Duality: Son Gohan/God of Destruction; Duties of a god/Morals of a mortal.

When they arrived back at the Watchtower, Flash wanted to put his arm around Gohan but stopped abruptly. Uncertain about the appropriate action, Flash's hesitation caught Gohan's attention, prompting a quick response from him. "You're worrying too much, Barry. We're friends, besides it's just us here." Gohan reassured him with a smile.

Flash grinned and slung his arm around Gohan's shoulder. "So? You were explaining? Were you always this strong?" he inquired as they strolled toward the cafeteria for a meal.

"Well, after I left with Vermont, he took me to this universe's Destroyer Realm. Fun fact: we are situated in the 21st universe of the second multiverse, and my native universe is in the 1st multiverse, it is the 7th universe." Gohan revealed, causing Barry's jaw to drop in surprise.

"We're in Universe 21?" Barry asked, bewildered, while the others exchanged uncertain glances, unsure how to process this new information.

"I was right!" Zatanna exclaimed. She summoned an ancient script that glowed ominously white and showed it to Gohan, who appeared surprised at the script.

"This is a copy from the Book of Creation…" Gohan remarked, examining it until he noticed Zatanna's discomfort.

"It's fine; it carries no actual power. If you can read it, then at that point, you deserve to know," Gohan assured her, easing her internal worries.

"Well…I couldn't figure out how to read this language, but over time, Dr. Fate guided me because he had no use for it. Once he figured out how to read it, he passed it to me as a test," she explained.

"So far, I have only been able to decipher the first paragraph, but now that you're here…" she began, making Gohan chuckle.

"So you want me to read this for you?" Gohan asked. Although she nodded eagerly, he closed the book and handed it back to her. She looked disappointed but simply nodded in response.

"I'll just tell you. It didn't take me very long to understand the language of the gods," Gohan disclosed, surprising her and everyone else.

"Wait, isn't this highly confidential?" Superman inquired as he sat down, displaying his interest. In truth, everyone was captivated by the conversation.

Gohan nodded. "Yes, it is, but I am the highest authority in this universe. It's not like I'm sharing this with the entire Earth. However, it goes without saying, don't disclose what I'm about to tell you," he cautioned them. They all nodded in agreement, and Flash settled down too.

"Sweet storytime," Flash joked, prompting Gohan to motion for Vermont to approach.

"Please add a visual representation as I talk," Gohan requested. Vermont nodded in acknowledgment. "And put this in your staff for now," Gohan instructed as he handed over the Z-Sword. Everyone stared in awe as the magnificent blade vanished into the peculiar staff.

"It will be my pleasure, Lord Gohan," Vermont said as a projection of the events began, with the gods depicted as silhouettes.

"So, after I left with Vermont, we went to the Destroyers' realm. Vermont helped me gain control of my power for a few months. From there, we went to the Palace of the Omni-King. I haven't met 'it,' but I did meet the Grand Priest. He is Vermont's father. I was evaluated by the 17 current Destroyer Gods and Angels of this Multiverse," Gohan explained.

"Seventeen!?" Supergirl asked, visibly surprised by the sheer number.

"They were all extremely powerful, even more so than myself," Gohan clarified.

"That must have been terrifying," Superman nodded, agreeing with Zatanna's observation. Even Karen had to admit that if the entire league were to fight Gohan, they would lose. Now, there were 17 beings just as strong, if not stronger than him.

"The first paragraph of the ancient script you handed me is actually part 4,387, line 48. It states that the Angel Vermont is the overseer for the 21st universe and serves the King of Gods. It lists the laws and will of the Angel, such as no direct or indirect action being allowed. Angels are to be used as a tool by their Destroyer God. Once I die, Vermont will not be allowed to carry out any order unless instructed by another deity with a rank equal to that of a Destroyer God or the next Destroyer candidate for this universe. Other candidates from separate universes hold no authority in my domain," Gohan explained.

"During the coronation, I ascended to true godhood. I am now immortal. With that, my originally mortal body was permanently exalted to that of a god's. After that, I returned to what is now my world and began my training with Vermont to control my power as the 3rd Destroyer of the 2nd Multiverse. To expand on my previous statement, there exist 18 universes in one multiverse, and there are 10 multiverses. So logically, there are only 180 'main' universes that exist, with untold amounts of timelines and dimensions in between. However, the first multiverse lost 6 because the Grand Zeno erased them due to some Angel going rogue, and in each multiverse, one or two universes are also erased," Gohan explained, drawing their attention away from the projection of the event as they focused on Vermont, recalling his strength.

As if Gohan could sense the curiosity, he nodded. "Yep, he is my martial arts master currently and the most powerful being in the 21st universe. As an Angel, he has the highest level of reality manipulation and existence erasure immunity," Gohan stated as Vermont pretended to blush.

"You flatter me, my lord," Vermont responded modestly as Gohan continued.

"He may seem coy, but even among the Angels, he is very strong. Don't let his youthful appearance fool you; he is old—REALLY old," Gohan explained, causing everyone to regard Vermont with newfound respect and fear.

Barry quickly changed the subject, more interested in the new attire. "New clothes?"

"The clothes I'm wearing; this is formal God of Destruction attire."

"It actually looks pretty badass," Zatanna remarked, as Flash nodded. "You look like you've never missed chest day," he observed, eliciting a laugh from Gohan.

"Believe it or not, I am actually skinnier than before," Gohan said, earning agreement from Superman.

"You do seem smaller," Superman concurred.

"But my end goal is to return to the sister multiverse, my home, and find Beerus. I aim to beat him until he is on his knees begging for forgiveness," Gohan stated coldly.

"Once I master Autonomous Ultra Instinct, I should be able to contend," Gohan added.

"Indeed, my lord has a long path ahead. My estimated time frame is perhaps a thousand years before he will start showing signs of the technique," Vermont finished.

"One thousand years?" Flash's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"I know it's a long time, but this grudge will endure, and Beerus will pay the price—no matter the length of years it takes. He is unworthy of the title of destroyer; Earth should never have been destroyed," Gohan vowed, his determination sending shivers through the onlookers. Suddenly, a surge of crimson electricity crackled, startling everyone.

The intensity of his hatred was unmistakable in his eyes, a seething anger that consumed him. Others recognized its toxicity, but in the face of his shattered homeland destroyed by the whims of another, what could they possibly say?

