A new era

In outer space, Darkseid reveled in a malevolent smile as a monstrous silhouette roared. This creature, once the mighty Doomsday, had been injected with genetic enhancements and transformed into a nightmarish abomination with Darkseid's blood running through its veins. Darkseid's voice cut through the cacophonous roars, commanding the beast.

"Tear through any resistance you encounter on Earth. Crush everything that stands in your way, leaving nothing but ashes in your wake. When your mission is complete, wait for me," Darkseid ordered, his tone dripping with cruel authority. Doomsday bellowed in submission and was catapulted from Apokolips, hurtling toward Earth, directly at the heart of Metropolis.

Darkseid strode back into his fortress, a wicked grin etched upon his face. "Let's see if these Justice pests can stop this impending doom," he sneered. "Now, about those monkeys that appeared..."

Back on Earth in Metropolis, Clark walked alongside Lois. She interrupted him with her complaint. "Come on, Clark, I'm hungry," she insisted, looking for some attention.

Clark chuckled but was soon distracted by a loudspeaker announcing a political campaign.

"That's right, Michael Miller has his campaign today," he remarked. Lois called him again, demanding his attention.

"I'm coming," he relented, and she smiled at him. She raised her hand, showing off the diamond ring on her finger. Her radiant smile captured his heart. "Now that you proposed and told me who you are, we should celebrate!"

"I'm glad you're happy," he commented, as she turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I be?" she inquired, puzzled. "I'm just saying, you look beautiful when you're happy."

Clark's warm expression changed as he glanced up at the sky, responding to his earpiece. "Clark, we have an incoming object heading straight for your location, and we have no idea what it is," Batman's voice came through the earpiece. Noticing the shift in his demeanor, Lois couldn't help but ask.

"Is something wrong?" He took her hand and swiftly led her into an alleyway.

"Clark?" she inquired. He transformed into his Superman attire. Lois questioned the situation, but he quickly returned his attention to her.

"Something is coming to Earth," he explained.

"You think it's those gods from before?" She asked somewhat excitedly.

"We don't know what it is, and it took out a satellite during its journey," He explained, but that wasn't really why he wanted to speak to her. "I don't want you to get hurt, I know how you can be."

Lois was determined, though. "You think I'm going to run away? Besides, if you guys can't handle it, we're all doomed anyway," she stated.

The sky turned red as the meteor came down at breakneck speed, sending people into panic. It was about to crash into the middle of the political campaign.

"Stay safe!" he urged before launching himself towards the meteor, redirecting it to an empty parking lot, reducing its impact force by a considerable amount.

Clark then examined the meteor, which suddenly attacked him with a powerful punch. The impact didn't affect him much, but he noticed something about the object. "So, you're a living creature," he observed, just as Flash, Batman, Cyborg, and Wonder Woman joined him. Together, they confronted the creature.

Superman seized the creature's arm and forced it to the ground, trying to figure out its origin. "Any idea where this thing came from?" he asked, but Batman had shrugged. "A few, but nothing concrete." Diana approached the creature, about to properly bind it.

The creature, however, fought back with newfound strength, breaking free from Wonder Woman's attempt to bind it with her lasso. It struck Superman's chest with its arm again, this time launching the Man of Steel off his feet.

Diana readied herself, wary of the creature's newfound power. If it could send Superman flying, it was a serious threat. The beast unleashed a deafening roar before launching a ferocious attack, but she managed to deflect its blows using her bracelets, and the sheer force of their collision created a devastating shockwave that reverberated through the ground, shattering the pavement beneath them.

She smirked as she leaned to the side, narrowly avoiding a wild swing from the beast, seeing a perfect opening she tensed before punching it in the face with a quick jab, stunning the creature.

Following up her assault, she leaned forward, grabbed its head, and slammed it into her knee, causing the creature to howl in pain and anger as it leaned back, clutching its head. That would surely hurt. Before it could recover, she planted her foot firmly into its torso, releasing an intense shockwave, knocking the wind out of the creature.

She continued her barrage, launching a ruthless assault on the creature as Diana beat the ever-loving shit out of it, determined to knock it unconscious, as shockwave after shockwave shook the ground.

Just as before, she tensed her body and pulled her fist back for a more voracious punch, putting more of her weight and strength behind the force.

The camera crew from the campaign slowly made their way over, bearing witness to Wonder Woman ruthlessly assaulting the creature. Each blow sent tremors through the air. As she delivered a final punch to its face, she paused for a moment, seemingly drawing upon a well of hidden power. Crouching low, she widened her stance and drove her fist deep into the creature's gut. The shockwave shattered every glass window in the area, even cracking the TV crew's camera.

The monster fell to its knees, visibly overwhelmed by the relentless assault, yet it remained eerily conscious.

"Impressive," Diana commented before stepping back. She leaped into the air and executed a graceful flip, bringing her heel down on the creature's head in a perfect arc. The impact created shockwaves that reverberated throughout the neighborhood.

A chilling shriek filled the air as Diana relaxed, that required a little more effort than most, but nothing she couldn't handle.

Superman returned looking completely unharmed. He nodded. "Good job."  Diana retrieved her lasso, this thing needed to be restrained.

Suddenly, a helicopter soared above them, and Clark looked up to see Lois and Jimmy broadcasting. This distracted Diana as well, she didn't notice the creatures eyes snap open as it pulled its leg back and delivered a brutal blow to her gut that propelled her off her feet, through a car, and finally, into a building.

The creature stood up and roared, growing in size by a few inches. "Diana!" Flash called out, looking at the creature with rage.

"You've done it now!" he said, charging at the creature and landing a punch. However, to his shock, his punch had no effect. The creature stared at him, and then it swung its arm, but Flash managed to dodge it with practiced agility, before backing up hastily. 

Superman saw this as an opportunity and attempted to strike the creature, but to his dismay, it caught his fist, crushed his hand, and forced the Man of Steel to the ground. Then it kicked him, and although he managed to block the blow, it forced him backward, leaving him to gaze at his hand in disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Batman asked, but Superman simply shook his head.

