Pinnacle of Saiyan Biology

A loud grunt echoed as Vermont tapped the great ape's forehead, knocking him onto his back and out cold. Strix watched from a distance, covered in scrapes and bruises. She held up her hand and observed as her Ki barrier disappeared. "Still feels strange," she commented to herself as the ball dissipated.

"Yes, I most certainly agree," Diana said. She looked a bit better than Strix, raising her hand as her Ki manifested. Unlike normal Ki, hers behaved like a liquid despite being Ki, fascinating Gohan to no end.

Concentrating on creating a Ki ball, Diana had a stern expression on her face, her brows furrowed as she closed her eyes. A gentle breeze picked up as a Ki ball appeared, but strangely, the orb of energy was dripping a thick, creamy liquid, similar to her previous outburst with Gohan's help.

Aiming her palm at a tree, she fired the Ki ball; the liquid Ki dripped and splashed everywhere before blasting the tree in half. The next second, the liquid Ki on the ground violently exploded.

She flew over to the two as Gohan slowly sat up holding his head. "This is irritatingly difficult to master," the Lord of Destruction was frankly fed up.

"Perhaps you aren't fully trying," Vermont pointed out.

"Not trying? I have been at this for two weeks now, and it's weaker than Super Saiyan," Gohan said as he rubbed his eyes, clearly frustrated. Vermont shrugged.

"What do you think, Strix?" Gohan turned and asked her. "You may speak freely." She nodded.

"Well, I am no expert, but from what I can gather, perhaps you just do not desire to use it," Strix said, confusing Gohan even more.

"From what you've told us, you believe it isn't greater than any of your other powers, so perhaps mentally you just aren't interested in a weaker state," she said but was met with silence until she bowed.

"Forgive me, I am probably speaking nonsense," she quickly fixed as Vermont smiled slightly at her and glanced at Gohan, who only eyed her before nodding and thinking to himself. 'Well, I still don't know why Vermont wants me to master it,' he thought as he sat up and looked at Diana.

"What do you think?" he asked her. Diana just chuckled.

"Forgive me, but I cannot even begin to understand your strength and how difficult it must be for you to gain control while transformed. But I do know if anyone can do it, it's you. Maybe if you're put in a situation where you have no choice but to remember," she finished as Gohan nodded.

"Let's try one more time. I want to test something out. Strix and Diana both made good points. I might just not be interested in my great ape state. I need to take this more seriously, respect the power of my heritage, and stop trying to hide from who I am," he said as he smiled at Diana and started to grow into a great ape, almost 70 meters tall, and roared.

Strix took a step back at the titanic behemoth in front of her and Diana. Diana stared at this creature in awe; up close, it was certainly far more intense. The air around Gohan simmered and hissed due to the heat this destroyer ape was giving off, and the fact that he had a destroyer's attire on made it look even more fearsome. But before she could even realize what was happening, she noticed the beast's arm swing down at her at full strength. She was completely distracted by the sensations she was feeling.

A sudden realization struck her as she stared at the massive fist, her stomach churning because of her nausea. She had only recently gotten the hang of Ki but was never truly targeted with such primal force; his lifeforce was so incredibly heavy and potent.

'I'm certain his power is dozens of times greater than the previous week. Was he holding back, or is he just growing that fast?' Diana thought. It was incredible, actually.

Of course, she had also grown multiple times stronger simply by training with the Angel, but she could feel his power approac-

'…I cannot evade! If I get hit, I'm going to die here…' she thought to herself. 'It's okay; I'll do my best to survive, hopefully,' as she braced.

She closed her eyes and waited to be swatted, but the seconds ticked on until she opened her eyes and saw her Gohan staring down at her from above.

The arm moved away as Gohan inspected his arm, and a chuckle escaped from him, rattling the world. "This feels odd, completely different in comparison to Super Saiyan… If a moon was always out, I think I would be able to live like this forever. I feel no drain, no physical strain at all… it feels like when I am normal," Gohan said as Vermont nodded.

"I knew you could do it!" Diana said as she wiped her brow and exhaled, clearly relieved she didn't have to tank that punch as Vermont spoke.

"Indeed, this is just another state of being for you. I found out that Saiyans are capable of living as giant monkey-like creatures or humanoids, so in theory, right now you should still be capable of transforming into this form's Super Saiyan state," he explained as Gohan looked at him surprised.

