
As Airi and I step towards the gate, the pivotal moment of our journey, realisation dawns. The entire ordeal of this unplanned encounter with Airi might find its conclusion soon. Chiye and I might return to our familiar routine and if it's possible, Airi could even partake in our ordinary lives, so that the end of her banishment from the heavenly realm will not only bring her salvation, but also freedom of choice. 

Airi and I walk through the gate, my heart is pounding because of the excitement of reuniting with Chiye. The ethereal glow of this realm is casting an otherworldly radiance on the path we tread. We find ourselves amidst the celestial splendour, every step echoing with both the haunting beauty and the strange isolation from the other spirits. As we cross beyond the other side our surroundings change once more, a sense of reverence and mysticism envelopes us. We are still in a forest, but it is seemingly more entangled, giving an ancient sensation. The air thickens with the scent of moss, damp earth and the scent of sacred offerings, and the sounds of unseen spirits echo through the trees, their calls harmonising with the gentle rustle of leaves. The trees, venerable and gnarled, seem to bear witness to the aeons that have passed, their trunks adorned with sacred shimenawa ropes. The forest floor is a canvas of intricate patterns, where the roots of these wise arboreal beings crisscross in harmonious union. It's as if the very land itself is a living shrine, each root a testament to the enduring connection between the mortal realm and the divine. Though my eyes perceive only the earthly, I sense the unmistakable presence of kami all around us. They are the silent guardians of this sacred space, their presence woven into the very fabric of the forest. Each leaf shimmers with a silvery luminescence, and every petal seems to hold the light of a thousand suns. Even the stones that litter the forest floor emit a soft, pulsating radiance, as if they carry the memories of the land itself. I turn around and the gate that we just passed disappeared. "Weren't we supposed to be where Chiye is now?" My voice is unsure and my eyes are nervously looking around. 

As if my question has triggered something the forest suddenly starts to transform. 

The grandeur gate behind us is gone, their once-inviting carvings and radiant beams of light transformed into eerie spectres, casting long, haunting shadows across the path. It's as if they are silent witnesses to the doom that awaits us, their once-warm embrace now a cold, unforgiving barrier. Each step forward feels heavier, burdened by the weight of betrayal that courses through our veins, a poison reminding us of the frailty of our mission. As we move deeper into this transformed realm, every shadow, every glimmer, takes on a new significance. The ambience has shifted, and what was once serene and transcendent has now become an eerie theatre of uncertainty, where the boundaries between reality and the unknown blur with every passing moment.

The heavens, like Chiye used to describe to me based on the literature and tales that she read, have always been depicted as sanctuaries of peace and harmony. But here, amidst the golden clouds and majestic structures adorned with ancient symbols and divine artistry, peace feels like a distant, fading mirage. The celestial beauty that once held us in awe now takes on a sinister hue. Shadows dance on the gilded surfaces, their movements disjointed and unpredictable, like whispers of unseen spirits.

The air, once filled with the soothing hum of celestial energies, now carries a disconcerting chill. It creeps through the folds of my clothes, sending shivers down my spines. The ethereal glow that once suffused the surroundings has dimmed, leaving behind a twilight world caught between realms.

The silence that blankets this once-hallowed ground feels oppressive, broken only by the distant rustle of leaves or the occasional creak of ancient wood. 

"We've been fooled." Airi's voice, though still serene and melodic, trembles with a mixture of anger and fear. I turn towards her and her expression mirrors the storm of emotions raging within her. My heart pounds in my chest, a relentless drumbeat of betrayal echoing through the ancient trees. The air, once thick with promise, now hangs heavy with foreboding. Each breath I take seems to taste of moss and damp earth, mingling with the bitter sting of deception.

Every structure, every cloud, every path here is alien, their splendour mocking our ignorance and vulnerability. 

"My power has been sealed." Airi glances at her hands, strangely enough, I can see how her aura has lost its overwhelming intensity.

Here, amidst the grandeur of divine entities and spirits, we are nothing but intruders, lost and insignificant. Yet, in this forsaken journey, amidst the betrayal and abandonment, there's a burning fire – the unwavering love for Chiye, a soul calling me across realms, a beacon of light in the haunting darkness of betrayal. "We will find a way." My voice is resolute and Airi looks at me. Her beauty is still dazzling, even with her furrowed expression. "We have to." Her visible tension eases up. In this moment of rest, under the celestial sky where stars tell tales of ancient legends and eternal fates, I find solace in her presence. She's a goddess, torn between realms, yet in these quiet moments, she is just Airi – vulnerable and strong, divine and my friend.

Before continuing rashly we decide to take a moment to rationalise our thoughts. 

"Do you know where we are?" I would've sat down somewhere, but the uncertainty of what is divine and sacred and what isn't lets me simply stand in place. I wouldn't dare enrage any deity or spirit and cast their displeasure on us, making our current situation only worse.

"I can only assume that we are in the realm between earth and the heavens. It's the path of the gods. It is a place of ethereal beauty and spiritual significance, a realm where the boundaries between mortal and divine intertwine, yet it is not the true conduit between the realms. It rather serves as a sacred threshold, a place where the energies of both worlds converge. I've only heard about it, but have never been here before." Airi walks around within the small glade of the forest, observing our surroundings, as if she could perceive and sense more than I can.

"The brief moment of my powers returning must have been to support their deception." 

I take a closer look around us as well. The gnarled, towering trees close in around me, their ancient boughs seeming to reach out with accusing fingers. The mountains, their peaks lost in the shroud of clouds, feel like silent witnesses to my naivety. They loom, their presence oppressive, mocking me with their distant, untouchable majesty.

Regardless of this turn of events, I can't let the frustration and desperation take over. 

"Is there a way for us to continue on to the gates of heaven?" 

"In the heart of this ancient forest you may find a path to continue your journey." A soothing, melodic whisper echoes through the wind. Suddenly, a radiant, ephemeral figure appears before us. Its luminous aura seems to dance like sunlight filtering through leaves. 

Contrary to Airi before, I can look at this figure without feeling strained. 

