow the trend of'tide', then we are at most "Nirvana No. 2" or "The Beatles No. 2". There will never be our own style, Pepe The new elements just mentioned are the special'color' of our band, which only belongs to the characteristics of the five of us. "

"But, how do you know that our style is bound to be successful?" Alfonso frowned and asked. He usually has a sales habit, so he is used to "sex" and "sells" everything. hook up.

"Alfonso, we don't make commercial music! We can't follow the business, don't you understand? Although we should pay attention to the'tide' flow, we cannot follow the'tide' flow." Pedro interrupted. Fangsuo's words.

But then Neil shook his head, "But if you don't consider commercial factors, what do we use to feed the band? No matter how good the band's music is, it must be loved and resonated by someone, and this is business!

"No, your statements are correct, but they are also not correct." Fujin said, "Hugo wants to create the essence of this kind of music. In fact, it has nothing to do with business, but it should be ours to music. Comprehension, and our comprehension of music belongs to the imprint of the "tide" of the times, and to be able to find our own style, this is the road to success. As for the "success" that Alfonso said should not be so narrowly confined to business On the other hand, it should be a breakthrough in music and the resonance of the audience. Business is only the first step to success. "Fujin thought about this very thoroughly, after all, he had thought about it countless times before on a brand new day.

Hugo nodded to Fujin, affirming this statement, but he did not realize that Fujin actually said so many things differently from usual, "Is commercialization shameful? Commercialization is not music? Of course? No. In the world of music, there is no absolute business, and there is no absolute lack of it. Those bands that claim to be opposed to commercialization and opposing popularization also have to sell their records, buy tickets for concerts, and live their lives. They also need money to maintain it. They are not doing public welfare, they are completely separated from commercial activities, that is, an aerial'flower' garden without a foundation, which cannot be sustained."

"I think commercialization is not the source of evil. The reason why metal rock can be carried forward is not because Nirvana's albums have sold millions of copies?" Hugo's simplest example convinced Pedro "What is really important is our starting point. If the starting point is to make money-making music, it is a real failure. When we make music, as I just said, it is impossible to break away from the background of the times. Now we are going to make disco. Obviously it is impractical, but at the same time you can't blindly follow in the footsteps of the trend, it's just a simple copy."

"Combine your own special'colors' to produce music that belongs to your own band!" Pedro took the conversation and said, obviously this is already clear, "Isn't this the reason for the glory to death? "A word made everyone chuckle.

"So, in addition to the keyboard, what elements do you want to inject into the music?" Alfonso was very curious about this. In fact, even Fujin was very curious and looked at Hugo expectantly. But Neil and Pedro already knew something about it, and they looked successful.

"In fact, to put it simply, it is to strengthen the rhythm, enrich the arrangement of the instruments, and merge our special'colors' to form a new style." After careful consideration, Hugo's inner thoughts became stronger and stronger, and he wanted to break the current metal rock The trend of'tide' flow, like Michael Jackson, has formed a special'color' belonging to his band, and even created a flow of'tide' belonging to his own band.

This is a dream idea for any musician, and it is also the ultimate goal. If you put it in the past, it is basically impossible, but now, Hugo has the memory of the next 20 years, and he believes he can do this. More importantly, it is 19993, and it is the moment when new metal music is gradually rising. Hugo can seize this opportunity to create a world of glory to death.

Just as 1994 was the most glorious page in the modern history of movies" 993 was the most glorious year in the modern history of rock and roll. In this year, regardless of the new metal music, it gradually began to emerge. In the full-blown rock music scene, classic albums are emerging one after another, so they can't open their eyes

The goatskin band released a new album not long ago, and in 1993, there were a lot of works that emerged as one of the top 100 classic albums, ^c/, the Rolling Stones, the metal band, the Queen, Bonjovi(.), Bi York (), Kabriels, Broken Pumpkins (), u2, Nirvana, etc. have all released new albums this year, in addition to the rise of a lot of newcomer bands, blur the field (blur) , Pj Harvey (pj. harvey), Radio Commander (), Shen Yun Band (the. Verve), Manic Street Preacher (ma.) and so on all broke out in 1993.

This is a legendary year. Even in the long history of music, it is also a year of shining stars. In this year, countless classic albums with profound influence on future generations were born. Nearly 20 excellent albums spread throughout the year. , It has formed a rock storm all over the world, making rock truly enter a heyday.

As long as he thinks of this, Hugo feels that his soul is trembling. He was able to stand in Los Angeles in 1993 and feel the overwhelming rock frenzy. This may be the dream of all rock music fans. Hugo realized this dream, which is really incredible.

More importantly, Hugo still has the opportunity to become a member of this legendary year. No matter what kind of identity he uses, even if it is just a trivial new band in the rock'wave', this makes Hugo in his heart. Shaking, not to mention the identity of the "Glory To Death" band At this moment, Hugo was "excited" to move.

Therefore, Hugo unswervingly wants to create his own music, he wants to be a part of this music wave, and he wants to shine in the music world.

"As for what our special'color' is, we need to work together to discuss it, doesn't it?" Hugo looked at the teammates in front of him, and there was a surge of emotion in his heart. This is what he will fight together in the future. Friends, quarrels and discussions like today happen almost every day, but they are not arguing, but clashing with each other. The fire "flower" that comes out of each collision is nourishment for the band, allowing the band to grow rapidly. Get up, "We can integrate our own specialties, don't limit the content and form, and integrate everyone's understanding of music into the music. This is the glory to the death of the music. This is the creation philosophy that truly belongs to our band. , Eclectic."

Seeing Hugo, who was extremely excited, although their inner heart was excited for different reasons than Hugo, the other four people were also surging, and Alfonso even showed a hearty smile. So, let's start with the music you composed, how about? You are now the mainstay of our band's creation."

Facing everyone's ardent slap in the face, Hugo did not flinch, but nodded vigorously, "Then what are we waiting for!"