
There is a strange compelling feeling surrounding the air in the tribunal. 

Umi-Okami stands, her head held high, as celestial guards approach to escort her away. She glances over to Tsuki-Okami with eyes filled with bitterness and a provoking grin. "I have always detested how my subjects were drawn-in towards you, as if being singled out from the both of you wasn't already degrading enough, yet I also had to endure this inevitable attraction from my own subjects for your existence."

Her words cut through the air like blades, overflowing with grudge.

Tsuki-Okami is unfazed by it, her stance strong and serene, completely unaffected by the cold words her younger sibling just uttered. She returns the gaze with an indifferent but resolute expression. "Calling you one of our own is a disgrace to the heavens. May your corrupted heart find its way back to the right path."

Although her voice is calm, the entire tribunal feels colder, her displeasure almost tangible. 

Umi-Okami's eyes widen and with a disgruntled expression she lowers her head, not replying to that.

The weight of her actions presses upon her, and she moves with a stern grace, accepting her fate. The guards' presence is a silent reminder of the gravity of her betrayal, and they lead her from the tribunal chamber with a measured respect, allowing her the dignity befitting a goddess.

As she leaves, the assembly watches in sombre reflection, their expressions a mix of empathy and solemnity. The once tranquil atmosphere is now charged with a sense of closure, as the chapter of Umi-Okami's deceit comes to an end.

In the wake of her departure, a stillness settles over the chamber, each deity and spirit grappling with the revelation that has reshaped the heavenly realm. The bonds between the three sisters now stand on the precipice of healing and renewal. 

First, the relationship between Taiyou-Okami and Tsuki-Okami will take some time to recover from this ordeal that ruined it. The unjustified grudge and punishment that has lasted almost as long as they exist took an immeasurable toll on not only them, but also the entire dynamic within the heavens and also earth.

Something so grave isn't recuperated with only words of apology and regret. It would probably take just the same amount of time to mend this predicament. 

I can't imagine what they must be going through right now. Tsuki-Okami, who worked on proving her innocence for so long all the while suffering from the unjust punishment, the general grudge towards herself and her kingdom and also knowing very well who caused her misery. She finally got the conclusion that she must have yearned for so long and also deserved.

My eyes wander towards the majestic Taiyou-Okami. Holding a grudge and resentment is as equally exhausting and consuming as putting in any effort to maintain a good relationship. 

Now that all the millennia of that have been unjustified and unfair must be devastating. All this time that they could have had a decent, harmonious sisterhood was irrevocably sabotaged. By no other than their own youngest sister. 

How mortifying. 

Taiyou-Okami addresses the assembly, her voice steady and resolute. "Let this moment serve as a reminder that even among deities, the tendrils of jealousy and bitterness can take root. It is our duty to nurture love and understanding, even in the face of our own struggles."

Her words resonate through the chamber, a call to unity and forgiveness. She turns towards Tsuki-Okami and approaches her with a solemn grace, her presence radiating sincerity. The weight of their shared history and the trials endured hangs in the air. She bows her head respectfully, a gesture of humility before her sister.

"No words or actions are enough to return what was taken from you. I allowed my judgement to be clouded, failing to see the true depths of your heart. It was an injustice to sentence you, and for that, I must extend to you my deepest apologies. You have borne your punishment with grace and strength. Your resilience is a testament to the enduring spirit that resides within you. From this moment forward, let us move forward in unity, cherishing the bonds that tie us together."

I can feel how this is the moment Tsuki-Okami has waited for all these years of living under a wrongful judgement. The moment where the conspiracy surrounding her is finally cleared, the moment her older sister sees and understands what she did from the very beginning.

Tsuki-Okami looks over to her with a faint smile and then turns to Airi. "There is another injustice that needs resolve." 

I can feel my heart racing from nervousness. This might be the moment we've been waiting for ourselves. 

"My punishment might have been caused by untrue circumstances, however I still entered the celestial realm without having fulfilled my obligations on the earthly realm. For that I beg for your forgiveness. My companion also bears no responsibility for coming here. I will take upon any heavenly disciplinary measurement." Airi steps away from her parents and positions herself beside me, firmly holding eye contact with Taiyou-Okami who listens to her with a neutral expression. "His heart is unsullied and his intentions virtuous."

