New Developments

"Gohan, Vermont, and Strix returned to Gohan's world. "This will be your new home. I'm not sure if you have any family?" Gohan asked. Strix nodded in response.

"All my memories from before the drug are gone," she explained. Gohan nodded, understanding her situation.

"That's unfortunate."

"But I suppose you'll begin your training now. I'll return within a few days; I have some arrangements to settle."

"I understand," she replied with a bow as Gohan took off towards Earth, streaking through the vacuum of space at mind-boggling speeds. Ten minutes later, he arrived as the hangar opened, granting him access.

Making his way back to the cafeteria, he found Flash and Diana. "I can sense the others are already back on Earth," he mentioned, and they nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, they're helping rebuild the destroyed parts of Metropolis," Flash explained. "But I chose to stay because there's no way I'm letting you come back to an empty Watchtower, and the repairs aren't too extensive," Flash added. Gohan smiled appreciatively and nodded.

"Thanks! So, what's on the menu?" Gohan eagerly asked as he took a seat, and dish after dish started arriving.

"There's nothing quite like Earth food," Gohan remarked between bites, prompting a laugh from Flash. "Speaking of which, are you free for dinner in three days?" Flash inquired, causing Gohan to pause and scratch the back of his head.

"Would tomorrow work instead?" Gohan asked. "My schedule's really tight at the moment," he explained, and Flash nodded in understanding.

"Sure thing, I just wanted to give you some time. Remember, Iris is eager to meet you," Flash mentioned, to which Gohan nodded.

"Yeah, she's been reminding me non-stop since your return," Barry said, chuckling.

"Yeah, sure, I'm looking forward to it," Gohan added.

"Who would've thought the universe's ruler would sit at my dinner table?" Flash chuckled.

"When I'm with you guys, I'm just Gohan, remember?" Gohan grinned, prompting a nod from Flash.

"Your friendship is admirable," Diana chimed in, earning a grin from Flash.

"That reminds me, Diana, we have that dinner plan if you're still interested," Gohan mentioned, surprising her. Her eyes lit up at the comment, catching Flash off guard, though a mischievous grin formed on his face, which Gohan noticed. 

"It's not what you're thinking. We were supposed to have dinner last year, but things got in the way," Gohan explained as Flash nodded skeptically.

"Right, of course," Flash said, while Diana agreed.

"Absolutely. And just let me know when," Diana added, as Flash playfully rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, I'll see you later, Gohan. If you need me, I'll be on Earth," Flash said, making himself scarce as Green Lantern walked in.

"Hey guys! You must be—" He was interrupted as Flash swiftly grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away.

"You can meet him next time; he's busy right now," Flash stated, leaving Hal looking a bit perplexed but deciding not to dwell on it, assuming it must have been something important.

Gohan chuckled, finishing his meal. "Aren't you still hungry?" she asked.

"Well, I didn't want to overeat," he explained, his attention caught by a news broadcast recapping a moment when she removed her bracelets.

"That's quite impressive," he commented, observing the footage.

"Despite that, I lose control in that state," she explained. "My power becomes overwhelming, and only my sisters and the league can help me regain control."

"Sisters?" he asked, intrigued.

"Yes, I come from an island of warriors. It's an all-female society, and they hold a low opinion of men. My mother, the queen, has banned any man from setting foot on the island," she explained with an exasperated sigh.

"Is there a reason behind that?" Gohan inquired.

"Many years ago, we were deceived, and Hercules slaughtered many of our sisters," she revealed, prompting something to click in Gohan's mind.

"Wait, your mother is the queen? That makes you a princess, doesn't it?" he asked, astonished.

"Indeed, I'm the daughter of Hippolyta and Zeus, the god of the skies," she disclosed, causing Gohan's jaw to drop slightly.

"So, you're half-goddess?" he asked, to which she nodded, raising her bracelets. "These hold my divinity, but removing them overwhelms my mortal side. I've never been able to release them without losing control," she explained.

"Unfortunate, but I might be able to help you control it," Gohan offered unexpectedly.

Raising his hand towards her head and closing his eyes, he murmured, "Diana... Incredible. You possess so much untapped divine potential."

Diana looked at Gohan, puzzled. "Untapped?" His comment left her bewildered. She had undergone lifelong training, so how could there still be greater heights within her?

"This might only be a fraction of the hidden power," Gohan explained. 

Feeling a sudden surge in her strength; Diana started trembling and gritting her teeth as a creamy white aura burst out from her, shaking the Watchtower. Her bracelets rattled as if they were on the verge of breaking apart.

"W-what's happening?" She stammered, feeling overwhelmed. Gohan lifted his hand, and suddenly, the power vanished.

"That was just a glimpse of what you could achieve if you learned to control your divine energy. I shared a part of my power with you to give you a temporary boost. If I tried this with anyone else, they'd probably explode," he concluded, leaving her stunned.

"If you manage to control your divine essence, you could access God Ki faster than any mortal. My family used a ritual exclusive to Saiyans to bypass the control of our divine essence, Saiyans are naturally intune with our Ki so having control of our essence isn't necessary. Surprisingly, our entire species had no idea that we could simply create Gods, that knowledge was lost," Gohan explained.

"Everything about you is so incredibly fascinating..." Diana said, her eyes glued to him, this made Gohan's face turn red as he processed her words.

