Chapter 423

The rock bands Roger has seen are not 100 or 80. In fact, most of the rock bands are quite rebellious. They are very aggressive and even sharp, because the music genre of rock is a kind of spirit. symbol of. Purely from the perspective of music technology, rock is a fusion style of jazz, blues, country and gospel, but it cannot make rock popular all over the world. Rock 'spirit' is the core idea of ​​this kind of music.

Fashionable dress,'radical' thoughts, decadent attitude, hoarse singing voice... This seems to be people's stereotype of rock and roll. Maybe this is not accurate, but it illustrates the'fine' of rock and roll from the side. The core of God. Similar to social reflection and rebellious youth autonomy, it includes anarchist love and peace, opposition to religion or support for religion, hedonism or indulgence. 'want'. Doctrine, pessimism and nihilism... These contradictory thoughts have become the core "spirit" of rock and roll. Even the Beatles who seem to be the most "conventional" in appearance, there is no lack of anti-war and hedonism in their music. ,'Medicine' material experience, surrealism and other'radical' thoughts.

In recent years, with the gradual rise of grunge and metal rock represented by Nirvana bands, the decadent, dark, unassuming, and rebellious styles of rock bands have become a trend. But Glory to Death looks very different. The five members are all freshly dressed in t-shirts and denim pants. They look like students who have just graduated from university, and they all have a green spring on their faces.'' It's so vigorous, and there is no such thing as the stereotype of rock bands that everyone has recently.

However, after the actual contact, with only a few words, you can feel the kind of'sex' in the bones of the band members. It is not rebellious or unassuming or sharp, but there is a kind of unrelenting determination. Only in the band name "Glory to Death" "Some resolute decisiveness and recklessness can be seen in it.

Roger can see many details from just a meeting. As a member of the middle management of EMI, he must be able to make accurate judgments. Although their judgments are not 100% accurate, they often rely on It's just intuition, but experience is wealth, and their instincts are not empty.

Roger looked at Neil who was speaking, then raised his eyebrows with a smile, and returned his gaze to the "New York Times" on the table. "I thought it was just a reporter exaggerating. I was a little moved when I said that. I want to join your tour, but now it seems that it is not necessarily all compliments piled up in words."

"Are you questioning my appraisal ability? If it is, I will be disappointed." Henry suddenly'inserted' and said, breaking the bond between Roger and Neal's face-to-face'communication', bringing Roger Attention attracted. He is performing the duties of a broker.

Roger couldn't help laughing, "I forgot about you. But, aren't you sitting in my office now?" Roger squinted his eyes and looked at Henry, while Henry was still in a lazy appearance, as if fundamentally Did not notice Roger's irony.

"I have been sitting here for three minutes, not even a cup of coffee. This is not a positive sign." Henry seemed to be simply complaining about poor hospitality, but his hazy eyes kept locked on Luo. Jay's eyes.

Roger didn't mind at all, shrugged, and stood up directly, "Then it depends on whether you are worth my cup of coffee, how about it, go downstairs and look directly, what touched you on earth?" The New York Times...also moved...Mr. Bloom, it's autumn now, and I didn't expect to see him bloom again."

Seeing Roger standing up, the band members all stood up one after another. Only Henry was still sitting on the spot, lazily reaching out for everyone to sit down. Although he was dressed more formally today, his attitude and actions remained the same. It looks like a lazy guy, but this sense of violation has kept the pace of negotiations in the office at a balanced point, which is very subtle, "We still have some preconditions that we haven't discussed, don't we?"

Roger stood up and looked at Henry condescendingly, but Henry seemed to be sunbathing. He didn't feel the sharpness in Roger's eyes at all. Roger said calmly while buttoning the buttons of his suit jacket. , "I will tell you something."

"For example, the issue of a band producer." Henry curled his lips and slanted his eyes for a long time before he came up with such a very specific and core issue.

For any album, the producer is the most important position, because the producer is the helm who grasps the album style, market positioning, and singer level. To put it more exaggeratedly, a good producer can put a A singer with mediocre qualifications has become an idol that millions of people admire. Conversely, a bad producer can make a top singer release an album that makes people scornful.

Roger buttoned his suit buttons slowly and gentlemanly, but his response to Henry was not slow at all, "Do you have someone worth recommending?" In fact, the producer is the conversion of initiative between the record company and the singer.