Taiyou-Okami inspects me from head to toe and her gaze is almost unbearable. Her eyes are like a warm touch tracing along my body. I can feel my skin tingling where her eyes settle upon. The thumping of my heart echoes in my ears and I try my best to maintain a firm stance, though the attention of all the celestial beings makes me want to give into fainting. 

It takes all of my willpower and determination to not falter right here and now.

The sun goddess speaks to me with a gentle expression. "Yuzuru, mortal being who has ventured into the celestial realm, your presence here was fated, intertwined with the threads of destiny. Your journey, while unconventional, has unravelled truths and brought forth revelations that shall forever shape the tapestry of our realm. You shall not face judgement for entering our sacred domain, for it was written in the threads of time."

I frown upon hearing her judgement about my presence here. Me being here was destined?

Was everything that we've been through already pre-decided? By whom? At the same time relief and gratitude washes over me since there will be no punishment for me being here.

Taiyou-Okami continues in an even warmer tone that resonates through the tribunal, turning her attention to Airi. "Airi, divine princess of the lunar kingdom, your return to the celestial realm was shrouded in mystery and complexity. You've withstood your unjust punishment with endurance and determination. Even in the face of this injustice, you entered without conscious knowledge of fulfilling the obligations of your exile, a testament to the intricacies of fate and purpose. You have unwittingly completed what was asked of you in the earthly realm."

Surprised murmur echoes among the other celestial beings. My eyes widen in astonishment. Airi' expression also reflects bewilderment. 

Taiyou-Okami concludes, her gaze encompassing both Airi and I. "In the face of destiny's hand and the mysteries that have unfolded, you shall not face punishment. Instead, you are granted the opportunity to walk this celestial realm with newfound understanding and purpose. Embrace this journey, for it is one that has been written in the stars."

Airi's parents fall into each other's arms, crying happily. 

I also feel a mix of satisfaction and relief. I turn towards Airi who looks equally relieved, but also perplexed. 

If Taiyou-Okami said that she entered the realm rightfully, since she had understood love, then the most important question is, when did she understand it?

When was the moment Airi understood love?

She turns her head and we lock eyes. Suddenly, her expression changes to realisation. As if she figured out how the final puzzle pieces fall into place, answering our obvious question.

Taiyou-Okami's voice carries a gentle warmth as she addresses the assembled tribunal. "Airi, unknowingly and without proper guidance, fulfilled her earthly obligations in a way that none could have foreseen. Through her journey with Yuzuru, she came to understand the depths and complexities of love. This emotion, so vital and intricate, has woven its threads into the very fabric of her being."

I try to recall our time together, when did this happen? 

"Love, in all its forms, transcends realms and boundaries. It is a force that binds souls, shapes destinies, and breathes life into the cosmos. In recognising the depth of love, Airi has fulfilled her earthly obligations. She met the conditions of her return, against all odds. For that you not only freed yourself from this flaw, but also managed to achieve the almost impossible."

Was it Ninako and Kyouta's situation that made her understand it? If yes, then what other scenario helped her as a completion of her second task?

We look at each other, I'm still confused, but Airi's face brightens up. This verdict is probably just as equally fulfilling as the one in regard to Tsuki-Okami's situation.

Her long and arduous journey finally comes to an end. The centuries of anguish and loneliness are now over. 

The words settle in and as I slowly begin to realise what it truly means, Airi jumps forward into my arms. I can barely catch her and maintain balance as she wraps her arms around my neck. 

She laughs ecstatically and it fills the entire tribunal with a wave of joy and relief. I can't help myself but join in her laughter. I'm so glad for her. 

The painting in the museum of her flashes before my inner eyes and I hold her even tighter. 

The yearning and frustration are over once and for all. Airi can at last return to the lunar kingdom. The place where she belonged from the very beginning. 

And it's just as Taiyou-Okami said, against all odds, all the manipulation and intrigues, she actually managed to fulfil the ridiculous task of understanding love. 

I can feel her body shake from her joyous laughter. "You can return home." I pat her back and she nods into my neck. "I'm so happy, I don't know what to do with all this energy."