"It might be my imagination, but this thing is stronger. It's either been holding back, or-"

"It's growing more powerful," Batman said, looking at Clark with a sense of urgency. "If we don't stop it now, it'll become an unstoppable force, we need to hit it hard and restrain it." Superman nodded, just as Diana landed beside him, unscathed from her earlier encounter.

"I'll attack from the rear, and you from the front," Superman relayed, and she nodded, as they both took off.

"I'll provide cover fire!" Cyborg announced as he fired blasts from a distance.

Superman swiftly closed the gap between himself and the beast. He had to end this now, before it became a relentless juggernaut. He punched the creature in the gut, and to his astonishment, his arm passed right through its fragile form. It was a stark contrast to its earlier resilience when he wasn't really putting any effort into his blows.

Diana witnessed this and halted her attack, refraining from delivering a bone-crushing kick to its head. The creature slumped as Superman gazed at it with wide eyes, retracting his arm. "Sorry, big guy. I didn't expect my arm to go right through you," he commented with a heavy heart.

Diana sighed and placed a hand on Superman's shoulder. It was an unintentional killing, a rare occurrence that always left the heroes feeling remorse, particularly if it could have been avoided. However, to their astonishment, the creature's wound suddenly sealed shut.

The beast unleashed a blood-curdling roar and swung a punch at Clark, who managed to catch it. But this time, the power behind the blow was immensely greater, and it stung, causing him to wince. He examined his hand in disbelief as another blow hit him, dazing him. The creature then swung a protruding bone from its arm at Clark, who narrowly dodged it, but not before it left a deep gash on his chest.

Blood oozed from his wounded torso as Lois gasped in horror. "Unbelievable... Superman is bleeding," she uttered, as the creature charged at him with newfound swiftness and delivered a punch that sent him hurtling through the air, crashing into a building.

Diana growled in anger as she charged at the creature but to her surprise it was already in her face as it grabbed her by the hair and slammed her face into its knee before she could realize what happened a bone was in her face about to turn her into a Shish kebab. 'Curses! I wasn't paying attention.' She cursed herself for her recklessness.

Luckily Flash saw this, the speed force activating in him, his eyes buzzed as the world slowed to a stop in his eyes. "Not on my watch!" He said as he grabbed Diana who was staring at the bone in shock but it never hit her as Flash tackled her to the side, yellow lightning zipping everywhere, a testament to the speed he just unleashed as they rolled on the ground, sitting up she looked at him.

"I owe you, Flash," she acknowledged, her gratitude laced with a darker intensity. He waved it off. "Don't mention it. You'd do the same. We have to deal with this guy," he replied as they both rose to their feet.

"Power Girl, Supergirl, we need your assistance... abandon your current mission," Batman's voice commanded through the earpiece.

"Are you sure?" Power Girl's voice responded over the earpiece. "If we had a little more time, we could uncover what C.A.D.M.U.S. has been up to. From what I can tell, they've been experimenting with DNA-" She didn't have a chance to finish her thought.

"Alright, don't take too long. We can't afford to wait. Diana nearly lost her life. Gather as much information as possible and return to Metropolis," Batman urged, his tone carrying a sense of urgency as he prepared to confront the menacing force.

"Roger," Power Girl replied, ending the transmission.

"Don't hold back. Incapacitate it if possible. We can't take any chances. At this rate, we won't be able to stop it," Batman declared, a sense of foreboding hanging heavy in the air as he hurled a batarang at the creature, momentarily blinding the monstrous foe.

The battle raged on as Superman returned, his onslaught sending shockwaves through the very earth beneath their feet. Diana phased in with her sword, executing precise, surgical strikes to sever the creature's arms, inciting a deafening, primal roar of anger. In a swift move, she sidestepped the creature's ferocious kick and seized one of its legs, while Cyborg came down from above with a photon blade that effortlessly cleaved the limb from its body.

The scene played out in a brutal and gruesome manner, a visceral display that left onlookers feeling ill, their discomfort palpable. The fact that the Justice League had resorted to lethal force did not sit well with everyone, but the critics were silenced by the urgent necessity of their actions. Diana had come dangerously close to death, and the relentless tenacity of their enemy demanded nothing less than their full might. By their own standards, their previous actions could be seen as merciful and gentle, but no more.

At lightning speed, the Flash darted in, striking the creature with formidable force, forcing it to the ground. Diana, meanwhile, soared into the air, wielding her sword with both precision and raw power. The blade connected with the creature's chest, resulting in a bone-chilling howl of agony that echoed through the area. Then, with immense speed, Superman ascended into the sky before hurtling down like a falling star, breaking the sound barrier upon impact with the sword. He drove it deeper into the creature, creating a massive crater.

A heavy silence settled over the battlefield, the air thick with tension, as they waited to see if the creature would stir again. When no movement came, Diana moved in, prepared to restrain the fallen behemoth with her lasso. But as she approached, a massive arm struck her torso, causing her to expel a gruesome spray of blood. She was sent hurtling high into the sky, pursued by the creature, which sought to deliver a bone-shattering blow. Yet before the attack could land, Diana rallied, pivoting to face the creature head-on. Their colossal fists met in a cataclysmic clash, unleashing a shockwave that shattered the city's windows, sending a nearby helicopter into a frenzied spin before the pilot managed to regain control.

Diana and the creature continued their gruesome dance of death. "Impressive, monster! Our battle will be legendary!" Diana declared amidst the chaos, as she expertly dodged its claw and delivered a crushing elbow to its gut. She then hurled the creature into Superman, who clotheslined it into Cyborg, who had been charging a sonic blast at full power.

The top half of the creature was mercilessly blown apart, bathing the surroundings in a grotesque spectacle of entrails and gore. Gasps and horrified exclamations erupted among the onlookers, prompting parents to shield their children from the gruesome sight. Nonetheless, a strange fascination overcame many of the younger spectators, as they watched the grotesque display unfold, transfixed by the terrifying spectacle.