Vermont nodded thoughtfully. "It's indeed peculiar that Lord Beerus would take such drastic measures to obliterate a world unprepared for its end. Perhaps he felt threatened by your father and your family," he speculated. "However, even if that were the case, your world posed no threat to the cosmos. From what I gather, yours was a profoundly peaceful civilization, far from possessing the power needed to challenge a destroyer."

Gohan's expression darkened slightly, a shadow crossing his features. "No more," he interjected. "Beerus will face the consequences of his actions, in due time." Vermont silently nodded in agreement.

The atmosphere remained tense, Barry attempted to diffuse the mounting tension. It was evident that Gohan grappled with inner turmoil, yet he maintained his composure amidst the pressure.

"By the way, what's the Ultra Instinct?" Flash asked, prompting Gohan to look at him.

"Well, it's one of, if not the greatest advanced fighting technique in all of creation. There are a few other Instinct techniques, but Ultra Instinct is the Angels' natural state. It grants the user unparalleled reflexes, speed, power increases, and instinctive combat abilities," he explained.

"Meaning that if I master that technique, I will be able to fall asleep while fighting Darkseid and still defeat him," Gohan finished.

"That sounds pretty cool," Zatanna answered.

"It is, but very hard to master," Gohan explained as Vermont's staff glowed faintly.

"Oh? It seems we have another problem, my lord," Vermont spoke as Gohan looked at him.

"Yeah?" He stood up as the food arrived.

"The capital world of the Lou Empire is being destroyed," he explained as Gohan facepalmed.

"I told the Emperor not to do anything stupid… well, it's not like I can always step in when feuds get out of control. I assume it's because Darkseid was defeated so their alliance fell through instantly," Gohan surmised as Batman nodded.

"This must be the doing of Thanagar. You are a wildcard now, so they are using you to topple the empire directly opposing them. Lou and Thanagar have been at war for years now," he explained as Gohan mused.

"And Eve hates Lou, so with the support of Thanagar, it should make this preemptive strike a really good move for them."

"But the thing is, that planet is far past its expiry date so it is supposed to be destroyed, so intervening is not necessary on my end as a destroyer. In a way, the Eve Empire is doing my job for me," Gohan explained as the league looked at him, surprised that he would say that. But Gohan raised his arms as he chuckled.

"That's just my perspective as the God of Destruction. We're meant to remain neutral unless someone dares to defy us directly, as the Emperor is doing now. And besides, I plan on being more hands-on," Gohan finished with a smirk as he placed his hand on Vermont's back. His smirk promptly disappeared as a look of irritation was visible.

"I will return shortly." A flash of white light blinded everyone before they disappeared as Zatanna looked at everyone.

"Well, at least he isn't heartless," she said.

"Still, can we really trust someone like that? His expression just now was less than desirable. Are we sure we know what we're doing?" Cyborg asked as Supergirl shrugged.

"We don't have a choice. You saw what he did to Darkseid, he could do that to us," Supergirl argued. A silence fell over the group.

"But based on his words, he doesn't sound like someone we can't trust. Why would he lie when he could just kill us? He even spared Darkseid just because we asked him not to kill," she reminded. She wasn't against Gohan; in fact, she wanted to keep an open mind as they all nodded.

"Fair point," Cyborg agreed.

Batman spoke next. "But one thing is worrying me: Gohan's home was destroyed by a Destroyer, which according to the Angel Vermont, shouldn't have happened. What I am trying to say is Destroyers can't be questioned unless a higher power decides to step in, and as things are, we have no idea what constitutes as gross misconduct," he questioned as they all looked at him surprised.

"What are the chances that his world is fine?" Karen suddenly asked as they all looked at her.

"I mean, according to him, his world shouldn't be destroyed right? And that Angel guy just restored our moon with a wave of his staff, so maybe it was reverted," she said as silence fell over them.

"That's a possibility, but we don't know that, and his home is a sour topic. Plus, you wouldn't want to give him false hope," Zatanna said as everyone nodded. "I don't think he would go on a killing spree but rather not. If they are still there, then he will obviously find out by himself in due time."

When they arrived at the capital planet, Gohan saw thousands of warships stationed above the planet.

Lowering himself, he made his way towards the Emperor's ki signature.

Upon entering the courtyard, he walked. The Ki signature was erratic; it felt happy. When he arrived, he saw what looked to be the royal family of Lou on their knees and chained. They had a very similar appearance to that of the Angels with light blue skin; however, their hair was not white. Instead, they had either pink, green, or purple hair.

Gohan stood in silence and watched the scene. Commander Strix seemed to recognize him, but he placed his finger on his lips and looked back at the scene. Her expression was neutral, but she opted to nod and looked forward. Gohan noticed she was heavily injured, and there was a man with a sword through his chest lying on the ground by her feet.

A man with wings stood beside her, garbed in Thanagarian military uniform. He noticed her interaction with the strange man who just entered.

Wasn't the Emperor the only person she took orders from?

He was about to say something, but Strix just shook her head. "He is a God of Destruction; Emperor Velius told me to treat him with the respect he deserves," she whispered to him.

The winged man was stunned for a few seconds until his face lost some color. 'This is the being who defeated Darkseid!? But he was in Sector 2814 ten minutes ago... why is he here? He looks fine, didn't he just battle Darkseid? Emperor Velius was clear that we had the green light to invade with little chance of failure.' The general thought to himself. He had a bad feeling, which he rarely ever had, silently thankful that she had stopped him from speaking and drawing attention to the destroyer.

The general turned and looked at his subordinate, Katar Hol, his son, discreetly gesturing to be ready for anything.

"You're a fool, Triton! You sent half your fleet to defend your eastern systems and left your capital wide open. Your armor worlds didn't put up much of a resistance!" He said as he walked up to the king of Lou.

"Now, your legacy is done for," he grinned.

"You betrayed us, Velius! Darkseid and Thanagar sent soldiers to my people. How could I not defend them!? What is a king who was no one to rule over?" He asked as Velius shrugged.

"So what? You can always conquer new worlds to absorb; your bleeding heart led you to your own downfall."

Triton lowered his head; he had no rebuttal.

"At least we aren't heartless bastards!" The queen spat on his face as Velius smirked and took out a handkerchief, wiping it off.

"Your spit on my face in exchange for your resources is a deal I will always take. Besides, I wouldn't be so fierce, Arlen. Once I have my fun with you and your daughter, you will be going straight to the red planet to live the rest of your lives as the whores you are," Velius shrugged.

"You will be begging to stay in my chambers."