"Really?" He asked as Vermont nodded. "The Kai who created your species seemed to classify Saiyans as a Super Evolved species with limitless potential. There are very few Super Evolved species in existence, but I believe those Kryptonians are among them along with Lady Diana, whom you conquered your great ape state for." Vermont casually let out as Gohan visibly stumbled at that, making Diana laugh before she covered her mouth to hide her laughter.

"Doesn't milord wear his heart on his sleeve, Lady Strix, Lady Diana?" He asked as they nodded, but Strix was taken aback.

"Lady? Me?" She asked as he nodded.

"You are Lord Gohan's most trusted subordinate, well, you are the only one, but you understand." She just nodded slowly.

Ahem! Gohan cleared his throat. "I had no idea Saiyans were a Super Evolved species. I knew Kryptonians were but not Saiyans."

"Well, Saiyans aren't natives of the 21st universe, so they aren't documented here, but I checked godwiki, and there are very few Super Evolved species," Vermont explained as he glanced at Strix.

"Alright well, I am going to try Super Saiyan as a Great Ape," he said as Strix and Vermont backed up. "This might be dangerous, so protect Strix and Diana," Gohan informed as Vermont nodded.

"This transformation is the one with golden hair, correct?" Diana asked, unsure of how this would work.


Gohan positioned himself and started summoning the legendary transformation, but it didn't want to activate. Pushing harder, the giant ape crouched as he clenched his fists and growled. The planet started trembling, and the air quivered as crimson lightning beat the ground.

An eerie aura started emanating from the Saiyan ape; the giant creature's fur flashed golden. The increase in power was tremendous; something seemed to snap in him as the rage of Super Saiyan burst open, and a bright golden light shone, temporarily blinding everyone. Only Vermont watched on.

When the light cleared, a golden great ape was present, and it was furious as it beat its chest and charged towards Vermont and Strix, but Vermont quickly intercepted him and knocked him away.

"His strength has been increased by a significant margin, not Super Saiyan God level or near his Mystic strength; however, this Super Saiyan is ten times stronger than his regular Super Saiyan," he explained.

"I don't understand," Strix commented.

"Think of it this way: Lord Gohan can multiply his strength with transformations. The very first and weakest is the Great ape state, and beyond that is Super Saiyan. As you heard from Lord Gohan himself, that Super Saiyan is better in every way possible. But because the Great ape is also considered a natural state for Saiyans, it isn't technically a transformation, just more of who he is?" He said, hoping he wasn't losing her.

"As far as I can tell, his strength only increases tenfold when he becomes a Great Ape, but with Super Saiyan, it becomes fiftyfold. Now, if you take those multipliers and put them together, it would become far greater," he finished as she slowly nodded, understanding.

"So currently, this Golden… um, Giant Ape state is increasing his strength by five hundred?" She asked as he nodded.

"Correct, that would make him 500x times stronger than normal right now," he explained as she nodded. "If you close your eyes and use your Ki sense, you should be able to feel his power. Do be careful; it can be overwhelming for first-timers."

"Incredible," she said as he nodded. Diana had closed her eyes already, trying to feel his Ki. She knew she was close; if she could feel the weight of his Ki physically, then it shouldn't be too hard to sense it through her spirit.

Strix, having already sensed Ki before, just replicated the technique and immediately felt the contents in her stomach rise from the sheer size and potency of Gohan's Ki, leaning forward as she dropped to her knees, leaving her breakfast on the ground.

"His power is incredible; he is so much stronger than usual." Strix said as she looked at the golden destroyer.

"Saiyans are among the first species that utilize transformations to boost their every combat attribute; they are a warrior species after all," he said as she nodded.

Diana's eyes snapped open in awe as the full weight of Gohan's divine power descended on her, stunning her. 'This is surely not possible... my own power feels like a speck in comparison.'

But a frown appeared on Vermont's face as Gohan charged a blast in his mouth and aimed it at them; the planet started shaking violently, the surrounding planets began crumbling, the entire universe was shaking. "He is using the energy of destruction even better than when he is in control and at full power… if he releases that, the multiverse will be in danger." He quickly reappeared above the Golden Great Ape and chopped him on the neck, knocking him unconscious. The ape just leaned forward, unable to withstand the attack before crashing down and reverting.

"His usage of destruction as a Golden Great Ape is far superior to when he is normal; the only thing on his mind is destruction, true unstoppable destruction that will annihilate anything and everything in its path." Vermont theorized as he smirked.

"A true destroyer god is rising; I am sure all the destroyer gods felt his power back in their own domains."

He turned to Strix and Diana. "That should be your goal for now; you must reach this level of power and go beyond it to be of service to your Destroyer God."