The creature's motion came to a sudden halt, and Cyborg gasped for breath as he surveyed the fallen monstrosity. "Watch out, Cyborg!" Flash called out when he noticed the creature's arm swinging toward Cyborg. Unfortunately, no one reacted in time as the arm pierced through him, ultimately tearing him in half.

The heroes screamed in horror as their comrade was torn apart before their eyes. "Cyborg!" Flash screamed.

The creature regenerated and seized Cyborg's upper half before hurtling it at Superman. Superman caught Cyborg, who was coughing up blood. "Hold on!" Superman said desperately. Cyborg simply nodded slowly.

"Better me than any of you... I can survive like this," Cyborg's weak voice uttered before he lost consciousness. A palpable tension hung in the air as they watched the creature roar, its regeneration complete as it grew even larger by a few more inches.

Superman gently laid Cyborg beside a wall, and then joined Wonder Woman, Flash, and Batman, just as Power Girl and Supergirl arrived on the scene.

"Ladies and gentlemen... it appears we've lost Cyborg," Lois said as she covered her mouth in shock but Superman turned to her and waved his hand, through gestures he reassured that Cyborg is alive. "Oh Superman is saying he is fine, just unconscious?" She interpreted as he nodded and looked back at the creature.

"Thank god, Power Girl and Supergirl have arrived!"

"Whatever this creature is, it might be divine retribution," Power Girl mused, her thoughts drifting back to the day humanity appeared to defy the gods. "We can only hope that justice will prevail, but it seems the gloves are off." Her voice was tinged with a somber realization. "One can only describe this day as Doomsday," she named the unfolding apocalypse, unaware of how apt her description had become.

Realizing that she needed to now give the people of earth hope, she spoke once more.

"But backup has arrived! This creature is about to face the might of the Justice League." Lois's words resonated with the people of earth, infusing them with a renewed sense of hope and pride as they watched the unfolding spectacle. "Good versus Evil... and we all know that good will always prevail!" Doomsday, fixated on the hovering helicopter, recognized its name and launched itself toward the metallic contraption. Batman swiftly interjected, issuing an urgent command: "Get it out of the city!" He was acutely aware of the creature's growing aggression, particularly its hostile approach to the helicopter. Having seen the news crew wisely maintain a safe distance, he knew the catastrophic implications of a closer encounter.

Before it got close Superman grabbed its leg and swung it into the ground before flinging it into the sky in the opposite direction. "Oh no you don't." He said as Supergirl grabbed Batman and they took off after Doomsday.

"Don't hold back!" Batman reminded, this surprised many but they could understand why, this thing had been blown in half and was still alive.

When they arrived, Doomsday roared at them and charged, but Power Girl scoffed. "Don't get ahead of yourself!" She yelled as she engaged the creature and landed a brutal blow that lifted Doomsday off his feet and sent him crashing into Supergirl, who unleashed a thick stream of heat vision that burned through Doomsday.

Diana descended from above and drop-kicked it into Clark, who punched it in the face, ripping its head clean off its body. Then, Power Girl inhaled and exhaled ice-cold air at it, freezing Doomsday completely.

The sound of a helicopter could be heard approaching as Karen rolled her eyes. "Reporters really do like playing with their lives, huh?" She said as Clark landed and stared at the frozen Doomsday.

"Good job, guys. That should do it," he said, looking at the head before completely freezing it as well.

"Is everyone okay?" Flash asked, and they all nodded. "I can't believe this thing needed almost all of us."

Power Girl just shrugged. "Doesn't matter. It's better we all take it out before it becomes too strong," she said, and Batman nodded.

"Hal is off-planet at the moment, so he wouldn't have made it back in time," he added. As he spoke, Clark, Karen, and Kara all looked at the ice in shock.

"You can't be serious!" Supergirl exclaimed as the ice started cracking before shattering, and Doomsday regenerated once again.

His body steamed and grew by a few inches as he smirked at them before roaring and charging toward them again. Just as he caught Superman and clotheslined him, Flash swooped in, grabbed Superman, and pulled him away from Doomsday's clutches, narrowly avoiding the creature's powerful attack as it slammed its arm into the ground, creating a massive crater.

Doomsday growled as it stared at them. It charged at them again, the battle raged on for another thirty minutes as the league kept defeating Doomsday just for it to regenerate completely and come back stronger.

"None of our attacks are hurting it anymore." Flash pointed out as he panted, he was sporting cuts, and bruises.

Diana was currently squaring off against it, just for her to take an arm to the face that knocked her tiara off her head, blood pouring from her nose and mouth as she was flung away into Supergirl, who caught her.

Power Girl and Superman, along with Flash, attacked. At this point, Superman's cape was torn off as he was grabbed and swung into Power Girl, who blocked the impact. Clark took the brunt of the damage as Power Girl slammed her arm down on Doomsday's arm, forcing him to drop Superman, only for another hand to come and grab her by the neck and squeeze.

She struggled as she pried the hand off, starting to choke and kicked Doomsday in the gut, creating distance between them as she grabbed Clark.

She dropped to her knees and gasped for air, wiping the sweat from her brow. 'Blood,' she noticed; it had gotten worse.

But she never got a chance to rest as Doomsday was on her again, grabbing her by the head this time. He flung her at Supergirl, who was charging in. The two collided mid-air before crashing, only for Doomsday to jump and land on them both, causing excruciating pain.

Diana stood and looked at Batman, who was holding his chest in pain. "I hate doing this, but I am going to remove my bracelets, Batman," she said as she took her lasso and passed it to Batman. "Use this to snap me out of it," she informed as she looked at Superman. "We have one shot; if he gets used to our full strength, we lose. Hold nothing back!" Clark nodded, and Flash sped in, grabbing Supergirl and Power Girl right from underneath Doomsday. They both groaned in pain.

"Beast!" She yelled as it looked at her.