Her jaw clenched at that as Triton tried to stand up but was electrocuted by the guards. "Careful now, Triton. Don't get any funny ideas; you know how much I hate you and your people, always opposing the great Eve Empire at every corner," he stated, Triton just trembled at the words, his daughter, his wife, they were in danger and-

"This is not over, Velius!" spoke a younger woman. 'The princess?' Gohan wondered. She stood next to the older woman. "Father told us of the deity that put you in your place," she said. She was clearly afraid, but her anger was greater.

Triton seemed to remember the scene. "Yes! He will—" 

"He will what?" Velius asked. Strix was about to open her mouth, but she suddenly felt an overwhelming amount of killing intent hit her, stunning her as she glanced at Gohan. A few beads of sweat ran down her face. Gohan glanced at her before continuing to watch.

The general clenched his fist. He had felt the overwhelming force, and it wasn't even directed at him! What kind of monster was that being? He had stood defiantly before Darkseid once, but right now, he felt genuine fear—not for his life, but for his son's life.

"You think he will find out? And so what? It's not like I am going to destroy this planet. I am just ridding it of the parasites that live on it. Besides, his battle with Darkseid should have left him at least on death's door."

"Like Darkseid, there are workarounds. No matter how strong he is, he can't be everywhere and know everything. The moment he left to handle my problems, I very quickly assembled my forces and contacted Thanagar," Velius said as Tritons' shoulders slumped. "Seems you understand."

'SHIT!' the general thought to himself as he turned to look at the destroyer, who was patiently listening to the conversation until he turned his head and looked directly at him before returning his attention to the emperor.

"Now, finalize the conquest and remove Arlen and Oasa. Take them to my warship and finish this as fast as possible. If push comes to shove, we'll feign ignorance and direct a meteor towards this planet," he said, turning to walk away but froze at the sight of Gohan staring at him.

"M-my lord… What a surprise…"

Triton looked up in surprise as he glanced to the back of the throne room, the squeak Velius just made was one of shock and horror, a grin spread across his face before wiping it off and nudging Arlen, who also noticed the Destroyer standing in the back. 

"Very interesting," Gohan started as he walked forward. It was so quiet that his footsteps echoed throughout the large throne room.

"Halt!" the guards yelled and stood in front of Gohan, blocking his path. But Gohan simply spoke. "Hakai." The presence of terror and destruction crept into the throne room as the guards dropped and screamed in fear and anguish.

A primal scream, that of pure pain and terror, the purple sparkles scattered across the room, terrifying yet also strangely beautiful. Velius lost even more color in his face.

Glancing at the soldiers, Gohan had a look of disgust on his face, their aura's were soaked in darkness.

He turned and continued walking towards Velius.

Dropping to his knees as Gohan approached, Velius bowed. "What a surprise. I wasn't expecting to see milord here."

"What can I do for you today?" he asked as Gohan glanced down at him.

"I am curious, Emperor. I just arrived. Have you somehow bested your enemies?" Gohan asked.

'H-he doesn't know!' Velius thought as he turned to Triton and pointed his finger.

"This king turned his empire against us when you defeated Darkseid and tried to take advantage of your absence to overthrow us. But luckily, my subordinates figured out their scheme, and we turned it around!" 

The general backed up slowly, urging his confused son and soldiers to do the same. They needed to get closer to the exit. He was a proud, strong warrior, with impeccable battle instincts, and those same instincts told him they had to escape.

Gohan nodded. "I see. Good job, then. I was just here to inform you all not to invade sector 2814; I have plans for it in the future," Gohan explained turning and making eye contact with the general as Velius nodded.

"Of course, anything you desire, Lord Gohan!" he said as Triton's jaw dropped at the blatant lie Velius just told. He couldn't believe it worked, either.

"Is that what you wanted me to say, correct?" Gohan asked placing his attention back on Velius whose expression dropped.

"You think I'm a fool? I heard everything," he stated as he continued his stride and raised his hand, a purple aura surrounding him. "I was recently told I am very benevolent. Do you agree?" Gohan asked, and Velius simply nodded.

"The most, my lord! Please forgive me!" Velius begged as Gohan lowered his hand, his expression softening just barely.

"Vermont," Gohan called.

"Yes, my lord?" Vermont asked.

"Hand me the Z Sword."

"Of course." The majestic blade appeared in front of Gohan. Reaching out and holding it, Gohan inspected the blade.

"Within this blade lies Darkseid, or at least the vessel he was using," Gohan explained, stunning everyone.

"This is the legendary Z Sword, a divine weapon that can draw out the potential of anyone capable of wielding it, capable of cutting down even the mightiest of foes and containing the greatest of evil."

"What a magnificent weapon!" Velius praised.

"It is, but do you know what it's capable of when wielded by a Destroyer God?" Gohan asked as he turned to everyone.

No one could answer him.

"Summon Makaiya," Gohan ordered as Vermont nodded.

"As you wish, my lord." Vermont's staff glowed before a short Supreme Kai appeared.

Makaiya approached Gohan and bowed. "Yes, my lord?" he asked.

"This planet will need to be replaced. Could you create a new one for us?" Gohan asked as Makaiya looked around before nodding.

"Easily," he answered. "But may I ask why?"

"There are still people who live here, but this planet won't hold together for another ten thousand years. The core is cooling and losing its momentum," Gohan explained. The onlookers were just confused.

"This is Makaiya, the god of creation. He is the one in charge of creating worlds and species."

"Wait, what does this mean!?" King Triton called out while on his knees. He didn't miss those words; he was aware of those issues, but they were planning on relocating eventually anyway.

"Vermont, please protect all living creatures on this planet for the next ten minutes," Gohan said as he aimed the Z Sword at Velius, who looked on, frightened.

"I will deal with you in a few moments."

Swinging the blade at the ground in an instant, slicing the planet in half. "W-what just happened?" Triton asked, just as rumbling began.

In an instant, the sky, the palace, everything, had a line through it. "I cut this planet in half. This was just for me to display what I can do."

"What!?" "…"

"But an explosion would be overboard," Gohan explained as everything rapidly started turning red, and plumes of lava erupted out.

Flaring his immense Ki reserves and sparking his aura, he aimed his hand at the planet. "Hakai," he stated. The violence began to lessen until all that could be seen were purple sparkles floating in the vacuum of space.

Gohan floated in space, turning to everyone who was floating in the void with him, surrounded by Vermont's energy, stunned.