Airi positions herself between us and for a brief moment I feel adoration. Naturally, it makes more sense for her to be able to protect us in this realm. Ever since our arrival, I've been mostly overwhelmed and disoriented. The difference of the realms takes a toll on me, but I'm sure that it just takes a while for me to adjust. Especially the unseen looming spirits of the forest exhaust me, but I might be able to block out their presence at some point. Or at least to get used to them.

"Fear not, for I am a blessing of light, a benevolent spirit of this domain offering guidance to those lost." The figure speaks softly and assuring. Unlike the pond spirits, Toki and Nobu, I'm convinced of the words of this spirit without even a hunch of doubt. Its presence is somehow calming and consoling.

"Please guide us." Airi's voice is friendlier, reflecting her trust towards this spirit. 

The spirit shows into the forest to our right. "Embrace the light that resides within you, and let it guide you on this next path. Trust in your journey, for every step will bring you closer to what your heart desires the most. Trust in the whispers of the wind, the guidance of the ancient stones, and the wisdom of your own heart."

The radiant formless spirit disappears, dissolving into countless flickering lights.

Airi and I lock eyes. We can't waste any time mulling over the betrayal and false hope.

Even if the image of Chiye projected by Toki and Nobu was false, the urgency remains unchanged.

"We will be fine." Airi smiles softly, confidently and we embark towards the direction that the spirit showed us.

The path ahead reveals itself slowly, marked by the soft glow of luminescent petals and the distant strains of celestial music. Each step is a deliberate, almost reverent, placement of foot upon moss-covered earth. The roots of ancient trees weave intricate patterns beneath us, guiding our way like the ancient stitches of a master embroiderer.

The forest embraces us, every step a communion with the ancient spirits that dwell within its depths. Our journey unfolds like a carefully woven tapestry, each step revealing new wonders. The path, marked by petals aglow with soft luminescence, winds through thickets of moss-covered stones and beneath the sheltering boughs of ancient cedars. The roots, like the masterful stitches of an embroiderer, guide our way with their intricate patterns.

The path of the gods is like a labyrinth of mysteries. Majestic palaces float amidst the golden clouds, their structures an intricate dance of ancient architecture and divine artistry, bearing witness to the epochs of celestial history. Divine entities, splendid yet terrifying, roam this realm. The whispers and presence of the spirits within this domain accompanies us. 

We are silently walking through the forest for a while.

In a hidden clearing, we surprisingly encounter playful spirits. Kitsune with eyes gleaming like moonlit pools dart among the trees, their laughter, light and airy, rings out, blending with the rustling leaves and bubbling brooks. They leave trails of foxfire in their wake, painting the forest with streaks of otherworldly light. We stand still, the trees hiding us halfway. I've only seen them in some books before and in Chiye's drawings. It is astonishing how accurate the depiction of the kitsune in the earthly realm is.

"Don't worry, they only want to play. Those kitsune have ascended to the heavens, but sometimes they remain here for a while longer to explore the in-between." Airi whispers and an affectionate glimmer rushes within her eyes as she observes the fox-like spirits. One of the kitsune turns their head towards us, unmistakably looking at Airi. It skips to her in a frolicsome manner, just stopping right before her and sits down. Its eyes are expectant and mischievous. Airi reaches out for the spirit and pats it gently. The nine tails of the fox wag in excitement and it gently bites into the sleeve of her gown, pulling her into the clearing. Airi follows the kitsune and I carefully follow them with a slight distance. The clearing within the forest is illuminated by a warm, shimmering light. Looking upwards, the seemingly endless mountains rise high into the sky.

The other kitsune spot their companion pulling Airi along and approach them happily. Their laughter chimes through the clearing, welcoming her. Her presence seems to enchant them, drawing them closer like a magnetic pull. However, they completely ignore me, or rather, they don't seem to be interested in me at all. Undeserving of even a brief glance. I can't be offended by it, since I'm glad that I don't have to engage with those lively spirits.

Airi's laughter joins theirs, a harmonious melody that seems to resonate with the very soul of the woodland. They must be zenko kitsune, benevolent and celestial. Unlike their counterpart, the yako kitsune, who are rather malicious. 

The kitsune delight in their play, weaving intricate patterns of light and shadow. They conjure illusions that dance among the trees, their forms shifting and shimmering like the reflections on a tranquil pond. I watch in awe, the interplay between Airi and the kitsune a testament to the timeless bond that exists between the deities and the mystical spirits of the heavenly realm. It is a moment of pure magic, a dance of laughter and light that seems to transcend the boundaries of the earthly realm. After a while, the kitsune bid us farewell with knowing smiles, their eyes filled with a playful spark. They vanish into the shadows, leaving behind a trail of stardust and echoes of laughter that linger in the air.

Airi turns to me, her eyes alight with the same playful spirit that enchanted the kitsune. There is a radiant glow to her presence, a sense of shared camaraderie with the spirits of the forest. In that moment, I realise that this encounter was not just a fleeting moment of joy, but a testimony to the profound connection that Airi holds with the mystical energies of this sacred place.

"You really belong to the heavenly realm." 

Airi looks at me still elated from the spontaneous playing. She smiles at me brightly, luminous, a reflection of the moon's gentle glow and it sends shivers down my back. "The spirits of this place recognise the celestial energy within me. They find joy in the dance of light and laughter, similar to those spirits of the lunar kingdom."

I return her smile warmly. "I'm all the more motivated to have you return to your kingdom." Until now the desire to have Airi return to her home and reunite with her family after her long banishment was more rooted within my biassed feeling of justice. Airi didn't deserve any of that, nor did she ever do anything wrong. She isn't a starved seeker for love, but rather a homesick deity stuck with an impossible task in a foreign and lonely realm. 

Airi showed her genuine happiness and excitement while in the earthly realm before and the memory of yesterday's visit at the coastal city and the beach flickers in my mind. However, that happiness is no match to what I just witnessed. Airi truly belongs to the heavens, among her peers. I can't imagine what she will be like when she's back in the lunar kingdom. The jubilation must be able to move the entire heavenly realm, if not even the earthly realm.

"First we have to rescue Chiye." She still beams with delight and her energy is contagious, sending a warm exhilarating feeling through my body.