Superman slowly stood and inhaled before he walked next to Diana. "Let's do this," he said as she removed her bracelets and watched them fall to the ground. A surge of power erupted as they hit the ground, her eyes glowed white, and she growled, a giant white aura bursting to life, rocking the environment and shaking the ground as she screamed, the surroundings now almost melting, the sandy wasteland beneath her feet turning to glass from the sheer heat emanating from her.

The ground beneath her shattered as she charged forward. Doomsday was completely taken by surprise as she was immediately in front of him, her face seething with rage as she grabbed his head and slammed him into the ground, creating a crater the size of the Grand Canyon. This sent intense tremors across America, shaking it to its core, as she flung him upward into Superman, who stopped holding back entirely. He slammed his fist through Doomsday, who howled in pain, and then he grabbed Doomsday and ripped his body apart mercilessly.

Diana appeared just as Doomsday started healing and slammed her fist through his head completely blowing his head into pieces as she grabbed his torso and flew high into the sky and into outer space towards the sun as Superman followed behind with Doomsday's lower half.

They approached the sun, and she flung him forward, kicking Doomsday extremely hard towards the sun.

Superman didn't hesitate; he simply pulled his arm back and hurled the body into the star with his full strength.

Diana growled in anger as she glared at Superman, who noticed her just in time. Before she could attack him, he retreated to Earth and grabbed the lasso from Batman. She returned and struck out at Superman, who barely dodged the blow. It struck the ground, creating an tremor felt throughout the planet.

But before anything else could happen, he wrapped the lasso around her and yelled, "Diana! Aren't you a hero?!" She clutched her head in pain. Just as she lowered her guard, Flash zipped up behind her with the bracelets and placed them on her.

She dropped to her knees, panting, and then relaxed, smiling at Flash, who gave her a thumbs up while panting. She caught her breath fairly quickly as her stamina returned.

"Good job, team," Batman said as they made their way over, battered and bruised but not beaten.

Diana got up, wiped the dried blood from her forehead, and stretched. "Nothing like an old-fashioned battle with our lives at stake," she remarked as Superman chuckled, glad that this situation was over.

The short intermission didn't last long as an explosion sounded in the distance.

"Batman!" Cyborg's voice came weakly from the other end. "We have... a problem," he said, and Batman's eyes narrowed as Flash held his earpiece.

"What now!?" Flash whined.

"Those leads we were after; Boom tube, hundreds of them opened all around the world. I am picking up some signal. It's the thing we were tracking a few months ago," Cyborg said grimly. "I think this creature Doomsday was just the beginning," he added as the League watched another explosion go off, and demon-like creatures emerged.

"We have work to do," Batman commented as Supergirl grabbed him, and they all took off back towards Metropolis. Superman stayed behind and flew to the helicopter, addressing the camera with a heavy sense of foreboding.

"Everyone, do not leave your homes unless instructed by your local authorities. The situation is not over. Stay safe," he said as he took off back to Metropolis.

"It seems it isn't over yet. We can only place our hopes in the Justice League, but the beast Doomsday seems to be finally defeated," she said as the helicopter took off back to Metropolis. "We just have to stay safe long enough until the Justice League can deal with whatever is happening back in Metropolis," she added, holding her earpiece.

"I have just received news that it is, in fact, not just Metropolis. The entire world is under attack," she said in horror. "Demon-like creatures have spawned through some sort of portal-like structure. Stay safe, ladies and gentlemen."

When the Justice League arrived, they saw civilians being chased by what looked like demon creatures. They quickly saved those they could.

"Flash, run through the city and save anyone you see in trouble. We will figure out how to stop this," he said as Flash nodded and zipped through the city. Batman knelt next to Cyborg, who was almost finished piecing himself back together again.

"We need you, Cyborg," Batman urged as he watched the machine man heal. "I need one of the Mother Boxes," Cyborg explained weakly as Batman looked at Supergirl and Power Girl.

"Let's head to a portal."

When they finally found a portal and hooked Cyborg up to one, he was able to shut it down after ten minutes of grueling combat. However, this drained him considerably more as he was already extremely tired.

"This is a problem. We will never stop this... whatever this is, if we struggle to close even one portal, how will we close them all?" Power Girl said as she landed and crushed a parademon.

Batman nodded. "If that's the case, we need to get to the root of the cause," he said as Cyborg started howling in pain.

"He is coming!" Cyborg exclaimed as he was almost overloaded by the information from the Mother Box.

"Who is coming?" Batman asked.

"Darkseid," Cyborg let out as he passed out.

Laughter filled the area just as they all looked around. "Seems like my pet was too much for you weaklings. You can barely stand!" They all glanced around as Superman landed next to them and stared at the sky. They all followed suit and saw a mountain of a man.

"I take it he is Darkseid," Power Girl spat as she glared at him.

"Correct, you insignificant beings dare challenge me? I am Darkseid, the ultimate power in the cosmos. You face your doom. Prepare for your annihilation." He said as he landed in front of them.

Diana just smirked. "We'll see about that, beast," she said as she charged at him and struck him. However, he didn't even move an inch. She stared at him, surprised, and jumped back.

"Impressive, but let's see you take this," she muttered, gritting her teeth. She charged forward again, delivering a punch with all her might that knocked Darkseid back. He growled in response, swinging his arm to knock her away. In the chaos, Superman, Supergirl, and Power Girl joined the fray.

The battle grew increasingly brutal as they clashed relentlessly. Superman landed a powerful blow on Darkseid's face, sending the New God soaring into the sky, where Supergirl and Power Girl coordinated a mid-air assault, drop-kicking him back into Diana's path. She lunged at Darkseid, slashing at him with her sword, but he blocked her strikes with his forearm.

"You worms are nothing compared to me!" Darkseid declared, his arrogance clear. With a swift spartan kick, he sent Diana crashing into Superman, and then turned to unleash his destructive Omega Beams on Power Girl. Supergirl intercepted the blast, her agonized scream piercing the air before she fell unconscious.

