
"So, where are you taking me?" Airi leans over inquisitively. 

We are sitting in a train towards the museum that has the permanent exhibition with Airi's portrait. 

"I won't spoil the surprise. Just enjoy the journey to the unknown." I cross my arms in front of my chest and let myself sink deeper into the seat.

Airi looks displeased, but gives up on asking any further, just slightly pouting her lips.

I grin and close my eyes for a bit. 

Meeting Airi earlier was kind of strange. Seeing Airi, in Chiye's body, standing in front of me, oblivious of what I had dreamt about her was really awkward. I can't really control what I'm dreaming, so I shouldn't feel bad about it in any way, but it was still weird. I never had a dream prior to that where Chiye was assertive in some way or another. However, I can't deny that I wouldn't wish Chiye to be more straightforward, assuming that our feelings are mutual. It is somewhat frustrating that, besides the bad note at the end, I wasn't allowed to kiss her even in my dreams.

Maybe because my unconsciousness can't fabricate that feeling, a feeling that I for myself haven't experienced yet. My thoughts wander off to what Kyouta said about kissing Ninako, his fated partner. "It felt like an eternity and even though we were fighting just seconds before that, I had never felt this happy in my life before."

Would kissing your soulmate always feel like that? Like the happiest moment in your life so far? Like the time just stopped and the world solely revolves around this one instance?

Would it even apply to us? Or is it just for those connected by the red threads of fate?

Either way, if I were to ever have the consent to kiss her, it would definitely feel like the happiest moment in my life. Just the mere thought of Chiye reciprocating my feelings fills my heart with bliss. 

I open my eyes and turn to my left side where Airi is sitting. She observes the changing scenery behind the window with curious eyes. My eyes and my rational mind see Airi. My heart and body see Chiye. It is conflicting at times, but knowing about Chiye's real whereabouts and Airi's subtle mannerisms makes it easier.

We arrive at our destination and without revealing any information, I lead us to the museum. 

"We are visiting an art museum?" Airi looks at the building with subtle bewilderment. 

I chuckle. "It's more than that." I guide us inside and we stroll around through the neutral coloured halls and rooms, where various different art pieces are displayed. 

The title and theme of this permanent exhibition is called 'Feelings Throughout Time' and includes a diverse collection of historical pieces that showcase that exact motif. 

It is very interesting to see what emotion each artist decided to capture. Sometimes the cause behind it is obvious, other times, it's more subtle, where you have to consider the overall time period this painting was made and which political, social and historical event played out. 

Although Airi was a bit sceptical before coming inside, she is now even more invested in the paintings than actually expected.

The exhibition's layout is anti chronological so that you start at what's closest to the present time and follow the path down the human history. There are also some art pieces from other countries which sometimes show the same emotions and others that are the complete opposite. 

Airi slowly strolls through the rooms, taking every single piece in for a detailed observation. As we approach the past she begins to take more time to look at the paintings. She probably has her own story and memories from that period of time, being able to comprehend the feelings on a more personal level. 

Following the exhibition is like following her own journey throughout history to return home. The displayed images must hit very close to home for her. 

I also notice that the emotions are more intense. Sadness turns to anguish. 

Happiness to euphoria.

Dejection to misery. 

Adoration to worship.

Especially those pieces that depict love are the ones that Airi spends the most time at. It seems like she is not only viewing the paintings, but also listening to their story. For me, it is far more fascinating to observe her than the actual art itself. 

While Airi wanders around the rooms without spoiling herself beforehand which paintings will follow, I can immediately spot the one portrait that I specifically wanted her to see. Of course, I would like to see it in person as well, however Airi's reaction is what's most intriguing.

Her portrait is displayed in the centre of the wall solely on its own, a spotlight just above it. 

The other paintings also show pretty women, but even in an objective point of view Airi's portrait stands out effortlessly. Naturally, the divine lunar princess with unmatched beauty would, even in her human form, be of unparalleled dimension. 

This is only what I can say about it from this distance, since I'm matching Airi's pace. 

As she begins to walk closer and closer to it, for some reason, my nervousness rises. I get giddier with her every step.

She turns her head to the portrait and her body jolts as she moves. Airi stands there, frozen, wide eyed, full of shock. She turns around and looks me in the eyes, tearing up. 

"How did you know?" Her voice comes out pressed.

"I looked it up." I smile at her warmly. 

She falls into my arms. 

"This is incredible!" She sobs onto my neck and hugs me tightly. 