'Are we in space!?' the general thought to himself. 'Where is the planet? How are we alive!?'

Turning to Makaiya. "Could you do the honors?" he asked.

"As you wish, my lord." Makaiya raised his hand and closed his eyes, beginning the process of creation. A transparent cube of planetary proportions appeared, isolating the space in a different dimension with its own space-time laws.

Once that was complete, he aimed his left hand at the center of the cube, his Time Ring glowing as he activated it.

Everyone floating in space watched as a colossal cloud of gas and dust swirled gracefully within the vastness of space. Within this cloud, particles started colliding and clumping together, forming denser regions that grew in size and gravity.

Time within the cube seemed to speed up as the denser pockets became the seeds of something magnificent. Gravity took hold, drawing in more created matter from the surrounding space. Slowly but persistently, these particles merged, forming larger bodies known as planetesimals.

These planetesimals, ranging from mere pebbles to mountain-sized masses, danced in gravitational waltzes, colliding and amalgamating over what seemed to be eons.

Through these ceaseless collisions and accumulations, a protoplanetary disk materialized—a swirling symphony of debris encircling a burgeoning center. Here, under the influence of gravity's gentle persuasion, matter gathered, coalesced, and settled into a newborn sphere.

Makaiya's hands zipped in many directions at great speeds as he seemingly pulled at the landmass with his fingers, intricately designing the planets' rivers, oceans, and mountains. Over seemingly countless millennia, this sphere evolved. Molten lava flowed like rivers, shaping the landscape with fiery brushstrokes. Intense bombardments from the surrounding space added and subtracted from its surface, sculpting mountains and carving deep valleys. Atmospheres formed, consisting of gases both ancient and freshly released from within.

Makaiya lowered his one hand and let time become the artist, etching its marks upon this fledgling world. Crusts solidified, oceans collected, and the symphony of geologic processes orchestrated the shaping of the planet's identity. Slowly but surely, the once formless and chaotic cloud transformed into a celestial body—a planet, a home, a testament to the wonders of the powers of creation.

"Amazing..." was but one of many words on everyone's mind. Right before their very eyes, a planet was birthed.

Soon, Vermont's energy shield disappeared, and everyone took in the scent of fresh air rich with oxygen.

"Thanks for your help, Makaiya. This world looks amazing. You'll have to teach me more Kai Magic sometime," complimented Gohan. "Maybe I could design a few planets in the future?"

"Absolutely, anytime, my lord. Farewell," replied Makaiya before bowing and vanishing.

"Okay, now let's focus on business," Gohan said, turning to Velius. With a casual toss of the blade into the sky, Gohan walked up to the emperor. The blade descended rapidly, but Gohan intercepted it with his telepathy just before it struck the ground between Velius's legs.

Holding the blade in place for the planet's sake, he lowered it and continued. "If you can draw this weapon, then you are free to go, no consequences." Gohan explained. 

It was pure silence as Velius watched on in disbelief. "I-i have to pick up this weapon? A-and you will let me go with no consequences?" He asked as Gohan nodded.

"A-alright!" He said as he slowly stood and grabbed onto the hilt and started pulling, desperately with all his might, unfortunately he wasn't very strong, he persisted until his hands started bleeding.

Seeing this, Gohan sighed and walked up to Velius and grabbed the hilt himself, lifting it before resting it on his shoulder and with a menacing look on his face and his eyes glowing red with an aura of destruction swirling around him.

"Hakai." Gohan said, Velius screamed as he transformed into purple sparkles.

"I have no use for a schemer." Gohan stated firmly. "I can tell you won't change, your emotions are as clear as day to me."

Velius fell back in shock and terror, and though those surrounding them couldn't believe their ears, no one spoke a word. Velius scanned desperately for help, but no one met his gaze, except Triton, who locked eyes with him and smirked.

The last sight Velius saw was Triton's triumphant expression.

"Unfortunately for you, there's no eternal afterlife. I revoked your admission," He said as Velius looked up at him in terror before completely disappearing.

Without another word, Gohan walked past the scene toward Triton and his silent family.

Snapping his fingers, the shackles dissolved into purple sparkles, allowing them to stand. However, they merely bowed as he drew closer.

Strix finally felt her body relax; the dark aura surrounding Gohan had dissipated. Uncertain of what would happen next, she contemplated leaving. Pulling it off seemed challenging, perhaps even impossible. Before she could make up her mind, Vermont blocked her path.

"My lord asked me to ensure you don't go anywhere," Vermont informed her. Glancing at Gohan and receiving a nod, she offered a brief bow to Vermont and stayed put.

The general of Thanagar raised his guard, perhaps this could be the chance to retreat, his soldiers slowly backing up with him. Gohan aimed his hand at them, using his God Bind to draw them towards him and seizing the general by the neck before casting his gaze down at Triton and his family.

'What is this?!' General Karan couldn't help but feel his heartrate pick up.

"You are King Triton I presume?" He asked as Triton nodded.

"Your assumption is correct my lord, how can I be of assistance to you?" He asked.

"You all may rise." Gohan directed, and they rose as a subtle warmth softened his once cold expression, drawing a slight smile from him, which left them visibly surprised.

"Your governance is commendable. You have my approval, King," Gohan commended, evoking an incredulous response from the King, who felt overwhelming joy but managed to contain it.

"I am not worthy to hear such words from one as great as yourself!" He said as he bowed his head once again, but as if their King commanded it, every head in the throne room bowed as well before rising.

"Tell me, which empire exerts the greatest influence over the eastern section of the universe?" Gohan asked.

"That would be us, my lord. We engaged in a prolonged war with the Eve Empire to expand our control. Unfortunately, our fleets reached a stalemate due to evenly matched strengths. To withstand the Eve Empire's conquest, numerous smaller nations united under our banner. Without their alliance, we would have succumbed long ago," explained the King, prompting Gohan's understanding nod.

"Is that why you dispatched such a significant fleet to safeguard one of the outer worlds?" Gohan probed, to which Triton confirmed with a nod.

"Without them we would have fallen regardless, if they survive, which I am certain they will, there will always be a nation to rise against the Eve empire, it may not have been as the Lou Empire but they would have been able to repel the invasion eventually, New Tamaran is the most important strategic point we have. " Triton answered.

Gohan took in the reasoning and nodded.

"To tell you the truth my lord it was the Queens' suggestion and my daughter agreed with her." He explained as Gohan looked towards the females, the Queen bowed her head and the princess kind of shrunk and tried to hide away behind her mother which made Gohan hold back a chuckle but she quickly realized that he could see her so she just stepped forward and bowed.