"No! Supergirl!" Karen cried out in desperation. She charged at Darkseid, her fury reaching new heights, Darkseid leaped towards her, meeting her halfway.

They clashed, but Karen's earlier battles had left her weakened. Darkseid grabbed Karen by the face, brutally slamming her into the ground. With a cruel stomp, he pressed his foot onto her head, leaving her motionless on the ground.

As Clark got back on his feet, he turned to Diana, who was coughing up blood. "You okay?" he asked, concern in his eyes, and she nodded.

"I had to let that out. Otherwise, it would have hindered my movements," Diana explained as she struggled to stand upright. "Luckily, he lacks the same regenerative abilities. I'd consider removing my bracelets, but if we just barely defeat him, I might become the next problem," she pointed out, her resolve unwavering.

"That means we have to hit him fast and hard. Once he goes down, the day will be saved. It's too risky to have you remove your bracelets again," Clark reasoned, her fist sent intense earthquakes around the world.

"Let's defeat this beast, end the misery he has brought upon our home!" Diana declared, her battle spirit stronger than ever, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Superman nodded as they rushed Darkseid again, Diana raised her sword and and swung her blade at Darkseid who deflected the attack with his forearm before grabbing the blade from her hand and snapping it just in time to turn and stab Superman who appeared above him.

"You two have gotten slower." He commented with a smirk.

Clark looked down in shock as Diana's eyes widened, and she growled in anger. "You will pay for that," she declared. Consequences be damned, she needed her full strength. She was about to remove her bracelets, but Darkseid smirked and pulled her closer, grabbing her hands and grunting as he used a lot more of his strength, crushing her hands within his.

The sickening sound of bones grinding and snapping could be heard as she screamed in pain. Darkseid had grabbed her by the head and swung her into Superman, who was trying to stop the blood from pouring out of his chest. Superman was knocked away as Darkseid gave Diana his darkest grin.

Swinging his enormous rock arm down, he smashed it into Diana's shoulder, breaking her left shoulder and damaging her arm in the process. "You seem to be the spirit of the Justice worms. Let them watch as I break you." He grabbed her face before slamming her into the ground and stepped on her chest, trying to crush her torso. Diana's right arm weakly put up a battle as she tried to push the foot off of her.

Smirking, he turned and looked at Superman who could only watch in horror as Darkseid greatly increased the force of his stomp, breaking Diana's right arm in the process. Diana bit her lip and let out a blood-curdling scream before passing out.

Darkseid turned and walked over to Superman with an evil expression on his face, ready to dish out the same punishment. He sped over to Batman and smacked him to the side, practically leaving him on death's door, just to grab the lasso and make his way over to Superman. Superman used his heat vision to cauterize his wound as tears streamed down his face at the sight of Diana's beaten state, and Bruce's heartbeat was barely audible as well.

He stood up and charged at Darkseid with his last strength for a final stand but was grabbed out of the air by a laughing Darkseid, who punched his face repeatedly until the Man of Steel went limp. Darkseid scoffed and chucked the Man of Steel onto the ground.

"You all will make perfect Parademons," he stated.

The Justice League lay defeated on the ground, overpowered by the New God Darkseid. He smirked and looked at the helicopter broadcasting. "Your Justice vermin have fallen, and now Earth belongs to me!" He grinned and laughed as more portals opened up, and more Parademons escaped through.

"Obey, insignificant beings, and await your inevitable demise," Darkseid mocked. Flash, desperate and barely standing, arrived just in time to witness his friends all brutally defeated. He could tell this was something they couldn't stop. If the strongest in the league couldn't beat him, then no one could defeat him. He cursed under his breath before lunging towards Darkseid, striking him in the back with the last of his strength.

Darkseid turned around and fixed his sinister gaze on Barry. "Let's address that sprint of yours, speedster," he said, feigning a punch at Barry. It was a cunning ruse; his true aim was Barry's knee. With a forceful kick, he snapped Barry's knee inward, causing his leg to break in half. Barry's screams of agony filled the air as Darkseid then gripped his torso, applying intense pressure.

Barry writhed in torment as his eyes began to turn red, and blood seeped from his eyes and ears. He couldn't maintain focus, let alone phase. He could sense the impending darkness drawing near.

Lois covered her eyes, tears streaming down her face. "We have to get away from here! Fly away, leave!" she pleaded frantically. Jimmy dropped the camera in terror, his face drained of color, as he stared at the gruesome scene.

All that echoed in the chilling air was Darkseid's malevolent laughter and Barry's agonized screams, just as a blinding flash of light erupted from the sky and landed on the ground.

This caught Darkseid's attention as he turned his gaze toward the newcomers. Lois was pleading with the pilot to move, but the man seemed paralyzed by fear, unresponsive to her desperate pleas. However, Jimmy spotted the newcomers on the battlefield.

Soon enough, Lois noticed them too as she looked down at the grim scene. She quickly recognized who the new arrival was; he was a figure known worldwide, with statues erected in his honor and even a city bearing his name.

"It's him, it's the god from before!" she exclaimed with relief, her voice filled with desperation. Barry, who had been cast aside, lay in the background. "Please!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "SAVE US!" Tears streamed from her eyes.

Gohan surveyed the city's devastation; it appeared to be engulfed in flames. Fortunately, lower-tier heroes were managing to protect most of the civilians from the relentless Parademons. Flash's earlier assistance had proven invaluable.

He glanced up at the helicopter and noticed a mortal woman screaming at him. Gohan swiftly appeared before her, and coincidentally, the camera had a perfect angle of his face.

"I am sorry you all had to go through this." Gohan said to her as she nodded eagerly. "I thought the Justice League would be fine." He said as he picked up the camera and handed it to Jimmy who was shivering.

"Don't look so worried, Darkseid and I were bound to face each other." He said as he looked down at the Justice League but when he saw the state of everyone his anger soared to new heights never before seen as he appeared next to Diana's fallen form.

"Diana!" He screamed, summoning Vermont.

"Vermont, heal them! Quickly!" He urgently commanded the Angel, who nodded in response.

