Chapter 357

As we all know, North America is currently the most mature film market in the world. Thanks to the great commercial success of American films in the 1970s and 1980s, the film industry has also entered a new era of rapid development. During this time, There are many excellent American films. Although the major successes of commercial films are mainly based on the great success of commercial films, there is still a gap in art compared with European films, but this is still enough to make Hollywood the center of the world's cinema.

There have been many ups and downs before and after the development of modern American movies, but what really brought the entire North American film market into a stage of rapid development was the sensational "Godfather" that came out in 1972 and was directed by Francis-Ford-Kebo. The film was released by the century-old giant Paramount. This is also the first Hollywood work to operate in accordance with the rules of modern blockbusters. The huge success of this film at the box office has prompted the release of a film invested heavily in the United States. The first round of the theater system was eliminated on Shanghai, and the national simultaneous premiere began.

On the other hand, distributors have gradually realized that they should launch specific types of films with different audiences in specially arranged time periods to ensure box office success. Since then, the concept of "movie schedule" has officially entered the film field. Since then, American films have gradually formed a mature and mature market operation mechanism, gradually developing the North American film market into the center of the world.

The development of the past two decades has basically formed the schedule of the North American film market. The whole year is bounded by weekends and holidays, which can be divided into five schedules: winter, 'spring', summer, autumn and holiday.

The winter season is generally from January to March 10th each year, and the specific division is from the end of the New Year holiday to the second Thursday of March. During this period of time, a large number of award ceremonies such as the Oscars, Golden Globes, and Grammys summarized the work of the whole year, occupying all the sight of people on weekends, so the movie market is relatively deserted.

The 'spring' season is from March 11th to May, specifically the day following the end of the winter season to the first Thursday of May. During this period of time, heavyweight sports games are the protagonists. The Super Bowl of rugby, the playoffs of b field and a, as well as various operations such as'stick' **** and ice hockey have become the focus of people's lives. During the time period, the movie market remained deserted, but it was gradually recovering. A small number of works announced by young and old, or works targeting "women" and "women", and children will be screened at this time.

Summer vacation is undoubtedly the top priority of every year. The first Friday of May to the first Monday of September can be counted as summer vacation. Due to the hot weather during this period, people are willing to end their hibernation and go out of home.' With a wide selection of outdoor activities, movies have naturally become an indispensable part of recreational activities. This also makes the box office of the summer vacation box office frequently bursting, which can account for more than 40% of the total box office. After entering the 21st century, this situation has intensified, and there is even a saying that "win the world with the summer file."

Movies released in the summer are undoubtedly locked in the main box office market for men. Action movies, sci-fi movies, and adventure movies have become the main theme on the big screen. This is also one of Hollywood's unspoken rules: major film companies always believe that men are The main force of the film market, the movies that can really drive the box office are often men as the main target group. It was not until halfway through the first decade of the 21st century that the stimulating ability of the box office market of'female' **** was valued by major film companies, and a small number of movies whose main target was'female sex' also left. The'spring' season or autumn season, enter the hot summer season.

After entering the autumn file, the period between the first week of September and Thanksgiving Day, on the one hand, because students start school, on the other hand, other audiences are returning from vacation, so the entire movie market is very sluggish, especially because the summer holidays consume the entire market. The main energy of the autumn gear is even worse than the winter gear. During this time, small independent films will become the main force of the screen.

The last holiday schedule is relatively special. During this time, the three major festivals of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year are included. This is also a time for family joy, and all kinds of works from young and old will be published. Cinemas seize the box office, which is also an important time for the whole year to be comparable to the summer time. The top three "Aladdin", "Yihai Xiongfeng", and "Home Alone 2" at the end of last year's box office all come from the holiday schedule, which is interesting. The summer box office champion "Batman Returns" can only be ranked fourth.

In addition to the fierce box office competition, the holiday schedule also bears another task, that is, movies that hope to make a difference at the Golden Globes, Oscars and other awards ceremonies will also choose to be released in this time period. Since the nomination vote is held at the end of the year, movies released at the end of the year have an advantage in terms of depth of impression and strength of publicity. This also makes many award ceremonies choose to be released during this schedule.

However, the concept of "awarding season" has not really formed yet, so the "award-seeking works" released on holiday files are not crowded, and major film companies have not deliberately set the release schedules of these promising films. Scheduled at the end of the year. The holiday archives of the 21st century have been reduced to the lively scene of the awards season.

