Chapter 422

The fifth floor looks very'private'. When you walk out of the elevator, you can only see a small space of less than a hundred square feet in front of you. The center is divided by a glass wall, with green'color' potted plants planted in the middle, on the left and right. There is a black desk, it seems that this floor is divided into two offices, which is the place where the high-level of EMI Records is stationed. Hugo wondered whether it would be the upper floors of the record department and the copyright department separately, but there was still space upstairs, and maybe the office distribution was arranged.

Looking around, you can see the nameplate "Roger Fasson" on the desk on the left hand side, but Henry walked over without any hesitation. The secretary sitting behind the desk obviously knew Henry Yes, stood up with a smile, "You are finally here, Roger is waiting for you."

Henry waved his hand casually and went straight to the office'door', but stopped when he reached the'door', watched the secretary stand up and knock on the'door', and then said "Henry is here". After a pause for about two seconds, he opened the'door' of the office and signaled that Henry and the band members could go in.

Following Henry's footsteps into the office in front of him, the black color and the main color tone weakened a little solemnity in the sunlight of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass wall, and the soft carpet cleverly resolved the sound of footsteps. In the corner, you can see a lot of green'colored' potted plants, and the huge cabinet on the corner of the wall is neatly arranged with vinyl records, cassettes and CD collections, and the feeling of a music company is blown away.

Hugo fell behind and saw a tall and thin bald middle-aged man stand up and greet Henry, but he was a little surprised, because he remembered Henry saying that Roger was just the deputy manager of the record department. This level may not be considered top, but Roger can have such a luxurious office. There can be many reasons, but the first guess in Hugo's mind is that he is a forward sent by EMI Records to the United States for development. Although he is not too high in the head office, he has a lot of decision-making power in the US market.

If this is the case, Henry can talk to Roger directly, then Henry's energy should not be underestimated. After Henry heard the hesitation and consideration of the glory to death, he offered to ask the band to conduct an interview first. It is questionable. This is obviously Henry is increasing his bargaining chip, and he is not willing to give in on the signing conditions. Hugo couldn't help but be a little curious, how much did Maria let Henry have planted and made Henry so determined.

"Hugo Lancaster." Seeing Roger walking from the front, Hugo quickly retracted his thoughts, stretched out his right hand and shook the opponent, and briefly introduced himself.

But Roger did not release Hugo's hand immediately, but was stunned, then looked back at Henry, "You didn't tell me that there is a big star in this band." Henry did not hit "Hugo". ˉ"Lancaster" sells dog'meat' to attract Roger's attention, and wins an interview for a brand-new band?

"In my eyes, there is only the difference between singers and actors. There are not many actors I know." Henry didn't blush at all, confirming the fact that he didn't know Hugo again.

Roger looked like he was not surprised at Henry's sex. He turned his head and gave Hugo a big smile, "It's nice to meet you. Now it seems that I have earned a lot of money." Great bargain, they will definitely envy me."

Hugo could hear that the "they" here should refer to the competitors of EMI Records. At this time Hugo finally looked at Roger in front of him. In fact, he was not a bald head, he had hair on both sides of his head, but the hairline had receded to the back of his head, which made the entire brain bald and grayish hair. I don't know if it is due to age or the original hair color. The towering forehead is covered with wrinkles, and his small eyes are full of smiles, but it makes people not see his true emotions. Roger should be over fifty years old, and he is in a senior position. It is conceivable that he should be an old fox, and none of the leaders of such a large company is confused.

"Is it a gift pack or a bomb, who knows?" Hugo smiled and replied with a little humor, expressing his humility, which made Roger laugh.

I sat down on the black'colored' sofa. I didn't want this to be the kind of raw leather hard sofa. Sitting down on the sofa, the sponge couldn't sink at all. It was a bit surprising. You can also see that Roger is'sexual'. A corner. A newspaper was placed on the glass table. Hugo noticed it out of his sight. It was the "New York Times". The page opened was not the front page, but the entertainment version. The headline of the entertainment version was very eye-catching, "Heng Kong The born rock band: Glory to the death" When writing the name of the band, it is rendered in red'color' font, which is very impactful.

