
The luminous trail of stardust left behind by Ryousuke's departure slowly disperses, becoming one with the celestial energies that course through the corridor.

After a moment, Airi lifts her tear-streaked face, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination. She turns to me, her voice steady. "We must continue on. We have to find someone who might help us find out about the origins of this arrow."

"Look no further." A voice resonates like the warm caress of sunlight addresses us. I grit my teeth, I'm getting tired of some divine creatures always approaching us from nowhere. It's exhausting and having to deal with the grief of Ryousuke and the new turn of events is already enough. However, I try to remain composed, this is not the right time, nor the right place to let my emotions take over.

"Airi and Azami Yuzuru, you are summoned to the divine tribunal. The jury awaits you." It is a deity of the sun kingdom, their countenance exuding an aura of regal authority. Their robes shimmer with golden hues, reflecting the brilliance of the sun itself. Remarkably different from the spirits before.

With a nod of acknowledgment, since we can't risk another fight and follow the sun deity as they lead us through the celestial corridor. The walls seem to shift and pulse with a rhythmic energy, as if responding to the presence of divine authority.

We arrive at the threshold of the tribunal, and my breath catches at the sight before me. The chamber is a masterpiece of celestial artistry, its walls adorned with intricate patterns that seem to dance with the play of light. The floor, fashioned from ethereal stone, carries the weight of countless souls who have stood before this divine council.

The ceiling stretches into an infinite expanse, as if touching the very heavens themselves. Beams of celestial light filter through, casting a warm, golden glow that bathes the chamber in a reverent aura.

Seated at the centre of the tribunal is a council of celestial beings, their forms luminous and regal. Each deity exudes an aura of wisdom and authority, their presence evidence to the divine power that courses through their veins.

The tribunal stands as a bastion of justice, a place where the balance of celestial law is upheld with unwavering resolve.

As we step forward, the sun deity gestures for us to approach the council. With a mixture of trepidation and determination, we stand before the divine tribunal, ready to face the judgement that awaits us. At the same time I'm feeling overly nervous. This trial may decide over my entire life. Whatever my destiny had foreseen or what I could've influenced myself, everything will be determined now. 

"We shall begin with Airi."

The deity that brought us here gestures to me to take a seat, but before I do that, some other spirit takes away the arrow. I try to suppress my frown. I'm afraid that this might be part of the conspiracy as well, but there is no real possibility to object the heavens.

Airi stands tall in front of the council, unfaltering and resolute. Her mourning before is only a faint memory. 

"Airi, divine princess of the lunar kingdom, banished from the heavenly realm, you stand accused of breaking your heavenly exile by returning to the celestial realm without fulfilling the conditions of your purpose in the earthly realm. You shall not return until you are capable of understanding the feeling of love. You are nothing but a flawed deity, not worthy of wandering this sacred realm." 

Her charge echoes through the tribunal like a mocking insult. 

I can feel my brows furrow deeply, adding the last berating was unnecessary and doesn't sit well with me. All the more frustrating that I can't do anything about it. I don't want to cause our situation to get any worse.

"Furthermore, you have not only returned to the celestial realm without permission, you also brought death upon an innocent weaver spirit from the divine halls from Taiyou-Okami."

I can tell by Airi's unshaken stance that she doesn't let the words get too close to her.

"The council decides to extend your exile until the end of time, you shall remain banished from the sacred realms with no claim to ever return."

The room falls silent after the allegations and their precipitate verdict.

The sun deity's accusations reverberate through the tribunal, each word weighted with judgement and disdain. The atmosphere in the chamber seems to shift, the once warm golden glow now tinged with a cooler, more ominous light.

Airi gazes directly at the council, her eyes reflecting a quiet resolve.

The council members, their forms radiant and unyielding, regard her with stern detachment. Airi's expression is a mask of composure, unwilling to let their judgement break her spirit.

"State your defence."

The attention is now turned towards Airi.

"Members of the divine council, I stand before you with respect for the sacred realms and the laws that govern them. I do not dispute my banishment, nor do I seek to diminish the gravity of my actions. I accept the consequences of my return to the celestial realm without fulfilling my purpose in the earthly realm." Airi's voice, clear and unwavering, cuts through the charged silence that envelops the tribunal. She addresses the council with a calm determination, her words carrying the weight of her conviction.

Her gaze meets the eyes of each council member, her demeanour poised and her presence commanding. There is a regality in her bearing that speaks to her true nature as a princess of the lunar kingdom.