Another wave of laughter and a slight mix of crying makes her body tremble. 

She loosens her hug and looks at the majestic sun goddess, with her arms still on my shoulders.

"Could you please tell me how I fulfilled my tasks."

Taiyou-Okami's face has such a tender and gentle expression that it makes my knees weak. The warm feeling it gives me is like no other. 

She chuckles and it sounds heavenly, the entire tribunal is shaken from her small laughter. It sends shivers down my spine.

"You've experienced love in all of its forms. Heart-warming, passionate, grievous, beautiful, innocent, painful, destructive, egoistic and selfless. Love is never pure in its entirety, it is never completely opulent. And certainly, love is never solely good. For a long time you have yearned for that impossible kind of love. One in which your partner burns themselves up from loving you, giving you their everything. However, that is not the kind of love that one should desire. You succeeded in learning all the various facets of that emotion, though for the longest time you lacked in one specific aspect." Taiyou-Okami's eyes wander towards me. "For you have lacked feeling true love yourself." 

With a graceful movement she points at me. "Airi, you have never quite loved someone before until now." 

I can feel my heart skipping and turn towards her. 

Airi stares at Taiyou-Okami and I can see her expression changing as the realisation dawns on her. She looks at me again. Eyes full of affection and fondness. It's the same expression she had when we were at the beach. The way I want Chiye to look at me. Though, Airi's divine and unmatched beauty intensifies the feeling it gives me. Heat cascades from my heart through my entire body, until the very end of my fingertips and toes. It's a tingling sensation that makes me feel incredibly exhilarated. I can feel my body craving more of it, I want her to look at me with more infatuation. The way her eyes reflect the silvery light resembling the moon filled with adoration in regards to me is unbelievably delightful, nearly addicting. 

My heart throbs.

She opens her lips to speak, but closes them again, hesitancy flashes within her eyes.

Her hands are still on my shoulder, she's in immediate proximity to me, her divine aura and her body heat wash over me, like a veil that drowns me within her. 

Airi's presence, the revelation of her own feelings and the tremendous effect it has on us altogether is dominating my mind. It was already difficult to stay conscious with all the heavenly beings in one room with their divine and celestial energies engulfing me. However, this very moment only Airi in front of me, basically in my arms, is all that matters. As if everyone else just disappeared from the tribunal, solely Airi's presence has my attention. She's the only one I can perceive right now, like a spotlight that only shines at us. 

In this divine realm, shrouded with otherworldly beings, foreign customs and overwhelming creatures, Airi alone is towering over it all.

It feels like an eternity as we are just silently looking into each other's eyes. A very sweet and blissful eternity. 

Airi takes her hands off my shoulder and her face reflects her determination and confidence. "Yuzuru. Azami Yuzuru." Her voice is melodic and warm. "My body and soul have been captivated by you, wholeheartedly and utterly infatuated. You are most definitely the only one who achieved that and possibly the only one who could have ever accomplished that at all." 

As she continues to speak her smile begins to brighten up. "If going through the heavenly trial of being exiled to the earthly realm for countless centuries meant for me to eventually come upon you, then I can say with absolute certainty that I cannot regret any minute of it. If all of this led me to you then I'm glad that our fates are intertwined. I feel incredibly blessed to have fallen in love with you." 

Her eyes are twinkling. "I'm in love with the thought of being in love with you. Like a puzzle, everything suddenly comes into place and I can see it the way I was always supposed to. But above all, your unwavering and unconditional feeling towards Chiye is what I love the most about you." 

I finally return her smile, just as equally warm and adoring. Airi raises her right hand and softly caresses my cheek, her eyes firm and gentle. "It wouldn't have been possible any other way." 

Airi's words wash over me, her voice a gentle melody echoing in the celestial chamber. Her sincerity is palpable, and I appreciate the warmth she brings to this sacred space.

"Your presence has added a unique and cherished light to my life. While I may not share the same romantic sentiments, I value the friendship and understanding we've built together. Our shared experiences have made this journey richer and more meaningful. I don't care how much of it was orchestrated beforehand or in any other way bound to happen. If fate has intertwined our paths, then I'm grateful for this just as much as you are." My voice is steady and filled with fondness.

