Chapter 421

From onsquare.park in Washington, D.C. in the south, to Fifth Avenue from 138th Street in the north, Manhattan is clearly divided into east and west. This is not only the center of Manhattan, but also the most famous in the world. Commercial street. The dazzling array of high-rise buildings along the street, with men wearing suits and shoes, well-dressed women and official leather bags, presents an elegant and fashionable picture of modern American life.

Few streets can pack so many well-stocked and beloved shops like Fifth Avenue. Many of these stores have multiple branches and are world-renowned. Almost all imaginable famous shops can be found on this street, and almost all imaginable goods can be found here. Rich products, complete brands, high-end quality have become the characteristics of Fifth Avenue, and the operation of the brand has become the signature of Fifth Avenue. During the discount season, even the Queen of the United Kingdom will take a special plane to shop on Fifth Avenue. To be precise, it's a shopping mall.

When you come to New York, whether you like shopping or not, Fifth Avenue is worth visiting. Even if it is not for shopping, just standing on the street will not have a special flavor. You can clearly see the concentrated scene of New York, an international metropolis, as if from this From the streets, you can see the prosperity, tension, speed and complexity of the whole city.

But today, the members of the Glory To Death band came to Fifth Avenue, not for sightseeing or shopping, but to follow in Henry's footsteps to the place at the junction of Fifth Avenue and 20th Street. Turning on Fifth Avenue to the west of 20th Street, just less than 20 yards away, you can see the tall building with glass exterior wall in front of you. The "color" rectangle is written in white and "color". This is where the New York branch of EMI Records resides.

The building is a Victorian architectural style. The dark red 'colored' outer wall is inlaid with the long and narrow rectangular windows, but the eight-story building gives the illusion of towering towering clouds.

Standing at the'door' of the building, there is no obvious sign and no lobby, just like an ordinary office building. Alfonso took the curious Pedro and stood beside Fujin. Neil said, "Henry, are you sure? Let's just go in and find someone like this?"

"It's not just anyone, it's Roger Fasson(.), the deputy manager of the record department. I mentioned your band to them before, so today's meeting was not abrupt." Henry was quite calm. He looked content. Today, he tidyed his hair, cleaned his beard, and changed a clean and tidy shirt. He was completely renewed. Obviously he looked like a successful person, but the expression on his face remained the same. Is lazy.

Although Hugo has confirmed with them, Henry is indeed an excellent music manager, Mariah Carey was indeed brought out by him, and they are now standing at the door of EMI, everything is like this True; but seeing Henry's lazy appearance still makes it hard to feel trust.

"Henry, you know I'm not referring to this." Neal looked at Hugo who was standing by and found that Hugo was looking at the surrounding buildings. They looked very comfortable. This made Neil feel a little relieved. A little bit.

Henry looked at Neil seriously for a while, as if he had thought about it before he came to his senses, "Oh, you mean our partnership, no hurry, really no hurry, we can take time after we meet Roger. Talk, you can look at my abilities, and I will also look at your potential." If we say that after meeting with Roger Fasong, Glory To Death abandoned his unsigned agent and chose another agent or with EMI Sign the brokerage contract directly, then Henry will not care, he has already seen the white-eyed wolf, and does not care about one more.

Yesterday, Glory To Death took the initiative to contact Henry. They were finally persuaded by Henry that they felt that the brokerage contract was negotiable, but they still had doubts about Henry's terms. Regardless of whether it is a ten-year contract or the initiative to terminate the contract, this is not in line with industry rules, and the band still hopes to meet and discuss it in detail.

No, after the band put forward his idea, Henry thought about it a little bit, but changed the subject, saying that they could temporarily put aside their previous signing and cooperation. He could take the band to see the senior management of EMI Records first. Whether EMI is willing to release a record for Glory to Death, let EMI measure the development prospects of Glory to Death, and discuss it in detail after the meeting.

Henry's unexpected move was caught off guard by killing Glory to Death. However, a direct meeting with EMI Records was not harmful to Glory to Death. Instead, it would allow Glory to Death to take the initiative. So, after thinking about it, the band agreed to this request. So they appeared in front of the big 'door' of EMI Records' New York branch.

