
We stand in silence, flooded by the surge of relief and gratification, taking the other's presence completely in and memorising every detail.

Chiye places her chin on my chest and looks up to me, not moving one bit further away from our embrace. "You really shouldn't be here."

Her warm brown eyes gaze into mine, worried and uneasy.

"You shouldn't be here either." 

Her expression turns into a sad grimace, her smile bitter.

"There is a reason for me to be here."

I begin to frown. "What reason could that be? I'm here to bring you back to the earthly realm."

For a brief moment she averts her eyes. "It's a little bit complicated, but I will tell you eventually."

I observe her more closely. Pressing on any further would cause unnecessary distress, so I settle with her vague answer for now.

"Alright. Whatever it is, I'm set on us returning back home." 

Her smile softens up, warmly and tenderly.