Chapter 416

New York in September is divided into two halves by summer and autumn. On the street, you can see people wearing short-sleeved shorts and'pants', as well as walking in'fur' coats; wake up in the morning and look at the bleak'yin' outside. Haze Tian wanted to bring an extra coat, but at noon, he couldn't wait to just wear a single coat to hide under the sun... Standing on the street often makes people feel confused.

Glory to Death set off from San Francisco in early July, and when it arrived in New York, it was already late September. It took nearly three months to complete the road trip across the United States. For the tour, this can be considered a very long journey. After nearly two hundred performances of training, Glory to Death finally arrived on the East Coast.

Although Glory was only established at the end of May, it has only been less than four months, but they have experienced countless performances, large and small, and the tacit understanding between the band members has gradually grown. If the band has been established for two or three years, it is also There is no problem. It can be seen that the road tour has a huge effect this time.

In the whole process, Pedro's growth is undoubtedly the biggest gain. Professionals like to call bass the cornerstone of the band. To outsiders, bass seems to be a dispensable existence, and even many people can't It is a pity to distinguish between bass and guitar. The bass player plays a vital role in the improvement of the band's strength. It is not surprising that a good bass player can increase the band's strength by several steps.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the lead singer is the most eye-catching in the band. The guitarist is the representative of the band's internal technical flow in recent years. The drummer, as the heart, controls the rhythm of the band. However, to enhance the overall strength of the band, the bassist is only It is the core link. Pedro's rapid growth has increased the strength of Glory to Death by at least two levels.

Back in New York again, Hugo remembered the performance he had played with Fujin on the street. It was also during that performance that he composed the song "Li (, and at the same time became Fujin and joined the glory of glory. Opportunity to die.

The performance on the streets of Glory to Death in New York can definitely be said to be familiar. Their performance in Greenwich Village quickly entered the state. In less than 20 minutes, it attracted more than 100 audiences. This is still in the card. In the absence of a group of loyal fans such as the Sweet Brothers and Pinkman.

Joshua Cranston came to Greenwich Village early to wait for the glorious performance. He was the Columbia University fan who had witnessed the Hugo and Fukugin duel on the streets of New York. Since then , Joshua was completely enamoured of this unformed band. Joshua knew Hugo and knew he was an actor, so Joshua has been paying attention to Hugo's activities ever since.

The effort paid off. At the end of the summer vacation, Joshua heard about the band "Glory To Death". He learned about the feat of Glory To Death from the west coast to the east coast. This made Joshua admired and envious. Regrettably, I am envious of the fans who can follow the band all the way across the United States. Regrettably, he has not been able to become one of them.

The reason why Joshua was able to inquire about this is that trivial news of glory to death can be heard in the underground rock circles of major cities in the United States. His hometown is a small town in Alabama, and rock and roll. It didn't matter at all, but even so he heard a few words, but he didn't realize that this band was the object he had been looking for. When Joshua understood, he had already returned to New York to prepare for the start of school in September. At that time, the mood of ecstasy that surged from the astonishment, Joshua still vividly remembers.

Today, there are many admirers and good deeds in the underground rock circle in New York who want to go to the scene to see the glorious performance. Whether it is with admiration or critical eyes, they always want to see this "daring and reckless" How powerful is the band? Is it an exaggeration? How much truthfulness is there in the rumors.

Therefore, more and more spectators gathered in Greenwich Village. Glory to the death performance was originally just a small Guangchang field, but it was soon crowded with people. Looking at it, there were at least three hundred people. Containment ground water can't leak. If the lively scene makes people think that a certain big-name celebrity has suddenly come to the street.

Joshua actually believes in the strength of the band, because Hugo and Fujin have shown enough abilities, but as a loyal rock lover, he clearly understands that the band is a whole, and the individual ability is outstanding. Although it is very important, but whether the cooperation between each other can play the effect of one plus one is greater than two, this is the essence of the band, so Joshua is nervous and expecting half.

But after listening to the song "Li" for the second time, the tears in Joshua's eyes began to soar. It has to be said that Fujin and Hugo originally proposed that the band go on a road tour is the most important thing in the glory to death music career. A turning point, because this move gave a band that had not been established for half a year to glow with amazing vitality.

