Chapter 356

Although the disturbing hype has always occupied an important position in newspapers and magazines, for Hugo, he has always stayed away from these gossips. Hugo has always been learning how to distinguish media comments. Whether it is praise or criticism, he can't fully accept them. You must distinguish the opinions that are really beneficial to you. Only in this way can you make progress. Therefore, how to read media comments is also the same. The'door' is a difficult course.

But there is no doubt that these gossips are not nutritious things, just smile after reading them, don't need to care at all. As Joseph and Carl said, media hype means that the more "aggressive" the parties are, the more exciting the event will be. The hype must have the cooperation of all aspects to build the stage. Hugo's previous ignorance of what the media said is not to say All that said, he really didn't give any sight, and concentrated all his'essence' on the band's practice, which also made the hype news isolated from Hugo's life.

Even if I occasionally listen to Alex and Charlize bring up some sporadic news about Uma's current situation, Hugo will not have too much curiosity, but will focus on the band's practice.

The progress of the glorious street performance has been stumbling. The most important thing is that the five people are in a running-in period and require a lot of practice. Therefore, in the course of the performance, they still pay more attention to cooperation with each other than the feedback from the audience. This also makes it difficult for the audience during street performances, but the five of them do not care too much. They take an average of three to five days to perform on the street, and more time stay in the warehouse for persistent training. This also makes them enjoy every performance and enjoy the thrill of growing up little by little.

The sunshine in June made the summer's footsteps gradually noisy, the heat in the air gradually rose up with the sound of the "waves" of the sea, and the glory has been established unconsciously for nearly a month.

In four weeks, Alfonso not only recovered his original strength, but also made new breakthroughs in the understanding of keyboards and guitars. After all, the development of technology in three years is very incredible. Alfonso must keep up with the trend. 'Only flow pace. But compared to Alfonso, the real improvement is not the expected Pedro, but Hugo.

In fact, Hugo's theoretical foundation has always been relatively weak. He is a model of creative creation based on inspiration, but with his deep understanding of the basics of music, his understanding of creation has also been broadened. Hugo originally possessed the advanced consciousness for more than 20 years in the future. His understanding of the "tide" of music is two years advanced than it is now, and now Hugo is able to continuously integrate his advanced consciousness into the actual practice of music. The contrast between China and China has allowed Hugo to grow up quickly.

Of course, the more important thing is that the band members' understanding of music is merging and influencing each other, which also makes the style of the whole band slowly taking shape.

"Okay, that's the end of today's practice." Neal pressed the strings in his hand and looked at the tired faces of his teammates, and said

"But..." Pedro still seemed a little bit unfinished, but Neil shook his head, "Hugo still has a job tomorrow, so let's practice today. Besides, there will be a long time to continue. Practice, don't rush in these two hours."

"Hugo, your new movie is released. Will you not be busy during the promotion period?" Alfonso took the conversation curiously, and at the same time, he was not idle, and began to pack his instruments.

Tomorrow is June 23rd, the day when the premiere of "Sleepless in Seattle" will be held. Two days later, on the 25th, the film will be officially released in the United States. The premiere of tomorrow will be warmed up. A large number of media will arrive at the scene to make a judgment about the movie, and then it will be the moment when the movie is released to be judged by the audience.

Hugo is no stranger to this situation. He has experienced it twice before, but the premiere of "Night Sleep in Seattle" was the first time that Hugo officially appeared in front of the media after the ups and downs in the past six months. It still needs to be taken seriously.

"Joe asked, this time there is not much publicity work, Columbia Pictures does not want to'spend' too much publicity expenses." Hugo put away his guitar. Because Columbia Pictures and many media have the same views, they are not optimistic about the prospects of this film, so they don't want to spend more costs that cannot be recovered. The promotion period only arranges some rationality for the first week. 'Reporter interviews and radio interviews were all, and there was no further expansion of publicity after that.

In fact, Hugo wants to cooperate with the promotion. After all, he has a dividend in the box office of "Sleepless in Seattle". The more the box office goes out of the box, the more he can get more remuneration, but Columbia Pictures currently has no arrangements. Hugo No matter how active it is, it's no use. Besides, the band will also have event arrangements in the future, and Hugo can also be used as a promotion for the film, so there is no effort to fight for it.

"It doesn't matter if there is no publicity activity, at least the impact on the band's practice is much smaller." Fujin's movements are very quick, and soon he covered his drum set with a cover, and is now confirming the surrounding'plugging' heads. There is no power. After all, this is a warehouse, and there is wood everywhere, so it is easy to catch fire, so be careful.