"However, I implore you to consider the circumstances of my overall situation. I believe there is more to this tragedy than meets the eye. I am here to plead for my innocence. I have fallen victim to an intrigue that aims to hinder me in my fulfilment as the divine princess of the lunar kingdom." Airi's words hang in the air, carrying with them a plea for fairness and justice. She stands before the council, not as a flawed deity seeking absolution, but as a determined soul seeking to unearth the hidden truths that have cast a shadow over the celestial realms.

She continues on. "Furthermore, I want to implore your burden of proof in regard to your second claim against me. Please demonstrate the valid reasons why I should've murdered the weaver spirit, what benefit do I have from doing so?"

The council snorts upon hearing Airi's firm question.

"A benefit is not necessary for someone of your sorts to justify this atrocity. Descendants from the lunar kingdom follow after their goddess after all, killing another of the divine Taiyou-Okami's spirits must be deeply rooted in your bare existence."

I can see Airi grit her teeth angrily, but she manages to keep her cool.

"There is no need to discuss this any further, your verdict shall take legal binding over you."

"What about the fact that at the time of the murder I was imprisoned? How can I commit this crime without actually being there. Some sun kingdom spirits led me to cells, where I remained for quite a while. I was simply the first one to arrive there."

"We can't determine the exact moment of the weaver's death, however, since you broke out of your cells, you could've still done it. The possibility remains." Their tone unmoved.

The stubborn and prejudiced attitude of this council is pathetic. 

How can this be the divine standard of a legal tribunal? The iron fist of the sun kingdom rules over the entire heavenly realm, but if this is the way they approach a tribunal, then it's nothing but a hollow title. There is nothing divine nor sacred about this. 

"Then what about the death of Ryousuke? The river deity, who sacrificed his life to protect mine? Bring forth the sun kingdom's spirit that dared to oppose a deity and even kill him."

Murmur begins to rumble through the tribunal.

"You must have bewitched the poor river deity into protecting you with his life. You used your charm to force him to do that. Truly pitiful."

"Why would I want him to protect me? He was the best witness I had for my innocence. Additionally, that one specific weaver spirit was also willing to speak for my case in front of this council. It would be only to my disadvantage to have exactly these two perish. I implore you, to view my case with untainted eyes, leaving aside any condemnation of my ancestry."

Airi's defence stands strong, her words a beacon of reason in the face of the council's unwavering prejudice. She counters each accusation with logic and clarity, refusing to be swayed by their unfounded claims. 

The council's response is predictable, their attempts to discredit her only further highlighting their bias. Airi's plea for a fair and unbiased evaluation of her case falls on deaf ears. The council's prejudiced perspective seems unshakeable, their minds closed to the possibility of her innocence. It's infuriating. 

As the council members respond with dismissive sneers and stubborn resistance, it becomes painfully clear that their minds are already set, and fairness seems to be a concept lost on them. Their obstinacy is a bitter pill to swallow, a stark reminder of the flawed system that governs the celestial realms.

I watch Airi, a mixture of frustration and admiration coursing through me. She refuses to be cowed by their baseless accusations, her resolve unwavering. A simmering frustration burns within me. The injustice of it all is almost suffocating, the weight of the council's stubbornness pressing down on us.

All the more reason to not falter now. This moment is crucial.

The council's response is chillingly resolute. They stand firm in their verdict, unmoved by Airi's impassioned plea for justice. Their faces remain stoic, their expressions unyielding, as they deliver their final judgement.

"Airi, divine princess of the lunar kingdom, you shall be found guilty of all the accusations. You shall never return to the heavenly realm. If you were to ever try again the wrath of the divine Taiyou-Okami shall befall you. This verdict is final and shall take effect from here on out." The words resound through the tribunal, sealing Airi's fate with an irrevocable decree. "You may stay to witness the trial upon your mortal companion."

The council's decision is delivered with unwavering conviction, leaving no room for further argument or appeal. The once-hopeful glimmer in Airi's eyes dims, replaced by a steely resolve in the face of this unjust judgement. I draw in my breath sharply and I can feel my heart sink.

As the weight of the verdict settles upon us, I can't help but feel a surge of frustration and indignation. This is not justice; it is a blatant miscarriage of it. The celestial realms, once revered for their wisdom and fairness, reveal themselves to be marred by prejudice and rigidity.

Abruptly, the air seems to shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, and a presence of immense power and authority fills the chamber.