Listening to the live screams and shouts, this is beyond the scope of street performances. It looks like a singer who has actually released an album is holding a small concert. The live cheers have added countless lights to the performance. Facing such a noisy scene, Glory To Death, there was no stage fright at all. Instead, the band's performance became more and more blatant, releasing infinite energy and easily conquering the hearts of every audience on the scene.

Between the performances, Joshua tried to look back to see how many people there were, but unfortunately he stood in the middle of the crowd, unable to see the raging crowd behind him, only the black pressure was seen in the past. A piece of human head crushed. This surging emotion completely immersed Joshua in it.

Due to the fact that there are so many and complex audiences, everyone has five 'flowers' and eight 'doors' views on the band. Basically, there are still three factions, support, opposition and neutrality. But for rock bands, there are always fewer fans of neutral music, either like it or hate it. The same goes for glory to death.

Since the music style chosen by Glory To Death is not the same as the current 'tide', this has caused intense disputes on the scene. Some people think that the band's music is completely rubbish, terrible, and completely ruined the'essence' of rock and roll. The real rock and roll should be the trend that Nirvana is now leading, and the Glory to Death actually has a lot of arrangements and guitars. The solo is weakened, instead the keyboard is added, which is an insult to rock

There are also people who think that the band is unique, injecting their own style into music, giving rock an unprecedented vitality. Although they are different from the current fashion trends, they have shown their own understanding of rock and roll. This is for everyone. It is an impact, but also an aspect of the continuous development of all music, including rock. The most important thing is that Glory to Death's emotional performance is different from the paranoia and sharpness of previous rock bands. It is not necessarily political or dark, and it is not necessarily vent. They write the most common emotions in life in the melody. Among them, it is really commendable that rock and roll can become the cry of everyone's heart.

As for the neutral person's point of view, it's very simple. They don't care if this is considered a subversion of rock. As long as the music itself is 'sweet', there's no problem. If you like it, you stay, and if you hate it, you leave. It's a simple truth.

This is New York, where countless cultures are gathered here. At the same time, New York, which gives everyone a sharp perspective, is different from the birthplace of all-inclusive rock and roll in Memphis. People here seem to be a little impetuous, and the controversy over glory to death is also It broke out like never before.

The performances on the Xiaoguangchang field in Greenwich Village gradually became a climax due to the fierce disputes, but they were a bit distracting. This made the performance of the Glory To Death Band appear to be a bit fragmented. In this regard, Joshua felt very angry, because these disputes on the scene were destroying a "pretty" performance. Although Joshua himself had some doubts about glorious music, he was more of a neutral. The song'fan' just likes the band's live performance. He doesn't want to defend the band, but he doesn't want to criticize the band.

Just when Joshua thought that the band would interrupt the performance, Glory to Death once again shocked him.

A series of heavy drum beats sounded in the noisy street, and the heavy drum beat opened up a world in the noise without rushing, and then brought out Hugo's slightly hoarse voice, "Well, I'm on the train. I met a dying old man, no more direction, no more pain. Well, he said, "Before I die, there is only one thing...Never let your fear determine your destiny.,"

Listening to the lyrics, a small number of people at the scene stopped the listened to Hugo's lyrics, trying to'figure' the meaning of the lyrics. In the chorus, the five band members raised their voices and sang in unison, "I said, 'I'm the hero who killed you...) Then fly, fly, baby don't cry.

Hugo's powerful voice is like a weak but firm voice. He has found his place in countless disputes. The audience on the scene has their own thoughts. Some fell into contemplation, and some despised the band's music even more. Some even put up their **** and swear words at the band, while others bravely stood up and shouted for the band.

Originally, Joshua was merely enjoying music, but at this moment, there seemed to be a protective shell deep in his heart, cracking a little bit by the steady and powerful drumbeat, and then a whole new world appeared before his eyes. At this moment, Joshua suddenly touched the truth in a vague way: why are so many people willing to follow the glory to death from the west coast to the east coast, and why so many people discuss this in the rock circle A band.

If you follow this magical band to embark on a journey again, from the east coast to the west coast, what will it be like? Joshua thought so uncontrollably.