A soft chuckle escapes her lips. "Our journey has been filled with revelations and unexpected turns, and I value the connection we've forged. Airi's gaze remains warm and reassuring. "Let us continue this journey, our fates may be intertwined in ways we're yet to fully understand, however your connection to Chiye is just as undoubtedly profound as the heavens itself."

My heart warms up just thinking about going to Chiye and finally bringing this ordeal to an end. I nod to her and she turns around to Tsuki-Okami and Taiyou-Okami who silently witnessed our heartfelt exchange. "I have one last request to make. Miyama Chiye, whose soul was sent to the gates of heaven due to me taking over her body in the earthly realm, has to rightfully return. With my utmost respect and deference, I have to beseech your omniscient authority over the heavenly realm to return that child back to the earthly realm." Airi slowly bows down deeply, gracefully and I try to follow her example.

"I implore your own understanding of love and compassion to reunite these two souls."

Airi's words echo through the chamber, I'm too nervous to look up again, somehow afraid to see their reaction. In my opinion this is the least thing that the goddesses could do for us, or even just for Airi. Due to their sisterly dispute and grudge our lives have been affected. Bringing one human soul back to the earthly realm shouldn't be that much to ask for.

"That is impossible."

Taiyou-Okami's reply resonates with an indifferent tone and I can feel my heart drop. I look up and Taiyou-Okami's demeanour is firm, her eyes reflecting a faint hint of solace. My eyes wander quickly over to Tsuki-Okami, whose beautiful face shows a delicate expression of condolences. The mortification settles as their reaction supports the denial of Airi's request.

This feeling of helplessness and utter disappointment is worse than what I have felt when Chiye lost her consciousness during the fateful storm. The confirmed awareness that not even the head of the heavenly realm can bring Chiye's soul back to the earthly realm is truly devastating. 

It takes my breath away countless thoughts rush inside my head trying to find a solution to this sorrowful affliction. 

"It is the price he has to pay." Taiyou-Okami lays her eyes on me, before it would send warm shivers down my spine, however, now it feels like a ridiculous attempt to console me.

I can feel my heart stopping for a moment.

The price.

My price for entering the heavenly realm.

Ryousuke mentioned before that mortals can't enter the heavenly or sacred realm under conventional circumstances. He said that there will be a price to pay. 

And that price will be determined following my arrival here.

I am willing to pay any price for coming here. Any price but Chiye herself.

"I need to see her now." My voice is merely a whisper and not explicitly directed to anyone specific. 

"Very well." Taiyou-Okami raises her hand and snaps with her fingers.

As I open my eyes again I find myself back where Airi and I started before we were taken away to the trial. The gates to heaven.

Immediately, I'm frantically looking around between all those shapeless glowing figures. And again I can make out Chiye almost in an instant. "Chiye!" I sprint towards her and take her into my arms. Just like before the radiant light dissolves in countless sparks and reveals her underneath it. She also holds onto my back. "How can you find me so quickly every time?" She chuckles.

"I will always find you." I hold her tighter and nuzzle my face into her hair. It feels like I can finally breathe freely again. The overwhelming pressure and presence from the deities is lifted off of my shoulders. 

"Have you taken care of everything?"

"Not yet."

I loosen my grip and hold onto her shoulders, looking into her brown coloured eyes. A sight so unbelievably familiar. So heartwarming, yet so painful.

I know now for sure that my feelings towards her are clearly and without any doubts love. One that is deeply rooted, far beyond a fleeting attraction. In my opinion the strongest and most inspiring emotion that I have ever felt. Putting it into words makes it more brilliant, more tangible. As if everything has finally come into the right place. 

And that is exactly the reason why I can't let it happen for Chiye to remain here. Even if it's selfish and arrogant, I simply don't want her to not be a part of my life. It doesn't even matter if she reciprocates my feelings or not, I just want her to partake in my existence on the earthly realm. 

I let go of her shoulders and carefully take both of her hands into mine. 

Her soft skin on mine sends a tingling sensation from the tip of my fingers and through my entire body. This is what it feels like to hold the hands of the one you really love.

