Chapter 351

Hugo and Fujin traveled together and came to the warehouse behind the Al Bar in a familiar way. This has officially become the practice base for the Glory to the Dead band. They have come here to practice every day since the establishment of the band. Today is the day of the formation of the Glory to the Dead Band. After discussion, we decided to go to the streets to perform today. It is the first trial after the band officially embarked on the journey.

For a long time, live performances have been an important way for rock bands to increase their strength. At the same time, live performances are also the essence of rock bands. However, in fact, large-scale and large-scale rock band tour performances were accompanied by new metal rock around 1998. The rise of the country is thoroughly prosperous.

New metal rock bands are very keen on group tours. During the tour, the all-star momentum created by multiple bands often attracts thousands of new song'fans' overnight, and they will also be performing. Zhongda will support new bands that are not well-known, reminding fans of the songs who may become superstars in the future. Singing while walking has also become the constant creed of new metal bands. For example, Lincoln Park, which is known as one of the most brilliant live performances in the world, has gradually accumulated their strength during the tour. , And each tour will have multiple bands jointly embark on the journey, forming a strong appeal, which also makes rock an unshakable part of the mainstream music world.

Regarding the way to increase the strength of the tour, Hugo and Fujin hit it off at this point, and Neil also agreed. The remaining Pedro and Alfonso have no objection to this. Therefore, Fokkin proposed a grand blueprint. He wanted to complete his tour of the United States halfway through a new day. In a glorious way, this proposal was approved by the hands of the band.

Therefore, starting from the streets of Los Angeles, looking for the shortcomings of the band, and cultivating the tacit understanding between the band members as soon as possible, this has become a short-term goal. Today is the first test of water.

The first attempt was always full of uncertainty and'sex', but also full of expectations, which made both Hugo and Fujin look very interested, discussing the issue of today's performance along the way, as well as yesterday's practice. The problems that have arisen, in fact, they have been chatting for most of the night yesterday, and they still enjoy it.

"Hugo, ahead." Fujin suddenly interrupted Hugo's words and motioned to the front. Hugo didn't have time to look back, and he saw a group of people swarming up: "Paparazzi!" The thought immediately It jumped into Hugo's brain. After more than a year of training, Hugo's vigilant'sex' was immediately raised.

Hugo turned his head and saw a swarm of reporters with more than two digits in front of him rushing over, "God!" Hugo rolled his eyes directly, then lowered his head and shouted at Fujin, "Don't pay attention to them," Go forward, go forward!"

When he joined Glory to the death, Fujin had expected such a situation, but when he really encountered it, Fujin still felt that the scene was very spectacular. Watching a group of people pounce on like sharks, the scene was spectacular. Fujin is also a big man, a little shorter than Hugo, but he is a little stronger. He takes a step forward, like a wall pressed up, plus Hugo, the two of them are like playing rugby. Usually rushed up. Although the reporter in front of him did not stray like a bowling pin, he was also killed by Hugo.

But how could the paparazzi let the Hugo go easily? After they were knocked aside, they swiftly besieged, the camera's fast 'door' was pressed very cheerfully, and the "click" sounded with flash light. Just as Fujin was wondering what news had recently emerged from Hugo that caused so many reporters to surround him, the reporters answered his doubts.

"Hugo, Uma again expressed a negative view of you in an interview, don't you plan to respond?"

"Uma said you are inconsistent, what do you think?"

"Yesterday Uma said you were a difficult man..."

Hugo's step forward did not stop, but he couldn't help but twitch his lips: it really is. In recent days, he has stayed in the warehouse and practiced with the band. There is no news. The only possibility of **** is that Uman's malicious hype has struck again. The day before yesterday, Joseph was still complaining with Karl. Uma was like It is an untimely bomb, and no one knows when it will explode again. This is not here today.

Fujin frowned slightly. He was very disgusted with these gossips. This was the case before on a new day. Although a lot of attention was focused on him, he would rather be a clown than a clown.' Spend some time practicing in the band, which is also the root cause of the conflict between him and the band members-in the eyes of others, Fujin just knows nothing about being in good fortune.

Hugo looked up at the warehouse not far away. He knew that these reporters would definitely not let him go. Although he has already decided to ignore Uma and is determined not to cooperate with this malicious hype, Hugo knows that reporters are actually like flies. Annoying, but this will affect the band's practice, especially today the band is going to the streets to practice combat, Hugo does not want his personal situation to affect the band.