I pat her back. "You won't be able to see properly." 

Her body shakes from her laughter. She leans back and looks at me with a bright smile.

"Thank you so much." 

"You don't have to be grateful for that."

She lets go and proceeds to stand in front of the painting. Her painting. 

Airi is closely examining the golden framed portrait of her true human form. 

The way she sits at the frame, gazing up and holding the rabbit perfectly depicts the emotion of yearning. The reason is unknown to the general observer, but for us it is perfectly clear. 

The full moon in the left corner of the background doesn't distract from the woman in the foreground, but rather compliments her eye colour as she gazes upwards. 

Her yearning is shown in her expression, but also in her body language. Everything about her is turned towards the sky, or rather the moon. 

Her hair is long, straight and dark.

Chiye's hair is a tad lighter, shimmering brownish in direct sunlight. Airi's hair in the portrait is a deep black colour with no underlying tone. Seeing them side by side gives a strange feeling. Of course, I'm not sure what it's going to be like as soon as we enter the gates of heaven. Will Airi stay in Chiye's body or turn back into her own human form? Will she even have a human form? I don't know what her real divine form looks like. I'm quite sure that no human has ever seen a deity in their true form, since they are always depicted as humans. Or that's just how they look and the theory of the gods having created us humans from their own image is true. Though, I can't be bothered to think any further about the origin story and the fact that I probably have to rethink the entire evolutionary hypothesis. 

I take some pictures of Airi standing in front of the portrait and we also manage to take a picture together with her painting. I'll have to show that to Chiye later. 

We leave the museum and take some souvenirs with us. Smaller copies of Airi's portrait to bring them back home. But before heading back to the train station, we stop by a nearby park. We take a seat next to the pond and enjoy the quiet moment.

"Coming here was a nice idea." Airi looks over to me happily. 

I return her smile. "That's the least that I could've done for you."

"What if I told you that you could do even more for her?" An unknown female voice pops up from behind us and we both turn around in utter surprise. 

A girl and a boy in their teenage years stand behind our bench, staring down on us with an overly friendly grin. Airi and I jump up from our seats, using the bench to create some distance between these two strangers.

I automatically check their hands and see no red threads of fate on each of them. They must be from the heavenly realm. 

Both of them take defensive form. "We are not here to harm you." The boy nods in agreement to the girl's words. "It's actually quite the opposite. We want to help you!"

The boy nods again enthusiastically.

"Who are you?" I place myself in between Airi and them.

"We are water spirits from this pond." They simultaneously point at the pond behind us with their fingers. "I am Toki." The girl points at herself. "And this is Nobu." She now points at the boy beside her. Their behaviour is strange, however I should also consider the fact that they are not fellow humans, but rather divine spirits form a different realm. My expectations can't be applied on them.

"Why would you help us?" I won't let my guard down in front of them, since Airi doesn't seem to know them either, like Ryousuke.

"Why wouldn't we want to help the most famous lunar princess? It would be our greatest honour." The girl claps into her hands and the boy continues to nod in encouraging affirmation.

Airi and I exchange a glance, a silent conversation passing between us. We decide to hear them out, albeit with caution. I look at Toki and Nobu with suspicion, their sudden appearance and offer to help is unexpected and unnerving. Airi, too, seems unsure, her eyes flickering with a mix of curiosity and caution. As I stand protectively in front of Airi, I can't help but wonder what their true intentions are. Despite their bizarre introduction I can't really sense any other hidden motive behind their words. There is a genuine sincerity in her voice, as if they truly believe in their mission to assist Airi. If they are spirits from the water kingdom, then maybe their desire to aid Airi might be similar to Ryousuke, who feels naturally drawn towards her. Airi steps out from behind me, her curiosity piqued. "How can you help me?" Airi's expression is a mix of emotions swirling within them. I can feel her conflict, the yearning for a home she's been torn away from, just like in the portrait, and the scepticism towards these unknown spirits. Toki smiles warmly, probably sensing our hesitation. "We know why you're here. We know about Chiye, the one you seek to save from entering the heavenly realm. We can guide you to the gates of heaven."

"We already have an ensured passage." I can feel how Airi unveils her aura, slowly, with each word, like emphasising her authority. 

Now, Nobu steps forward a little, speaking for the first time in a soft but firm voice. "We heard some information that might be of interest to you to consider leaving for the gates of heaven as soon as possible."