Noticing his face change color, Diana immediately realized she said those words out loud, soon her face turned just as red as the destroyer.

"Uhm," Gohan started by clearing his throat. "Would you like to come with me to my planet and train together?" 

Seeing her surprised expression, he considered revising his proposal but was interrupted by her immediate response. "I'd love to! I'll inform the league about my leave."

Smiling, Gohan nodded. If Diana was someone he could allow himself to grow close to, she'd need to become stronger. 'Losing her isn't an option.'

His expression softened as thoughts of his family, both old and new, crossed his mind.

"Is everything all right?" she asked, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.

"After resolving the issue between the two empires, things took a drastic turn, I don't even know what's more important," Gohan shared as he clenched his fists.

"Start from the beginning," Diana said, gently taking his clenched hand. "Or at least begin with what burdens your heart the most."

"I met an alternate version of my grandparents there—people I'd never met. During our conversation, they realized that my father is their son, well, from another reality," he explained, surprising her.

"And just before that, the God of Death picked the worst moment to challenge my authority. Well, it wasn't exactly a challenge, more like her way of emphasizing the odd disturbances throughout creation. She informed me that Death Gods across existence have sensed something unusual but aren't certain what it is."

"Those thoughts have been weighing on my mind since I returned; Death very kindly reminded me that I am still really weak," he finished.

There was a brief pause as she gathered her thoughts before responding. "In regards to your alternate family, isn't this good news? Despite losing the family you knew, you found family you never knew existed," she suggested.

"That's what's been confusing me the most. I met my grandmother and grandfather for the first time but couldn't connect because they aren't my actual family," he lamented. She suddenly slammed her hand on the table and stood up, shocking Gohan.

"Nonsense! Even if they are from another dimension, it likely hurt them to see their grandson uninterested in knowing them," she exclaimed, realizing her outburst.

But before she could say more, Gohan spoke. He couldn't believe the solution was so crystal clear for her to see.

"You're right," Gohan acknowledged, calming her. She didn't want to upset him, not because she feared his anger but because she didn't want to overstep herself due to her lack of understanding social cues.

"Next time, I'll try to have a genuine conversation with them," he promised, eliciting a smile from her.

"As for the warning from the Death God, do you consider her words about your strength true?" Diana inquired.

'Any being capable of defeating Darkseid as effortlessly as you have would be considered many things, but weak isn't one of them,' Diana mused to herself.

"Yes, the Death God is actually stronger than me by a fair margin," Gohan explained. "She emphasized not wanting a weak God in the role of Destroyer God, and I agree. My power is meant to deter outer gods or demon gods from meddling with my people. I need to be a greater force than the fundamental forces of reality, because those forces are actual beings. Death is among them. If a genuine outer world God were to invade, I'd struggle to stop them I'd most likely be defeated."

Diana nodded, grasping the magnitude of his words. Undoubtedly, he was powerful, but her perception of strength might have been smaller than she realized.

"I understand. To mortals and demigods like myself, you might seem unstoppable. But in the realm of power where it truly counts, you might still have a long way to go," she explained. Gohan nodded in acknowledgment.

"Once I'm back on my world, I plan on training to increase my raw power," Gohan shared.

"If you've attained your current strength through training, then I'm confident you'll reach your goal," she encouraged.

Suddenly, an idea struck her.

"You know what always lifts my spirits?" she asked.

"A spar!" she declared, catching Gohan off guard, though he remembered she was a warrior too. "You might have the upper hand in strength, but I'm not backing down!" His surprise turned into a smile.

"I'm up for a sparring session," he agreed, getting to his feet.

They headed to the training room.

"I'll match your strength, so let's focus on skill, not just power," Gohan proposed, to which she nodded.

"That makes it even more thrilling," she replied, igniting Gohan's Saiyan blood at the prospect of an enjoyable fight.

As they began, Gohan deliberately lowered his power level, and the battle commenced. They engaged in hand-to-hand combat, exchanging punches and parrying kicks. Gohan aimed a kick, but Diana swiftly countered, striking his knee and grounding his leg. She threw a left hook that Gohan deflected with his right forearm, attempting to destabilize her with an ankle tap, but she adeptly evaded. In response, she aimed for a headbutt, but Gohan swiftly blocked it with his palm.

They quickly separated, both wearing smirks. "You're certainly skilled in hand-to-hand combat," Gohan complimented, to which she responded with a nod.

"I was trained by the best on my island, not just in hand-to-hand combat but also with various weapons. I've mastered nearly every weapon available for combat," she explained proudly, and Gohan acknowledged her expertise.

"You've got me beat there. I've only fought with my hands and a sword," he admitted.

"I could give you lessons if you're interested," she offered. Her intent was genuine, and Gohan sensed that in her eyes.

"I'd appreciate that," he smiled. "But our fight isn't over yet! Let me show you the true strength of the Turtle Style," he announced, charging in for another attack. "My father taught me this one," he added as he engaged.

As she blocked his attack, she was surprised when he seemed to phase right through her, swiftly landing a precise blow to her gut. Bewildered, she struggled to comprehend his movement.

"I didn't see him move? What is this?" she thought, quickly regaining her composure as Gohan appeared behind her. She launched an attack, but once again, she felt a swift punch to her face before she could land her kick.

"This technique is quite impressive. What's it called?" she inquired, slightly shocked. Gohan reappeared a few feet away before creating multiple afterimages.