"He will only practice more or less because of his absence from the band in the future. If his band practice time is too much, it means that the film career has failed. This is not a good sign." Pedro joked with a grin, letting rain Guo rolled his eyes silently.

"Are you a blessing or a curse?" Hugo looked helpless to Pedro, "So I said at the beginning, I am not suitable to be the captain, and Neil is doing very well now, right? This is me. Foresight."

"You're lazy, you can say it clearly." Neil vomited mercilessly.

"There is still confusion." Alfonso added a heavy weight.

"Lu Chi." Fu Jin gave the final blow.

"Hey guys, this is not my criticism meeting, okay?" Hugo looked hard to fight against such concentrated firepower, raising his hands in embarrassment and surrendering.

Any band needs a captain, and glory to death is no exception. In fact, the main responsibility of the captain is not to manage the band, but to communicate within the band and maintain the harmony of the band. Now that the band does not have an agent, it is the captain's responsibility to have any work "doors" or arrangements for activities; if there is an agent in the future, the captain should also be responsible for communicating with the agent. Responsibility.

Therefore, although the captain sounds very prestigious, it is actually a very trivial position.

Originally, when everyone was choosing the captain, all four people except Hugo chose Hugo, because Hugo is the lead singer, and the identity of the actor is obviously the focal point; second, the current glorious music The style is completely following Hugo. More than 90% of the tracks practiced by the band are composed by Hugo. Therefore, when Hugo becomes the captain, everyone is convinced and expected.

Unexpectedly, Hugo refused. The biggest reason is that he will often leave the band'sexually'. His actor status does not want to abandon, so he has no way to devote himself to the trivial work of the band; other small reasons are similar to "I need time to devote myself to creation, no "Time management" is directly ignored by everyone, but Hugo's words are very reasonable, he is indeed not the right person for the captain.

In addition to Hugo, Fujin seemed to be a suitable candidate for the captain. After all, he brought a new day with one hand, but Fujin was unwilling. Although he did not say a reason, it is obvious that the bad memories of the new day are for him. It still has an impact. Fogin recommended Neal, and Hugo also seconded.

On the one hand, Neil is the veteran of the band. He, Hugo and Pedro are the first members of the band; on the other hand, Neil's seriousness, rigor and carefulness are the indispensable advantages of the captain's position; the most important thing is Compared with Hugo, Neal and the band members are actually the most harmonious, including Fugin and Alfonso are also willing to communicate with Neal.

Therefore, after consulting Neal's own opinions, the responsibility of Captain Glory to Death fell on Neal Anderson's shoulders.

Seeing Hugo's embarrassed head portrait, Pedro smiled and relieved Hugo, "Hugo, what is the feeling of the premiere?

"The feeling of being stared at by a group of wild wolves?" Hugo curled his lips helplessly. Although the premiere was actually an occasion for close encounters with movie fans, Hugo could not forget the flash bombing of reporters. "Although the news has almost disappeared recently, but now I just hit the gun. Do you think the crows will shut up? Obviously not." Hugo is talking about the hype that has gradually settled down. , But who knows if the reporter will mention it again at the premiere.

"I think you handled it very no problem." Fujin looked on the sidelines and said coldly.

Hugo rolled his eyes and mumbled the words "'make friends' accidentally", causing Alfonso and Neil to laugh at the side, "By the way, this is the premiere of the movie I starred in." You can also attend the ceremony. Why don't you go together?" In the official film premiere, in addition to the "female" partner, the film company will actually give some invitation letters to the actors so that the actors can invite their friends and ordinary people. For any problem, if Hugo has a large team, agents, managers, assistants, etc. can get a lot of invitation letters to invite their friends to attend the premiere. Of course, the premise is that the premiere is large enough.

The premiere of "Sleepless in Seattle" is not huge, but if the glorious teammates, Alex, Charlize and others want to attend, there is no problem.

Seeing Hugo's enthusiastic expression, Pedro, who was originally the most active, was the first to hide, "I don't want to have a relationship with the crow." While several others looked at Hugo's earnest eyes, They all avoided sight one after another, obviously unwilling to bore the muddy water.

This made Hugo very speechless, "Hey, this is the premiere, not a critical conference, why are you acting like I owe money. Hey, Fujin, why did you leave... Neil? Alfang So... wait for me, Peppa, don't forget to turn off the lights..."