"Any time of cooperation, it is best if you are willing to do it. Reluctant things will never have good results. It is like hooking up a chick, but she is unwilling to cooperate, so'bed'. Love affairs are not so harmonious. Now, I've never liked the use of strong." Henry just stood there and said unhurriedly, but his expression was still a bit of ridicule in the laziness, it looked like It really doesn't seem to be a way of talking about official affairs, so that the glorious players can't help but smile.

Henry raised his eyebrows, looked around, and said with regret, "There are so many pedestrians around, and no one recognizes Hugo. It's really disappointing. I originally wanted Roger to see that you are exuberant. Popular. However, this is the end of the matter and we still have to move forward." Henry finished speaking, without looking at Hugo's expression, Shi Shiran stepped on his lazy steps and stepped up the steps.

Hugo looked innocent while standing next to him, he was definitely lying with a gun for some reason. However, Henry's ridicule made the band's tension alleviate a lot. Seeing Hugo, he couldn't help but laughed. Alfonso even patted Hugo on the shoulder, as if he was comforting him "No one recognizes." Don't get discouraged if you come out." Generally, this made Hugo very surprised. With the first one, Pedro followed suit, followed by Neal, and finally even Fugin came to join in the fun.

After the four teammates patted Hugo on the shoulders to express their condolences, they left Hugo alone on the street with black lines. Isn't it an exaggeration to describe such a situation as "flying disaster", but Hugo always I felt that I was "shot" by a bunch of arrows on my knee.

Hugo also laughed hehe, then quickly followed, and walked into the building at hand. There was no special place on the first floor, just like a staff passage, even the lights were not too bright. Hugo walked into the elevator quickly, and then the elevator stopped on the second floor. After going out, this was another world.

Since the first floor is the storefront on Fifth Avenue, there is a shop right in front. The space on the first floor looks inconspicuous like a warehouse or storage room, but after entering the second floor, the entire space faces the west side of 20th Street The direction extends infinitely, and the huge office building is laid out in soft fluorescent lights. Only five yards out of the elevator, there is a dedicated 'door' information desk, and behind the counter is a huge "EMI Records" sign.

Henry's feet were still not hurried, so he fell behind a few young people. The receptionist at the counter had smiled and stood up and asked, "Good afternoon, can I help you with anything?" The English accent rushed forward, and the full pronunciation made people staggering from New York to London.

Neil, Hugo and others did not rush to speak, but waited for Henry to come forward. Henry smiled and nodded, "Good afternoon, the weather in New York finally sees some sun today, doesn't it?"

"I heard it is raining in London." The receptionist picked up the topic of the weather lightly, and his professional smile became more sincere.

"Thank God, traveling with an umbrella is not the worst. The strong wind makes people helpless. That's terrible." Henry is still his usual style, speaking slowly, lazily and casually, and the content of his speech is also very good. It's hard to find the point, and then you can see the edge inadvertently. Seeing the receptionist's approval expression, Henry seemed to realize that there were five other people standing beside him, "Oh, yes, I am Henry Bloom. I booked an appointment with Roger Fasson."

The receptionist did not lower his head to inquire at all, and immediately showed a surprised expression, "Mr. Bloom, Mr. Fasong has been waiting for you for a while." , If the receptionist's words were not polite but true, it would be too funny. The person who came to the interview was actually late, and Henry was still not nervous at all. This is really

"New York's'traffic' ~ You can never predict what will happen in the next second." Henry was not nervous at all, said helplessly. This sentence immediately made the receptionist's eyes full of approval, and now he paid for Henry's excuse.

The members of Glory To Death were too lazy to roll their eyes. They came by subway, and there was no rush or delay along the way. Henry was completely bullshit.

"Mr. Fasong is waiting for you in the office on the fifth floor. You can find his secretary after you get on the elevator here." The receptionist introduced with a smile. There is another elevator, this is the shortcut to the upstairs

"In order not to let Roger wait any longer, the lads are also waiting anxiously, so I think we can talk after we come back." Henry smiled and continued to open his eyes to talk nonsense, but the receptionist chuckled. Then Henry walked forward and greeted him without looking back, "Guys, let us go upstairs. You need to move faster, slower than mine. This is not a thing. Good thing..."