In large record companies, they will find senior and big-name producers. This is a resource that independent record companies cannot find. At the same time, these producers will also create albums according to the wishes of the large record companies. Freedom is completely controlled by the record company.

Henry still didn't have a gentleman leaning on the sofa, as if he had fallen into deep thinking because of Roger's rhetorical question. For a while, the office fell into silence. Everyone was standing and looking at each other, only Henry was sitting alone. Henry was quite content, and Roger was not in a hurry to face this embarrassing situation, and he still looked at Henry calmly and calmly.

Hugo, standing on the side, watched the confrontation between Henry and Roger. This confrontation with invisible fire and flowers was full of tension. Don't look at Henry's lazy appearance. In fact, both of them are It's the old fox. There has been more than one back and forth between you and me. You can see from the short encounter just now that Henry is indeed a veteran agent, much more experienced than Joseph. He and Lang Mayer, Rick Rosen, and Martin Baum These top agents also have similar abilities, but their aura and methods are different.

Henry thought for a long time, and it looked like nearly ten seconds. The ten-second blank space was silent, and the entire office was stiff. Only Henry and Roger were still comfortable, and everyone else was very comfortable. It's not adaptable, but Hugo enjoys it, and finds such an'exchange' very interesting.

Suddenly, Henry squinted at Hugo, making Hugo stunned, and then he heard Henry speak, "Hugo Lancaster, what do you think?"

This is about the producer, so why did it mention Hugo? After Hugo froze for a while, he reacted. In fact, Henry was fulfilling his promise: he was fighting for as much freedom as possible for glory to death. If Hugo is the band producer, in fact, the overall direction of the band's album will be in the hands of the band.

Roger wrote the accident clearly on his face. He thought about looking at Henry for about two seconds, and then turned his gaze around Hugo again. Then he said, "This is something I didn't expect. The choice. However, I think everything can be discussed after we have seen the strength of the band. This will be a good start."

Roger did not refuse or affirmed, but proposed to look at the strength of the band first. This is the most natural choice, "So, let's go downstairs, there should be your musical instruments in hand." Roger's words are aimed at the band. Yes, but his eyes were on Henry.

This time Henry didn't refuse any more, he slowly stood up, "Boys, it's time for you to play. But I think, it's the New York Times again, with so much praise. You have a lot of praise on your shoulders. I'm under pressure." Henry will just put forward the idea of ​​letting Hugo be the album producer. It's actually a statement that Roger will be more focused on the band's performance in the future, and at the same time have further requirements and styles for the band. Understanding.

Roger turned his head to look at Hugo, showing a bright smile, "The most important thing is Henry's recommendation. You know, the strength of this old guy is admired by many people. Do you know? Nirvana was originally introduced to Jonathan Penman by Henry."

Hugo looked at Henry unexpectedly, and the other members of the band couldn't help but stop. This was an explosive'sexual' news, but Henry had just stood up and his steps were still unstable. Hearing Roger's words, He sneered, "Introducers, but they are not producers, nor managers. There are many such things in the circle. I will never tell you. In fact, it is my opinion that the radio commander band comes to the United States to develop. "

Henry's deliberately betraying expression seemed to be true or false, making it impossible to tell the truth but Roger did not refute, but smiled and walked in the front to lead the way. Henry paced a little faster than the tortoise and followed Roger, but the members of Glory to the Dead exchanged their eyes in surprise: they seemed to have met an extraordinary character.

However, Hugo knew better about the situation in the circle. He smiled and shook his head, indicating that there was nothing wrong with everyone. In fact, this is the case. The top brokers in the circle have actually dealt with some hot stars more or less, but as Henry himself said, it is not a producer or an agent. It is just a referrer. The credit is not counted. When it comes to Henry, and if Henry is really qualified, the contacts in the circle are far more extensive than they thought, so this is really nothing.

However, Henry once became popular with Mariah Carey, and was able to get an audition for EMI Records for such a little-known rock band like them. Only these two things are enough to prove his ability.

Seeing Hugo's signal, everyone was a little settled. Neil, who was standing next to him, quickly reminded, "Quickly keep up, it's time for us to show our hands." Can we get the EMI contract? In the negotiations with EMI and Henry, the next performance is crucial.