Awakening Shadows

Estoria lowered her arms and apologized, her head facing the floor. "I'll go first. I'm sorry."

"...what?" Aluxio didn't anticipate an apology and was a little taken aback.

"For last night, I didn't mean to, and for the other occasions too. I hurt you a lot, even if you were the one stubbornly walking towards me. I should have stopped you. I'm genuinely sorry," Estoria said, avoiding his gaze.

"About last night, I could've halted you intentionally, and the other times too, you didn't compel me. I let you do it to me, so you don't have to apologize for anything," Aluxio wanted to observe Estoria's face while conversing with her.

Estoria was at a loss for words; she didn't have the courage to meet Aluxio's expression or confess that she knew Aluxio did it intentionally, that it wasn't an error or an accident.

"Is that all you have to say to me?" Aluxio asked in a subdued voice.

"I—" Estoria stopped herself from speaking and lifted her head to face Aluxio's hurt expression. He wasn't looking at her; his face was turned, and only half of his face was showing. His lips were turned downward like a displeased emoji.

"I'm sorry, Aluxio," Estoria could only apologize in that moment.

"If you are going to apologize to me repeatedly, then I'm going back now," Aluxio left.

Estoria's heart sank to her stomach; she couldn't move.

Estoria knew the reason she couldn't love Aluxio; it wasn't because of him anymore. It wasn't because she didn't trust him enough or because he was suspicious. It was because of her now.

Estoria didn't know what it meant to genuinely love someone. She wasn't sure if she loved him or if it was simply because he had said that he loved her so many times to her face that she thought she was also in love with Aluxio.

No, even that didn't matter to her anymore. Estoria just couldn't fathom anyone ever loving her without a specific reason. When she heard that Aluxio was probably doing this because of a bet, she was a bit more pleased to learn that it was because he had a reason.

But the way Aluxio was behaving, it was clear to her as day that it wasn't just because of a bet or some other trivial reason. It was because he did love her. Why did he love her?

It was hard for even Estoria to comprehend and love herself, so how was Aluxio doing it so effortlessly? He was doing it seamlessly. Maybe it was because she is a lot prettier now? Would she love herself now that she's a whole lot prettier than before? Should Estoria try looking in the mirror more often?

All kinds of thoughts raised in Estoria's mind, and she just stood there for an hour. Only after a while did she move to her bed to sleep again.

Estoria woke up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep away her worries anymore. She got out of bed and went to her bedroom's balcony for some fresh air.

"What am I doing with my life?" Estoria suddenly asked herself.

Estoria was sulking in the moonlight when she heard voices coming from below her. She looked down to see.

"Is it really okay for you to not be sleeping right now?" A voice spoke.

"It's fine. I can't just leave you alone. How will I be able to sleep knowing you are awake alone in the night?" Another voice replied.

Although it wasn't easy for a person to see who it was in the night from such a distance, Estoria immediately recognized the voices and their hair colors. It was Eston and Tyrion going somewhere, crossing the front porch, walking side by side.

Estoria was curious to find out where they were going in the middle of the night, and she had nothing to do besides falling into depression, so she jumped down from the balcony without a second thought.

She softly landed on the ground with her knees and body bended down, and just then the thought crossed her mind that maybe she shouldn't have jumped from the second floor without thinking of the consequences. But she landed safely, so all was well.

Estoria searched the dark night for Tyrion and Eston, walking towards the way they were headed before she jumped down when she heard their voices again.

Estoria moved over to them silently, keeping a safe distance between her and them. After walking like that for a bit, they arrived in a roofless ground and stopped suddenly. Estoria quickly found a spot to hide.

Eston moved over a little from Tyrion's side and lifted his hand, igniting a red ball of light in his palms, ascending it to the top of the tall wall of the ground. After that, he conjured a dozen more, covering the ground walls with them.

It was dark before, but now it was illuminated by the red floating lights surrounding Tyrion and Eston.

"They're sort of terrifying. Can't you change the color?" Tyrion said.

"I can't. My mana's color is red," Eston replied weakly.

"You should've let me. Are you tired after only summoning a few orbs?" Tyrion sounded like he was mocking Eston, but he was probably more worried, given his personality.

"It's fine. I'm not that weak. Just because I am still in the process of my awakening doesn't mean I can't do anything by myself," As Eston said, he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.

Tyrion's eyes widened, his legs bending before he could react to catch Eston.

What are they doing? Eston should be resting right now instead of wasting his energy, Estoria thought as she peeked from behind the wall.

"Let's go back, Eston; you're shaking. You might even pass out again!" Tyrion said as he held Eston from his shoulders, both kneeling on the ground.

"It's only because I'm cold. I told you this is nothing!" Eston tried to shout, but his voice was too weak.

Tyrion reached for his own coat, unbuttoning it.

"Stop. I don't need it. Why are you being like this? Seriously, I should have just come alone," Eston said, but he couldn't stand back up as he kept shaking.

