Reunion with Roses

The next day, Estoria couldn't help but worry about Aluxio all night. The way he left seemed like he was giving up on pursuing her, which worried Estoria for some reason.

The day passed with no sight of Aluxio nearby. Estoria searched here and there for him, but he seemed to have disappeared without a word. Meanwhile, Eston's condition remained the same. Tyrion cared for him all day, while Ria and Isaac were occupied with paperwork and other important matters, checking up on Eston from time to time.

Estoria understood the feelings of helplessness that everyone experienced during Eston's awakening. Despite only recently being thrust into this situation, she considered her family her own, the only one she had ever known.

Days went by, and Eston's condition finally improved after a week of suffering. Today, he woke up feeling normal. However, everyone remained cautious around him, treating him as if he might break if he got out of bed or something else might break too.

Everyone was on edge for a week. Only after Eston's recovery did Estoria realize that she hadn't seen Aluxio once since that day. Giving in, she finally asked Tyrion about Aluxio.

Aluxio had left for the royal capital the day he left Estoria's room looking like a sad wet puppy. It became clear to her that Aluxio didn't want to see her anymore.

One day, Estoria lost in her thoughts opened her bedroom door to check back on Eston's condition, When she was met with a surprising sight. Before her eyes was a person with red rose hair, kneeling on one knee, his face covered with a bouquet of fresh purple roses.

The purple roses were being offered by the redhead, their sweet fragrance intense in the air.

"...?!" Estoria reacted confused.

"I'm sorry, please take the roses; they're for you," Aluxio spoke first.

"Why did you come back? This isn't your home that you can just come back to whenever you want," Estoria replied sulkily.

Aluxio showed his face, descending the bouquet of purple roses. It wasn't like Estoria had forgotten Aluxio's face in a week, but the moment she saw him again, her heart started racing excitingly.

Aluxio seemed resigned regarding the violet roses, given Estoria's nonacceptance. He put the bouquet down on the floor, looking upset. Estoria stopped his hand, retrieving the bouquet from his palms.

"The roses did nothing wrong; they're pretty." Estoria embraced the bouquet, nearly equivalent to her upper physique in size.

Aluxio's countenance brightened, and he smiled, inducing a sense of relief in Estoria. Yet, she felt a desire to weep inexplicably.

"Get up already; for how long are you planning to stay kneeling on the floor?" Estoria articulated with a mellifluous tone.

"My lower limbs have become insensate." Aluxio's smile intensified.

"???" Estoria pondered for how prolonged he had been kneeling for his lower limbs to succumb to numbness.

Estoria proceeded indoors to situate the bouquet on her bed, leaving Aluxio flummoxed. Upon her return, she hoisted Aluxio by the arms to usher him inside. Upon Aluxio seating himself on the sofa, she promptly disengaged her hands.

"Why did you place the roses on the bed?" Aluxio asked.

"Isn't the bed softer?" Estoria replied, confused.

"No, it is softer." Aluxio chortled. "They're receiving better treatment than me. I'm kind of jealous right now."

"It's only because you bought them. I don't even like flower bouquets; they'll die soon anyway. Also, it's not like you haven't been on my bed before—" Estoria fell silent.

They both fell silent for a minute. Aluxio spoke afresh, "I shall ensure their longevity. You merely need to imbue them with your mana to sustain vitality."

"Oh, okay then," Estoria replied, culminating in an awkward silence once more.

"You didn't reply to my previous question. Why did you come back?" Estoria said in a constrained voice.

"Why? Am I not welcome here to see you?" Aluxio counter-posed.

"Hmm," Estoria thought for a bit. "But isn't the royal capital far from here? You can't just go back and forth."

"It is not an appreciable distance if, ultimately, I am graced with your presence," Aluxio rejoined candidly.

Estoria was annoyed now. "Why do you think that you can come back to me whenever you want when you didn't even say a word to me about where you were going and why? You just leave whenever you want too. Right? That's how much my feelings matter to you."

Aluxio was astounded and wounded to perceive Estoria's perspective. He rose from his seat. "Estoria, that is not the case. I regret departing without apprising you. I refrained from awakening you so prematurely, and the matter was also exigent to await your arousal. However, had I known you would agonize thus, I would not have departed sans a word. Kindly pardon me this time; I vouch it shall not recur." Aluxio apologized, his fists clenched fervently.

Estoria was vexed moments ago, yet now she yearned to laugh. "I shall forgive you on one condition... hug me." Estoria extended her arms, eyes shut nervously.

Estoria was getting more anxious with each passing second, worried Aluxio wouldn't hug her. Suddenly, she was embraced tightly by Aluxio's arms. She wrapped her arms around him to return the hug.

"Why are you acting like this? One second you have me on the edge, and the next second you hold me close to yourself," Aluxio spoke sotto voce.

Estoria didn't reply; she was letting her feelings get the best of her in that moment without holding back anymore.

"Don't leave me, please," Estoria whispered.

She presumed Aluxio had not apprehended her utterance. Aluxio's head descended upon Estoria's shoulder, arresting her heartbeat momentarily.

"I shall never forsake your side," Aluxio whispered in return.

A droplet of moisture grazed Aluxio's ear. He turned his head, aghast to the core.

A stream of tears was falling down on Estoria's face; She wept so noiselessly that even Aluxio could not discern her lamentation.

"Estoria, why are crying? Is it because of me? I'm sorry; stop crying, please." Aluxio panicked, seeing Estoria's tears fall steadily while she remained quiet.

He wiped her tears with the sleeves of his coat, patting her visage delicately.

Estoria wept for a duration, obstinately maintaining her grasp on Aluxio's waist. She clung to him as she sobbed and abruptly ceased to pat Aluxio's hair, a desire she had harbored for an extended duration.