Regardless of the forced upon detour, we aren't necessarily further away from reaching our objectives and also get to bond over this additional path. After finding the way out of this forest we can give it some more thought on why Toki and Nobu staged that deception. 

But for now we have to proceed.

Further along, a hush falls over the forest, and the air seems to pulse with an ancient energy. The kodama, ancient tree spirits, reveal themselves with a profound stillness that belies their age. Their forms blend seamlessly with the gnarled trunks, their presence an unspoken testament to the sanctity of this place.

They watch us with eyes filled with ancient wisdom, their presence a silent benediction upon our journey. Airi approaches them with a grace that mirrors their own serenity. She gestures to me to copy her. I follow suit, bowing in a silent acknowledgment of the guardians of this forest. It's a moment of communion, a shared understanding of the reverence we hold for this sacred realm.

The kodama respond with a gentle nod, their ancient eyes seeming to hold a depth of wisdom beyond mortal understanding. Airi's presence, like a radiant moonbeam, seems to deepen the aura of tranquillity that surrounds them. There's an unspoken connection between them, a resonance that spans beyond the earthly realm.

As I stand there, I can almost feel the pulse of the forest, the heartbeat of the ancient trees, synchronised with my own. It's as if the kodama share with us the secrets of this woodland sanctuary, their silent wisdom an offering to those who approach with reverence and respect.

In this quiet moment, I am reminded of the profound interconnectedness of all things, something that Chiye likes to explain. The kodama, the forest, Airi, and myself - we are all woven into the tapestry of existence, each thread carrying its own unique energy and purpose.

With a final, respectful bow, Airi and I continue on our journey, the presence of the kodama and kitsune lingering in our hearts. Their silent benediction is a reminder of the sacredness of this place. 

The air is alive with the energy of the forest, the wind carrying whispers of the kami and the laughter of unseen spirits. Airi's presence seems to amplify the magic, her lunar energy harmonising with the ancient rhythms of the woodland. Every step we take is a deliberate communion with the ancient spirits that call this place home. The path ahead, dappled with soft luminescent petals, winds through groves of moss-covered stones and beneath the sheltering branches of venerable cedars.

Then the day turns into night, and night into day, time seems to hold a different meaning here. That change happens only in a span of a few minutes. My phone and watch don't work here in this realm, so I'm not really sure about the passage of time, but it's just how Ryousuke said. The time flows differently here, a fickle companion in this journey. 

As night descends upon the path of the gods the forest transforms into a realm of enchanting mystery. The moon, a radiant pearl in the ink-black sky, casts a silvery glow that dances upon the forest floor. Guided by the soft luminescence of petals that seem to emit their own ethereal light and the moonlit paths, we also continue to walk. The trees, now silhouettes against the night, exude a quiet wisdom, their ancient forms seeming to hold secrets that span centuries. The air is cool and crisp, carrying the scent of earth and moss. The distant calls of unknown beings echo through the trees, their voices haunting yet comforting. Small spirits flicker like stars, illuminating the path before us with their gentle, pulsating light. It's as if the very essence of the forest awakens with the setting of the sun. 

During those minutes of nightfall Airi's presence is like a radiant beacon in the night, her aura, though weakened, glows silver and bathes her way. Her eyes reflecting the moon's brilliance, growing more profound under the cover of night.

"How do you feel?" Airi's quiet and calm voice echoes through the deceitful quiet forest.

I don't really feel tired of walking around, nor do I feel hunger or thirst. It is as if my mortal desires hold no effect here. 

"Good, better than before when we just entered this realm." 

She chuckles. "It's strange to not feel any hunger or exhaustion from all this walking isn't it?"

"It is, I could get used to that, it saves a lot of time." I also chuckle on the thought of the possible time that humans could use otherwise if it weren't for our mortal bodies. 

"Please tell me when you feel any of these humane needs. It might be a sign for us that your stay here as a human is no longer tolerated." Her tone is now more serious. 

"What do you mean?" My brows rise in confusion.

"I can't feel those needs anymore since I'm back to my true form. However, since humans usually aren't here for an extended period of time, the realms other than the earthly will sooner or later want you to consume just anything to bind you to the realm once and for all"

I remember the words of Miyama-san the night that I brought the sleeping Airi to the temple. 

"Please take care and don't consume anything from the heavens, if you do so, then your soul will be tied to the heavens and you can't return to the earthly realm."

"I see, I will tell you when I feel anything like that."

"Indeed. We have to ensure that both you and Chiye will return safely to the earthly realm!" Airi's voice is now more relaxed and she smiles at me. Her optimism is comforting, just like her entire presence besides me. As we continue, the night seems to draw us deeper into its embrace. Shadows dance on the forest floor, creating patterns that seem to tell stories of ancient times. The air is filled with a sense of reverence, as if the spirits of the forest are whispering their secrets to those who are willing to listen.

Eventually, we find ourselves in a serene glade, the moonlight filtering through the leaves like a cascade of silver. Airi and I pause, our hearts attuned to the quiet beauty that surrounds us. 

The world seems to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the sacredness of this night. We stand together, the forest enfolding us in its ancient embrace. It's a moment of stillness, a pause in our journey, where we can simply be present in this magical night. 

"Do you have an idea now what you want to do first after returning home?" When I first asked her this question, the thought of getting back home to the lunar kingdom seemed manageable, but not yet tangible like it is now. She wasn't able to give me a clear answer, since at that moment she felt quite distant to the heavenly realm and disconnected from her own spiritual energy. The circumstances have changed now. Airi turns to me, her eyes reflecting the moon's gentle light, and her voice carries a softness that seems to belong to this enchanted night.

"I want to just enjoy being there." Airi smiles warmly. 

"Would you tell me about the lunar kingdom?" I'm genuinely interested and almost feel bad for not asking her any sooner. At the same time, I was afraid that it might cause her more sorrow to speak about the place that she has been yearning for all these past centuries. 

Her expression softens, and she gazes up into the moon above, as if lost in memories. "The lunar kingdom is a place of boundless beauty." She begins, her words carrying a touch of nostalgia. "It's a realm where the moon's glow bathes everything in a gentle, silvery light. The gardens are filled with celestial blossoms that seem to bloom even in the darkest of nights."