"It's the After Image Technique. You could learn it with training, and if you add another instinctual sense called Wild Sense, it almost guarantees a counterattack after dodging," Gohan explained, realizing that Diana hadn't seen that technique before.

He continued by using another technique. "This is another one," Gohan concentrated, manifesting six extra arms, surprising Diana.

"You have eight arms!?" she exclaimed, amazed. Gohan explained, "It's called Eight-Arm Fist. My father improvised it during a fight with a rival who used a technique called Four Witches Technique, giving him four arms. He taught me a bunch of techniques when I was a kid in a peculiar time chamber, but I've rarely used any of them besides the After Image," he shared, reminiscing about the past.

"They are all based on fluid movement."

"Is this a martial arts technique?" Diana asked, captivated, as Gohan confirmed it and ceased using the technique. "Truly remarkable! He was a fighting genius!" she praised, prompting a chuckle from Gohan.

"I was told by Master Roshi that my father had this odd ability to instantly learn a technique as soon as he saw it. He used some incredible fighting techniques to counter his drunken fist," Gohan reminisced, reflecting on the past.

"Oh, and he taught me this," Gohan said as he assumed a stance, turning toward a training dummy. "Kiai!" he exclaimed, releasing a blast of pressurized air that shattered the dummy in half.

"He had quite a few techniques that he and his friends created and perfected. One of them involved a blinding flash of light, but I wouldn't want to bore you," Gohan mentioned, turning to her. But her eyes, much like before, were sparkling with enthusiasm for the techniques, sparking an idea.

"Teach me all of these, and I'll make it my mission to train you in mastering weapons!" She eagerly proposed. Gohan was taken aback by the offer but remembered she was a warrior who seemed to thrive on combat. He grinned and extended his hand.

"Deal! I'll even throw in Ki control," he agreed as they shook hands, their childlike enthusiasm coming to the forefront. They spent hours exchanging information and training together, sharing techniques and skills.

'Maybe, fighting isn't so bad if it's like this,' Gohan mused with a smile, she brought out a love he never knew was so deeply buried.

In the monitor room, everyone watched the two enthusiastically sparring. "They grow up so fast," Flash teased, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye, as Supergirl chuckled.

"They're kind of cute together," Supergirl remarked, while Zatanna sighed, regretting not being a battle enthusiast herself. Batgirl nodded in agreement, having just returned to the Watchtower after helping maintain peace in Gotham post the Darkseid invasion.

Meanwhile, back on Gohan's world, Strix struggled to control a ki blast in her hands. "You're doing great. Your warrior background is a great asset; you're already in tune with your ki," Vermont praised her efforts as she relaxed, feeling drained.

"It's your first time using your life force. You did well, but you went a little overboard," Vermont explained to her.

"I would like to make Lord Gohan proud," she started as she glanced at her hands. "He unknowingly saved me from what most would call a miserable life," Strix explained.

"If I cannot become strong enough to meet his standards, I do not deserve the position he wants to grant me. I can tell he plans on having me do most of his work while he trains," she said as Vermont nodded.

"Impressive for you to discern that so quickly. Does it not anger you?" He asked as she shook her head. "In fact, I am sure it brings me joy, even if I can't feel it. There must be a reason as to why I feel so devoted to him and the duty he wants to bestow on me. I would rather be his tool than Emperor Velius's.

Unlike the Emperor, Lord Gohan sees potential in me to be more," she said as Vermont smiled.

"I'm glad he chose you," Vermont remarked with a smile.

"Could you restore my stamina, please?" she requested, and Vermont complied, healing her. Strix closed her eyes, focusing on practicing her ki control, determined to meet Gohan's expectations.

"Remember, this is just your mortal Ki; divine Ki will be far harder to maintain and control."

Back on Planet Bardock.

"He is our grandson, Bardock!" Gine said angrily as Bardock shook his head.

"Do NOT let him hear you say that, Gine! If you pester him over this, you could endanger our planet. He is still a Destroyer God. Who knows what sort of bond he had with Kakarot. For all we know, he killed him," Bardock's voice echoed in the throne room the Queen growled at her King just as Kakarot and Raditz walked in sporting bruises.

The Super Elites standing guard were stoic, but they felt for their Queen and King. They understood their King's reasoning, but they empathized with the Queen's perspective.

"Mother, father," they both said as they entered. "We heard that this dimension's God of Destruction visited our home. What did he have to say? I heard Fasha brought him back here," Raditz started.

"Nothing, he just wanted to inform us that Darkseid is no longer a problem we have to worry about," Bardock said.

"Anything else?" Kakarot asked as Bardock shook his head, but Gine clicked her tongue.

"Don't lie, father. We heard the stories from the Elites who were there. Fasha was the one who brought him here," Kakarot said, getting aggravated at the denial as Bardock walked up to him.

"Or what, Kakarot?" he asked, glaring at his son. This seemed to do the trick as Kakarot backed down.

"We heard he is Kakarot's son from another dimension, one where he killed his father and became a Destroyer God," Raditz said as Gine chimed in.

"Watch your mouth! We do not know that! He just said that Kakarot is dead, but it didn't sound like he did it!" she defended, as Raditz rolled his eyes.

"Wake up, mother! If he did kill Kakarot, doesn't that mean that he probably killed father, you, and I as well?" Raditz speculated as silence fell over them.