"As you wish, my lord," Vermont stated. His staff materialized, and he waved it, restoring everyone who was teetering on the brink of death, as if they had never suffered such brutal defeat.

Diana opened her eyes and saw Gohan looking down at her. A wave of happiness washed over her. "Gohan…" she murmured as she realized that the excruciating pain that had coursed through her entire body had vanished.

She sat up, surprised, and Gohan gazed down at her with a profound sense of relief. "I made it in time," Gohan muttered to himself, trembling with fury. The world around them began to violently shake, his eyes glowing red, and a purple aura faintly outlined his figure. Diana reached out, placing her hand on his cheek.

She could sense that something had changed, not only in his appearance but also in his demeanor. His eyes now held a harshness, and his aura, once calm and peaceful, now held a hint of chaos and destruction.

"Calm down…you're hurting the planet," she reminded him. Her words seemed to snap him out of his fury, causing the violent shaking to cease. He nodded, making a conscious effort to remain calm and composed.

Darkseid observed the unfolding events with interest. "This should prove to be more interesting," he smirked. "It doesn't matter who arrives or how many times they get healed; the outcome will always be the same. Consider this a second beating." Darkseid's gaze fell upon the blue-skinned being.

"What brings an Angel to the mortal realm?" Darkseid inquired, although Vermont chose to ignore him, providing no answer.

Gohan chuckled ominously as Flash appeared next to him. Barry looked relieved to see Gohan. "Gohan! Thank God you're here; we could really use a hand," he said. Gohan smiled and gently patted him on the back.

"Glad to see I made it on time, my friend." Barry nodded in agreement. Zatanna appeared next to Batman.

"I looked for a way to send Darkseid back, but nothing. Unless we can somehow send him back through the portal, there is nothing I can do with magic," she explained. She glanced at Gohan, who was now standing next to Diana in the distance.

"Oh, Gohan… when did he arrive?" She asked as he appeared next to her, taking her by surprise. Even Flash was astounded by the sheer speed. She could feel Gohan's entire being radiate pure power, a sense of transcendence. He wasn't the same as before; his power felt like it could explode at any moment.

"I just arrived," he explained before turning his gaze towards Darkseid. He could sense Darkseid's incredible power. This was going to be an incredible battle, Gohan's first real fight as a God of Destruction. "You all can just relax and enjoy the show. Darkseid is my problem," he said as he locked eyes with Darkseid, who merely smirked in response. "It's a battle that's a bit more intense than what you guys are used to."

"You will need help. Darkseid is too strong," Diana insisted as she approached Gohan, joining Zatanna and Batman along with Flash. But Gohan maintained his confident smile.

"I can handle it," Gohan replied, attempting to dissuade Diana from intervening.

"I may not be welcomed on Earth, but I do not want it to be destroyed either," he declared. He turned and walked towards Darkseid, with the League members watching the impending confrontation.

"The duty of destruction falls on me," he declared, Darkseid towered over him.

"Tell me, what deity do you claim to be? I sense the aura of divinity within you. Are you here to challenge the might of the new god, Darkseid?" Darkseid asked as Gohan smirked a vein appeared on his head as he floated to eye level.

"Lord Gohan; God of Destruction," Gohan made his identity known. "And you are on my property," he warned Darkseid.

"God of Destruction..." Lois muttered in anticipation, two gods were about to clash right before her eyes.

"We shall see who is mightier!? New God Darkseid or this weakling god of destruction," Darkseid mocked, in an instant his fist slammed into Gohan's face, the force was tremendous, shaking the entire city but to his surprise Gohan didn't budge an inch.

Suddenly, Gohan's fist struck Darkseid's gut, creating a shockwave so intense that the entire city shook, matching Darkseid's strike.

Darkseid growled; though he wouldn't openly admit it, that was a formidable strike.

Smirking, Darkseid fought more ferociously. His speed and power increased significantly. Gohan barely dodged the blows, but one clipped him, leading into a series of blows striking him. The sheer force of the blows crushed the ground and shook the air. The impact could be felt by everyone in the city.

Gohan quickly parried a blow before landing his own attacks. The two exchanged blows at incredible speeds, both wearing stern expressions. The sound of unbreakable arms clashing was a piercing vibration, each strike a blur as the two zipped across the city.

Using an afterimage, Gohan grabbed Darkseid's face and pushed him with tremendous force towards the moon. Darkseid had not expected that level of force, and his entire being crashed into the moon, splitting the celestial body down the middle.

Everyone was stunned at the sight as the moon started to break and then completely fell apart. "Don't stress; I know how important the moon is to this world's survival. I will have Vermont replace it later," Gohan assured them as the League approached, surprised.

"Wow…were you always this strong?" Flash asked. Gohan placed a hand behind his head sheepishly and chuckled.

"Well, things happened, and I was—" But before he could finish, Darkseid returned, fuming with anger, his eyes glowing red.

Omega beams approached, but Gohan swiftly countered with his own eye beam, resulting in tremendous explosions.

Quickly vanishing, both he and Darkseid exchanged blows. Gohan took flight, trying to lead Darkseid away from the planet. Arriving high in the stratosphere, he was surprised when Darkseid beat him and landed a heavy blow to his forehead, launching him deeper into space.

Vermont approached the league solemnly. "Greetings. Your necks must be cramping from staring at the sky."

His staff glowed as a colossal projection of Gohan and Darkseid's battle loomed in the sky. "Courtesy of Lord Gohan," Vermont explained, casting a shadow over the gathered onlookers.

"We should help him," Superman suggested, his voice weighted with concern. He started to float, but Vermont interjected.

"Unless you are prepared to kill Darkseid, I suggest not participating in the battle," Vermont's words were grave.

"Kill?" inquired Superman.

"Oh, do you believe you can subdue Darkseid without ending his life?" Vermont's question hung heavily in the air, leaving the league in silence.

"If possible, then yes. Gohan looks like he probably could with our help," Superman argued, the other members opting to remain silent.