Before us, in a blaze of golden light, appears another deity. However, the aura she emits is entirely dazzling and brilliant. It's grand and towering. There aren't enough words to describe the feelings that flood my mind. Her form is a symphony of golden hues, bathed in a luminous, ethereal light that seems to emanate from within. Her flowing robes shimmer with the brilliance of a thousand suns, casting a warm, golden glow around her. Intricate patterns of celestial motifs adorn her attire, depicting the dance of stars and the radiance of the sun's rays. The fabric seems to ripple like the surface of a tranquil pond, reflecting the boundless light that surrounds her.

I wouldn't need a confirmation, but seeing as everyone in the tribunal kneels down I feel assured in my assumption. 

The deity in front of us is none other than Taiyou-Okami, the sun goddess and ruler of the heavenly realm. Her presence is awe-inspiring, her aura exuding an unmatched majesty that commands the reverence of all who behold her. Around her, a palpable aura of solar energy radiates, resonating with the life-giving power of the sun. It seems as though the very essence of sunlight courses through her veins, infusing her with a boundless vitality.

I follow the other's and kneel down entirely.

She stands before the council, her expression stern and unwavering. Her eyes, like orbs of molten gold, survey the room with a penetrating intensity. It is a gaze that holds the weight of aeons, a testament to her boundless wisdom and authority.

With a voice that carries the resonance of a thousand suns, Taiyou-Okami speaks, her words echoing through the chamber with a commanding force. "This tribunal has overstepped its bounds." She declares, her tone unwavering. "The verdict delivered here is not in alignment with the true principles of justice and fairness. Furthermore, I will have the final verdict on such a case anyways."

A palpable tension fills the room as the council members exchange uneasy glances. The presence of the sun goddess disrupts the carefully maintained facade of authority, exposing the flaws in their judgement. They don't dare to raise their heads from the ground.

"You haven't considered all available and possible evidence."

In her radiant grasp, Taiyou-Okami holds the arrow that claimed Ryousuke's life. Its dark tip glistens with a malevolent potency, a reminder of the poison that brought about Ryousuke's first inevitable death. 

"This arrow." She intones, her voice cutting through the air like a blade. "Is the key to unravelling the truth of these events. Its origins are not of this heavenly realm, but rather bear the mark of a sinister influence from outside our sacred borders."

Her words cause a brief murmur within the tribunal.

The revelation hangs in the air, a seismic shift in the narrative that leaves the council members visibly unsettled. Their carefully constructed case against Airi begins to crumble under the weight of Taiyou-Okami's divine scrutiny.

With a decisive gesture, Taiyou-Okami revokes the unjust verdict, her authority as the ruler of the heavenly realm overriding the council's flawed judgement. Airi and I breathe a collective sigh of relief, the tension dissipating like mist before the sun.

Taiyou-Okami's presence casts a new light on our situation. The council members, once so self-assured, now appear diminished in her radiant presence.

The sun goddess turns her gaze toward Airi, her eyes softening with a mixture of compassion and understanding. "Airi, divine princess of the lunar kingdom, you have been unjustly accused." She states, her voice carrying a weight that brooks no argument. "I shall take over judgement on your situation entirely."

Airi slowly raises her head.

"Please state your case from the very beginning. Stand forth and don't leave out any details, no matter how small they may seem, I shall hear about everything with undivided attention."

From my peripheral view I can see how Airi stands up upon hearing Taiyou-Okami's proposition.

In the presence of Taiyou-Okami, Airi stands tall and resolute, her voice steady and unwavering as she speaks, drawing newfound hope. "Great Taiyou-Okami, ruler of the celestial realms, I stand before you to plead for justice and truth. I have been wrongfully accused and unjustly banished from my rightful place in the lunar kingdom."

Her words carry the weight of her conviction, and she continues, her gaze fixed on the sun goddess. "I implore you to consider the circumstances surrounding my exile and the events that have transpired since. There are hidden truths and malevolent forces at play, seeking to obscure the path of justice."

Taiyou-Okami listens attentively, her regal presence radiating a sense of wisdom and discernment. She nods, acknowledging the gravity of Airi's plea. "Speak, Airi, and I shall hear your words. The celestial realms shall not abide by falsehoods and deceit."

With each word, Airi lays out the sequence of events, recounting the moments that led to her exile, the budding idea that a greater scheme might be behind all of it, the two malicious kitsune disguising themselves as pond spirits, the constant disturbances that delayed our arrival, and the mysterious circumstances surrounding the sudden deaths of the weaver spirit and Ryousuke, both important witnesses in our case.

Her plea is marked by a fervent determination to unveil the hidden forces that have conspired against her.