Both Strix and Diana looked at the angel, in disbelief. "Surely you jest, Master?" Strix asked as Diana nodded.

"Such a summit feels truly like that of Gods," Diana said while trembling before looking at the Angel with an excited expression. "However, I was told a being of your caliber has no need for lies, so surely you believe we can achieve that level." Diana finished as Vermont smiled and nodded.

"Perhaps you're not as far away from the goalpost as you think you are," he said, stunning them. "This power of our lord is merely his foundation, the building blocks of his greatness. Truly, once he masters his potential, even I won't be strong enough to stop him. At least, those are my current estimations." Vermont explained as they all looked at the unconscious Gohan, who was slowly stirring.

Slowly sitting up and rubbing his head, he asked, "What happened?"

"You transformed successfully, but you lost your sense of reason again," Vermont explained.

"Yeah… I couldn't activate Super Saiyan, but the moment I was successful, I was overwhelmed by a surge of anger." Gohan ended with a sigh as he stared at the sky of his planet, looking in a specific direction.

"Why not ask a Saiyan from Planet Bardock to help you? They might know a method that can help you." Vermont suggested; this distraction needed to be sorted.

Gohan didn't respond instantly but nodded as he looked at Diana before staring out into space again. "Let's go; I want to meet my family," he said as he looked at Strix and Diana.

Gohan glanced at Vermont from the corner of his eye; for an Angel, he seemed to care quite a bit but. 'No, he probably just wants me to get stronger faster in the long run.'

"Continue with your Ki training until we return," he said as they nodded just as they disappeared in a flash of white light.

Back on Planet Bardock, the king just dodged a punch from both Raditz and Kakarot and kneed Raditz before backhanding Kakarot into the ground.

"You two have a long way to go if you want to become Super Saiyans," he commented as he pointed to Gine.

"Your mother has a higher battle power than you two," he teased with a smirk as Kakarot rolled his eyes.

"Both you and mother are the strongest Saiyans alive, but that won't last forever!" Raditz argued back.

"I didn't pick a weakling, did I Kakarot?" The previous Saiyan female asked with a raised eyebrow as Kakarot waved her off.

"Say what you want, but I am the son of Bardock, King of the Saiyan army, and the only 3rd class to rise to royalty and become the legendary Super Saiyan," Kakarot listed off as Bardock smacked him over the head.

"You're talking like those are your achievements. Did it ever occur to you that you might be an accident?" Bardock asked with a shit-eating grin as Raditz burst into laughter, along with the surrounding Super Elites.

"Go easy on 'em, Bardock; he's still green," Tora joked, as Shugesh howled in laughter.

"Don't say such things, Bardock." Gine said as she lightly smacked him before grinning. "Even if it is true." She finished as Kakarot lightly glared at his family before making eye contact with his mate, who smiled at him and winked.

"At least my mate doesn't betray me!" He said as he sat down next to her and watched his family and the Super Elites laugh.

"You chose a good one," Bardock said.

"Kakarot is the best to tease because he is the youngest in the family," Gine said as she approached and sat down next to Kakarot and his mate.

"How many more days until Taron leaves his incubator?" Gine asked.

"About ten days," she answered as Gine nodded but before they could continue a white flash of light caught their eyes as Kakarot shot up to his feet at the sight.

Nothing was said as the light dulled before revealing their visitors.

Gohan appeared above the palace training ground alerting the Elites and Super Elites as Gods descended; all the Saiyans bowed.

"Greetings, my lord, what brings you to Planet Bardock?" Bardock asked and bowed, glancing around Gohan could see all the Saiyans eyeing him, realizing that the rumors were true.

"I am trying to master a new level of power, and seeing as I don't know much about my Saiyan heritage..." Gohan started.

"So, this is the rumored God of Destruction..." Kakarot's mate mused.

"I need someone to help me master a new level of power that ties closely to our great ape states, and because Super Saiyan is involved, you're currently the only one who can help me," Gohan explained.

"Normally, I would just do it myself, but I do have some words I would like to say to you and the rest of your family," Gohan explained as Bardock just nodded, unsure of what to say to that.

"You are the Royal family, so I understand if you all can't come," Gohan informed everyone.

Gine and Bardock made eye contact, knowing one would remain behind, and it would most likely be her as she has not mastered Super Saiyan yet.

Sensing the Queen's dipping mood, Fasha spoke. "Do not worry about us; we are Saiyans; we can look after ourselves for a few days," Fasha interjected.