"You have a son on the way, do you not?" Bardock asked as Kakarot nodded. "Once he is born, we will know for sure," 

"Are you daft, Bardock?" Gine asked angrily. "If it isn't the same mate, the child might not bear any resemblance." Bardock seemed to realize that.

"We don't even know which Saiyan female he mated with to have Gohan," Raditz commented as Kakarot shook his head.

"Unlikely she is a Saiyan," he said as he put his hand to his chin. The others were confused, but Gine seemed to understand.

"His name," Kakarot finished.

"You're right, his name is Gohan and he has no Saiyan name, so he is probably a hybrid Saiyan. The other species must be monstrous to bear him. He said he turned into a Super Saiyan at 11 years of age under Kakarot's tutelage," she said, surprising both Raditz and Kakarot as Bardock nodded.

"I can't even transform into a Super Saiyan yet!" Kakarot said, surprised. "Another me unlocked the legendary state?" He asked as Bardock and Gine shrugged.

"He never said anything about you knowing it, but I suppose if you taught it to him, you must have achieved it," she said as he grinned.

"She said another version of you, not YOU, dumbass!" Raditz said and smacked Kakarot over the head.

"I know! I mean, if another me could do it, that means I should be able to as well!" He said as he left the throne room with a smirk, then turned to an Elite female.

"Come on Garlia, are you ready?!" He said as he grabbed her by the waist.

"Ready for what!? I can't leave! I'm on duty!" She said as Kakarot carried her out of the throne room. Everyone watched with a sweat drop.

"Where are you going, Kakarot?" Gine asked as he answered.

"To train! If I could do it there, I should be able to do it here!" He said as Raditz shrugged. He needed to train as well, but he was certain he needed a training partner. Maybe old man Shugesh was willing to help him. Maybe he could achieve the legend for himself as well. Only time and training would tell.

"You aren't leaving me behind! I shall be the next Super Saiyan! Mark my words!" He said as he exited the throne room with a proud smirk on his face. The elites saluted their prince.

Gine and Bardock watched their sons leave to train.

"You know if they weren't our sons, I would have probably beat the crap out of them, just to prove a point," she said as Bardock nodded. He pulled her closer, hugging her, as she blushed and looked at him.

"What's up with you?" She asked, her fierce nature somehow watered down.

"Our spawn somewhere out there created a being that rules an entire universe," Bardock said with pride. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Well, you're right. We don't know what really happened, and it is better to just leave him alone…" She said as she sighed sadly at the idea of never seeing Gohan again.

"If he wants to get to know us, he will come home. If he doesn't, he won't. It's as simple as that. I am the Super Saiyan of legend, and he is a Destroyer God. Greatness runs in our family," he said as she just smiled.

But a thought struck her as odd. "He said that it was the first time he saw his heritage. You don't think something happened to the Saiyan race before he could see it?" She asked as Bardock mused.

"Maybe we are missing some very important details indeed. If he ever returns to us, we should ask him," Bardock said as she nodded.

Back on the Watchtower, Gohan and Diana were still talking fervently. "When you do it, you have to move swiftly. It's not only speed; your movements have to be smooth. If you make the smallest jerk, the technique will fail. Concentrate, you can do it," Gohan encouraged as she nodded and closed her eyes.

Flash and Batgirl walked in. "You guys still training?" Flash asked as Diana spoke from behind him.

"Yes." Flash turned around surprised, then looked back to where she was still standing as the image faded.

"You did it!" Gohan cheered as she fist-pumped the air and made her way over to him, giving him a high five.

"Are you sure you are the fastest alive, Flash?" She asked as his jaw dropped.

"I didn't see you move?" He asked as Gohan chuckled.

"Trade secret," Gohan said as Diana grinned. "Who would have thought you would have gotten it with only half a day of training," Gohan said as she stood upright.

"I am Diana of Themyscira, next in line for the throne! I can do anything I set my mind to," she said as Gohan nodded.

"Oh, that? That's easy," Flash said as he created dozens of blurry images.

"Almost, but your movements are still too stiff. That's why your images are blurry; you have to flow," Gohan said as hundreds of lifelike images appeared, and when he spoke, it sounded like it came from everywhere.

"This is called the Consecutive After Image," he said.

"This is crazy, you're telling me this is a martial arts technique?" Batgirl asked. "The amount of butt I can kick with that would be amazing."

"That's why the best counter to the After Image technique is Ki sensing, but the better you are at the technique, the harder it is to keep track of the person using it. Barry just has really, really fast eyes, so outrunning him is still quite difficult," he explained.

"I will master this technique!" Diana declared as Gohan nodded.

"I look forward to seeing you use it in our next fight!" He said as she nodded.

"So, which weapon do you fancy the least?" She asked as Gohan thought.

"I ask this because it's best to focus on the ones you struggle with the most. Once you master those, you'll excel with the ones you love," she said. Flash could see they were about to go on another tangent but stopped them.

"Hold on now, I gave you guys plenty of time for flirting, but Gohan, it's almost time for dinner!" He reminded. Gohan's eyes widened.

"Already?" He asked as Flash nodded, but Gohan swiftly ignored the comment.

"Flash is right. We should postpone our training session. It's my fault. I'll see you later, Gohan," Diana explained.

"You and me both. I haven't had that much fun training for as long as I can remember," he said as she nodded, agreeing.