"Good." Gohan said as he turned and walked away. "Darkseid is gone and now your enemies are disbanded and you will absorb their territory and influence, keep ruling as you are and we will have no problems."

"My lord!" The Queen called out as Gohan stopped and turned to look at her. "Unfortunately we won't be able to much longer as the world we wanted to protect was attacked by Darkseids forces and we might lose the ability to maintain control over the empire if our forces get weakened too considerably, we have already lost our strongest warrior." She said as the King turned to her.

"Arlen! That is not his problem he already saved us how can you even bring up the matter?" Triton asked as he looked to Gohan, clearly he wanted to bring this up and Arlen created a good situation for them.

"Forgive her Lord Gohan the praise must have gone to her head." He said as Gohan just started laughing, he will probably never get used to this, but the outright laughter seemed to frighten them somewhat which he noticed.

"If I am laughing it means I am very pleased so do not stress so much, you will shorten your lifespan." Gohan said as he walked back to them and looked at the being on the ground who laid there lifeless at Strix's feet, he raised his hand towards the body and lifted it and brought it in front of Vermont.

"Consider this a favor." Gohan said as Vermont seemed to understand and nodded as he tapped the body with his staff and in that moment the man's eyes shot open and he gasped for air before feeling himself making sure he was not dreaming, he could swear he was dead and in a line waiting to be judged, looking up he saw a person talking to the royal family.

"If you run into any problems you absolutely cannot handle on your own than you may ask for my help." Gohan said. "But only emergencies." He warned, but they were stunned beyond words at the miracle that was performed before their very eyes as their strongest warrior was brought back from the dead.

"But since I have chosen you to rule the eastern quadrant I will help you remain in power." Gohan stated as they just dropped to their knees again and bowed to him along with everyone in the palace as they just witnessed death be reversed with such ease.

Turning his head to the floating Thanagarian soldiers. "I take it you were the back up?" He asked.

Releasing his hold over them they fell to the ground. "I am General Karan Patar! We represent the nation of Thanagar! If you fear for your life you will let us go or feel the full wrath of the Thanagarian empire!" He declared.

"Feel the wrath of the Thanagarian empire?" He asked as he pulled the general closer, his son spoke up beside him.

"Thanagar is far more than just a measly Eve Empire, we -"

Catching the battle mace with his bare hand, Gohan stared at Hawkman who was struggling to force down the mace.

"You really think you can over power me with physical strength after I just cut a planet in half?" Gohan asked, Hawkman quickly flicked out a pair of cuffs.

Gohan watched as he placed the cuffs on his hands, a dim light faintly outlined the cuffs before they were violently pulled together, clamping shut, crushing Gohan's hands.

Screaming in pain as Hawkman grinned before turning back to his father. "Got em, with these no one can escape, no matter how strong you are, this is Nth metal, it suppresses all of your abilities!" Hawkman bragged.

"My lord!" Princess Oasa called out in shock, she thought he was unstoppable but here he was screaming in pain, the guards of the Lou empire quickly gathered in front of their royals.

"I will admit, I let you put these on because I wanted to see what you could do, but I wasn't expecting you to use magical cuffs made from special metal." Gohan said as Hawkman smirked.

"I was betting on the fact that you would." He explained.

"But now that you have me trapped what do you plan on doing?" He asked as Hawkman's smirk disappeared.

"Leaving, especially while you're incapacitated." He said as Gohan started chuckling before laughing.

"That's pretty smart, I'll let you go but next time I see you, you won't be so lucky." Gohan said as the Thanagarians backed up with their weapons pointed at everyone.

"With restrains like this, it's a wonder how you still struggle with beings like Darkseid, but then again, he wouldn't let you slap on some cuffs like I did."

The cuffs started sparking. "Oh magic! Now I feel bad for destroying it." He finished. "Hakai." He stated as the cuffs started disappearing.

Gohan's eyes narrowed slightly as he sensed a presence hover in the area. "Hello, I believe we haven't met yet." Gohan greeted as a woman appeared clad in all black. "I am Lord Gohan, God of Destruction."

"I was curious on where my souls were disappearing, I should have known it was you my lord." She said casually as she walked up to Gohan, she stared him right in the eye.

"Hi, I'm Death." She revealed.

'Did she just say Death?' Arlen thought to herself. 'Is that the lord of death!?' Princess Oasa just couldn't believe her ears. 'No, I must be wrong, it just cannot be!'

Death turned her head to the Princess. "No, you are correct, I am the embodiment of death, the very concept." She stated before turning back to Gohan with a look of disdain.

"I was not aware the stray weakling Master Vermont picked up would take up the grand position of Destroyer God." Death said with a hint of malice. "I question whether you yet have the power expected for the role."

"I mean no disrespect my 'lord' but your current level of strength is...for lack of a better word, pitiful." She stated bluntly. "How can I hold my head high in front of the outer gods?" 

Some mortals gasped slightly, now deathly afraid of a confrontation between a Death God and a Destroyer God, but none were willing to move, should they make a mistake or draw attention to themselves surely they'd die, the tension in the air was thick.

Frowning slightly at the God of Death before walking up to her. "You'd better take back what you just said." He warned, but Death was not deterred.

"Even you are not allowed to remove embodiments, nor are you anywhere near powerful enough to accomplish such a feat, perhaps a real Destroyer God could, like say Lord Beerus?" She said, as Vermont sighed before frowning.

"Really now, Death, why would you-" Vermont started but was stopped by the force of Ki that erupted from Gohan as his strength soared, in his Ultra Ego State Gohan's aura was fierce and dark, yet pure, pure rage.

Acting swiftly Vermont created barriers around the mortals, to protect them and to shield their ears from the conversation of the Gods.

Death was taken aback by the sheer force of power being unleashed. "This is impressive, however, Destroyer Gods are the epitome of strength, power, and balance, even if we seven embodiments of reality band together we should not be able to shake you, yet, I alone rival your strength." She ended just as a equally terrifying power crept into existence, her own aura of death pushing against his divine power. 'He's...powerful but...' She thought. ' I've felt Lady Perpetua's power, and in comparison this is pathetic.'