"I agree! We shall maintain order on Planet Bardock until the return of the Royal family," Tora spoke with a smile as he nodded at Bardock, all the Saiyans present bowed.

"Isn't that right, Super Elites!?" He commanded as they yelled back.

"Yes, General!" Tora turned to Bardock and Gine smiling.

Feeling her spirit return, Gine dashed and spear-tackled Gohan, hugging him, sending every Saiyan into a panic.

"Gine!" Bardock called out very nervous at the action but stopped when he saw Gohan hug her back.

"I told you, Bardock!" She said as she smiled, which caused Gohan to chuckle as he looked over at Kakarot, Raditz, and Garlia, who were quiet.

Garlia's jaw dropped open in surprise as Kakarot placed his hand under her chin and closed her mouth. "So they're really true…"

"Father…" Gohan started. "No, well Kakarot, I'll call you that if you don't mind?" Gohan asked as Kakarot just nodded slowly.

"I have so many questions," Gine started, but Gohan just raised his hand.

"Why don't we catch up on my world? Come stand behind Vermont," Gohan explained as she nodded slowly.

"Hear that, Kakarot? Your son has his own planet," Raditz teased as Kakarot rolled his eyes. Gohan motioned for them to come closer, making eye contact with a different female Saiyan he didn't recognize who was approaching. Kakarot quickly noticed this and explained.

"This is my mate…" He answered. "Garlia." As she came closer to Gohan, who seemed to be boring a hole through her head with his gaze, and it made her extremely anxious. Maybe Raditz was right; what if he killed her just because she wasn't his mother? But she quickly steeled herself; there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop her death, but she would be damned if he saw her acting like a coward.

"You look like my mother..." Gohan said, stunning her. "Really?" She asked as Gohan just nodded and motioned for her to come closer.

Once they were positioned around Vermont, they flew off in a white light, leaving behind the Saiyan soldiers. "Incredible…" Kakarot murmured as he looked around.

"I would advise not letting go of the person you are holding," Vermont cautioned. He could tell Kakarot's hand was loosening; that seemed to do the trick.

"Falling off will release you into space. You will either collide with a planet or a star at speeds that make light look like it's stationary," Gohan explained as everyone unconsciously held on tighter.

When they arrived, a Ki blast struck a moon nearby, blowing it to pieces as she noticed the group and bowed. "Welcome, my lord," Strix greeted them as Raditz was mesmerized by her face. "What beauty…" he muttered.

"You are making good progress; keep up the good work," Gohan praised her as he patted Strix's head. "Join us for now; I'd like to introduce you to my guests," she nodded.

"Let's head into the castle," Gohan said as they flew towards the giant tree. Diana appeared next to them, surprising the Saiyans.

"Gohan! You are back so soon?" She asked before she noticed everyone else.

"Diana, Strix, these are the Saiyans I told you about, my grandfather, grandmother, father, uncle, and aunt, my family," Gohan introduced. This surprised the Saiyans; he was really serious about acknowledging them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Diana started. "I am Princess Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Queen Hippolyta and Zeus; god of the sky." This was surprising to the Saiyans, but after giving it more thought, it wasn't that strange; after all, this was the planet of a god of destruction.

"I am Strix Winterfell, former Commander of the Evenian Empire," Strix finished.

"Well, she is now Strix Winterfell Destroyer God candidate, leader of the Pillars of Destruction," Gohan revealed. 'I think you have what it takes to be a great leader.' Gohan mused to himself.

Now whether Strix was surprised was a mystery; she just turned and bowed to Lord Gohan. 'I haven't been a Destroyer for very long, but it's not like I am planning on retiring anytime soon, that gives her plenty of time to grow more powerful in her own right.'

These two people were clearly important, but to know who the next Destroyer God was felt exclusive.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Diana, Destroyer God candidate Strix Winterfell. I am King Bardock of Planet Bardock, this is my Queen, Gine, and our sons and his mate, Kakarot, Raditz, and Garlia," Bardock finished as they turned and continued walking.

"This is my home currently," Gohan explained as they entered the expansive tree castle, its towering branches extending high above. The Saiyans stared at everything: the crystals that adorned the walls and gave off a soft, ethereal light, casting a gentle glow across the vast chambers. The large halls beckoned them with their open spaces, creating an awe-inspiring atmosphere, and the intricate details and designs of the castle's architecture were nothing short of extraordinary. The walls were adorned with ancient symbols, each telling a story of the castle's rich history and the power it held. The Saiyans found themselves surrounded by an otherworldly fusion of nature and celestial beauty, making the castle feel like a living entity itself.