Nobu steps closer past the bench, his eyes reflecting the depths of the pond. Airi doesn't waver upon his approach. "Chiye, the new soul, seems to have entered through the second of last gates to heaven already. Her spirit is weakened, having to hold off the constant efforts of persuasion from the prying deities, following her journey. The situation is dire if you wish to hinder her from entering the heavenly realm, sealing her eternal fate as a spirit."

My eyes narrow upon hearing his words. I glance over to Toki, whose expression turned stern with furrowed brows. Her initial cheerfulness is gone. 

I can feel the tension within my body rising up. "What proof do you have?"

Since we can't fully exclude them from being involved in the entire scheme, we would still need an assurance that verifies their words. Otherwise, it would just be way too convenient for us to be here by this pond, exactly where Toki and Nobu, who happen to want to support us reside within. There is no way that they could have known that we might be here. 

I might be overly doubtful, however many factors play into the current situation and too much is at stake so that we can't afford to fall any deeper into the potential conspiracy.

Nobu nods, his gaze fixed on Airi. "Please take a look into the pond." He gestures behind us and we turn around. 

Ripples begin to emerge from the centre of the pond and the small waves shimmer, reflecting the sunlight. Then, the waves and ripples stop and an image is visible within the depths of the water.

A formless figure stands close to a gate, similar to the one at the temple. The figure looks around helplessly, frightened and unsure. Even without being able to really perceive a real form of the figure familiar to me, I know for sure that this is Chiye. It must be her soul between the gates to heaven. My heart tells me that the image shown in the pond is Chiye's current situation.

It is difficult to make out any other things in the projection, but among Chiye are also other strange figures. They are surrounding her, approaching closer, then again taking a step back. Ominously looming around her. I lean over more closely and see that the strange figures ultimately push her to continue walking through the gate, which might be what Nobu just explained. The prying deities are forcing her to pass further and further beyond the gates of heaven. A cold shiver runs down my back as I witness the ghostly forms pressuring Chiye to move forward. Toki steps closer, her tone gentle but persuasive. "If you follow us, we can guide you directly to the gates of heaven where Chiye is. We can bypass the usual paths and get you there in no time. However, you must trust us."

Trust. It's a heavy word, carrying the weight of our lives, Chiye's soul, and perhaps the balance between realms. In this moment, everything seems to suspend - the gentle rustling of the leaves, the soft murmur of the pond and the distant sounds of the city. Airi and I exchange uncertain glances as Nobu and Toki propose their offer. It's suspicious, tempting, but dangerous. We are already committed to meeting Ryousuke tomorrow, who has already proven himself an ally, based on his long history of knowing Airi. There's trust, albeit fragile, established between us. And that trust is not something we are ready to forsake hastily, though we have to take the urgency of the current situation into consideration. 

"How is it that you are able to take us there faster?" 

I'm not sure what the exact difference might be between Toki and Nobu as spirits from this pond and Ryousuke, who is the deity of our hometown river. However, if Ryousuke needs three days to make the proper preparations for us to journey to the gates of heaven, how can those two guarantee an equally safe and trustworthy passage. Furthermore, Ryousuke is also arranging our arrival at the gates of heaven, so that Airi can also argue for her innocence. But, if we were to combine both the earlier arrival and those spirits in Airi's favour, we might complete our objective even earlier than expected. Toki and Nobu exchange a glance. It's Toki who responds, her eyes reflecting the ripples in the pond behind them, "We, water spirits, possess unique paths known only to our kind. These paths transcend the earthly and heavenly realms, weaving through spaces unnoticed and untouched. It's faster and discreet, allowing us to bypass many of the obstacles and hindrances that might delay your journey."

"But how can we be certain of your intentions?" Airi's voice is soft but steady, echoing the suspicions shadowing our thoughts.

Nobu steps forward again, his gaze unwavering. "We understand your reservations. In the end, it's a matter of choice. The urgency to save Chiye and the trust you place in us. We offer our humble assistance, and it's up to you to accept or decline it." Silence descends among us. The reflections of the trees dance on the surface of the pond, painting a serene picture contrasting the turbulence of emotions storming within each one of us. The image of Chiye, frightened and helpless among shadowy figures, anchors in my mind. The urgency to reach her, to pull her away from those ominous gates intensifies.

I turn towards Airi. "We could contact Ryousuke, maybe he can then arrange for our arrival rather than having to prepare for the passage any further." 

She looks at me in agreement and I take out my phone to call him. He doesn't pick up, so instead I text him about our encounter with Toki and Nobu and that we might have found another way to enter the gates of heaven.