Tyrion unbuttoned his coat without saying anything and placed it on Eston's shoulders, but Eston stubbornly grabbed the coat to remove it.

They tugged the coat, Tyrion trying to keep it on Eston's shoulders while Eston was trying to stop him. Arms and hands were battling each other.

"Why are you being so stubborn? Just take it!" Tyrion shouted in a low voice.

"I said it's not needed!" Eston shouted loudly this time and pulled on Tyrion's arms in a furious flurry; he gained some strength.

Tyrion was pulled in helplessly and fell on Eston, making him fall too. Worried for Eston, Estoria almost came from behind the wall to catch him herself when she saw that Tyrion put his hand behind Eston's head as they both fell.

Eston fell on his back while Tyrion fell on top of Eston. His hand behind Eston's head must have saved him from any damage, but the ground needed protection too because Eston's fall ended in red blazing lights breaking the solid ground, cracking it.

Estoria was also startled by the crimson lightning bolts, making her move away from them a few steps. The cracks were spread all over the ground; even the walls had a few fractures in them.

One thing was sure by this, both of the twins were extremely hazardous right now as their powers flowed out unexpectedly. They were like ticking time bombs without a timer.

Eston opened his eyes to Tyrion's roseate hair brushing his lips as Tyrion's body lay upon Eston's. Tyrion's face was buried into Eston's neck; Eston felt Tyrion's breath on his neck, making him flinch. Tyrion lifted his head with the help of his hands placed on the fractured ground besides Eston's ears.

They both locked eyes, surprising each other. It was awkward, but there was also tension present between them.

Estoria couldn't watch anymore as both of them refused to move a single muscle more. Estoria came over to help them up.

"What are you both doing?" Estoria sighed.

Tyrion got up as soon as he heard Estoria's voice from the corner. Estoria lifted Eston to his feet by his hand and shoulders.

"....?" Estoria reacted as both of them were silent, not even questioning where she had appeared from.

"Let's go back, Eston; you're in no condition to be moving right now," Estoria said.

"No, I'm really fine," Eston replied, refusing to admit he's having a difficult time.

"Can't you see the ground? You're too powerful to wander about wherever you want right now. Unless you want the mansion to collapse bit by bit, don't move until your awakening is complete," Estoria responded. She knew exactly what words would work in that moment.

Eston fell quiet, seeing the ground. "Wait a moment, Tyrion; your coat," Eston handed Tyrion his coat from his shoulders.

Tyrion took the coat, but he didn't say anything; instead, he stood there dumbfounded.

"Tyrion, are you hurt somewhere? Let's go if your back if you can walk," Estoria asked, seeing Tyrion behave strangely.

"I'm alright. I was just thinking. Let's go," Tyrion started walking ahead of Estoria and Eston.

Eston also started walking with his legs shaky as if he was trying to balance his body constantly.

Estoria worriedly asked, "Eston, if you're having a hard time walking, I can carry you on my back. It's nothing for me, really."

"No, how can I ask you to carry me? You're just the same as me. Have your awakening finished?" Eston stopped and asked.

"No, I don't know, but I don't feel any different from normal. Actually, I feel better than normal," Estoria replied truthfully.

Eston was still skeptical; he didn't want Estoria to carry him, but he knew he couldn't really walk either. Tyrion stopped on his steps, coming back to Eston and lifted him in his arms without saying anything.

One arm under Eston's knees and the other arm under Eston's shoulders, Tyrion lifted him in the air like it was nothing.

"Do you want to fall and break the ground again?" Tyrion said as he walked with Eston in his arms.

Eston didn't respond, nor did he resist. He had his arms wrapped around Tyrion's neck as he stared at his face.

Estoria walked alongside Tyrion silently when Tyrion suddenly asked, "What are you doing here?"

Estoria knew Tyrion would ask her this question sooner or later. "I couldn't fall asleep since I slept all day," She answered vaguely.

Eston called back his arms from Tyrion's neck and hugged his arms instead.

"Are you cold, Eston?" Estoria didn't finish asking before Tyrion pulled Eston in his chest, hugging him tightly.

"..." Estoria was speechless.

"What is this special treatment you're giving only Eston?" Estoria finally asked instead of beating around the bush.

"I like caring for him," Tyrion replied nonchalantly.

"Do you like Eston that much? I can't believe you have never met him before," Estoria said.

"I should have met him earlier if I knew I could like a person this much," Tyrion replied.

Estoria didn't think much of it. "Eston, if you also can't sleep, want me to keep you company?" She exclaimed.

There was no reply; Eston had fallen fast asleep. They couldn't see Eston's face covered by Tyrion's chest, so no one knew when he fell asleep.

"He must have exerted all his strength earlier," Tyrion said.

"He must be really exhausted. Eston is having a harder time than me during his awakening. I can't imagine how bad it hurts that he can't get even out of bed. Compared to him, I am doing so well that it feels wrong to be this okay," Estoria said as they walked.

Tyrion didn't say anything; instead, he tightened his grip on Eston.