"As the God of Destruction, Lord Gohan is obligated to eliminate threats like Darkseid from the universe, or more innocent mortals will meet their end," Vermont explained. "Did you not just eliminate that beast?"

Superman found himself without a retort. "That was—"

"Different?" Vermont asked, his gaze unwavering. "Surely you jest."

Interrupting their conversation, Darkseid and Gohan descended back to Earth. Gohan was battered, cuts and bruises covering his body, while Darkseid had a trickle of blood on his chin.

"You are no match! Bow and serve, and I will let you live as my subordinate," Darkseid offered, his voice dark and unyielding. Gohan chuckled before cracking his neck.

"That was a mere warm-up. The true battle begins now," Gohan announced with a cold determination. As if a switch had been flipped, his aura burst forth, and his hair turned red, casting an eerie and foreboding presence.

The onlookers were left stunned, a palpable and sinister pressure emanating from Gohan, causing the entire planet to tremble.

"This is excessive, but for you, I'll make an exception. Allow me to illustrate the disparity between us," Gohan's words carried an ominous weight. He was grateful he hadn't faced Darkseid before his training with Vermont, as his former strength wouldn't have sufficed to confront the New God.

"You may have changed your appearance, but it changes nothing!" Darkseid roared, sensing the immense power radiating from this enigmatic god.

Darkseid moved forward to attack, but before he could react, Gohan materialized in front of him, his fist impaling Darkseid's gut.

"This is just an avatar. For a fair fight, you must descend here," Gohan stated, and Darkseid chuckled darkly, blood oozing from his mouth.

"You believe you can match my true power?" Darkseid's laughter echoed, but it quickly faded as Gohan continued.

"Should I show you what I can really do?" Gohan's words left Darkseid speechless, realizing the meaning behind his words.

"I have two states of power greater than this, like a mere candle in a storm," Gohan revealed the truth of his unfathomable strength.

"I think our battle is at its climax, wouldn't you agree?" Gohan's question lingered heavily in the air. Darkseid internally acknowledged that his current vessel was no match for this God of Destruction, understanding the need to fully descend to this wretched realm.

"This marks the end," Gohan declared, as a sinister purple aura enveloped him. An eerie silence held the city in its grip, and it felt as though reality itself shuddered, fearing the power being harnessed.

The entire city was cloaked in a foreboding purple hue as Gohan extended his hand towards Darkseid. "Allow me to offer you a glimpse of what awaits in our final battle."

The pulsating purple radiance focused on Gohan's palm, his eyes ablaze with a malevolent crimson hue. "You are a parasite to the universe. Let me show you the might wielded by a God of Destruction."

A sinister force descended upon Earth, a weighty presence that Darkseid couldn't resist. His body remained motionless as this gods' power seized control of his being. A purple orb of energy forming.

"Haka-"  Before he could go through with it Diana appeared behind him as the rest of the league followed, Vermont sighed in slight frustration.

"Stop! Don't kill him!" she pleaded as Gohan turned to look at her. "He must stand trial, just like all those who derive pleasure from harming others. You have the power to make that happen," she urged as Vermont materialized next to Gohan.

Superman saw that and feared the worst. "Listen, Lord Gohan, please. We aren't above the law. What he did was wrong, but thanks to you, we are safe now."

"You seem to be mistaken, Superman. I am following the law—the law of the gods," Gohan said, deep sadness reflecting in his eyes. "I never want to lose those I care about because of some maniac on a power trip."

He needed to remain a destroyer to travel to the sister multiverse in the future.

"In fact, with his actions, I was bound to cross paths with him eventually," Gohan explained.

Darkseid stared at the purple orb of power, feeling the overwhelming energy radiating from it. A direct hit would obliterate his vessel.

Diana slowly walked towards Gohan, trying to get through to him. "Listen," she began gently. "I understand that you need to deal with him, but he can do nothing against you. Beat him within an inch of his life, let him reflect on his wrongdoings, but do not kill him. Wouldn't it be better if he lived with the shame of having been so thoroughly humiliated and defeated." She spoke as Gohan looked at Vermont, who just shrugged.

"The choice is yours, my lord. Your word is law as the current God of Destruction," Vermont said, reminding Gohan that he was the one who made the choices, not the mortals.

Sighing, Gohan nodded. "Alright, however, I won't let him roam free; we know of his sins," Gohan said, confusing the league.

He had learned this not too long ago, turning to Darkseid with a smirk. "I hope you like swords." As the ground started rumbling, Gohan transformed into Super Saiyan Rose Evolution, summoning all his power. He had to ensure Darkseid couldn't escape.

Suddenly, a large sword appeared. "I would like to introduce you to the Legendary Z-Sword," Gohan said, exuding an air of grandeur and significance that surpassed its physical form.

The most striking feature of the Z Sword was its blade, a genuine marvel of craftsmanship. Its incredible length and width far exceeded that of any conventional sword. The blade gleamed with a brilliant, silvery sheen, a testament to the expert artistry that went into its creation. One side of the blade was flat, while the other exhibited a gentle curvature, adding to its unique and imposing appearance.

The handguard, where the blade meets the hilt, was a circular piece that plays a crucial role in the sword's design. Adorned with ornate patterns and symbols, underscoring the sword's significance and mystique. The hilt, although relatively short for such a colossal weapon, is designed for single-handed use. Crafted to provide a secure and comfortable grip for the wielder.

The pommel, located at the end of the hilt, complemented the overall design with its intricate details and aesthetic appeal. It mirrors the handguard's ornate patterns, contributing to the sword's overall beauty.

What truly set the Z Sword apart were the ancient inscriptions and symbols that adorn its blade. These markings, etched in a long-forgotten and enigmatic language, lend an air of mystery and reverence to the sword. They are not only a testament to the sword's ancient origins but also a source of fascination for those fortunate enough to encounter it.

The inscriptions glowed an eerie purple as Gohan smiled. "Perfect," Gohan said.