When she finishes, there is a palpable stillness in the chamber. Taiyou-Okami's gaze remains fixed on Airi, her expression thoughtful. "In your eyes, who might be behind this foul plotting?"

Airi ponders for a brief moment and as she answers, her voice never sounded more resolved and solid than ever before. "The water kingdom under the rule of Umi-Okami."

Taiyou-Okami's eyes narrow in contemplation at Airi's revelation. The weight of the accusation is not lost on her, and her expression grows graver. "The water kingdom." She repeats, her voice carrying a note of solemnity. "Accusing a fellow divine realm is no trifling matter. What evidence do you possess to support this claim?"

Airi's response is measured, her gaze steady as she meets Taiyou-Okami's scrutiny.

"The weaver spirit overheard a conversation between two spirits, who did not belong to the sun kingdom, they talked about their foolproof plan in regard to my dwelling in the earthly realm. Furthermore, the evil yako kitsune disguised themselves as pond spirits from the water kingdom. Usually, those are spirits that I could trust undoubtedly, like Ryousuke, the deity from a river. Then, the solar spirits that imprisoned us upon our arrival at the gates of heaven. I wasn't able to put it into words before, since it's been a long time being here again and having my powers back, but those spirits didn't quite have the same aura that is so remarkable for those from the sun kingdom. And finally, when Ryousuke fought against the supposed solar knights, they used this specific arrow to infuse a certain impurity into him that made his death inevitable. Only those from the water kingdom would know exactly what is necessary to make one of their own perish. One that beholds precious information and knowledge about my case. Too valuable for me to have him speak before the council."

The revelation hangs heavily in the air, casting a shadow over the tribunal.

Airi continues to speak, determined as she unravels the mystery just seconds before. "Was my birth connected to the punishment of Tsuki-Okami? Would you have changed your sentence against her, if I was born flawless?"

Taiyou-Okami's features tighten with a mix of concern and discernment.

"You have concluded correctly. My sister Tsuki-Okami has carried out her punishment diligently, accepting it without any objections. Before you were born, I have announced that the next princess of the lunar kingdom shall determine the true inner bearing of Tsuki-Okami. If the princess were to be born flawless, then I would have lifted her punishment, if she were to be born with a flaw, the punishment shall prevail. Your birth would have proven that Tsuki-Okami bears no ill will, since she wouldn't have been able to have a flawless descendant that way. However, you lacked an understanding of love, the most crucial of all emotions."

Airi absorbs the revelation, her eyes steady and resolute. The truth, no matter how painful, is a beacon of clarity in this entangled mess. 

The council members exchange glances, their expressions a mix of surprise, concern, and contemplation. Some council members lean forward, their brows furrowed in deep thought, while others whisper in hushed tones to their peers. The gravity of Airi's words has left them reevaluating the situation, considering the possibility of a grand deception that has spanned realms. Taiyou-Okami herself wears a solemn expression, her gaze fixed on Airi.

I carefully rise from my kneeling position.

So far, the clues have pointed at the sun kingdom, however, considering the information that Airi just provided, it doesn't seem so obvious anymore.

Taking into account what Taiyou-Okami confirmed about the circumstances involving Airi's birth also plays into our hands.

Logically, the spirits and deities from the sun kingdom won't defy a declaration their divine sun goddess, Taiyou-Okami has proclaimed, ready to forgive her younger sibling after all the centuries of redemption. Though the grudge might be rooted deeply, it won't make sense if a few sun spirits decided to influence the outcome of this trial signalling the end of this long-standing malevolence and general bias unfavourable towards the lunar kingdom. It isn't like the lunar kingdom stood against the solar kingdom in some kind of competition or rivalry, Tsuki-Okami wouldn't suddenly rise in her ranks and take over the position as the supreme leader of the heavenly realm. That is a role solely for the sun kingdom and their beloved goddess.

If the question of who is answered now, then the only other thing to bring into light is the question as to why?

Why would Umi-Okami, the goddess of the sea, want to keep her own sister engulfed in a negative perception, still redeeming herself for her past deeds?

What benefits could she draw from scheming that?

Taiyou-Okami's voice breaks the heavy silence, carrying an air of solemn authority. "Umi-Okami, goddess of the sea, I summon you to this tribunal to present your standpoint in light of the accusations brought before us." Her voice echoes with the omnipotence befitting to be the head of the heavenly realm.

The chamber stirs with an anticipatory hush. The council members exchange glances, their expressions a mixture of intrigue and apprehension. This summons is a momentous occasion, one that holds the potential to unravel the tangled web of mysteries that have shrouded the heavenly realms.