Flash just sighed.

"I'll go and wash up and meet you in the cafeteria, Barry," Gohan said as he nodded, and everyone disappeared from the training room.

When he returned, he was dressed in a casual dark grey tux, his blazer unbuttoned as he met Barry. "Great choice!" Barry complimented.

"Thanks!" They left the Watchtower and arrived on Earth, making their way towards Barry's home as the sun set.

When they arrived, Barry opened the door, and they entered. "Welcome to my home," Barry said as Gohan nodded.

"Thanks for having me. It looks really nice too," he commented as a woman turned the corner. "Hello!" She said as she approached them. "You must be Lord Gohan." She said as Gohan smiled.

"Please, call me Gohan," he said as she nodded.

"I am Iris, Barry's wife," she said as she put her hand out. Gohan stepped forward and shook her hand.

They made their way towards the dining room and took their seats. "If you don't mind me asking, how long have you two been together?" Gohan asked.

"About three years married now, but Barry had the cutest crush for the longest time," she said as Barry chuckled.

"Not my fault she didn't notice my puppy dog eyes," he said.

"Really? How long have you two known each other?" Gohan asked.

"Since we were kids," she explained as Gohan looked at Barry with a smile.

"I am impressed you knew you liked her and kept going after her for so many years."

"Yeah, well, my heart was aching during my trials and tribulations," he said as Gohan laughed.

"I can imagine. I know this is late, but congratulations," Gohan offered as Barry gave him a thumbs up.

"Thanks! How about we get to eating? I am starving," Barry suggested, and both Gohan and Iris nodded in agreement. They began eating, and Gohan complimented the food's aroma.

"Well, I tried my best, but I didn't make all of it. Barry helped, and we ordered some food as well," Iris explained as Gohan nodded in appreciation. "Thanks for accepting the invitation," she said, to which he waved it off casually.

"It's really not a problem," he replied as they continued their meal.

"I'm curious, how did you two even meet?" Iris asked, intrigued. "I get that Barry is in the league, but you're a god, right?" she inquired, and Gohan confirmed.

"Yep, a God of Destruction," he explained. Iris was impressed but somewhat intimidated by the title. She had numerous questions swirling in her mind, wondering why someone titled as the god of literal destruction wasn't more bent on causing chaos.

"It's not as scary as it sounds. It's only supposed to be intimidating to evil gods and troublesome species. A God of Destruction maintains balance, ensuring the universe's safety for mortals, even if those threats come from mortals themselves," Gohan elaborated.

"Didn't you mention having the highest authority in the universe? Doesn't that essentially make you the ruler of the universe?" Barry chimed in, making Iris choke on her drink.

"The ruler?" Iris asked, surprised. Gohan pondered for a moment, then explained, "Well, you could say that, but I primarily maintain balance and ensure the safety of the universe for mortals. If the gods of creation or the lower gods of the afterlife plan something major that might disrupt the balance, I have to approve it first. The same goes for the ruling figures across different sections of the universe. So far, I've met the embodiment of Death, but not the other six."

"So, you're like the boss of the gods, sort of how Zeus is the King of Gods on Mount Olympus?" Iris asked, feeling a tingle run down her spine.

"I guess, but I haven't met him yet either. Apparently, he's really strong. I plan on visiting Mount Olympus in the next year or so," Gohan mentioned, blowing both Iris and Barry's minds.

"I don't have a problem with him staying in his own dimension, but I'm sure I'll meet him eventually."

"But any being or outside power threatening the universe's balance will be dealt with. I don't destroy things for fun," Gohan explained, leaving Iris both terrified and fascinated by the presence of the highest-ranking god at their table.

"So, you're like the head of all the gods in creation?" she asked, trying to wrap her head around the concept. Gohan shook his head.

"No, only for this universe and the gods within it. When it comes to the multiverse, I'm responsible for this universe alone. The Grand Priest is my direct superior. If he's dissatisfied with my performance, he'll ask my Angel, who monitors my actions. If he's still not satisfied, he'll confront me. And if he doesn't like my explanation, well, it's a stern warning and a meeting with the Omni-King. Usually, it ends with being stripped of divinity and immediate erasure. It's similar if I endanger this universe, but I have my freedom. If this universe is deemed a failure, I can restart it. If an external force manages to kill me, a new, more capable destroyer will take my position. However, if the universe is destroyed by a threat that could kill me, the Almighty will erase this universe from cosmic history as a failure," Gohan elaborated, leaving Iris and Barry stunned.

"Oh, sorry… did I overwhelm you with information?" he asked, noticing their stunned expressions. Iris just shook her head.

"No… I just wasn't expecting that," she chuckled. "I don't know what I was expecting, but wow, after what I saw you do, I'd be surprised if anyone could even hurt you, let alone kill you." Barry nodded in agreement, but he quickly changed the subject.

"As for how we met, well, I saw Gohan in space fighting someone, and he ended up in our spaceship and passed out. After that, we took him in, and he woke up a year later. I was pretty suspicious of him; he looked like he had anger issues," Barry joked as Gohan covered his face in embarrassment.

"The poor star behind you disappeared," he said as Gohan sighed and chuckled.

"Yeah, that wasn't my best moment," Gohan admitted as they continued eating in silence.