Thinking of this, Hugo stopped, but Fujin did not react, and walked two steps forward with the reporters before realizing that Hugo was standing there, and the reporters quickly swarmed towards Hugo. After the past, Fujin stood alone outside the encircled circle, without moving, and then Fujin heard the reporters yelling, and the noisy shouts were a headache.

Hugo raised his hand and stretched it forward, creating a space between himself and the reporter. He still didn't like close contact with the reporter. After the reporters' uproar, their voices finally became quieter. Someone said, "Hugo, Uma said in an interview yesterday that your personal appearance is different, the image of the big screen and the image of your "private" life. far cry..."

Hugo followed the voice and looked at it. It was Anthony Stewart of the National Inquirer. The wrinkled and fat white figure was always the same, like a crumpled 'chicken' egg. Perceiving Hugo's disgusting sight, Anthony was not only not afraid, but excited, and could not help but amplify his voice. "She thinks it may be difficult for you to maintain a relationship. What do you think about this?" Obviously, seeing Hugo suffer, this is Anthony's favorite thing.

If Anthony targeted Hugo at the beginning only for news, then after the beating trap did not work, Anthony's malice towards Hugo gradually evolved into a 'private' person. Anthony just wants to see Hugo in a panic. He just wants to see Hugo suffer. This is his happiness as a paparazzi.

Hugo frowned slightly, but he soon calmed down. He looked away and didn't look at Anthony. Even if he just stared at him, Hugo felt that his stomach was rolling and the sirens in his heart sounded. He was armed all over, but Hugo was already mentally prepared for what Uma said.

In fact, Uma was hinting that Hugo was the main responsibility for breaking up this time. Hugo has no good response to this. Everyone knows the truth of the matter. If Uma wants to make her feel happy, then Hugo has no way to force Uma to change her mind. In fact, Hugo has completely let go, and he will not affect his mood just because of Uma's nonsense 'gimmick'. It's not worth it to ruin his good mood because of a stranger.

Hugo twitched the corner of his mouth,'showing' a helpless smile, "If she is advising me from a friend's standpoint, then I must say,'Hey, man, you should have an interview with me'. "Hugo's relaxed response obviously exceeded the expectations of the reporters. Hugo, who experienced the Golden Globes event, has clearly grown up quickly. At the beginning, Anthony could still rely on'infuriating' Hugo to achieve his goals. Now this This method is no longer applicable. "But if it's not..." Hugo shrugged, hooked the corner of his mouth mockingly, and said nothing, but the answer was obviously obvious.

"Hugo, don't you have any specific response to say?" It was Anthony who was still asking. He obviously wanted Hugo to say something ill of Uma. He wished that the two would scold each other. This news is only fine. 'color. Whether Uma is hype or not is not important. The point is whether this news can be sold. "Uma thinks that the mistake of breaking up is obviously yours, don't you want to answer?"

"My answer is already very clear, if your ears are still functioning. I have nothing else to say, so please let me." Hugo didn't say much, straightening his spine and facing strongly. Going forward, he cut a path in the encircling circle, and then walked forward calmly.

The reporters got the answer they They also knew that even if they continued to force Hugo, they would not get another answer, so everyone did not catch up. Anthony was the same, standing still thinking about it. Hugo's answer just now also had the focus of hype. At least Hugo's answer is worth thinking about.

Standing on the spot, Fujin looked at the sharpness between Hugo's eyebrows, but showed a smile. He gave Hugo a thumbs up and expressed his appreciation for the way Hugo had handled it. Then the two of them Walked into the warehouse side by side.

Pedro was the first to welcome him, "Hugo, the reporters outside didn't make you embarrassed, did they?"

"It's just a group of crows." Hugo curled his lips, and laughed first when he finished speaking, but the four people next to him looked at Hugo confusedly. Hugo realized that they didn't understand the joke, so he learned how to call the crow, "Crack…" Then he understood. Neil didn't hold it back, but he laughed with a flutter, and Alfonso followed. He laughed too, but Pedro didn't understand. He caught Hugo and asked, "What's the matter?"

Hugo replied, "Crack, croak, croak..." This series of crow screams made Pedro'bewildered' more and more, and Alfonso also began to "croak" and yelled together to play tricks on Pedro. Dro. Fujin, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but smile, and his smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.