"We have no reason to deceive you." Toki chimes in this time. "Because we are bound by honour and duty to protect the precious lunar princess. Ensuring her safety and helping her fulfil her destiny is more than us mere pond spirits could imagine and wish for."

Their reasoning is similar to Ryousuke who is simply drawn towards Airi, solely on the fact that she is from the lunar kingdom and therefore has a natural attraction for spirits and deities belonging to the water kingdom. Their words are convincing, and the thought of receiving guidance to the gates of heaven is tempting. But I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this situation than meets the eye. "What do you expect in return for your help?" Toki tilts her head thoughtfully. "We ask for nothing in return, except your trust. Our purpose is to assist the lunar princess on her journey. The thought of it suffices as our payment."

I glance at Airi, seeing the sincerity in her eyes and her tension easing up. If she believes in Toki and Nobu, perhaps I should too. After all, our mission is to save Chiye, and if these water spirits can help us achieve that, then it might be worth taking the risk.

"We are bound by the ancient codes of the spiritual realm. To deceive is to be exiled into the void of existence, an eternity of silence and solitude. We speak the truth, for our existence is anchored in it." Nobu speaks once again, calmly and assertively.

Airi and I exchange a look. Her expression is hesitant, awaiting my decision. "I believe them." She whispers with her eyes unwavering. I nod slowly and grit my teeth, caught in the tumultuous tide of conflicting emotions. The urgency to reach Chiye battles with the rationality of sticking to the original plan. In that moment, the decision claws at us, a beast of desperation and love. The image of Chiye, haunted and pressured, is branded into my mind. I'm torn, every fibre of my being screams to rush to Chiye, yet the anchor of reason holds me grounded. But Toki and Nobu, they offer a shortcut, a quicker path layered with uncertainties and danger, yet tantalising with the promise of reaching Chiye sooner.

"We will follow you." The words escape my lips, a mix of determination and hope. 

"Lead us to Chiye." Airi's voice is firm and she stands tall, with her warm fuzzy divine aura emitting. Toki and Nobu exchange delighted glances, their excitement palpable. "Thank you for trusting us." Toki says, her voice filled with gratitude.

I quickly text Ryousuke about our current whereabouts and that he should prepare for our arrival, hoping that informing him will pose a safety net for us.

Without further hesitation, they turn and walk towards the edge of the pond beside us. Airi and I fall into step behind them, unsure of what lies ahead but determined to do whatever it takes to save Chiye.

We embark on this journey with a mix of trepidation and excitement. The path ahead is veiled in mystery, the maps of human making hold no authority here. We are venturing into a world where spirits, deities, and mystical creatures reside, a world that breathes the ancient air of legends and folklore. Toki and Nobu step onto the pond, floating just above the water surface. No noise can be heard, everything falls silent, not even the wind moves the leaves of the trees surrounding the pond. Airi grabs my hand and we hold each other tightly. Beneath the pond spirits the water begins to rumble, finally opening up like a mouth with its inside being dark, not allowing anyone outside to foresee what's really within it. 

Simultaneously, Toki and Nobu, both now floating right above the void opening, turn towards us. 

"Please follow us. You may not doubt your decision of following us during any moment before arriving, otherwise you will remain in that limbo between heaven and earth." Toki's voice and expression are stoical, undoubtedly underlining the severity of not following her instruction. We silently nod in agreement. Airi tightens her grip and I try to free my mind of any doubt towards the decision of leaving for the gates of heaven earlier and more spontaneously than intended. Though, none of the things and events really follow any clear path where the goal would have been predictable. So for now we have to make the best out of this decision and the hope of saving Chiye feels more tangible than before. This feeling fills my heart with excitement and optimism. Having seen her briefly in that projection inside the pond, for the first time after five days, made her situation more certain. Her distress at the gates of heaven is unquestionable. 

Airi and I look at each other, attentively reading the eyes and expression of the other, scanning for any signs of getting cold feet. But Airi returns my gaze unfaltering in our decision, determined and resolute. We smile and turn towards the pond spirits. 

With their gaze fixed on us, they nod and plunge into the darkness. We step forward and follow them inside the pond. We are sinking and the park fades above us. The pond, the park, the earthly realm fades into the mists of time, and we are enveloped in a silence that holds within it the whispers of a thousand epochs, the songs of celestial beings, and the echoes of a home long lost yet never forgotten. Our surroundings begin to shift around us, and I can feel the presence of something ancient and powerful. As we walk, it's as if we're passing through a veil between worlds. The air grows thinner, and a soft, melodious humming fills our ears. It's a sound like no other, a harmonious blend of nature's song and celestial music. 