Lord Gohan maintained a firm expression, but internally, he was surprised and a hint of frustration built up within. 'She is stronger than I am...' Gohan reflected, contemplating the situation. '

Gohan walked up to her. "Yes, you may be stronger but I am sure you are wise enough to understand that I am the youngest destroyer god to ever exist, and yet you and I are not too far apart, by the time I am as old as you are, how much more powerful do you think I will be in comparison to you?" Gohan asked, two could play at this game.

"Are you prepared for that day?" He asked her.

"Incredible," Triton murmured in awe, finding himself on his knees. He glanced at Arlen, who shared the same stunned reaction. These were genuine Gods, and witnessing them was either an extraordinary stroke of luck or a curse to behold the wrath of a God.

"This doesn't bode well," Princess Oasa stammered, trembling noticeably. She was closest to the Destroyer God.

The guards and Strix observed, captivated by the confrontation.

Amid an eerie silence descending upon the onlookers, he closed his eyes, and a gentle breeze swept through the crowd.

Having lost her bravado, Death responded. "Please forgive my previous impertinence." She started. "I am aware of your great potential, however, based on your current ability, you haven't been taking this very seriously, have you?" Death asked, her dull black eyes almost burning a hole into him.

"You have the ability to be a true Destroyer, I beseech you, my lord grow so that we Gods directly under your authority can fulfil our duties knowing we have a balancer who can enforce the laws of the supreme one from outer world Demon gods who look to consume our cosmos, or better yet, your cosmos."

Gohan listened intently, now knowing Death was in fact not challenging him or disobeying him, dropping down to one knee and bowing she continued.

"I have been hearing whispers from beyond the universe and a great darkness might be on the horizon, the deaths across the multiverse has increased by a noticeable increment, the Death Gods across creation have felt the imbalance worsen rapidly, as the bearers of Death even we have never felt a shift this immense in such a short period of time." Death explained seriously.

"I understand your concern, but I am not too fond of you testing me in front of the mortals, you could have come to my realm at a later stage, you will be punished for this." Gohan said.

"When did this imbalance start, there could be an event that triggered it." 

"Recently a tournament has concluded and a wish was granted by the Super Dragon Balls, that is the only lead us Death Gods could connect to the phenomena, the God of Time; Lady Chronoa has also placed her Time Patrollers on high alert, I am not certain as to why but, it cannot be a coincident that she has bolstered the Time Nest with all of the most powerful beings throughout time at the exact moment even death was disrupted to a minor extent."

Gohan turned and looked at Vermont who was already staring at him. 

Looking back at Death. "Alright, is that all?" 

"I came to warn you, please prepare my lord, the existence of this universe is protected by the will of the Destroyer God, we will need your strength to have the right to exist." Death urged him as she slowly turned to dust and disappeared. 

Gohan watched Death part, he was vexed, was she implying he didn't have a lot of time to get stronger?

Yes, she was, but. 'I have been training tirelessly to defeat Beerus, I even learned some Kai Magic...but maybe I haven't truly been putting my all in my training.' The thought seemed foreign but deep down, he knew.


'The vibrations through my fists... the taste of blood in my mouth...The sound of my heart in my ears...I hate it. I always have. But right now, the only thing driving me is my hatred, I never thought of it like this before and perhaps this wasn't the best way to go about it, but who I am now is no Destroyer God, I am...Son Gohan, and I-I miss my family...I want to smell mom's cooking again, I-I want to see Videl again, I want to see Goten again, I want to see Dad again, Son Gohan is no Destroyer God.' Gohan thought to himself as his fists clenched so tight he started bleeding, he knew what he had to do, but could he even accomplish it.

'Until I accomplish my goals...Son Gohan will be no more.' He thought to himself, although even he knew, that Son Gohan - God of Destruction was not fit to be both, 'The difference between duties and responsibilities will clash and when it does, it might just be the end of me.'

Signaling for Vermont to lower the sound barrier he turned to the mortals. "I will help you deal with the invaders, but this is only because it benefits me more than it benefits you." Gohan explained, but they just kept their heads glued to the ground.

"Raise your head, I do not like it when people worship." Gohan said, this made everyone stop immediately, not willing to anger the God of Destruction.

"Vermont." Gohan called out as Vermont walked next to him. "Lord Gohan?" He asked.

"Where is this world that is under attack?" He asked as Vermont checked his staff. "It is further into the eastern quadrant." He responded as Gohan's stomach growled shaking the surroundings as he looked down in embarrassment before clearing his throat and turning to Vermont.

"We should leave." He said as Vermont nodded, suppressing her fear the princess spoke suddenly.

"We can have a feast to celebrate your lordships support of the Lou empire!" She said as they all looked at her.

"A-a splendid idea!" The queen chimed in. "My lord seems to have quite the voracious appetite, only the best in the galaxy will suffice, what say you my lord?" She asked with her head bowed.

"I mean sure, I would love a good meal how about in one week I will return for the feast." He said as she nodded, turning to Vermont he asked.

"How long will it take for us to arrive at that world?"

"About a minute of travel." He answered as Gohan nodded and looked at Strix and motioned for her to come over which she did. "Heal her as well." Gohan said as he nodded and in an instant she was healed.

"I can see a great deal of potential in you as a warrior. I've been toying with an idea, but I'm undecided. How would you feel about joining my personal elite squad?" Gohan's offer left everyone stunned.

"I'd be honored," she replied, dropping to one knee. However, her tone was flat, lacking enthusiasm or interest. "Alright then, you'll be coming with me," Gohan said as she simply nodded and stood up.

Looking up at Vermont as they disappeared in a flash of light making everyone cover their eyes from the light.

King Triton eased onto the ground, relaxing as the guards approached to assist him. "My lord!" they called out, aiding him to his feet.

"Arrange for supplies to be brought down and inform everyone under our banner about an emergency meeting to be held soon," he directed, as the warrior gradually rose and approached.

"My king… I seem to be alive. What happened? I was certain I had been defeated by Strix," he said, puzzled. "Commander Mattis..." The King regarded him, beginning to explain, which made the situation sink in. 

"I was brought back by the God of Destruction?" he asked, surprised by the existence of such a being. However, given what he had felt and heard, he was inclined to believe it.

"And the God of Death was present too?" He was shaken. "I was dead and then brought back, so perhaps he requested the God of Death to personally bring me back. And you're saying he invited Commander Strix to join his elite squad?"

Strix mostly remained quiet as Gohan spoke to Vermont. "How is the world?" He asked.

"It seems a Saiyan is there laying waste to the empire's soldiers." He explained as Gohan's eyes widened. "A Saiyan?" He asked as Vermont nodded as he checked his staff.