Pedro, Alfonso, and others also saw this newspaper, and they all "exposed" happy expressions, and exchanged their eyes with each other.

This report was seen by the band members this morning, which made them very happy for a while. This news reported by the "New York Times" briefly described the band's feats in the past three months and praised the band.

"This band called Glory to the Death. After the National Day, they started from San Francisco and took a road tour across the United States. They arrived in New York. They used to perform in a large city with a population of one million, and they also visited only a few thousand people. In Anning town, they even performed temporary performances at gas stations on the side of the highway. They never cared about the number of audiences, but they impressed the audience with their most'exquisite' music and set off a frenzy. They performed a normal performance on the street where there was only one audience. They also sang with three or five music lovers. They also joined hands with other rock bands in front of hundreds of audiences to dedicate a'fine' color showdown. They also In the streets of New York, the audience cheered enthusiastically.

From the west coast to the east coast, from sunny to bitter wind, from one spectator to three hundred spectators, glory to death turned this journey into their own stage, which is unique. "

This is just the most condensed "fine" Hua in the "New York Times" praised by the band. In the report, the reporter mentioned that the band has turned the entire road trip into its own stage. This is a brand new experiment and experience. Limited to standing on a high shelf, nor limited to the enthusiastic cheers of the audience below, the band has turned the trip itself into a stage for self-training and self-sublimation, integrating the spirit of rock and roll into its actual actions and self. In real life. This kind of spirit has also made the band "Glory To Death" a topic of heated discussion among music lovers in major cities in the past two months, and even a group of diehard fans who are willing to follow the band have been born. It seems to have become a phenomenon, which is impressive.

Glory to Death's performance in Greenwich Village yesterday also caused a commotion, which made the band quickly become the focus of the media reporters' eyes.

But for now, Glory to Death is still just an underground rock band. How long the whirlwind will last is still unknown, and there has been no album or official promotion, so the media is just discussing it as a recent social hot spot. That's it, it's not really getting attention.

The "New York Times" did not specifically mention that the Glory to Death team included Hugo, a recent hot actor. This alone can tell. Although the "Los Angeles Times" did not let go of this detail, the gap between the West Coast and the East Coast still appeared.

Roger read the "New York Times" report, which is not unusual. He left the newspaper on the table, obviously because of his intentions. Neil and Hugo exchanged their sights. Although they were also very happy, their calmness still occupied their main thoughts. After all, the other party was a senior of EMI Records, and they held the future life and death power of the band and Henry. Future cooperation trends of potential brokers.

Sure enough, Roger came over and pointed to the newspaper on the desktop, "I read the report today, but I am more interested in your road trip. There are countless bands willing to go on tour, but they can hold on to the last book. There are not many, and not only persisted but also created such a hot topic, it is estimated that only you are left."

Roger cut directly into the topic like this, but he seemed very straightforward, and he could feel his sincerity, "So I can't wait to see you guys and see what kind of band it is and how it came along. From here."

When Roger spoke, his eyes fell on Hugo intentionally or unintentionally, as if waiting for Hugo's answer, but at this time Neil's voice rang, "This trip seems difficult. But in fact, it's not as complicated as what the newspaper says. We just like We just want to enjoy the performance, so we stick to it all the way. Otherwise, our schedule will not be so slow. It takes only three months. Finish crossing the United States? This is not a speed to show off."

Roger was surprised that Neal was the first to speak. He thought Hugo was the captain of this band, but he only slightly pursed the corners of his mouth. He quickly calmed down and cast his gaze at Neal, "Like. Music, every rock band says this, but there are not so many that can stick to it."

"We know, but we want to be able to persevere, that's why we have the name of the band." Although Neil was nervous and hadn't seen any big scenes, this time traveling across the United States allowed everyone to grow up. Many, not only in music, but also in himself, so when Neil faced important people like Roger, he still grasped his emotions very well. "Of course, the roles of Hugo and Fujin are also very important. When they wanted to give up all the time, they persevered."

Roger seemed to turn his head after hearing Neil's words, but his gaze stayed on Hugo for a while, a touch of exploration and playfulness: this band is indeed interesting.