As Airi speaks, I can sense a mixture of longing and warmth in her words. It's clear that her connection to the lunar kingdom runs deep, and there's a bittersweet undertone to her description.

"The gardens of celestial blossoms are my favourite place. An unimaginable abundance of flowers bloom, unfurling their colourful petals even in the darkest of nights. It's like they are defying the conventional rhythms of nature and I very much enjoy that." She smirks and I grin as well. It's her way of rebelling against the punishment of the sun goddess. Adoring the flowers that aren't bound by the sun's grace.

"The kingdom is adorned with flowing streams that sparkle like liquid silver, winding their way through the landscape with a gentle, melodic cadence. Crystal-clear pools mirror the moon's radiant glow, creating pockets of tranquillity that seem to hold the very essence of the night. I love it. Everything in the lunar kingdom revolves around adoring and honouring Tsuki-Okami. She is the very essence of every single lunar creature and spirit. The lunar kingdom is a realm where time seems to stand still, where the night holds a timeless serenity that transcends the usual understanding. It is a place of dreams and reflections, where the moon's gentle glow illuminates every corner with a sense of quiet magic." Airi's eyes beam with adoration and sentiment. She turns to me. "I wish for you to be able to visit the lunar kingdom one day. You would be astonished by the celestial palaces and the landscape."

"It would be an honour to be able to enter the lunar kingdom." My voice is warm and filled with fondness. Seeing Airi speaking about her home feels striking. Her heartfelt description only reflects her strength and resilience through her centuries long ordeal.

"That's the least we could arrange for after your unwavering support for me." She takes my hands into hers and that sends a warm tingling sensation through my body. "There will be no day or night that I will ever forget about what you did for me. Whether our encounter was fated or not, your aid means more than words can express."

She squeezes my hands softly, yet ensuring and firm, giving her words more significance through this subtle gesture.

I return her steady gaze with equal resolution and warmth. "There wouldn't have been any other way. No matter what fate or destiny might have orchestrated our encounter, my ability to see the red threads of fate or Chiye's soul wandering towards the heavenly realm, there couldn't have been any other possible outcome. I would have helped you either way." 

The air seems to shimmer with a palpable warmth, as if the very forest itself is bearing witness to this moment of profound connection. Airi's eyes, already radiant with the moon's glow, seem to hold a newfound luminosity, as if they've captured the very essence of the night.

Her breath catches, a mixture of awe and emotion sweeping through her. She looks at me, her gaze a reflection of the gratitude and wonder that fills her heart. For a moment, the forest holds its breath, as if nature itself is attuned to the depth of this shared moment.

Then, a radiant smile spreads across Airi's face, illuminating the night like a burst of stardust. It's a smile that carries the weight of centuries, a smile that speaks of a soul deeply touched. Her voice, when she speaks, is a melodic whisper, carrying the depth of her emotions. "Your words fill me with bliss." 

I burst out laughing, remembering how she said the very same words during our first encounter. She joins my laughter and in that moment, the forest seems to echo Airi's delight. And as we stand there, hand in hand, under the watchful gaze of the moon, we know that we are not alone, that the forest and the heavens themselves are partaking in our connection, transcending realms of divinity and mortality. 

As the first light of dawn paints the first with a gentle golden hue, Airi and I resume our journey along the path of the gods. The forest, bathed in sunlight, seems to pulse with life. Leaves rustle in the breeze, their whispers carrying the promise of new beginnings. Shafts of sunlight pierce through the canopy, casting intricate patterns on the forest floor. The air is alive with the scent of blooming blossoms and the subtle hum of unseen energies. The quiet intimate nighttime is completely different. As we progress, we encounter more of the forest's denizens. Unknown colourful birds sing their melodies from hidden perches, their songs a symphony that seems to echo through the woodland, bringing a sense of serenity to the forest.

I didn't notice it before, but after the betrayal of Toki and Nobu dawned on us, the forest turned eerie, daunting and the air was heavy. 

For a long while that has changed already. The forest is still mystical, hiding unknown and powerful creatures, but the overall atmosphere is more airy, playful and lively. 

Maybe the forest mirrors the state of our hearts. It might be connected to what the blessing of light told us on how to navigate through the path, trusting in our hearts.

"Did you notice how the forest has changed?" I ask Airi, even though her answer is probably identical to my observation.

"Yes, it's been more pleasant to journey through it." She gestures widely with her arms. "It feels like everything and everyone is actually joining us instead of just observing our path unfold."

I'm not quite sure if I can feel the same accompanying presence of the other creatures, though I can't deny that I do feel them in some way or another. 

Their presence is less heavy and menacing like in the beginning. 

We pass by tranquil streams, their waters sparkling in the sunlight. The babbling of the brooks seems to offer a soothing counterpoint to the lively chatter of the forest.

Airi's presence is a source of constant reassurance. Her steps are deliberate, each one filled with resolution, showing her intimate connection with this sacred realm. She moves with a grace that seems to mirror the very rhythms of the forest, as if she is an extension of its ancient soul. 

It's fascinating. 

We encounter babbling brooks, their waters clear and inviting. The sound of rushing water is a soothing backdrop to our journey. We pause for a moment, the cool breeze carrying the scent of earth and moss. It's a moment of quiet reflection, a pause in our pilgrimage.

"I wonder how much time has passed on in the earthly realm." I glance into the brook, seeing my softly moving reflection. I don't see any changes, though the simplicity of my reflection and the missing shimmering aura that everything else here emits feels out of place.

The mortal plain distinctness is obvious, it could also just highlight my presence, exactly because I'm missing the same divine energy. I hope that this won't turn this in-between realm to reject me quicker. Though, I wouldn't know what to do in order to not draw any unnecessary attention to myself, so the best strategy is probably to leave this forest as fast as possible.

"It could be just a few minutes, maybe hours. I wouldn't expect it to be even a day yet." Airi looks up into the sky, following how the sun moves along the horizon. 