"I wanted to thank you," Iris started as Gohan glanced up and looked at her. Barry also looked at her and continued eating. "If you didn't show up to help Barry and the League, we would have been doomed. But more than that, I saw you had him healed as well…" She said as the image of Barry being crushed flashed through her mind; she was watching the news that day.

"I am sorry for asking Barry to drag you here, but I just wanted to say thank you!" She said as Gohan stared at her and smiled slightly.

"I want to say don't be, but that wouldn't be right to your resolve. So, I will accept your thank you, but I consider Barry a friend, probably the closest friend I have in this universe since I arrived," Gohan explained. "Even if I arrived late and he died, I would have gone to the afterlife and brought him back myself," Gohan said with a smile as she started to tear up, and Barry held her hand gently.

"You can do that?" Barry asked, surprised, as Gohan grinned and leaned back.

"I am the God of Destruction; bringing back one person is as easy as snapping my fingers, although the god in charge of judging the dead might think I am playing favorites," he chuckled.

"But no one would dare to say anything. They are all too afraid of me and my title as Destroyer God of the universe, and they trust my judgment. I wouldn't be a destroyer without a good reason," Gohan explained, causing Iris to chuckle in between tears as she wiped her eyes, being careful not to mess up her makeup.

"What do you do for a living, Iris?" Gohan asked, trying to lighten the mood and change the subject.

"I am a freelance journalist," she explained. "Between writing about the Flash and life hacks, I'm looking for something a little more concrete," she said, to which Gohan nodded and got an idea.

"I have an idea if you're interested," Gohan started. "How would you like to conduct an interview with me?" he asked, causing her to drop her knife and fork. Even Barry was taken aback by the suggestion.

"Obviously, people would question how you even got the interview, but I do plan on going back to the general assembly because I am sure they will find a way to bring me back and try to get information from me," Gohan said thoughtfully.

"I don't really need to, but leaving people in the dark could lead to more problems down the line. There are people who will try to use the mystery that is me to spread misinformation and turn the general populace against me. There are naive people out there who can and will fall for that kind of propaganda, and it will probably ruin their lives and mental states as well."

"If you are there when I arrive, somewhere down the line, I will choose a random reporter to conduct the interview, and that person will just so happen to be you," Gohan finished as he continued eating.

"Think about it. I would prefer it if the person writing about me knows the facts and I can trust they won't manipulate my words in a bad light. After all, I really like the Earth. It was once my home as well, and I'd like to visit it more often," he explained as Iris slowly nodded.

"Of course, I would love that!" she exclaimed, as Barry smiled in agreement.

Back with Vermont and Strix.

"Your lack of emotions seems to be working in your favor in this regard," he commented as she held a Ki ball in her hand before dissipating it.

"However, it will not do. You are already very strong for a mortal, but being able to feel emotion is extremely important for survival. It's like fighting with a missing sense," Vermont explained as he disappeared and reappeared with his hand at her throat.

"You cannot even feel fear for your life, and that is what may end up killing you in the future," he explained as she glanced down at his hand when he removed it.

"How would I be able to fix my problem?" She asked. "I do not mind it, but if it is a requirement to be a better tool than I will do anything to grow stronger."

Vermont stared at her before checking his staff.

Once the dinner was over, Gohan said his goodbyes to both Barry and Iris before flying off into space towards the Watchtower to pick up Diana. He held her hand as he flew through space heading back to his world.

Watching his back as he flew through space, Diana couldn't help but admire the sight of stars zipping by at incredible speed.

When they arrived, he saw Vermont training Strix as he blocked her attack and gut-checked her, leaving her on the ground gasping. "Your movements also lack depth. You may be able to defeat opponents weaker than you, but if you fight someone on your level, you would struggle a fair amount," he said as she sat up.

"It is hard to really get behind my attacks, even though I have a reason to fight I just can't muster up anything more than a punch or a kick." She explained as Gohan and Diana landed.

"It makes you very easy to predict as well. I fear unless you can overcome this somehow, you will never progress as a warrior. The emperor simply robbed you of your potential for meager gains in strength," Vermont said as he looked at Gohan.

"You might not be someone Lord Gohan can truly depend on should the need arise," Vermont spoke.

She turned and noticed Gohan as well and bowed. "Welcome back, my lord," she said as Gohan just stared at her, trying to think of a solution.

"Unfortunately, just as Lord Vermont has said, I may be a defective tool."

Gohan walked up to her with a strange look in his eyes. "Get some rest, Strix." She nodded and left towards the giant tree in the distance.

Gohan walked with Diana towards Vermont and sighed. "There has to be a way."

"Unfortunately, her soul is broken, and there are pieces of it corrupted and missing. Messing with it could do more harm than good," he explained as Gohan sighed again.

"I suppose we will have to wait for her to overcome it." Gohan ended, turning to Diana.

"I think Diana has amazing potential. I'd like her to join us with training," Gohan said as he turned to Vermont, who raised his hand nodding, but stopping Gohan.

"I have a question, my lord. I couldn't help but notice the Saiyans from Planet Bardock all bore tails, yet I fail to see yours," Vermont said as Diana looked at Gohan's waist, confused by the words.

"Tail?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just had mine removed," he answered.

"It had a weakness, and according to Vegeta, we can use it to transform into giant apes. But with Super Saiyan available, it made the form redundant and unnecessary because Super Saiyan is just stronger, better, and more efficient," Gohan explained.