Moments later, a figure materialises at the centre of the tribunal, radiating a presence that suits a deity of the sea. Umi-Okami stands tall and regal, her countenance composed yet carrying an undertone of scrutiny. Her form is an embodiment of the deep, mysterious oceans. Her flowing attire shimmers with iridescent hues, reminiscent of sunlight dancing on the water's surface. Cascading waves of azure fabric ripple around her, mirroring the ebb and flow of tides. Strands of luminous pearls adorn her attire, a testament to the treasures that lie within the ocean's depths. Umi-Okami's eyes hold the ever-changing shades of the sea, shifting from the serene blues of calm waters to the tempestuous greys of a storm-tossed sea. Around her, a gentle aura of aquatic energy emanates, resonating with the rhythmic pulse of the tides. It seems as though the very essence of the sea is bound within her being, an elemental force that courses through her veins.

Her appearance is awe-inspiring, as usual overwhelming for my mortal eyes, but I'm intrigued to glance at her occasionally. 

If the ocean and the sea could take a human-like form, then she definitely managed to fall into that imagination perfectly. 

The way she reminds me of our visit at the beach strangely warms up my heart. Who could've thought that just a day later, Airi and I will be stuck inside the in-between realm, having to face the trials to find our way to the gates of heaven? Wandering almost endlessly in that divine domain, letting our hearts guide the way. At that time, the idea of reuniting with Chiye was definitely set in my mind, but never really tangible. It was a vague objection whose means to achieve it were still uncertain. 

Now the memory of having held her here in this celestial realm, alive and well fills me with bliss and courage. My promise to Chiye has to be fulfilled, regardless of the stakes and I will return to her, bringing her back home.

Taiyou-Okami regards her sister with a measured gaze. "Umi-Okami, you have been summoned to address the allegations brought forth by Airi, princess of the lunar kingdom. She accuses the water kingdom of orchestrating a grand deception to keep Tsuki-Okami and the lunar kingdom entangled in a negative perception. What do you say in your defence?" 

Umi-Okami's voice resonates through the chamber, carrying an air of quiet authority, a reflection of the immense responsibility she bears as the guardian of the sea. "I stand before this tribunal to address the accusations levelled against the water kingdom. It is true that we, the spirits of the sea, have been entrusted with safeguarding the waters and their delicate balance. Our loyalty to this duty is unwavering, and we hold a sacred responsibility to ensure the harmony of the celestial realms. Causing any kind of disturbance or plotting against one another is preposterous."

As she addresses the tribunal, her voice carries the soothing cadence of lapping waves and the resounding power of crashing surf, a testament to the authority she holds over the realm of water.

Umi-Okami's demeanour is poised and composed, yet there lies a subtle undertone of scrutiny, a keen awareness of the weight of the accusations brought before her. In this moment, she stands as a figure of both grace and power, embodying the majesty and mystery of the boundless sea.

Her words hold a weight of conviction, yet beneath the surface, there lingers an unspoken tension. The council members lean forward, their attention fixated on the unfolding exchange.

Airi's gaze remains fixed on Umi-Okami, her expression unwavering. The truth, she knows, lies in the unravelling of this intricate tapestry of accusations and motives. The tribunal, once a bastion of divine justice, now stands as the stage for the revelation of long-held secrets.

"These are serious allegations, ones that cast a shadow upon the integrity of the divine realms. Before we draw conclusions, we must demand evidence to substantiate these claims. Accusations alone cannot bear the weight of judgement."

The call for evidence underscores the necessity of a fair and thorough investigation.

It is now on us to support our claims against the goddess. 

"Honourable Taiyou-Okami, I beseech you for my parents and Tsuki-Okami to appear before this tribunal as witnesses. Their accounts hold invaluable insights into the circumstances surrounding my birth and the conditions of my exile. They can provide a comprehensive understanding of the events that led to this moment." Airi's voice is steady and determined. She emits a calm aura, as if she has already won the trial. 

Taiyou-Okami's gaze meets Airi's, her expression contemplative. She takes a moment to assess the gravity of Airi's request before nodding in agreement. "Very well, Airi of the lunar kingdom. Your plea for their presence is reasonable. I shall summon them to bear witness in this tribunal."

With a gesture of her hand, Taiyou-Okami invokes her divine authority to summon Airi's parents and Tsuki-Okami to the celestial tribunal. The room shimmers with a radiant light as the figures of Airi's parents and Tsuki-Okami materialise before the council, their presence dignified and solemn. Her parents, both equally beautiful and elegant, each being somehow reflecting in Airi. They are divine beings of the lunar kingdom, exuding a certain regal elegance and an aura of celestial grace. They stand side by side, their presence commanding respect and admiration.