Maybe it does have its advantages to be here. Not only are we closer to Chiye and the heavenly realm, but also the difference of the time passing could be of use. We might be able to return to the earthly realm even earlier than planned, due to the fact that the time spent here feels longer, making it seem like we are capable of achieving more in a shorter amount of time.

As if Airi could hear my thoughts, she turns to me with a soft smile. "The pressure of time is lifted off our shoulders for now." She comes closer, standing beside me and leans over the brook. Looking at our blurry reflections. "I didn't expect to see us being next to each other so quickly. It's somehow odd to see myself now, I've gotten used to Chiye."

I also look at our figures on the water surface. Airi is a breathtaking beauty, divine and full of charm. Her spiritual serenity makes my figure appear almost insultingly plain. I shouldn't be standing so close to this goddess. Given the fact that I technically shouldn't have in any way had the chance to be in this situation, makes it more ironic. 

"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you." Our eyes meet in the reflecting water.

"We aren't actually supposed to be here." I frown with a doubtful grin.

She chuckles, creating small ripples in the water. "Well, yes that's true. However, this is the closest I've gotten to the lunar kingdom ever since my banishment and for that alone I'm already grateful."

"There is nothing to be thankful for. I told you already, I'm honoured to be able to be of any help to you. Though, it's probably not like Ryousuke who's burning with passion for being helpful to you." I smirk at her. 

She also smiles. "That's different. He has this immanent attraction. He can't help it, but you on the other hand did have a choice."

"It's not as honourable as you may think." My first and foremost priority is saving Chiye. If it meant to help Airi first, then so be it.

Only after learning about Airi's true circumstance and getting closer to her, my wish to help her turned to be more empathic and benevolent.

Airi straightens up again and looks me in the eyes. My thoughts and probably my feelings are exposed in front of her, the warm and prickling energy that she emits want me to give in to her every word. "You are one of the most honourable humans that I have ever met. I've taken your beloved away from you, so it's only fair for me to not have expected you to help me solely because I'm a lunar goddess stranded on earth. Despite the fact that due to my sudden appearance, Chiye is forced to wander to the heavenly realm, you never showed any resentment towards me. It was quite the opposite and for that I'm the most thankful."

The forest seems to grow even more alive, as if it senses Airi's heartfelt words. I can feel the pulse of the forest beneath our feet. Shafts of light create patterns on the water. The sunlight filters through the leaves, casting a warm, golden glow on the path ahead.

"Being with you also enabled me to see the world differently and understand myself better. I wouldn't have had the guts to ever face my own feelings and thoughts prior to that. So in the end we just helped each other." I'm not sure if I could've ever dared to put my inner hidden thoughts into words. The thought of the non existent red threads of fate and the fear of destroying my most precious relationship made me close my eyes towards my own self. The part of me that wants to love and be loved. 

The leaves rustle gently in response, as if the trees themselves are offering a quiet applause, acknowledging the depth of the connection that binds Airi and me.

As we continue the forest leads us to a grove of cherry blossoms. Their delicate petals are a reminder of the transient beauty of life and the coming of spring in the earthly realm. 

With every step, I'm filled with a sense of anticipation and gratitude. 

My eyes widen as we walk along the grove. Before us stands a luminous figure, bathed in a soft, ethereal light. The being appears to be composed of petals and leaves, its form ever-shifting, as if it's a living embodiment of the forest's magic.

The being turns towards us, its eyes sparkling like dew-kissed morning blooms. It offers a gentle smile, and its voice carries a soothing cadence, as if it's a part of the very song of the forest.

"Greetings, travellers." It says, its words seeming to float on the breeze. "I am Hana no Kiseki, the guardian spirit of this sacred grove. I sense a deep harmony within you both, a connection that resonates with the heart of the path of gods.

Airi and I exchange a glance, struck by the profound presence of this guardian spirit. We bow in respectful acknowledgment. 

"Hana no Kiseki." Airi replies, her voice carrying a reverence that mirrors the spirit's own. "We are humbled by your presence and the beauty of this grove. We travel this path with purpose, seeking to reach the gates of heaven."

The guardian spirit's petals seem to flutter with a gentle laughter, like a breeze through cherry blossoms. "Ah, the gates of heaven." It muses. "A sacred destination, indeed. The path ahead may hold trials, but also great rewards for those who approach with open hearts."

As we bid farewell to the guardian spirit and continue along the celestial path, the forest seems to echo with a newfound vitality. The encounter with Hana no Kiseki feels like a blessing, a reminder that we are not alone on this journey.

We encounter more sacred clearings, each one seeming to resonate with the energy of every spiritual creature.

As the day progresses, the sunlight bathes the forest in a warm, golden glow. My skin feels strangely warm, different than in the earthly realm. It feels like the sacred force tries to imbue me with its divinity. 

We step out of the thick forest into the reminiscent of an ancient town. The forest gives way to a lush, moss-covered path that winds through a quaint traditional village.

Tall, lantern-lined gateways mark our entry, their soft, golden light casting a warm, inviting glow. The air is filled with the soothing melody of flowing water, and the scent of blooming cherry blossoms mixes with the unmistakable fragrance of mineral-rich hot springs.

Ancient willow trees with cascading branches create a natural canopy, their leaves dancing in the gentle breeze. The winding path leads us past traditional buildings, their wooden facades adorned with delicate paper lanterns. Each building exudes a timeless charm, as if it has stood here for centuries.

The village is alive with activity. Though, my eyes can't perceive it. I can only feel it. And the way Airi navigates us through the supposedly empty streets resembles going around a crowded area. She then grabs my hand, avoiding an invisible passerby. She briefly turns around and gestures to me to not speak. Silently, I let myself be guided by her. 

Laughter and hushed conversations seem to echo through the air, carrying with them a sense of camaraderie and shared joy. It's as if the spirits of the city move about, tending to their duties with a grace and purpose that transcends the mortal realm.The air is filled with different aromas, tempting. I'm intrigued and my curiosity lets my eyes wander around for a bit. However, Airi's firm grip on my hands and her determined steps forward break the strange spell and I focus on Airi's back.

We pass by open hot spring pools, their steam rising in ethereal wisps, carrying with it a sense of rejuvenation and tranquillity. The water inside is crystal clear, inviting and shimmers with a natural energy that ripples through the streets. This seems to be a hot spring city.