For a brief moment all the moments with Airi flash before my eyes. We shared some kind of intimacy, here and also on earth, but every time it wouldn't feel like this at all. It was just natural, but it didn't necessarily cause any romantic feelings per se. 

Like a lighting that strikes, the revelation dawns on me.

There was truly never a moment in which my feelings for Chiye ever wavered. 

Not even once when Airi took over her body. The plain knowledge of her not really being Chiye drew a fine line between us. Certainly, there were times where I might have felt nervous with Airi, but even then I never thought that the epiphany on the stormy day would change in any way.

I love Chiye. I always have. I was just too much of a coward to define it earlier. And now it almost feels too late. Like everything was just in vain. 

My hopes and my expectations, my wishes and desires.

Her eyes are studying my face. I'm not sure what kind of expression I'm showing to her right now, but I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. 

She smiles warmly, slightly caressing my fingers with her thumbs. 

I gulp before I continue to speak and firmly return her gaze. 

"You knew that you won't come back home?"

To my disappointment she softly nods her head. Her eyes now reflect sorrow but also determination. It tears my heart into pieces.

"It is my destiny to stay here and ascend further into the heavens. It has always been."

Her voice is so comforting, yet her words are nothing but distressing. 

"Why is it your destiny?" I try to hold back my raging frustration, though my tone can't really conceal it entirely.

She smiles again, reaching out her hand and touching my face gently. Trying to comfort me.

"There is no one to blame. It's just how it is."

I grit my teeth and hold my hand onto hers on my face. 

"I've been here many times before. Do you remember my dreams, when I was unable to wake up? I was here when that happened. Sooner or later, I would've ended up here eventually anyways."

"But you came back every time before."

"It is different now. I'm just glad that I was able to help the lunar princess to return back home." 

Her smile gets brighter and I know that she is genuinely happy to have helped Airi in some way, but I can't help but feel the bitterness welling up inside of me.

Of course, I wouldn't have decided against helping Airi in hindsight, however Chiye not being able to return back to her own home is just so frustrating. 

"There is nothing that I regret." Her expression changes and she looks at me fondly. 

"I do though." 

I cup her face between my palms, lifting it up gently. In my eyes she is truly the most beautiful, simply looking at her so closely gives me goosebumps and makes my heart race in excitement.

"I love you. Chiye, I love you. With all I am, all I have, whether it is my fate or not. I couldn't care less about destiny and predetermination, I just know for a fact that loving you is the one aspect in my life that is the most correct. There is nothing more befitting than me loving you."

As my confession continues, her eyes begin to glisten with tears.

"If you say that remaining here is your fate, then me falling in love with you is just as equally inevitable. I'll make it to my fate, no one, not even the most divine deity can command me otherwise. Because you are who I chose to love."

Chiye's lip trembles as she silently cries and she averts my gaze as her tears are running down my hands. I tenderly wipe her tears with my thumbs. All the while my racing heartbeat echoes in my ears. It feels like my heart could jump out of my chest any moment.

She sobs and I wait for her to calm down. I'm not quite sure how to read her reaction. I tried my best to put my feelings into words, but I've never been the greatest poet. 

As she calms down again, she lifts her head and looks me straight into my eyes. I can feel the nervousness in every fibre of my body. My ears are burning hot.

"I said that I didn't want to regret anything." She sobs again but her nervous laughter mixes with it. She raises her hands and holds onto my wrists.

"I love you too. With all I am, all I have and every bit of self control over my own life that I possess. Even if it's my fate to ascend into the heavens, spending all those years with you were and will always be completely and most definitely the most blissful times in my life."

I can feel tears rolling down my face as her reply sinks in.

Every possibility played in my head prior to my confession. I've longed for this moment ever since this entire journey started. But not once could I have ever imagined the exact words she would say, her look, eyes and expression. And certainly not what such an answer would cause. 

First and foremost, my anxiety is washed away by feeling relieved. Although it is quickly dominated by a mixture of unimaginable joy and exhilaration. 

She laughs and it makes my heart jump happily. 

"I'm sorry that it took me so long."

She shakes her head chuckling. "Not at all."

Our eyes meet again and it truly seems like everything else fades away. Chiye smiles brightly at me, her eyes full of adoration and fondness. 