Together, Airi's parents emanate a palpable sense of unity and harmony, their energies interweaving like the dance of the moon and stars in the night sky. 

Upon seeing their daughter, cries of joy and relief resound through the tribunal. They fall into each other's arms. Their love and devotion to their daughter are evident in the way they hold her, offering their support and presence in this pivotal moment. The parental yearning is reflected plainly. It is a heart warming sight. In their presence, one can sense the unwavering dedication they have for their daughter's well-being and the integrity of the celestial realms they hold dear.

There is no possible way for me to even fathom even the tiniest bit of their sorrow for having their daughter banished for such a long time, without having the possibility of communicating, knowing that the completion of her tasks was sabotaged.

However, the most marvellous sight is the goddess who appeared beside them.

Tsuki-Okami, the goddess of the lunar kingdom, possesses an aura of ethereal grace and wisdom. She stands tall, her presence commanding respect and reverence, but also serenity Her complexion carries a luminous, almost otherworldly glow, casting a soft, silvery radiance that seems to emanate from within her. Her aura feels familiar, as Airi resembles her beyond doubt.

Tsuki-Okami's presence gives me a feeling of comfort. Contrary to her sisters, her energy doesn't carry itself so imposing like the other goddesses. Just like the tranquil moon in the night sky, Tsuki-Okami stands before the council unmissable, yet soothing and steady. 

Her eyes, like pools of moonlight, hold a depth of knowledge and a gentle kindness that belies the weight of her millennia-long existence. They are windows to a soul that has witnessed the ebb and flow of time, yet remains steadfast in its purpose.

Tsuki-Okami's attire suits her divine status, adorned in robes that seem to shimmer with the very essence of the moon. Delicate patterns reminiscent of constellations and celestial bodies adorn her garments, creating a celestial tapestry that mirrors the night sky.

Her long, flowing hair cascades like a cascade of silver, falling in graceful waves around her shoulders. It seems to capture and reflect the moon's soft glow, giving her an almost otherworldly aura.

The presence of the three powerful goddesses — Taiyou-Okami, Tsuki-Okami, and Umi-Okami — in the tribunal chamber imbues the space with an unparalleled aura of celestial energy. The atmosphere is charged with a palpable sense of reverence and awe. I can't bear to look at them, their aura combined is too much for me to handle.

So I instead focus on Airi, whose form is the most pleasant. Her happiness, in this brief joyous moment of reuniting with her parents, beams through her dazzling bright smile. At the same time she didn't lose any of her firm determination in her eyes.

As the three goddesses stand together, a delicate balance of celestial energies interweaves, creating an otherworldly tableau.

The council members, though seasoned in their divine duties, are visibly moved by the rare sight before them. Their expressions range from solemn reverence to humble acknowledgment of the immense power held by these goddesses.

The air itself seems to pulse with divine energy, carrying with it an undercurrent of anticipation.

All attention is turned towards Taiyou-Okami, as the head of the heavenly realm and the supreme judge in this trial, it is on her mercy how we will proceed further. 

She subtly nods at Tsuki-Okami, the two sisters must have met one another for the first time since the latter's punishment. For as long as day and night exist on the earthly realm. 

That I'm able to bear witness to this monumental scene is almost insulting to all the others present. I'm nothing but a mere human, possibly even only a tool.

Nevertheless, I'm the one who is allowed to behold this sight in front of me. I'm the one human who saw the goddess of the sun and the goddess of the moon encounter each other after countless millennia of having avoided one another. 

Taiyou-Okami then turns to Airi's parents, gesturing to them to begin stating their point of view in this matter. 

Airi's mother speaks first, her voice carrying a melodic resonance that commands attention. "Honourable members of the tribunal, we stand before you to offer our perspective on the matter at hand." She begins, her gaze steady and unwavering, firmly holding onto Airi's hand.

"It appears that our daughter claims to have fallen victim to a greater overall scheme."

The council members nod in acknowledgment, their expressions attentive. 

Airi's father follows suit, his tone measured and dignified. "Our daughter, Airi, is the embodiment of our love and the legacy of the lunar kingdom. We have watched her grow and evolve, guiding her as she navigated the complexities of both realms as best as possible."

Airi's parents recount the trials and challenges their daughter has faced, emphasising her unwavering dedication to fulfilling her purpose. They speak of her journey in the earthly realm, the lessons she has learned, and the growth she has experienced.