Lanterns light the side of the streets, leading to a sanctuary of warm, healing waters. The soothing melodies of a koto player float through the air, creating a sense of enchantment.

Evening begins to fall over the hot spring city and the village takes on an even more enchanting aura. Lanterns, their soft, golden light reflected in the tranquil waters, now line the narrow stone-paved streets. Their glow creates a warm, inviting atmosphere, casting a gentle radiance on the traditional wooden facades of the buildings.

Moss-covered stone pathways wind gracefully between the buildings, their well-tended gardens adorned with bonsai trees and delicate stone sculptures. Each corner seems to hold a hidden gem, from quaint tea houses with tatami-matted floors to small artisan shops offering handcrafted treasures.

The scent of cherry blossoms, now mingled with the earthy fragrance of ancient wood, hangs in the air. It's as if the very essence of the forest has been distilled into the heart of this village, creating an atmosphere of natural harmony and serenity.

The hot springs, now bathed in the soft, silvery light of evening, take on a mystical allure. Steam rises from the pools, forming ethereal veils that dance in the evening breeze. The water, infused with the mineral-rich essence of the earth, seems to hold a healing energy, inviting weary souls to find solace and renewal.

We wander through the city that seems endlessly long. Not even for once Airi strays from the main street, passing the intricate alleyways. It's like the city expands as we try to find a way out. As if the streets and buildings stretch with every step we take. Relentlessly, we follow along the winding stone pathway. It leads us to a small hidden garden, tucked away behind a grove of ancient willow trees. Moonlight spills through the leaves.

In the heart of the garden stands a small stone shrine, its weathered surface adorned with offerings of fresh flowers and woven charms. It seems to ensue a soft, pulsating light, as if it holds the very essence of the earth's soul. The shrine emanates a quiet, sacred presence that draws us near. The noises of the lively city fade away. Suddenly, a soft, melodic hum fills the air. 

From the shadows, a figure emerges—a luminous being, radiant with an ethereal glow. It takes on a form that seems to be composed of petals, leaves, and light, its features ever-shifting and graceful. It reminds me of Hana no Kiseki, though there is a subtle difference in their aura which I can't describe in words. I just know for sure that this spirit of the shrine must just be as equally old and divine as Hana no Kiseki.

"It is rare for a mortal to find their way here, but your heart must be aligned with the spirits of this realm." The spirit addresses me, its voice a symphony of celestial harmonies. It turns towards Airi. "The same goes for deities of any other heavenly realm. You've ventured far and wide to arrive at this place."

Airi and I stand in silent reverence, our souls touched by the profound energy that radiates from the spirit. "You honour this sacred garden with your presence. As a token of gratitude, I extend an invitation to share a meal with one another. Here, in this enchanted place, even a simple meal is an act of communion with the spirits." Its voice is a gentle cascade of melodic notes. The garden seems to hold its breath, awaiting our response.

We glance at each other and she subtly shakes her head, hardly perceptible. I know the risk that this offer withholds. As a mortal human of another realm, I mustn't consume anything from this domain. On the other hand I don't know what consequences a rejection of this generous offer might cause. 

"Your offer is gracious and deeply appreciated." Airi responds, her voice as gentle as a sighing breeze. "However, we must proceed with care. For he is bound by certain earthly ties."

Her expression is soft and confident. 

The spirit's petals seem to tremble with a subtle impatience, a glint of determination in its radiant form. "The threads that bind mortals are fragile indeed." It says, its voice now carrying a more insistent tone. "But this realm offers wonders beyond mortal ken. A taste, a sip, would not bind forever. It would be a bridge, a communion of souls and purpose."

With a graceful motion, the figure conjures delicate, translucent cups filled with a shimmering, iridescent liquid that seems to pulse with the very heartbeat of the earth. It emanates an inviting fragrance, a blend of cherry blossoms and the freshness of a spring rain.

"Here, I present to you a sip of moonlight dew." The spirit insists, its voice now a more urgent entreaty. "A taste of this realm's essence that will not bind your spirit. It carries the wisdom of the ages, a fleeting whisper of the eternal. I urge you to partake, as an offering of camaraderie and shared purpose." 

Airi stands firm, her gaze unwavering, sensing the underlying persistence in the figure's insistence. She knows that to concede would risk our purpose. With divine resolve, she addresses the insistent guardian spirit, her voice carrying the weight of her divine heritage. "Your offer is truly a gesture of boundless hospitality. Yet, we must hold fast to our purpose. The journey ahead calls for a clarity of spirit and an unbreakable resolve. We cannot afford even the slightest tether to this realm."

The radiant figure seems to quiver with a mixture of frustration and determination, its shimmering presence flickering like a stubborn flame. "You risk much by declining." It warns, its voice carrying a subtle edge. "The path ahead is perilous, and the aid of this realm could be invaluable." A shudder runs through my body and the trees surrounding us rustle like an agreement to the spirit's words. Airi gently grabs my hand again. Softly squeezing it in a reassuring manner. She tells me not to worry. I would've liked to speak up as well, but I'm not sure if Airi's sign to stay silent only extended inside the city or until we've made it out of here. So, in order to not cause any disturbance between this exchange of divine spirits, I decide to not say anything.

The spirit gracefully places the floating cups of moonlight dew in front of us. The liquid shimmers like starlight, casting an ethereal glow on the ground. The fragrance that rises from the cups is a heady mix of blossoms and rain, intoxicating and tempting. "Just one taste of this precious drink will benefit you greatly."

Airi meets the guardian spirit's gaze with a steely resolve, her own divine light shining with unwavering certainty. "We trust in the path we've chosen. And the strength that dwells within our hearts. We seek not to offend, but to honour the purpose that guides us." She asserts firmly.

The figure's petals seem to tremble, its luminous form pulsating with a more insistent energy. It turns its attention to me, its presence now carrying an urgency that can't be ignored. "Yuzuru." Its voice is resonating with an unyielding tone echoing through the garden. "Consider the potential that lies within this communion. The moonlight dew could offer you a bridge between realms, a boon to your journey." 