"So we had them removed; otherwise, we would turn into giant raging apes every time the moon appeared. The risk outweighed the reward." Gohan finished his explanation as Vermont nodded.

"I did some research on it, and I think it would be unwise to ignore a part of your Saiyan biology. It may hold more secrets and power than even you expect," Vermont said as Gohan raised an eyebrow, now curious.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"It may set your training back, but I believe in the long run, it will bear great fruits to your training," Vermont said as Gohan nodded slowly.

"Alright, I'll trust you on this," Gohan said as Vermont waved his staff and Gohan's tail returned.

"We first have to train you so that you can remain in control when you transform," he said as he created a moon in the sky.

"Do not worry; I will make sure you don't destroy anything important," Vermont assured as Gohan nodded.

"You've already felt my power when I use my Super Saiyan Rose with Ultra Ego, so if you think this is better than I will give it a shot," Gohan turned and looked at Diana.

"Don't come near me; I can't control myself while in this state," Gohan warned. She nodded and backed up, keeping her guard up. Unsure of what to expect, the idea of Gohan turning into a giant ape was strange.

The lord of destruction turned his gaze towards the moon in the sky.

"Oh, I don't think it's better per se, but I am sure you will be able to figure something out," Vermont said as Gohan started transforming.

"Gohan?" Diana questioned as the aura of the full moon illuminated the sky, an intense surge of power erupted. He clenched his fists, feeling the familiar sensation of a radical physical transformation stirring within him.

Diana, keeping a wary distance, observed with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

His body expanded, muscles bulging beneath his skin as he grew far taller and broader. The transformation was swift and imposing, eclipsing his humanoid frame with an awe-inspiring, colossal figure. Gohan's features morphed, his face elongating and adopting a more simian appearance. His jaw widened, the nose protruded, and ears shifted as a thick layer of fur blanketed his skin.

The fur, ranging from shades of light brown to darker hues, covered his now-primal form, adding to the awe-inspiring sight of the transformed Saiyan.

With the physical metamorphosis came an overwhelming surge of strength. Gohan, now in his Great Ape form, radiated immense power, exuding an aura of raw might capable of causing widespread destruction. His eyes, once expressive and empathetic, now gleamed with an untamed and primal fury, betraying a loss of rationality as instinct took over. To finish off the transformation, the giant ape's aura burst to life as a deafening roar crushed the ground and parted the clouds.

Diana covered her ears, overwhelmed by the sheer force of the aura.

Strix abruptly turned around upon seeing a massive monkey in the distance; the roar shook her to the core as she recognized the clothing.

"Lord Gohan?" she wondered, wanting to check but thinking against it. He must have been training, but this new form was quite terrifying, even for her. She knew she had to stay away.

'Is this what Master Vermont meant when he said I would eventually sense the energy emitted by living beings?' she pondered as a bead of sweat trickled down her temple. 'His energy is incredible... it feels so immense even compared to my own or the average creature life force feels like it would be a feather in a storm.'

Vermont dodged as Gohan swung his giant arm at him and pulled out a microphone. "Lord Gohan, snap out of it!" He yelled into the microphone before kicking Gohan's head, knocking him over. This action only angered the giant monkey more, and he got up and swung again.

'This is madness...' Diana mused. Each impact made the planet shake and tremble, every so often a stray blast or high pressured air blasts heading her way.

'Merely being near him makes it feel like I'm training,' Diana thought, evading yet another Ki blast. She swiftly deflected an air blast with her bracelets, feeling the impact resonate through her arms. She noticed the Angel deflecting these attacks toward her—training had begun already? She didn't mind at all.

Training continued as Gohan couldn't come to his senses through the next day, attempting to squash Vermont. Diana sat in the distance with her eyes closed, receiving instructions from Vermont, while Strix slowly approached. However, the Angel raised his hand, stopping her from coming closer, as he knocked Gohan away and appeared next to her.

"If you become his target now, he would kill you instantly. He currently has no control over himself," Vermont explained, and she nodded. 

"Why is he a giant creature covered in fur?" Strix asked as Diana joined them, finally free from the onslaught.

"It's a transformation exclusive to his species. However, he has never trained to control it," Vermont explained, and she nodded in understanding.

"If he can master this, it should lay the foundation for him to become far stronger than before. According to the legends I've come across, this transformation may be the path to evolving as a Saiyan, possibly the 4th level of Super Saiyan. If my source is correct, and it is, then Lord Gohan will gain a significant boost to his already incredible potential," he explained.

"And if he can master that, it will open the door to even greater power. Unfortunately, this may take a lot of time to master," he added, and she nodded in agreement.

"What should I do in the meantime?" Strix asked.

"Join Lady Diana, follow her, I shall increase the difficult accordingly," Vermont explained. "I might as well train you three at the same time."

"Lord Gohan will be with us in a few seconds. As for you, Lady Diana, I can sense trace amounts of his presence swirling around you. Close your eyes and draw out that energy with a steady heart. Do not force it; let it flow like a river. And fear not, should you lose yourself, I shall knock you out," Vermont explained before disappearing just as the planet violently shook.

On a distant planet within the cosmos sat a Princess on her throne. She was incredibly beautiful, her blonde hair elegantly tied in a chic ponytail updo, adorned with numerous accessories, including an emerald gem used as a hair clip. Her strikingly green eyes could captivate anyone who laid eyes upon her, and she wore a blue dress embellished with many gems that complemented her pearly peach skin, lending her a soft and delicate appearance.

