Teenage Stage: Master

POV MC (Tooth Fairy)

Opening my eyes I look at the elevator doors closing.

Lowering my shoulders I try to arrange my jacket I was wearing at that moment using only my shoulders while clutching with my hands a white box and a brown briefcase.

MC: What a shitty day

Craning my neck from side to side I felt the discomfort all over my back.

MC: "You know, I've been sitting in front of a computer for over 12 hours and you can't give me a better chair, you shouldn't demand so much from me."

MC: "The director is a big cheapskate as usual."

Listening to the sound of the elevator I look in front of the doors waiting for them to open.

MC: "I should apologize to her it's very late and I'm just arriving".

As the elevator doors open to quietly lower me down.

As I look down I notice the bulging size of my stomach protruding out of my suit.

MC: *sigh* "I have neglected myself this year."

MC: "Even though I know I look worse every day she always greets me with a smile and a hug."

Walking down the hallway I try to compose my posture by looking straight ahead.

MC: "I must hurry, I must buy a house so I won't be in this apartment anymore".

MC: "It's very selfish not to give something like that to her."

As we reach the end of the hallway he looks at my apartment door leaving my briefcase on the floor.

MC: "It would be nice to change the mood a bit, should I plan a vacation?"

MC: "Well it would be great to go to a spa with her next week."

Opening the door to my place the narrow hallway was looking longer and longer.

MC: How strange, my apartment was always so big?

MC: *ahem* I'm back

Raising my voice I waited for my wife's answer.

MC: I'm home

Walking over I closed the door as I entered the apartment leaving the briefcase on the floor.

MC: "She'll be asleep?"

As I walked down the hallway I noticed a strange smell

MC: "What is it?"

I started walking a little faster past the hallway doors.

MC: "It smells really bad"

MC: "It's a very familiar scent..."

MC: Honey

As I walked faster, the white box fell to the floor spilling a cake.


I started to run in the direction of my room.

My breath was heavy, my legs felt warm, my head was feeling lighter.


The image of the door was blurry, I felt like throwing up, my body was hot.

I jumped in the direction of my door to throw it away


As I fell over the door I fell to the floor with the door in front of me

The heat in my body felt rough, I felt like throwing up my body wouldn't get up I was tired with my eyes heavy


Wife: Shut up

The door to my room burst open and there sat a woman with blonde hair.

Her hair was shoulder length, her face was well defined her facial features were very clean she looked like a freshly polished pearl, her lips as shiny as a crystal clear river, her long legs gave the appearance of two perfectly rolled pink velvet curtains, her breasts so cute they stood out a pink color from the tips on her naked body.

MC: Honey?

Wife: *shhhh*

Bringing her index finger to her lips she made a whistling sound as she winked at me.

Wife: You're noisy I'm very busy right now.

Coming out from under the bed light pink faceless men came out to stand behind my wife.

Wife: But don't worry I can empathize with you.

The men's faces began to split into segments dropping the skin falling on their bodies like bananas.

Wife: I know you're not man enough to understand.

My wife opened her mouth and smiled, revealing a deformed face with a grin.

The men grew tentacles where his head should be, making a wet smacking sound as they hit his body.

MC: I see...

I got up from the floor shaking the clothes that were stained with a slimy substance and looked at my wife's face, her eyes were starting to bulge out of her face deforming her face.

MC: I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you.

Looking at the pink men behind my wife started to burn.

I closed my eyes and felt the heat in the whole room.


POV MC (Kirijima Kaito)

????: Kai-kun, kai-kun, !KAI-kun¡

He slowly opened his eyes to see a tall, brown-haired boy with a big smile on his face.

Kaito: Yuuto-senpai ....?

Yuuto: Right, what are you doing out here?

I rubbed my eyes and felt my closed hands tremble as I took a deep breath.

When I stopped rubbing my eyes I let my eyelids close I let out a breath I felt the cold air hit my face as I started to take a deep breath.

Kaito: *sigh* I'm waiting for my older sister Kizuna to go buy a book with your girlfriend, I'll wait for them out here.

When I opened my eyes fully, I imagined a wide street, Yuuto-senpai was dressed in a full blue judogi with a black belt, his large body creating a shadow that covered all the sunlight he received.

His big, swollen cheeks blushed a little at the mention of his girlfriend.

Yuuto: hehehehehehehe *ahem* Well, no problem, but you are a different story, it seems you didn't sleep properly.

Walking towards the door of the building, Yuuto looked a little more flushed.

Pointing at my face, I raised my hand to feel the skin under my eyes, the dark circles were just coming out.

Kaito: Don't worry, I'm just too tired in this weather.

Yuuto: Alright, I'll be inside, take a rest for a moment.

Yuuto entered the room and closed the door quietly.