"This is certainly an impressive castle, my lord," Gine said as Gohan smiled.

"I had the same thought," Diana agreed.

"You can just call me Gohan when we are alone like this," he informed her.

"You all may," Gohan extended the courtesy as they entered a dining hall.

The Lord of Destruction made his way to the head of the table and sat down as everyone followed suit, and food magically appeared on the table. "You don't have to hold yourselves back, eat as much as you want; it won't end," he said as they nodded.

"I am sure you all have questions, so what would you like to know?" He asked as they all suddenly stopped eating.


"Alright, what happened to Kakarot back in your universe?" Gine asked as Kakarot chipped in.

"Did I get Super Saiyan as well?" He asked with a straight face, but it was easy to tell he was eager to hear the answer.

"Well, I'll start with the first question," he started. "Back in my home universe, God of Destruction Lord Beerus woke up and came looking for a Super Saiyan God." Gohan started explaining everything.

"And after that, I fought Beerus and landed in this universe," Gohan explained after ten minutes of talking, but everyone at that point had stopped eating.

"Oh, and yes, Dad did achieve Super Saiyan; he was the first Super Saiyan in over a thousand years, and then he taught me how to use it as well," Gohan explained as Kakarot's jaw clenched.

"So some crazy god just kills everyone and blows up the planet just because he was scared… what a coward!" Kakarot growled as Gohan smiled at him.

"I plan on reminding him about this when I am strong enough," Gohan said as he leaned back.

"You mean he is stronger than you?" Garlia asked.

"Yes, we're not even in the same league. Beerus the Destroyer is one of the four most fearsome destroyer gods in existence."

"How many of them are there?" Bardock asked.

"Well, in this multiverse, there are 18 destroyer gods, with me included, and in my home multiverse, there are 12 universes," Gohan explained, stunning them slightly. "They have 12 destroyer gods, and Beerus just so happens to be one of the strongest.

"Oh, and this is sensitive information," Gohan said as they nodded slowly.

"I need your help with something," Gohan said as he made eye contact with Bardock. "You might even become more powerful as well, probably tens of thousands of times stronger than you are now."

This caught everyone's attention, but mostly Bardock. He could get how many more times more powerful? "I need help mastering my great ape form," Gohan said, causing confusion.

"You cannot control your great ape form?" Garlia asked, somewhat surprised; literally, everyone here could control themselves.

But Gohan shook his head. "No, I mean Golden Great Ape." Gohan started. "It's Great Ape but with Super Saiyan. Maybe you have some advice or techniques on how I can remain conscious," Gohan said, stunning them.

"Golden... Great Ape?" Gine questioned as she tried to imagine what that would look like.

"When we're done eating, I'll show you," Gohan said as they nodded and continued eating. Honestly, their battle spirit had been violently awoken by his words. A Golden Great Ape? That was insanity.

"That settles it! I will also get Super Saiyan!" Kakarot vowed. He turned to Gohan. "How powerful was the other me?" He had a determined look on his face as Gohan just smiled and looked at him.

"That's right; we only really heard about that destroyer god," Bardock said as he took a bite out of a piece of meat. Gohan glanced at him and nodded slowly.

"He was the strongest mortal in the universe. It didn't matter whether it was the living realm or the Other World. He unlocked Super Saiyan and just kept growing, achieving levels beyond it."

"WHAT!?" Raditz exclaimed, surprised as Garlia choked on her food.

"Levels above it?" Gine questioned as Gohan nodded.

"As you know, he was the first Super Saiyan, but he realized that I was destined to be the one to unlock the next stage. I told you I unlocked Super Saiyan at 11, but I achieved the next grade; Super Saiyan 2 a few months later."

"Super Saiyan is categorized in grades. The higher the grade, the stronger you are. Right now, according to Vermont, I am working on Grade 7," Gohan said as Bardock's utensil dropped out of his hand, snapping everyone out of their awe.

"This is the golden hair transformation, correct?" Diana asked as Gohan nodded.

"Fascinating..." She said.

"What grade am I?" Bardock asked as he got up and walked over to an empty spot and transformed.

"Your power rose fifty-fold," Diana commented as Strix nodded.

"You could tell that?" Gine asked as Strix answered.

"We have learned how to sense the power output of warriors. It is not very difficult, so I am sure you will learn fast." The Saiyans nodded eagerly.