A forest stretches out in front of us, mountains loom ahead, their peaks piercing the heavens, shrouded in clouds that weave tales of ancient wars and timeless romances. The forest we enter is ancient, the trees towering and gnarled, their roots weaving intricate patterns on the ground, like the intricate stitches of a seasoned embroiderer. Every leaf, every petal, every stone is imbued with an ethereal glow, casting an otherworldly illumination that dances between the realms of dream and reality. We are not alone. I can't see them, but their presence is unmistakably strong. When Airi revealed her true divine aura back at the temple in front of Chiye's mother, I was completely taken in by the feeling her aura gave me. Now it is different. Her warm and fuzzy, comforting aura almost drowns within the mixture of countless other powerful deities. Spirits of the forest probably watch us, their eyes gleaming from the dark recesses of the woods, illuminating our path with an eerie glow. They are silent observers, their intentions unreadable, their whispers blending with the rustling of the leaves.

Airi suddenly stops and I look at her in surprise. She has changed. Airi is no longer in Chiye's body. She looks similar to the portrait that we saw just earlier, though she also doesn't resemble it at all. I squint my eyes, but the image of her besides me doesn't get clearer. It's like a shimmering veil is hanging over her, hiding her true form against my mortal eyes. It doesn't matter how hard I try to make out a settled look of her, I simply can't really perceive Airi anymore. However, I can still somehow see her expression and gestures, but it's slowly straining my eyes and I feel exhausted from looking at her, so I avert my gaze. At the same time her proximity sends an exhilarating feeling through my entire body. 

"I have truly returned." Airi's voice sounds dazed, but also elated. It is the first time that I hear her real voice and that also sends shivers down my back. It's a voice like no other. Serene and melodic. Feminine and supreme.

She lets go of my hand and I risk a brief glance at her. She looks at her hands and feels her colourful gown. "Yuzuru, I'm really back." Airi waves with her hands in front of me. "Look, I'm back in my true body!"

The aura that comes from her suffocates me and I unwillingly, but unconsciously, take a step away from her, keeping my head low. "I can't seem to look at you, it's strangely exhausting. But I'm really happy for you that you are finally back in your own body."

Airi also hesitantly takes a step back. "I'm sorry, I should have controlled myself more in front of you." Like a flipped light switch her divine glow and aura turns off. Leaving behind the breathtakingly beautiful Airi from the portrait. However the painting didn't do her any justice, she is even more dazzling and heavenly in person. My vocabulary won't do her any justice either. I wouldn't be able to describe her in a way that might suffice and truly reflects her magnificence.

Here, Airi is indeed a deity, a celestial being of power and grace. 

"Please continue on. We have almost arrived." Toki calls from us, her voice echoes through the misty forest. We follow her voice and reunite with the two pond spirits. In this heavenly like realm, the echo of our footsteps is a herald of an unprecedented storm. I'm sure that a pair like us haven't tried to plead for a banished princess' innocence and involvement in a conspiracy ever before. Surely, no human has ever tried to retrieve another human's soul back to the earthly realm. 

And then, we see it.

Before us stands a massive gate, its crimson pillars reaching high into the sky. It marks the entrance to a place that defies imagination – the gates to heaven. The gate itself seems to shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, and it's as if we can see the stars and galaxies beyond it.

Airi and I exchange awe-struck glances. This is the moment we've been working towards, the culmination of our journey to save Chiye and prove Airi's innocence. The gates to heaven are before us, and it's a sight that words cannot fully capture.

Toki and Nobu turn to us with solemn expressions. "This is as far as we can accompany you." Toki says. "Beyond this gate lies a realm that is not meant for beings like us. Please proceed and you will be with Chiye."

Airi steps forward, gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Toki, Nobu. We won't forget your help."

With a final nod, Toki and Nobu step back, their forms fading into the surroundings as if they were never there. Airi and I are left alone before the gates to heaven, ready to face whatever challenges and trials await us on the other side.

Taking a deep breath, we step forward together, hand in hand. The gate looms before us, and as we pass through it, we can feel the power of the heavenly realm enveloping us. Our journey to save Chiye has brought us to this moment, and we are determined to succeed.

The gates to heaven beckon, and we enter with hope in our hearts and a mission to fulfil. Beginning the final traverse in our journey.