"I didn't notice before but there seems to be a planet in the universe that does not originally belong here, Planet Bardock, formally known as Planet Vegeta from the 20th universe is here." He answered, Gohan couldn't believe his ears.

"Saiyans?" He said as Vermont nodded.

"Seems your previous battle with Lord Beerus must have seriously damaged the time-space continuum." Vermont said snapping Gohan from his thoughts but the mention of Beerus made him clench his jaw.

"Of course it would." Gohan said. 

"If you don't mind me asking my lord, who is Lord Beerus?" She asked in the same bland tone as Vermont answered.

"Seeing as you will be around us a lot it is only right you learn of it, Lord Beerus is another God of Destruction, him and Lord Gohan have a feud as he killed Lord Gohan's family and friends." Vermont said.

"My apologies I should not have asked." She said as Gohan looked at her.

"You didn't know and you were bound to find out eventually so it doesn't matter, but refrain from bringing it up unnecessarily." He said.

"Of course." She answered as she looked at Gohan before looking forward again.

"Are you incapable of emotional expression or is this just how you are?" He asked suddenly.

"Emperor Velius ordered me to use an experimental drug, long before you had defeated Darkseid, Commander Mattis always held an edge over me but now him and I are generally around the same level, he loves his country while I just serve mine." She explained as Gohan nodded taking note of this Mattis.

"Do you not wish to return to normal?"

"I do not remember much of the time before the drug but as a warrior this is a great boon as I won't hesitate or have to steady my heart." She explained.

"You were already healed by Vermont so the damage must be more extensive." Gohan said.

"Indeed, it is something she will have to overcome on her own, I have done what I can." Vermont explained.

"I am certainly not distraught about it." She continued. "If even my lord cannot restore me to my previous state it matters not, just use me as you see fit, I am here to serve." 

"We have arrived my lord." Vermont spoke suddenly as they appeared on the planet just as explosions sounded off.

They saw a female with a tail floating in the sky as she aimed her hand at a building with another much larger woman behind her. "Let's see what you monkeys can do." She said as the saiyan released the ki blast

The warrior Tamaranian started charging her own attack in an attempt to overpower the incoming attack, but before the blast made contact Strix appeared in front of it, skillfully slapping the blast away before kicking the Tamaranian's hands aiming her hands towards the sky just as the blast as unleashed.

"Oh? Looks like someone interesting just arrived." The female saiyan smirked but her smile disappeared as the brute next to her recognized the warrior.

"Strix!" She growled. "What brings the Evenian Commander to New Tamaran, aren't you suppressing the royal line of Lou?" She asked as Strix stood upright.

'These invaders! How dare they!?' The Tamaranian soldier thought to herself.

"You know her?" The saiyan asked, her tone was arrogant.

"Of course I do, Strix here is famously know as the spear of Eve, she could probably lick Steppenwolfs boot, but you monkeys are certainly no threat to her." Granny Goodness mocked.

"Oh yeah!? Let's find out!" The saiyan declared but stopped when Gohan and Vermont appeared beside her.

'Reinforcements will take a while to arrive, buying time is what I need.' Granny thought.

"You brought allies?" Granny Goodness said as she looked at the Saiyan. "Time to prove your worth, kill them or die trying." As the saiyan nodded, more than ready for the battle, but the clothes of these allies seemed eerily familiar.

Granny Goodness smirked. 'Rather unfortunate that I will lose a promising fury in the making but oh well, their Queen will have to do.' She thought.

Strix prepared to finish off the Saiyan. "Stop." Gohan ordered as Strix stopped her fist just as it was about to punch a hole through the saiyan.

"Too afraid?" She taunted as Gohan chuckled.

"No, I just don't want her to kill you." He explained as the female saiyan seemed to finally remember where she had previously seen that attire and froze in fear.

She instantly bowed and got down to one knee as Granny Goodness raised an eyebrow. "The fuck are you doing?" Granny asked, the saiyan was such a hard ass she didn't even want to bow to Darkseid until he beat her half to death.

"God of Destruction!? Forgive me my lord I don't recognize who you are please grant me the honor of hearing your name!" She declared.

"You know what a destroyer god is?" He asked as she nodded.

"We Saiyans know full well to respect destroyer gods when we see one!" She said, this peaked the interest of Granny Goodness who glanced at the newcomer, was that eerie feeling and rumbling related to him?

"Who is he?" Granny Goodness asked the saiyan.

"A God of Destruction, back before the great catastrophe we had only met one destroyer god who tolerated no disrespect, he balanced the universe with an iron fist and held unmatched power." She explained. 

"Ahh she is talking about Lord Soju, God of Destruction of the 20th universe." Vermont explained. "My sister told me he is quite strict." He nodded remembering the conversation.

Granny Goodness was confused by this, 20th universe? What nonsense are they talking about but she didn't like what she was hearing it was probably best to retreat for now and relay the information to Lord Darkseid.

"You are correct." Gohan explained as he floated towards her. "I am Lord Gohan, God of Destruction of the 21st universe, who is this accompanying you?" Gohan asked as she explained.

"This is Granny Goodness, when we arrived here Darks- I mean Lord Darkseid subjugated the Saiyan race, we now serve him as his loyal servants." She responded as Gohan nodded.

"No need, Darkseid is no more I defeated him, he tried to tell me what to do and I am sure you know how that would go, he is currently not available for comment." Gohan said as her eyes widened.

"Vermont would you please." Gohan asked as Vermont brought out the Z Sword.

"Darkseid is currently toiling about in this sword." Gohan explained. "I sealed him in here, so long as I am alive he will never escape."

"Really!?" She asked as hope filled her eyes but Granny Goodness roared.

"LIES! None can defeat his greatness!" She said as she grabbed her ear. "FURIES! Update! Has Lord Darkseid returned from that back water world?" She asked but as the seconds ticked by her face turned blue as she stared at Gohan in fear, her eyes glanced to the glorious blade before taking off at full speed.

"It must be true…" The saiyan said as she flipped off the retreating Granny Goodness but quickly remembered who was around before quickly bowing again.

"What is your name Saiyan?" He asked as he gave the sword back to Vermont.

"Fasha!" She responded as Gohan nodded.

"Well now that Darkseid's lacky is no longer forcing you to attack this world what are your intentions now?" He asked, she remained quiet for a few seconds trying to figure out what the right words would be in this situation but she assumed aggression would probably not be the right answer.