"That feels like Grade 1, based on your control," Gohan commented as his hair floated upwards, turning blond but far more detailed than Bardock's.

"This is Grade 4," as he transformed further, creating no disturbances besides a few zaps of electricity. "This is Grade 5. I would show you Grade 6, but the only person to ever use it was my father. I never needed it because I had something stronger."

This seemed to really shine a new light on Gohan and his father to them, and they were really in awe of the father and son.

"My father revealed Super Saiyan 3 or Super Saiyan Grade 6," Gohan smiled as he thought back to the time he sensed his father's energy across the entire universe.

"You know he was so powerful that I could sense him across the universe. As a mortal, he had surpassed the Supreme Kais by a significant margin. An ancient demon called Majin Buu, who almost destroyed the universe, was his only equal. He defeated a lot of powerful bad guys and saved the universe many times, enough to be granted a special pardon in death to return to the living world for one day."

Garlia glanced at Kakarot, who appeared deeply engrossed in his words. "Looks like you've got some big shoes to fill," she remarked. Kakarot chuckled nervously, thinking that becoming a Super Saiyan would suffice. Yet, this legacy, this legendary warrior who was essentially him, felt like an insurmountable summit, no matter how diligently he tried. Garlia could easily discern his expression, letting out a sigh as she gently patted his back before returning to her meal.

"That reminds me, who is your mother?" Gine asked as Garlia choked again. 'Come on! I almost died by food!' she complained in her head.

Gohan thought back. "Hold on, I can show you my family."

"Close your eyes," he said as they all nodded, and memories of his life on Earth flashed by. A picture of Gohan as a kid being held by a woman with black hair with a loving smile on her face appeared as Goku entered the flash and ruffled Gohan's hair. The image faded, and Goten appeared behind them, but this time he was on Goku's shoulders as a Super Saiyan, making Garlia stunned to see a woman who looked somewhat similar to her.

"Oh, that's Goten, my little brother," Gohan explained as Bardock just watched in silence.

"He's a Super Saiyan!?" Raditz uttered, completely bewildered at the fact that the kid could be stronger than his father.

"Yeah, he doesn't remember the first time he transformed into a Super Saiyan, but since he was five, he was capable of doing it." The Saiyans couldn't believe their ears.

"Your family is full of Super Saiyans; your genes must be amazing," Garlia remarked as she eyed Kakarot.

"Well, we weren't the only Super Saiyans around. Prince Vegeta was my father's rival; when my father attained it, Vegeta trained himself half to death to achieve the legend as well, and his son also achieved it at a young age," Gohan explained.

"Of course, the Vegeta blood was strong; no wonder they also achieved the legend," Kakarot spoke.

"What happened to the Vegeta family on your planet?" Gohan asked.

"During our time beneath the Ice Clan, the Vegeta family was the royal family. They suffered many humiliations, but when the opportunity presented itself, the King and Prince stalled the clan long enough for me to heal and defeat our oppressors. During that battle, I unlocked Super Saiyan, and the Vegeta family was killed by the Ice Clan." Bardock explained. 

"The Vegeta I knew would probably do the same," Gohan wondered.

"That woman was your mother?" Garlia asked. "What species was she? She must have been really strong."

"My mother's name was Chi Chi; she was a human. She was the only person my father was ever afraid of," Gohan said as he smiled at the memories. "But she wasn't really strong; she actually didn't want me to become a fighter."

Kakarot stared at the image of Chi Chi, the woman his counterpart had a child with. He turned and smiled at Garlia. "Don't go getting jealous now," he teased as she rolled her eyes.

"You have no right to say that; besides, she and I look kind of similar. Kakarot has no scars on his face either, and let's not forget between you and me, I am the better fighter," she said with a small smile as Raditz started laughing.

"You can never beat her, can you?" Kakarot just clenched his fist as a vein appeared on his forehead.

"Oh, shut it! You told me you liked the scars!" He told her before turning to Raditz. "And our fights always end in a draw! She can't beat me either!" He retorted as she shrugged with a smug grin.

"If I recall, I did win one of the fights," she said as Kakarot was about to protest but suddenly blushed and glared at her as Gohan started laughing at Kakarot's misfortune.

"I can tell you two care a lot for one another," Gohan smiled fondly. "Reminds me of my dad and mother," Gohan stated, stunning Kakarot and Garlia.

"Well, at least my grandson won't be such a disappointment," Bardock said as Kakarot scoffed.