"As her parents, we can attest to the sincerity of Airi's intentions and her genuine desire to understand the depth of love." Airi's mother continues, her eyes shimmering with maternal pride.

Airi's father adds. "We have witnessed her struggles and triumphs, and we believe in her capacity to transcend her past and embrace the profound essence of love. Especially in regard to the conspiracy that veils her entire existence."

Taiyou-Okami remains unfazed, solely listening to their every word.

"We have sent Airi a tool to make fulfilling her tasks easier. With that tool she shall follow those destined to be with one another, in order to understand that feeling." Her father briefly glances at me.

"However, the initial tool got lost in a storm, being washed away by some waves. It was said that our tears of grief caused that, though even until now, I'm not convinced. Our sorrow was never directed to Airi or any of her companions. Why would we want to risk delaying her return or even harm her safety as she wanders the earthly realm?"

Her two parents stand beside her, confident, lovingly and endearing, ready to bring justice for their daughter. "In our eyes there was actually no other way than Airi being born flawless. The apparent lack of understanding the feeling of love must be part of this conspiracy, overall stopping the lunar kingdom from returning to its former glory."

The council murmurs.

The last part is a precarious thing to say, possibly offending the sun goddess.

Taiyou-Okami, the sun goddess and ruler of the heavenly realm, nods in acknowledgment of the parents' testimony. "Your words carry great significance, and we thank you for offering your insights." She acknowledges their input, without going into any details.

The next phase of the trial unfolds, as Taiyou-Okami summons Tsuki-Okami, the lunar goddess, to offer her perspective on the matter. The room holds its collective breath, anticipating the words of the elder deity.

Tsuki-Okami, her presence a calming force in the chamber, steps forward with a measured grace. Her silvery robes seem to shimmer with the ethereal light of the moon, casting a serene glow around her.

"My dear Airi, and esteemed goddesses of the sun and sea kingdoms." Tsuki-Okami begins, her voice carrying a soothing lilt. "I stand here as a witness to the unfolding of this intricate celestial drama. It is with a heart heavy with concern that I offer my insights."

She turns her gaze first to Airi, her eyes filled with a mix of maternal warmth and profound understanding. "Airi, you bear the weight of a destiny that intertwines with the very fabric of our realms. Your journey has been one of challenges and revelations, and I commend your steadfastness. Despite the obstacles, you mastered it very well."

A disdainful murmur echoes through the tribunal.

Then, Tsuki-Okami shifts her gaze to Umi-Okami, her expression one of gentle inquiry. "Sister of the sea, I implore you to reflect upon the claims made against you. The threads of fate are delicate and often veiled in mystery. It is my hope that we may find clarity and truth in this trial."

Finally, she addresses Taiyou-Okami, her voice carrying a note of deference. "Radiant sister of the sun, your wisdom guides us through the cycles of time. I beseech you to weigh the evidence presented and consider the implications of this conspiracy. The harmony of our celestial realms hinges on the pursuit of justice."

Tsuki-Okami's words resonate in the chamber, each syllable bearing the weight of her sincerity and concern. Her presence exudes a calming influence, fostering an atmosphere of reflection and contemplation among those present. 

"Please heed my words with open hearts, letting the grudges of the past not overtake what I am about to enounce."

The tension lingers in the air as we all anticipate her statement.

"Airi's fate was decided in the moment where the declaration of the clearance of my punishment was made by my sister, Taiyou-Okami. That was also the moment where the wheels of the past began to spin again, repeating the same pattern, weaving a thread of betrayal and deception."

Tsuki-Okami's voice, though gentle, carries a gravity that demands attention, it feels like her words sink into the very corner of my bones. Her silver eyes, pools of wisdom and serenity, fix on Umi-Okami with a mixture of disappointment and yearning. 

With a graceful motion, she turns to her younger sister. "Sister of the sea, we have danced through the aeons, our destinies entwined in the celestial tapestry. Yet, I stand before you, bearing witness to a truth long shrouded in shadows." Tsuki-Okami begins, her words measured and deliberate. "It was you who whispered deceit into my heart, guiding my hand towards the two grave sins that led to my punishment. Under the guise of sisterly counsel, you wove a web of illusions, leading me astray."

A murmur sweeps through the chamber, the assembled spirits and deities sharing in the collective astonishment. The revelation hangs in the air, a revelation of familial betrayal that strikes at the heart of the heavenly realms.