I feel the weight of the words, the gravity of its offer. The feeling of possibly angering this spirit any further is strong, but my desire to return alongside Chiye to the earthly realm is stronger. There is no point in me getting tied to this in-between realm, even if it's supposed to help us greatly in achieving our objectives. I'm determined that we will be able to do so without resorting to this method.

"I am grateful for your kindness and the offer you extend. However, I must stand firm in my resolve. The path ahead is one I must tread without this kind of aid." My tone is firm and respectful.

A sudden shift in the atmosphere sends a shiver down my back. The air, once gentle and inviting, turns heavy and oppressive. The cups in front of us dissolve with a loud crackling noise. 

The vibrant colours of the garden seem to darken, as if a shadow has descended upon us. The spirit's form before us begins to contort and twist. I watch in unease as the spirit's once graceful presence now warps and distorts, its luminous glow giving way to a sickly, malevolent light. The ethereal beauty that once emanated from this guardian spirit is now marred by a palpable sense of anger and deceit.

Airi tenses up, her senses keenly attuned to the sudden transformation. Her eyes, once filled with a gentle light, now gleam with a fierce determination. It is clear that we face an opponent, one whose intentions have turned malevolent.

As the spirit's voice grows into a guttural snarl, the words reverberate through the garden with a venomous intensity. The once soothing tones are now replaced with a growling rage that chills me to the bone. It is as if the very essence of this realm has turned against us.

This transformation is a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the spiritual realm. It is a place where benevolent guardians can turn treacherous, and where we can't expect any creature on our way to be benevolent and helpful.

In this moment, I feel a surge of adrenaline course through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus. We are now pitted against a force that seeks to prevent our journey, and we must rise to meet the challenge.

Airi now positions herself protectively right in front of me and I can feel how she also intensifies her own divine aura. In this tense moment, I stand behind Airi, allowing her to take the lead.

She raises her hand in a gesture of respect and non-aggression. "We did not come here seeking conflict. Our purpose is sacred, and we harbour no ill intentions towards this realm or its guardians." Her voice is filled with calm authority. "We only seek passage through this realm. We do not wish to cause harm or disturbance."

The atmosphere seems to quiver with tension, the oppressive energy of the spirit's anger still palpable. The air seems to thicken suffused with a malevolent energy. The colours now seem to wither, as if the very essence of this realm rebels against our presence. It's clear that Airi's words are met with stubborn resistance, and this guardian spirit is not easily swayed.

Airi's divine aura flares, a shield of unwavering resolve. Her eyes lock onto the spirit, a silent challenge in their depths. She understands the danger we face, and her determination matches the intensity of the spirit's wrath. Airi is a true lunar deity, radiating a divine authority that commands respect. The mixture of both energies tire me out, my mind feels numbed and indistinct. I feel overwhelmed and at the same time a strange desire to indulge myself more into the aura that seems to take over my rational thoughts. 

It seems unmoved by Airi's entreaties, its conviction unyielding.

I'm not sure what exactly is happening, but there must be an exchange of some sorts between the spirit and Airi. I can only perceive how Airi's aura changes. It doesn't get as brilliant and vivid as when we first arrived in this realm, however the immense strength that she puts into it now is clear. I feel dizzy, my fingertips begin to prickly from the divine sensation. I have to put my everything into staying conscious and steady on my feet.

After what feels like an eternity, the spirit's form remains rigid, the malevolence refusing to dissipate. 

Shafts of moonlight pierce through the twisted branches above, casting eerie patterns on the forest floor. The ethereal glow that once danced between dream and reality now carries a weight of foreboding, painting the ancient trees in a haunting chiaroscuro.

With a final, resolute gaze at Airi and me, the spirit issues a warning, its voice dripping with venom. "You tread on venturous ground, mortal. Destiny can not be trifled with." Its words echo, seething with anger and resentment. An overwhelming chill runs through my body, making me almost lose my footing. I can feel my heart thumping in my ears and for a moment my breath stops. It feels like someone just punched me in the guts.

As the spirit retreats, the oppressive energy in the garden lingers, a stark reminder of the dangers that might await us. The garden trembles under the weight of the spirit's parting fury, the very air charged with a palpable tension. As the spirit's presence fades, we are left with a lingering sense of foreboding, a reminder that the challenges ahead will test our mettle in ways we cannot yet imagine. 

A subtle transformation sweeps through the garden. The oppressive energy that once hung in the air begins to dissipate, replaced by a gentle breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers.

Moonlight, once tinged with an eerie glow, now cascades through the branches, illuminating the forest floor with a soft, silvery radiance. The ancient trees, once twisted and gnarled, seem to straighten and stretch, their branches reaching towards the heavens in a graceful dance.

The flora, once quivering in the wake of the angered spirit's departure, now stands tall and vibrant. Leaves rustle with a newfound vitality, and the undergrowth seems to breathe with a renewed life force. The garden, once touched by malevolence, now exudes a sense of tranquil beauty, returning to its previous magnificence.

Airi and I are left amidst this restored splendour. She turns around and the worrisome expression unaffecting her dazzling beauty. She still emits the enhanced aura, making me stumble backwards a bit. "Are you okay?" Her voice carries the divine authority, sending warm shivers through my body and weakening my own will. I try to withstand her spiritual presence, but I can't help but avert my eyes. 

"I'm fine." I press my words out, fighting against her overwhelming aura. Though, the oppressive energy and numbing feeling from the nameless spirit is gone, I can still feel myself exhausted and strained. I take a brief glance at Airi. "What about you?"

She stands before me, strong, serene and beautiful, silvery glowing. I can make out a faint smile and without any warning she suddenly breaks down and I can barely catch her from falling on the ground. Her body doesn't shimmer anymore and her divine energy, once a radiant beacon, now flickers like a waning ember, it hardly feels present. She feels light, fragile against my chest. A stark contrast to the spiritual strength that just emanated from her. 

She is unconscious. Her head rests against my shoulder, her breaths shallow and measured.

I can feel my heart sink.

My exhaustion gives way to the resolute feeling of newfound energy. 

The confrontation must have taken a toll on her, both physically and spiritually.