"Just you wait; I'll be a Super Saiyan soon!" Kakarot promised while turning to Gohan as he walked to the same spot Bardock did. Powering up, he asked, "What else do I need?"

"You first need to become much stronger," Gohan said, making Raditz fall over with laughter, prompting everyone to laugh together while Kakarot just stood there slack-jawed.

"But I can tell you are around about as strong as Nappa was when I first saw him, but grandfather has a power level slightly stronger than Vegeta's," Gohan said as he turned to Bardock.

"Our scouters have recorded mine to be 25,000, and Kakarot is at 5,500. Gine is 18,000, Raditz is 8,000, and Garlia is 5,400," Bardock finished. Contemplating for a few seconds, Gohan responded.

"For Super Saiyan to become truly effective, you need a base power level of over three million," he explained. "At least that's how strong my father was."

"What? Three million? That's insane..." Kakarot asked, surprised. "That's three times stronger than Bardock as a Super Saiyan."

"What's your power level?" Garlia asked as they all looked at Gohan.

"Mine? I honestly have no idea, but the last time it was scanned was when I was on a planet called Namek, and since then, I have grown tremendously more powerful."

"Then what was that?" Gine asked next. "It's fine if you don't want to tell us, but I am just curious." She continued as Gohan leaned back and looked at Vermont.

"Could you check through my memories and give us an accurate number?" He asked as Vermont nodded; his staff appeared, and they could see Gohan on a planet with blue grass and a green sky, with a lizard-like being getting overpowered by him.

"That looks like Iced from the Ice clan," Bardock commented.

"I guess you guys also had a Frieza," Gohan concluded as Vermont started.

"You were five years old here; your battle prowess as a numerical value during this time was already around 600,000, but it would periodically rise to about 1,500,000," Vermont explained.

"That Frieza fellow was still stronger in his third form; he was at 2,000,000."

"Hold on! You mean to tell me you had such a ridiculous battle power at five years old? I'm pretty sure Iced was only at a power level of 500,000, and he was damn near unstoppable," Raditz questioned with a sweat drop on his forehead, completely blown away.

"If I had to make an assumption of milord's current battle power, it would be a very big number," Vermont said as Garlia leaned forward with her eyes shining.

"Come on! You can't say that and not say it!" She urged as everyone just nodded slowly, still trying to accept that Gohan as a kid was more powerful than Bardock and Iced. Sure, they were just numbers, but these Saiyans who could not sense Ki could only truly understand the depth of his power through this way.

This was just them really asking. 'How strong are you?' Their sheer curiosity made him want to smile.

"Well, that Frieza fellow at full power had a power of 120,000,000, and Son Goku as a Super Saiyan was at 150,000,000," Vermont explained.

"At 11 years of age, you fought androids; when you fought Perfect Cell, your base strength was 7,000,000," Vermont explained.

"You barely trained for seven years, so your power only maintained due to maturity, but your potential is extremely high. When you were 18 years old, your base power was around 60,000,000," Vermont explained as he looked at Gohan through his staff.

"At your full power during the time Lord Beerus attacked your home, your battle power was 60,000,000,000 at full power."

"Hold on, your power just seems to shoot up, like you were never meant to be normal," Bardock said as Gohan chuckled.

"Well, for the initial eleven years, I trained as if my life depended on it. I had the guidance of great masters, including a master martial artist who was also a Super Saiyan. With such mentors, it's no wonder my power gains were bound to be tremendous."

Everyone nodded; it makes sense a master Super Saiyan training you would be incredible as Vermont continued.

"This may be inaccurate, but from what I can tell, when you became a Super Saiyan God, your max power rose to 200,000,000,000 and rapidly increased to around 500,000,000,000. Since then, your power has risen significantly since you absorbed the god power. You are now comfortably around 5,000,000,000,000. Your maximum output would be 250,000,000,000,000,000, but this is still not at full power. His full power lies somewhere even higher, but I think a good dose of mystery is fine. He is going to surpass it by millions of times regardless. It will get to the point where your idea of strength becomes skewed, and then he shall surpass even that," he explained. "That is what a God of Destruction is, and so the cycle continues, or so they say."

"I wasn't expecting it to be that crazy…" Garlia muttered.

"What is mine!?" Diana asked excitedly.

"Unfortunately, Lady Diana, yours may be harder to discern. You only recently started using your life force in such a way, but based on your physical prowess, your power level is well above 100,000,000. Your divine power skews that number, but it makes you millions of times stronger," Vermont explained. "A definite number is certainly a difficult question to answer." He finished as she nodded more than content with his words.