Relaxing on her throne, she gazed up at the intricate design adorning the ceiling of the throne room when a voice emerged from the shadows.

"Princess Carnelia," a male voice spoke. "The assassins seem to have given up," he stated, to which she nodded knowingly.

"Of course they would. Derrick can't risk it anymore; he knows he needs to focus as his coronation draws nearer," Carnelia replied.

"However, do not let your guard down. Ensure constant vigilance over my sister," 

"Also, should anyone even whisper about the missing resource worlds, take immediate action."

"Understood, Princess. Additionally, there appears to be unusual activity in the east. The Yellow Lanterns have been unusually active lately, with rumors swirling in the shadows of a plan in motion. We're uncertain about the details, but there's speculation that they are heading towards Darkseid's planet. It's possibly related to Darkseid's defeat by an unknown god. Although, we have intel on what happened to the new god of Apokolips – it seems he was sealed in a sword, now in the possession of the unknown god, who is known as the God of Destruction," the shadowy figure revealed, prompting Carnelia to nod slowly, deeply contemplating the information.

"Perhaps this turn of events isn't entirely unfavorable. They must be devising a way to handle the God of Destruction. This could be an opportunity to gain this 'God of Destructions' favor and teach my spineless brother a lesson in humility," she remarked with a smile. "If he could humble that stone, then my brother will be even easier to put down."

"Seek out every possible detail and report back to me."

"As you command," the voice confirmed, and Carnelia stood up, leaving the throne room.

On Apokolips, Steppenwolf exclaimed, "We need to devise a plan!" while Granny Goodness rolled her eyes.

"You think I don't know? But if Lord Darkseid was bested, then we stand no chance against this God of Destruction," she retorted as he growled.

"You expect me to do nothing while Lord Darkseid rots in some blade?" he questioned, glaring at her.

"Yelling at one another won't change anything," one of the Furies interjected.

"Everyone has a weakness; we just have to find his," another Fury pointed out.

"Yeah, but someone who can revive the dead as easily as he snaps his fingers is not someone we can even think of fighting. He is on an entirely different level, even compared to Lord Darkseid," another Fury remarked.

"You scared?" she was mocked by her colleague.

"Oh, and you aren't? He threw Lord Darkseid through a moon and matched his omega beams like it was nothing. Can you do the same?" She was met with silence.

But within the next second, a yellow glow entered the planet's atmosphere. "Bickering among yourselves now, how barbaric," the man said as they glared at him.

"What do you want, Sinestro? Tired of hiding from the Green Lanterns?" a Fury asked as she put up her guard.

"Funny," he said dryly. "I am here for one reason and one reason only. Apparently, your leader Darkseid was embarrassed by a nobody," he mocked as Steppenwolf stepped forward.

"Choose your next words carefully, Yellow Lantern, before you become a corpse," he threatened as his indestructible axe materialized ominously. Sinestro raised his hands in mock fear.

"Scary, although I am not here to start a fight. We share a common enemy now, even if it pains me to say this, it's one we can't defeat on our own, and you know this is true," he said as Steppenwolf glared at him.

"So what? You think we would join forces?" he asked, not sure whether to laugh or be angry at the suggestion. Sinestro shrugged.

"Do what you wish, but once you are imprisoned in a sword, don't regret your decision... because you see, I happen to know something important about this destroyer god, something that can kill him—a weakness," he said. Initially shocked, they were skeptical. Someone who could best their master had a weakness that Sinestro knew? Unlikely.

"What makes you think we will believe you? If you could uncover weaknesses so great, how did you not topple our lord?" Granny Goodness chimed in, now curious but skeptical. She secretly signaled to the Furies, indicating that if Sinestro was lying.

'Kill this fucker,' Granny Goodness thought.

"Okay, let's say we believe you. Why are you here? What do you gain from our assistance? We aren't idiots; you'd better reveal what your true goals are," Steppenwolf acknowledged. 

Sinestro sighed. "You're making this harder than what it needs to be. What? Do you think I am coming here to use you as a meat shield? Yes, I am. However, I do have a real method, a plan to bring him down for good."

"It's not just you all who face annihilation with this new god that appeared out of nowhere. I too will eventually cross paths with him, and thankfully I didn't, at least before I knew how powerful he is," Sinestro quipped. A ship that looked like a skull appeared in the sky with thousands of yellow lanterns surrounding it and bright green light shining above it.

"With the knowledge of Brainiac and the Magic of Enchantress, we came across an interesting ancient book," Sinestro revealed.

"Will you join us before you become a thing of the past?" he asked with a dark grin.

"Green Lantern's light? No… that's not a lantern; it's magical," Granny Goodness observed as she smirked and glanced at Steppenwolf, who clenched his jaw.

"First, tell me what this weakness is, and then I will consider it," he said as Sinestro shrugged.

"It's not like you can do anything with the information either, but anyone could be listening here," he said as he motioned for them to fly to the skull ship.

"Join us if you aren't afraid of going against the being that desecrated your master's name," he said as he flew up towards the ship.

Steppenwolf clenched his fist as Granny Goodness waited for his response. "Let's go; we will have our revenge… but do not lower your guard," he commanded as they nodded and followed him.