"I would like to return to Planet Bardock and inform King Bardock of Darkseid's defeat." She answered as Gohan nodded and motioned for her to come closer which she slowly did.

"Halt!" The soldier finally let out, she had been listening intently while not drawing attention to herself, but it seemed like this criminal was about to be taken away, she couldn't let that happen.

"I cannot let the criminal who attacked our world leave!" The soldier declared, she was shaken but she had a duty to follow.


"As you wish my lord." 

His staff appeared and let off an eerie glow that blinded everyone, when the glow died down, the city was no longer burning and all the enemy troops had disappeared.

"The king of Lou informed me of your predicament, their capital is no longer under seige so expect even greater reinforcements and aid over the next few days." Gohan explained to the soldier before placing his hand on Vermont's back and in a flash of light they were gone.

Fasha seemed to be beyond captivated by the white void they were traveling through.

"This is Strix, she will be the leader of my elite vanguard." Gohan explained.

"I would love to fight her one day if I may." She said as Gohan nodded.

"If she is up for it then I don't mind." Gohan said as Strix nodded.

"Indeed, I do not mind however I do not think it would be a very long battle." Strix commented as Fasha bit her tongue and forced herself not to saying anything out of line.

"Planet Bardock is near my lord." Vermont explained as they arrived which stunned Fasha. 'Close? It took us twelve hours to reach this planet at FTL.' She thought.

Snapping out of her reverie. "This way my lord." She informed as they flew towards the Palace.

When they arrived the Saiyans recognized her and the two familiar looking beings behind her they just instantly bowed.

Once they entered the palace every saiyan that saw them bowed instantly. "I do not understand how they are all aware of my lords status as a God, we did not even know such beings existed." Strix commented as Gohan nodded.

"It's to be expected this universe hasn't had a Destroyer for many years until I came along." Gohan explained as she nodded. "And they come from Soju's universe and his universe has one of the highest mortal levels in the multiverse, overall they will be very strong." Gohan explained.

The doors to the throne opened with King Bardock and Queen Gine sitting on the throne until they saw Fasha enter with three beings, two of them sent a shiver down his back as he stood instantly.

"My king, queen." Fasha started as she bowed once they approached. "I would like to introduce Lord Gohan, a God of Destruction." She finished as the king and queen walked up to Gohan and bowed.

Gohan was frozen stiff, this king looked exactly like Goku, his father, it was unbelievable, Bardock himself was getting freaked out that the destroyer god was staring at him with such intent.

Shaking himself straight and collecting his thoughts.

"Rise king." Gohan said as the king rose, Gohan felt like he was looking at a mirror image of his father, but this man had a scar over his face and was tanned.

"I hear you were subjugated by Darkseid and are now forced to do his bidding?" Gohan as the King's jaw clenched but he nodded.

"It is as you say."

"Well Darkseid is no longer around so you no longer have to take orders from him." Gohan explained as the King looked up surprised.

"Really?" He asked but he didn't receive a answer before nodding.

"Now, I would like you all to cease your conquering of worlds, it is causing imbalance to the already fragile balance." Gohan said as the king just nodded not willing to argue. "Recall all saiyans that were sent out, and should they not be able to return inform me, I will bring them to the planet." He ordered as another saiyan saluted and left.

"This is Strix, she is my elite warrior and liaison, in the future if you require anything ask her." Gohan explained as she glanced at him with her expressionless face but said nothing.

Gohan couldn't help himself and approached the King before inspecting him up and down, his Ki definitely felt familiar to his fathers.

"He does bore an uncanny resemblance to your father my lord." Vermont said as Gohan nodded slowly but these words never went over any heads..

"How is that possible?" Gine asked surprised as she stared at Gohan's face and she started to notice that they looked very alike indeed she even noticed some of her own features.

"Before I became the God of Destruction, I was just a half saiyan who became the Super Saiyan God." Gohan explained stunning them further, he wasn't just a God of Destruction but a saiyan? And not just a normal saiyan but a Super Saiyan God and a hybrid?

"You're a saiyan?" Gine said stunned as Gohan nodded.

"Well yes." Gohan explained as his hair turned gold and his eyes turned teal, he pointed at his hair.

"I achieved Super Saiyan when I was 11 years old under my father's training." He said as their jaws dropped even more as Gohan returned to base.

"Wait wait…what was his name?" She asked as she motioned for Bardock to come closer but he didn't want to because he wasn't sure if he was allowed to but Gine didn't seem to care as Gohan nodded.

"His name was Son Goku, but his Saiyan name was Kakarot." Gohan explained, it was dead silent once he dropped that name.

"My- our son's name is Kakarot, the prince." She said as Gohan looked at her and Bardock before looking at Vermont who checked his staff and slowly nodded.

"They seem to be perfect doppalgangers of your late grandparents." 

"Unbelievable." Gohan said as he needed to sit down which Vermont took note of and created a chair just as Gohan sat down trying to digest this.

No one said a word not sure of what to say or do but chose to remain silent, Strix and Vermont seemed to come to the conclusion that Gohan was in shock.

'I need to calm down, I am still a destroyer I can't show weakness.' He thought.

Gohan glanced at them. "When did your family take the throne? Isn't Vegeta supposed to be King?" He asked.

"Because well, Bardock was the first Super Saiyan to appear on Planet Vegeta after a thousand years, he defeated the previous king and freed us from the grasp of the Ice Clan, so the Saiyan people chose him as true royalty." But Gohan shook his head.

"Super Saiyan is not an exclusive transformation to our family, any saiyan who meets the requirements can achieve it under the right conditions." Gohan explained. "But I guess I can see how you would come to that conclusion."

This was news to everyone else because no one since Bardock was able to transform so they assumed only one saiyan had the capability once every thousand years and most likely his children would inherit the power as well.

Standing upright and assuming his Destroyer position again. "Alright well, I just came here to inform you of the situation…I didn't expect to find my father's parents…is he still alive?" Gohan asked Gine who nodded.

"He is with Raditz, they are training, hoping to achieve the legend as well." She explained as Gohan nodded, he really wanted to see him but he knew he shouldn't, they weren't his real family.

"I see…well let's leave Vermont, I have to return, Death's warning earlier made me realize something important, I have to prepare." Gohan said as he turned to walk away. "It was good to see my heritage for the first time."

"My lord!" She said as Gohan was about to exit, he turned and looked at her.

"What did you mean still alive?" She asked.

"My father is dead." Gohan said as he turned and left stunning her.