Aluxio was alarmed, shocked now. She was weeping vehemently one moment, and now she was tousling his hair as though naught had transpired.

Estoria gasped. "Aluxio, how is your hair softer than Asher's hair?" She queried, bewildered.

"What..?" Aluxio was even more bewildered than her. "Why are you talking about him? I don't want to hear his name right now," Aluxio grumbled.

Estoria blinked, letting the remaining tears in her eyes fall too, as she ruffled Aluxio's hair attentively.

Aluxio wiped the remaining tears too and asked, "Why were you crying?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to," Estoria replied emotionlessly.

"Okay, it's fine then. I was scared it was because of something else." Aluxio wrapped Estoria in his arms again.

"I'm going to do whatever I want today!" Estoria exclaimed.

"Why just today?" Aluxio said.

"Just for today is enough," Estoria smiled solemnly.

"Do whatever you want," Aluxio snuggled in Estoria's neck.

"Wait, Aluxio, it tickles," Estoria laughed.

Aluxio shot his head back up and stared at her face.

"...?" Estoria reacted.

"You're the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes upon," Aluxio said as he gazed intensely.

"!????" Estoria blushed instantly.

She buried her face in Aluxio's chest shyly.

"Why are you hiding your face? Let me see it, please," Aluxio tried backing his chest, but Estoria's grip was stronger than him.

Estoria lifted her upper half face from Aluxio's chest, eyeing him.

Aluxio didn't waste a moment before placing a kiss on Estoria's forehead. He stared back at her, smiling, seemingly satisfied.

"Not fair," Estoria grumbled.

Estoria swiftly held Aluxio's face in her palms, lowering it to her own face, and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Now it's fair," Estoria said, seeing Aluxio's flushed face and ears, seemingly satisfied.

"Are you both quite finished?" Asher said with a disgusted face.

They both moved their heads to the voice. Asher was leaning against the wall beside the balcony, his arms crossed and a face that revealed his emotions.

"What are you doing here?" Estoria asked.

"Tidy yourselves. Ria is asking for you both to come downstairs," Asher flashed white after the announcement with an annoyed tone.

"Since how long has he been standing there?" Aluxio asked, also displeased.

"Shall we get going?" Estoria smiled, pleased.

Estoria and Aluxio arrived in the guests' living room, where everyone was already gathered.

"What is this about?" Estoria asked.

Ria answered, "We are thinking of going to the dragon's realm."

"The Dragon's realm?" Estoria asked curiously.

"It's an artificial world created by the first-ever dragon. While it's not the same as our world, it's a bit similar appearance-wise, and its area is as big as a kingdom," Eston explained.

"Anyone can enter the realm, then?" Aluxio asked.

"Not just anyone. Only the royal family of the dragon's realm can open the portal that connects our world with theirs," Eston said.

"So how are we going to enter the realm, then?" Estoria questioned, and everyone in the room turned to Ria.

"I'm going to open the Portal," Ria replied.


"So, you're a runaway crowned princess? Not just a princess, but the next monarch of the dragon realm? And that's not all; you ran away successfully from the royal family of the dragons?" Estoria asked, even more curious now.

"That's Mother for you. But even this is not enough for your memories to jog back a bit?" Eston said, sitting back on the sofa.

"We had a bit of a fallout, and I ran away from home. It's not like they didn't try to take me back. I even went back on my own once, but they refused to let me marry Isaac just because he's not a dragon. How could I stay there after that? I threw a fit and ran away again. They have tried for years to take me back again, but no one was a match for me, and my parents were too prideful to step into the human's realm. So, after a few years, they gave up," Ria scoffed.

"I'm thrilled to meet grandparents now. I wonder how they would react after we both awakened as dragons," Eston smirked while eating a cookie.

"No, we won't be meeting them. I'll never let them see any of my family members ever," Ria stated.

Everyone in the room could feel that Ria was being as serious as she could be.

"Alright, let's lay out the plan. Ria just got the information that the royal palace will be empty for a day tomorrow, and that's our only chance to go in. We have to enter the dungeon library to obtain the books that contain all the information regarding different dragons and their awakenings. We have less than 24 hours once we step into the realm. However, just to play it safe, we will be leaving before the day ends so we absolutely don't clash with the royal family," Isaac explained briefly.

Tyrion raised his hand. "Why are we getting the books, anyways?"

"Obviously, to know what kind of dragon Estoria is. We still don't have any other clues about her, other than the fact that she loses control of her powers and drinks blood to calm down," Eston said.

"Then are we going to get more information about your awakening too? Is there any kind of treatment for your awakening?" Tyrion exclaimed.

"Possibly, yes. Although it's been years, I remember there was a book that had all the information on light dragons. We have to get that book and find out about Estoria too," Ria said.

"Okay, so we have to leave tomorrow, right? Who are the ones Mother's taking with her?" Estoria asked.

"Everyone in the room except Asher is going. Why do you think I'm telling the princes everything since they witnessed the awakening too? Everyone will be helpful," Ria said.

Aluxio and Tyrion exchanged quick glances with each other.

"So, since I didn't get to see them awaken, I can't go? Isn't it better to have more hands? I can read just fine!" Asher complained.

"Not exactly, Asher. I don't want to endanger you. We are going to a dangerous place; anything can happen. It's better if at least one of us stays behind, knowing where we all went if something else were to happen to us," Ria said gently.

"That's all the more reason I can't stay behind. What will I do if no one returns after a day? I won't be able to do anything then!" Asher said sulkily.

"Asher! I need you to watch over while we are away; that's the only task you have to focus on. Leave the rest for us," Ria said in a gentle shout.

Asher glanced over to Estoria and turned his head away, nodding.

"Don't worry, Asher. I'll come back safely no matter what," Estoria stated confidently.