The garden is silently observing the scene that unfolds before it. Not even the leaves are rustling. As if everything around us seems to hold its breath. The ancient cherry trees stand sentinel, their gnarled branches casting long, protective shadows over the tranquil glade where I hold Airi in my arms. Above, the canopy parts just enough to reveal a canopy of stars, twinkling like celestial sentinels watching over this moment. 

The moss beneath us seems to yield, offering a gentle embrace to Airi's form. It's as if the very ground we rest upon has softened, recognizing the need for solace and respite.

Regardless of this almost comforting ambience, I want to leave this hidden garden as quickly as possible. Since we are still in front of the stone shrine with the spirit residing within it, that caused this ordeal. 

I can't carry her on my back, considering that her divine gown won't allow that so easily, so I just carefully wrap my arms under her knees and support her upper body and slowly stand up.

With thoughtful steps I walk between the cherry trees, hoping for a way out. In fact, the garden seems to give way and I'm in the forest again, where we began our journey through the path of gods. 

I navigate the winding paths, my footsteps muffled by the moss-covered ground. The forest seems to shift around me, its ancient presence both comforting and unsettling without Airi's guidance. As I walk the trees seem to whisper secrets, swirling in the night air.

Moonlight pierces through the dense foliage, illuminating the path ahead in a silvery glow.

I can feel the presence of the spirits watching over me from the shadows, hidden in the darkness of the night. I rely on my own instincts and the subtle cues from the forest itself. Each twist and turn of the path feels like a choice, a silent conversation with the spirits that call this realm home.

In this moment of seemingly solitude, I feel the weight of our journey rest squarely on my shoulders, it is my turn now to protect Airi.

I turn my back to emerge between two bushes, trying to cover Airi completely from the branches and find myself in a village nestled within the ancient forest. The structures are built with a harmonious blend of natural elements and human ingenuity, seamlessly integrated into the lush landscape.

Houses made of timber and woven vines rise from the forest floor, their roofs adorned with vibrant moss and living foliage. The winding paths are lined with lanterns that softly illuminate the village, casting a warm, inviting glow.

Contrary to the hot spring town before I'm able to see the villagers. Though, I'm not quite sure if it's their true form or the only way I'm capable of perceiving them. 

The villagers move with a quiet grace, their attire a fusion of earthly tones and fabrics that seem to echo the very essence of the forest. They go about their tasks, tending to gardens filled with vibrant, oversized flora, and crafting tools with an intricate understanding of the surrounding nature. They look like shadowy figures with no faces or clear distinctive features. Just long dark silhouettes, their forms blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. There is an aura of quiet reverence that hangs in the air, and I sense no malicious intent from these gentle souls.

The air is alive with the sounds of wildlife, the songs of birds and the rustle of creatures moving among the underbrush. Spirits, both seen and unseen, seem to coexist with the villagers, their presence felt in the rustling leaves and dancing shadows.

As I carry Airi through this village, I inexplicably feel a sense of comfort wash over me. The denizens of this village don't seem to care much for our arrival, continuing about their tasks, just briefly glancing at us as I walk by. The villagers, though shadowy and indistinct, exude an aura of warmth and hospitality that transcends their form.

There is a palpable connection between the villagers and the natural world, a mutual respect that permeates the very air.

One villager, their features barely discernible in the dappled moonlight, steps forward. Their presence carries an air of gentle authority, and without a word, they gesture for me to follow. I do so, equally silent and with Airi firmly in my arms. They lead me to a small, moss-covered house nestled at the edge of the village.

The house exudes a simple, rustic charm, its walls woven from living vines and its roof crowned with verdant foliage. Inside, soft mats are arranged in a tranquil alcove, bathed in the silvery glow of the moon. It is a place of respite, a safe haven within the sanctuary of the village.

With a silent nod of gratitude, I gently lay Airi down on the mats. She seems to sigh in peaceful repose, as if the very energy of the village embraces her with healing intent.

The villager, though still a shadowy figure, conveys a sense of kindness and care. They motion for me to rest as well, a silent assurance that we are welcome in this haven of tranquillity. 

"You have my utmost gratitude." My voice is barely a whisper, but the figure understands and silently walks away.

I cover Airi with a blanket that I can find inside the room and sit down beside her. I'm unbelievably glad that we found this village. Or maybe the village has found me. 

Either way, I'm thankful to be here and that the villager's aren't some crazy demanding spirits. I wouldn't even know what I could possibly do wrong. Being here in the in-between realm makes me feel quite helpless. There isn't much that I can do, nor even see and understand. Airi taking over the role of carrying my weight through this domain must have been additionally demanding. I don't even know what kinds of things and creatures she sees and feels. Despite her powers being sealed, she still managed to guide us without any problems aside from the recent incident. Naturally, she must be completely drained. 

Airi lays on the mats, softly breathing, sleeping like nothing happened. And for that I'm thankful as well. At least that gives me the impression that she is resting. 

I let the events replay in my memory and the moment of her just breaking down, fainting sends shivers down my back. It reminds me of the moment when Chiye fainted in my arms during the storm back at the pond. The feeling of seeing Chiye unconsciously was terrifying and dreadful. The panic raised within me and the impression that I might have lost her with no chance to do something, just anything, against this loss was truly excruciating.

Having to see the same thing happen again with Airi, who overcame an invisible struggle with the nameless spirit, falling unconscious entirely strained, only emphasised my own powerlessness. 

The moon lights up the room and the familiar silvery colour gives me solace.

I look at Airi, peacefully resting, still as beautiful and dazzling as ever. Beneath the moon's light, she radiates a certain shimmer. 

The deviation from our plan, our objectives and this entire ordeal here in the in-between realm, the path of the gods, weren't necessarily all that helpful for what we truly desire, however, I can feel my heart thumping loudly with newly charged energy to carry our burden as well. It is now my turn to take care of her and to guide us closer to the gates of heaven where Chiye is waiting for us.

In some way or another this detour had its purpose and if it doesn't, then I will do my best to make the best out of it. I have my fate in my own hands and even after falling for a trick, I will not stray from what I want to achieve, which is certainly as inevitable as fate itself.