Tsuki-Okami's gaze remains unwavering, her voice carrying the weight of a thousand years of contemplation. "Your betrayal cut deeper than any blade, for it was a betrayal of sisterhood, of trust. You manipulated my path, ensuring that I would bear the burden of my perceived transgressions. Firstly, you've changed the kami that I initially sent to our sister's celestial hall to a kami of willful force. You assured me that the glass of water that you prepared was a method for my kami to get stronger, yet it only made him impure and therefore turned him into a kami of willful force. Secondly, you fabricated the kami of harvest before me. Her sight was revolting, to the point that I pierced her with my spear. However, that was a trap caused by your malevolence, also something a mysterious liquid had caused. It is the impurities that you have learned to use and took advantage of to manipulate those surrounding you." 

A liquid causing impurities sounds familiar.

"Radiant sister, this revelation bears witness to the depth of the deception woven by Umi-Okami. It is my hope that you will consider the implications of this revelation in the pursuit of justice."

As she concludes her statement, the chamber falls into a thoughtful hush, awaiting the response of the sun and sea goddesses.

All eyes are on Umi-Okami, awaiting her response to the damning revelation.

She only snorts disapprovingly.

"Dear sister, those are grave accusations, is there any proof to support your claim?"

Tsuki-Okami faintly smiles and with an elegant hand motion two spirits appear before us.

I recognise them. Those are the very same solar spirits that fought against Ryousuke before we were escorted here.

"Isn't it already quite intolerable to have spirits from the water kingdom disguise themselves as being from the sun kingdom?" Tsuki-Okami snaps with her fingers and the insignia from their robes disappear, revealing the symbols similar to Umi-Okami. 

We all watch the scene unfold in surprised silence.

The way Tsuki-Okami states her claims is strongly imbued with her self-confidence, that there is no room left to doubt her words.

"Those very same spirits, murdered the river deity Ryousuke with specific arrows."

I glance over to Taiyou-Okami who still holds onto the arrow that we received from Ryousuke before he perished. 

"Those arrows are covered with an all too familiar mysterious liquid. The very same liquid that caused the two grave sins that I committed. You planned it all out very carefully, all the more bothersome to uncover your plots and get a hold of this liquid."

Tsuki-Okami brings forth a little bottle from the sleeves of her gown. She turns towards Taiyou-Okami. "Dear sister, please have the liquids compared. Those are extracted impurities that will cause your very soul to deteriorate. I'm sure that Airi also possesses some residues within her of this liquid, causing her to not understand love. Undoubtedly, you shall find a precise match."

The tribunal falls silent, progressing the gravity of her claims and display of evidence. 

It's as if she had waited for this very moment her entire life. 

Taiyou-Okami turns to Umi-Okami, whose stance is more uneasy by now. "State your reasons for your shameful acts." Her voice is cold, piercing like blades and I shudder.

Umi-Okami stands before the assembly, her normally serene countenance marred by the weight of her confession. The truth spills forth, unburdening her soul.

"I confess." she begins, her voice carrying a sorrowful resonance. "To orchestrating the events that led to Tsuki-Okami's punishment and to the false allegations against Airi, the princess of the lunar kingdom."

Her admission hangs heavily in the chamber, each word etching the air with its profound significance. The spirits and deities listen in stunned silence, absorbing the gravity of her revelation.

"Jealousy gnawed at my heart." Umi-Okami continues, her gaze fixed on the ground. "For too long, I watched my sisters, Tsuki-Okami and Taiyou-Okami, dance amongst the stars, their bond unbreakable. They resided in the celestial realm, while I remained tethered to the earthly plane. And if that wasn't already enough to endure, the spirits of my very own kingdom were infatuated with the lunar kingdom and their spirits."

Anger glistens in her eyes, mirroring the grudge that courses through her. "In my bitterness, I sought to sow discord, to disrupt the harmony that they shared. I whispered deceit into Tsuki-Okami's ear, leading her down a path of self-imposed punishment. And I manipulated circumstances to cast suspicion upon Airi, hoping to keep her banished forever. If you were to rekindle, my presence will fall into the same void as before."

Her confession hangs in the air, a confession that echoes with the weight of grudge and spite. The assembly absorbs her words, grappling with the revelation of betrayal from one so intertwined in their divine tapestry.

Taiyou-Okami's gaze is unwavering, her expression a mixture of sorrow and understanding. She nods solemnly, acknowledging the truth laid bare before her.

Umi-Okami's admission reverberates through the celestial chamber, a testament to the complexity of familial bonds and the consequences of envy. The spirits and deities bear witness to this moment of reckoning, as the threads of destiny are unravelled in the wake of Umi-Okami's revelation.