When I touched my eyes, I suddenly felt my heart racing, my hands started to shake and I couldn't stop myself.

Kaito: "Is it necessary to see this?"

Kaito: "At this point, my dreams began to distort my past memories, resulting in these little sights."

I touch my face with both hands and begin to breathe excitedly.

Kaito: "Calm down, calm down, you're a man! ...."

Kaito: I sound... pathetic.

I remove my hands from my face and look at the roof of the building, while I cross my legs and sit on a bench outside, my body starting to feel light.

Kaito: "I've only [existed to complain about things that make me a...]"

Hearing someone sit down next to me, I turned to look in that direction.

Kaito: Grandma

Grandma: Please, Kai-chan, you can call me Mummy, you know that.

Her expressionless face stared at me with her red iris eyes, her orange kimono accentuated her pale skin, her figure looked thin and fragile like glass, her face had some wrinkles slightly hidden by make-up, her completely black hair was tied up on top of her head.

Grandma turns to the street and crosses her arms, staring at nothing.

Kaito: Mummy...

Nodding at my answer, Grandma turns in my direction.

Although her face does not show a broad smile, her cheeks are relaxed and her shoulders are firm, she looks in my direction as she rests her hands on the bench and moves towards me.

Grandmother: Well, now tell me Kai-chan, why are you so restless?

Kaito: Well, I'm very absent-minded Grandma, don't be surprised.

Grandma came in my direction and sat down next to me, putting her arm around my neck while grabbing my chin with her free hand.

Grandmother: You can't lie to me, there's something wrong with you.

Kaito: Grandma, what's wrong with a 12-year-old?

Grandma lifted my head to look at my face.

Grandmother: Mmmm, suspicious.

Her hand that was on my neck started rubbing my back.

Grandma: You don't care about school

Sliding her fingers along the contours of my spine, I felt the light touch of her fingers.

Grandmother: You don't argue with anyone in the family either.

Her fingers touched the back of my ribs and I reacted by jumping slightly.

Grandmother: It must be something someone said to you and now you can't stop thinking about it.

Kaito: etto..

Grandmother: *Sigh* I knew it

With another hand, she touched the outside of my face with the outside of her hand while still holding my chin.

Grandmother: Do you want to hear one of my bad tips?

I nodded at her answer and stared into her eyes.

Kaito: I don't think you're giving me bad advice.

Grandmother: You're just saying that because you're my grandson, but listen carefully, I think you're mature enough to understand what I'm going to say.

Grandma put both her hands on my shoulders as she continued to stare at me, her tone of voice firm.

Grandmother: No one makes you angry, no one makes you sad, no one makes you desperate, why?

Grandmother: The only person responsible for your feelings is you.

Grandmother: Other people may do something that you mentally rate as annoying to you.

Grandmother: But no one can make you angry and no one can make you sad, because the only person responsible for your emotions is you.

Grandmother: If you just let a comment affect you and react in a negative way, you give them a power that no one should have.

Running her thumbs over my cheeks, Granny leans in a little.

Grandmother: The only one who has the power to control how you feel is you, okay?

Nodding at her words, Gran tenses her face and brings it closer to my forehead.


With a more serious touch, I felt a bit of hostility from my grandmother.

Kaito: Sure, mommy

Grandmother: Got it, now can you please come out of hiding?

Removing her hands from my shoulders grandma turned to the opposite direction of my place.

With a slightly more annoyed tone she speaks in the direction I turned.

Shop assistant: Ohh, I didn't expect to get caught so easily.

An older woman with wrinkles on her face came out from behind a pile of stacked boxes, wearing a long white jumper and a pink apron with a picture of a cat printed on it.

Grandmother: I know you wanted to give me my privacy, but please read the environment a little.

Putting her arm around my neck, grandma had a more serious tone in her voice.

Dropping my weight on my grandmother, I began to breathe more calmly and returned the hug.

Shop assistant: You must excuse me, but I began to notice how you were comforting your little grandson. It is very satisfying to see them so close.

Shop assistant: Seeing them from this hidden distance reminds me of a rumor that started recently.

Grandmother: Rumour?

Shop assistant: That's right, you can say it's a strange thing, but this idea will become famous because of a film, or at least that's what they always say.

As I felt the grandmother's hand creep through my hair, my heart rate began to slow.

Shop assistant: A customer recently commented on the rumour that it's a spell to get fate's approval if you want to confess or bond better with someone.

Shop assistant: *ahem* If you want fate's approval, pray that you don't get caught while you're about to make a move, ask the people closest to you with all your might to stop you before you confess or make a move on someone.

Kaito: That...sounds...like...a....

Feeling my eyelids grow heavy, my body falls onto Granny's legs. With a warm feeling all over my body, I felt like I was floating on a steamer, where the warmth lulled me to sleep.

Kaito: I would fool around...zzz