"What are you doing?" Barry asked curiously. He couldn't believe his eyes. Did Gohan just create a sword?

"This is the Legendary Z-Sword. These swords come into existence when a destroyer god seals powerful individuals. I reinforced the blade with Kai Magic and my own power. As long as I am alive, this vessel of Darkseid will never escape." 

Aiming his hand at Darkseid, he vanquished Darkseid into the sword, and the screams of the New God echoed.

"I will return!" Darkseid declared with a grin.

A deafening silence ensued as the Z-Sword dropped, about to impale the Earth before Gohan quickly grabbed the sword.

This sword was far heavier than the one he used on the Kai world. If it struck the planet, it would split the planet right down the middle.

"Maybe I should get myself a sword," Gohan mused as he turned to the league. "Problem solved. I didn't kill him."

"Although, this sword is heavier than three planets, so I suggest getting your Green Lantern to take this to OA," he explained.

Batman nodded. "Hal has been on an away mission for the past six months. He should be returning very soon. I sent a distress signal not too long ago."

"Thank you…" Diana said as Gohan sighed and nodded before smiling at them. "Which reminds me, you have a parasite problem." He said as he closed his eyes. The same deep purple aura surrounded him again, sending shivers down the league members.

The helicopter landed as Lois ran over. She fixed her outfit and makeup and walked up to the group. The intrepid reporter of the Daily Planet approached the scene with a mix of curiosity and caution. She had witnessed the extraordinary battle between Gohan, the God of Destruction, and Darkseid, the New God. The dust had settled, and the defeated antagonist was now trapped in a great sword.

"Hakai!" He declared as parademons all around the world started disintegrating, their agonized cries echoing through the air. "I have eradicated these abominable creatures from the face of the world," he proclaimed, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard his declaration.

Lois couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment. This was a pivotal event, and she had to approach it carefully. She had covered countless stories of superheroes, but a God of Destruction was an entirely new realm.

Gohan stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, his aura still radiating power. His teal eyes and deep Rosé hair exuded an otherworldly presence that was impossible to ignore. Lois knew that this was no ordinary hero; this was a being with the power to reshape the world.

Approaching with her cameraman and a sense of professional composure, Lois greeted Gohan with respect. "Lord Gohan," she began, "that was an incredible display of power and heroism. You've certainly proven your strength as a God of Destruction."

She watched as Gohan's gaze, initially intense, softened slightly in response to her respectful tone. He nodded in acknowledgment.

Lois continued, "But with such immense power comes great responsibility. How do you view your role in this world? Are you here to protect us, or is there a different purpose behind your actions?"

Gohan considered her questions carefully, recognizing that Lois was trying to get to the heart of his intentions. "I'm here to maintain balance in the universe. I am not a hero," he explained. "I'll do what's necessary to protect innocent lives and ensure that threats are eliminated."

Lois nodded, her voice taking on a darker tone as she spoke. She was ecstatic, knowing she had the scoop of the century, an encounter that marked a turning point in her reporting career. Covering the activities of a God of Destruction was unlike anything she had ever done, questioning the existence of a higher power.

"Will you be remaining on Earth?" She asked the question.

Shaking his head, he answered, "I will be leaving soon. I do not want to upset your world leaders by remaining on the planet," Gohan said as Vermont walked next to him.

"Shall we go, my lord? I can only imagine how hungry you must be from all this running around." As Gohan's stomach rumbled, he chuckled somewhat embarrassed, breaking the tense atmosphere as his aura dispersed.

"Before that, could you repair the moon and fix the Earth's rotation that was disrupted during the battle?" Vermont nodded as he waved his staff, and the moon reappeared in the sky. "Done," he said.

"Great, let's leave. I am famished," Gohan said as Barry stopped him.

"Hold on, since you last left, a lot has changed. A special law was passed; if you were to ever return, you would be treated as a VVIP." As Diana nodded eagerly.

"Indeed! Let us throw a feast for you. It is only fitting! We would all like to apologize on behalf of humanity for the previous blunder that was made; you will always be welcomed here on planet Earth," she said. The Justice League nodded and smiled as Superman walked up to Gohan and held out his hand.

"You're a lot more benevolent than I expected as someone called a God of Destruction," Gohan just chuckled.

He was also happy to hear that now he would be able to eat Earth's delicious food as he shook Superman's hand.

Cheering could be heard as more and more civilians filled the area. Many were taking pictures and bowing, but Gohan turned to the crowd.

"However, I forbid any sort of worship to be done. It is not what I stand for, and it is not who I am. No religions are authorized, and I recognize none who attempt to use my name for glory, fame, riches, power, and influence, unless, of course, I declare it to you all, as I have done now. Anyone saying they were chosen by me is lying," Gohan stated, the crowd falling silent in response to his words.

"But you're a god… wouldn't you want followers? I mean, regardless, I assume there will be those who worship you," Lois said. Gohan nodded understandingly.

"True, I will not persecute those. But I will be sorely disappointed if I hear of it. Just because I am a deity does not mean that I want followers. I do my duty as a destroyer simply because the strong should not suppress the weak, and balance in creation is essential to life. If balance were to cease, the universe would become a dark and cold place, and the mortal level would plummet. The consequences of that are not something any mortal civilization should experience. It would bring shame to those who rule the cosmos. Those who wish to admire me are allowed, but no worshiping. Think of me as a hero; that is the most I can do for you," he stated, looking at the league.

"Let's leave; I think I've answered enough questions," he said, and they nodded, flying off and leaving Lois and Jimmy behind. As they flew to a secluded area, Gohan reflected on his words. He didn't want people to worship him simply because he was once a human himself. If he let that go to his head, he might lose who he was in the process, and he didn't want that. He wanted to return and see his family and friends as Gohan, not Lord Gohan, the God of Destruction with trillions of people worshiping him.

Unknowingly, this single act made even more people adore him and even moved the Justice League as well.

In a dark cave stood a woman, she had a grin on her face as she stared at a screen. "Those cuffs were perfect..."