It is the way I wanted her to look at me the entire time. An expression filled to the brim with love and cherishment, making words redundant. 

It makes my heart stop for a moment. I knew that this expression would probably mean the end for me in a positive way. However, I didn't think that it would make my heart melt like this.

If my feelings could even deepen any more, then this is the point of no return and I'll gladly and willfully give into that with all my might.

I lean in closer to her. "Can I?"

Our faces have never been so close so far and that alone sends shivers down my back. I can feel my heart beating so loudly, that Chiye surely must hear it as well. 

Her gaze wanders from my eyes onto my lips. 

She doesn't say anything, but gets on her toes to close the small distance left and slowly closes her eyes. Her hands are still holding onto my wrists and I carefully take in every detail of this moment with my eyes, in order to burn it into my memories. 

I slightly tilt my head to the right and our lips finally touch.

The kiss floods my mind with so much bliss, that it almost makes me dizzy.

At the same time it feels so satisfying to be able to finally kiss her. Chiye's lips are soft and the heat from her body engulfs me. 

I could indulge in this feeling for an eternity and still long for it. 

Carefully I break away from the kiss to take another look at her. 

At this very moment I can say for sure that I crave for her. Make her mine entirely. 

Her reddish lips are slightly open, breathing heavily, her eyes not fully open but wandering back and forth between my eyes and lips. Her ears are bright red, probably just as mine.

Her gaze is like a hot trace along my face and it gives me goosebumps. 

I lean in towards her again. "I love you." I whisper it again as my lips first kiss her left cheek very gently, then her right. I stop just right above her lips. "I will always love you."

In this heavenly realm this is not only a mere promise based on a fleeting or spontaneous emotion. It is an affirmation of my own desire to take this one thing of my life into my own hands, so that not even the heavens could object it. 

I kiss Chiye again, like a seal that testifies my words.

However this time I kiss her with increased passion. She reciprocates my intensity and it begins to be like an exchange, a dance of one upping the eagerness.

If a kiss could ever reflect the loss of time and the inevitable farewell of two lovers who just found each other, then this must be it. 

Chiye pushes forward on her toes to get closer to me and I bend down more, now holding onto the back of her head with my right hand, rustling through her silky hair. 

A sigh escapes her lips as she opens them and wraps her hands around my neck, caressing my nape. Her fingertips send down shivers every time. It stirs me up.

Everything about this entire moment feels infinite, yet bitterly ephemeral. 

I want to hold onto this, onto her. I want to give her my everything, give the heavens everything in my might to get her to return back home. 

"Yuu." She pants my name in between the brief moments our lips are not sealing each other. I stop and open my eyes. The look in her warm, longing, eyes is so tormenting that it makes me snap out of it. Like sobering up in an instant. The overwhelming desire within me takes me aback. Now is not the right place, nor the right time. And with a heavy and reluctant heart I should probably say that there also will never be a right place or time ever.

We are both heavily breathing, holding on each other so desperately like that is the only thing that could save us from drowning. 

With my right hand I gently loose the grip on the back of her head and carefully brush away a strand of her dark hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. 

"There must be a way for you to return." I whisper and put my forehead on hers. I close my eyes, trying to calm down.

I can feel her shaking her head and this inevitability works like a miracle. 

"There is no return for me this time." She whispers back and her sorrowful, but firm tone is heart wrenching.

"What will happen to you?" I'm worried but I actually don't want to hear any of it, since imagining the aftermath of separating from each other makes it too real, too impending.

"Apparently I'm a very special human, so I might be able to ascend within the heavenly ranks. I'm not sure what it exactly means, but the spirits and deities that pushed me towards the gates would always say this." She shrugs her shoulders and I stand up straight again, looking at her. She grins.

"I knew that you were always really special." I smirk as well. I shouldn't make it more difficult for her. Nevertheless, within me is still the glimmer of hope that there will be a way for the both of us, or even just for Chiye to return to the earthly realm. 

Surely, there must be a way to avoid the rules of the heavens, since their judgement obviously isn't always correct either.

I will not sit back and let them dictate our future without trying my best to dodge our inevitable fates.