But even so, the excitement of the holiday period is still comparable to that of the summer vacation, and it is the most lively time of the year.

In the five time periods throughout the year, the target audience groups are different. The major film companies have come up with a set of experience in the long development process. The scheduling of any movie is very particular. Only correct Only by scheduling can make the box office burst out with greater energy. Of course, the wrong scheduling can even ruin a movie, causing the film company to lose money and be rude. Distribution has gradually become the most important link of major film companies.

The same was true for the summer vacation in 1993. The comedy film "Dave" successfully unveiled the annual summer battle. After that, Sharon Stone, who relied on "Instinct. Ability," to take the lead, brought the same type of film "Peeping". ( creates a topic again, and the other two popular blockbusters "Bruce Lee's Biography ( and the highest paid superstar Sylvester Stallone in the 1980s, "Jeuling Xiongfeng ( have also achieved good results. achievement.

Entering June, "Jurassic Park" directed by Steven Spielberg easily became the focus of the world's attention, breaking the record of the highest box office premiere in film history just created by "Batman Returns" last summer. With a total of 47 million US dollars in the box office for the premiere, he was proud of the crowd, and at the same time added another great achievement to Steven's box office record. Of course, this is not the end. Afterwards, "Jurassic Park" easily won the championship with an incredible 18% drop. The cumulative box office in two weeks easily reached 120 million, and it became a new myth in the history of movie box office. .

Under such circumstances, "Night Sleep in Seattle" officially premiered. This "wave" love chick movie actually chose a summer file with monsters. All professionals think that Columbia Pictures, which is in charge of the distribution, is a gain or loss. I was crazy, and completely regarded "Sleepless in Seattle" as an abandoned child in a disagreeable situation.

In the history of the North American box office, the chick films that have achieved huge box office success are "Pretty Girl in the Wind", "The Secret of My Success (, "The Moon's Color' Sultry (, "The Bird of the Frightened Bow (.on) .A. and "Splash" generally choose the "spring" season, and occasionally choose the holiday file for family carnivals. This is also because the "female" sex" audience market has not received enough attention. There is no place at all in the summer file.

The only exception is that the movie "When Harry Meets Sally" originally chose to premiere in the second week of July, but it did not have a large-scale premiere at the time. It was only screened in forty theaters and got an explosion.' After the **** reaction, the expansion was carried out, which achieved unexpected success.

The summer file, this is a field that belongs to men, it is impossible for the little girl film to find a place here, this is the experience left by time. And now, Columbia Pictures actually put "Sleepless in Seattle" on the June schedule, and there was the oppression of "Jurassic Park" before. At the same time, there was competition from the comedy movie "Naughty Adam (. The threat of a "sugar-coated trap" is a masterpiece in the summer, which is obviously a time to be abandoned. Columbia Pictures' distributive attitude is completely broken, making box office forecasting professionals wailing.

It's also worth mentioning that the summer season relies on the actor to drive the box office schedule. The importance of the actor is particularly prominent Sleepless" was originally a chick movie, which weakened the actor's role. Pulling momentum, and this time the actor is still Hugo Lancaster, which makes people even more sneer.

Prior to this, Hugo had already challenged the summer files three times before and after. "Detective Boys", "Hudson's Eagle", and "Death Poetry Society" were all works released in midsummer, even the best performing "Death Poems" "She" has not been able to get more than 100 million box office, let alone the other two works that Hugo took the lead, "failure" is the only adjective.

Although "Yihai Xiongfeng" and "Smell the Fragrance and Meet the'Female'" made Hugo a successful turnaround, they were all works of holiday files. Although the holiday files are lively, their competitors are compared with the summer files. It's not of the same grade at all. What's more, after the Golden Globes, Hugo hasn't had the scenery that people expected in the past six months. On the contrary, it has been disgraced. And "Sleepless in Seattle" is not considered favored by people. If it weren't for Hugo's participation. Schindler's list was filmed. At any rate, with the great director Steven at the top, Hugo's current situation is estimated to be even worse.

Therefore, when "Sleepless in Seattle" is about to be released, it can be said that no one is optimistic about the prospects of this film, including Columbia Pictures itself, even though the Los Angeles Times and US Weekly have unexpectedly maintained a wait-and-see attitude. , But still unable to withstand the five million premiere box office forecasts given by professionals in the box office forecast, which is really bleak.