"And I?" Strix asked; while not interested initially, this would be a good way to gauge her strength to see how far she could go.

"Lady Strix has reached 50,000,000,000, but as with Lady Diana, once she uses divine Ki, it boosts her power by the millions. She is certainly the most powerful mortal in the universe after her training."

The Saiyans felt strange; yes, hearing the strength of the gods was awesome, but it really made them feel incredibly weak in comparison. Now they were more fired up on the idea of growing stronger, especially Bardock; he had the greatest opportunity at the moment as the only Super Saiyan.

"Say… what is Beerus's power level… if you know?" Gohan asked suddenly.

"Lord Beerus, as far as I can remember, has not shown his full power before. Only Whis would know that answer, but he is certainly far stronger than you are, milord," Vermont explained.

"I figured," he said as he stood up, surprising everyone.

"Let's go outside; I wanna show you what I am struggling with," Gohan said as they all stood up and followed him outside excitedly.

When they exited, they flew over to an empty area as Gohan nodded, and everyone backed up as Vermont created blutz waves, triggering a transformation in Gohan who grew to a titanic size.

"He is massive…" Garlia commented as Bardock nodded.

"He is almost ten meters taller than I am as a Great ape."

"Alright, so the hard part starts now," Gohan said as he prepared himself to transform.

"Protect them and encase my Ki; I don't want to disturb the universe," Gohan ordered as Vermont nodded, and a golden aura erupted, sending a wave of pure energy that stunned them in place.

Before them, a roar erupted that vibrated their entire bodies as the golden light cleared, revealing glowing red eyes and a Golden Great Ape garbed in Destroyer attire.

"That is a terrifying sight," Kakarot remarked as the planet started shaking. "It's almost tangible."

Another roar was released as Gohan opened his mouth, and an orb of destruction appeared, but Vermont appeared behind him and struck him, knocking Gohan over. He got up and charged at Vermont with a purple glowing aura.

"You seem to become more hellbent on destruction when you become like this…" Vermont mused to himself.

Gohan roared in anger as he charged his ki, but his form started distorting as his fur turned a darker hue, mixing with purple. Destroyer markings appeared on the Great Ape's chest as he dug deeper and deeper into himself, beating his chest viciously.

'I was planning on knocking him out, but this is the first time I have ever seen him truly desire pure destruction. He is evolving into a true destroyer because of his Saiyan instincts,' Vermont mused as he cast a second barrier over the group.

Everything around them started to rumble and shake as reality peeled away, with purple sparkles seemingly destroying everything indiscriminately.

"Gohan!" Diana called out, seeing him act like a mindless beast was concerning. His power was running amok.

"This is insane!" Kakarot said as he watched reality fall apart. Vermont blocked the attack and gut-checked the giant ape, knocking it over. Gohan grew angrier as his fur turned to a darker golden-purple shade, with purple and red lightning dancing across the sky and the ground, creating ripple effects.

"Do you think with this power, you will be able to defeat Lord Beerus, my lord?" Vermont suddenly asked just as the fist was about to make contact with him, but it stopped as Gohan stared at him intently.

"He killed your family and friends, yet you only wish to beat him within an inch of his life and not kill him?" Vermont asked as Gohan growled at him.

The giant monkey clutched its head before beating its chest. That made it angry; it couldn't understand how it was attacked by sounds. Vermont smiled.

'A doorway to his conscious mind…' He thought as he blocked a punch from Gohan's large fist with his finger before pushing Gohan back. He looked at the group of observers appearing before them.

"I have a plan, something that may help him overcome his problem. Are you willing to help?" He asked, making eye contact with Gine.

"Anything!" She answered as he nodded and disappeared.

"If you remain as you are now, you will lose everything again. What if Lord Beerus came here?" He provoked as Gine was suddenly in his hand, being held by her neck, surprised.

"What are you doing?" She suddenly realized what he meant by help, but Vermont's grip was frozen around her neck as he squeezed a little tighter, sending panic through Gine. She turned to Gohan and then back to Vermont.

"You said anything." He smiled at her as she kicked his chest in an attempt to be set free, but nothing happened. Was he going to kill her?

"I didn't mean this!" Gine choked out. Bardock powered up, transforming into a Super Saiyan just as Vermont snapped his fingers, freezing Bardock in place.

"Once it's done, I shall return her to the land of the living," Vermont explained to everyone with a smile.

"NO!" Garlia screamed as Raditz and Kakarot powered up in a fit of rage. Diana herself prepared for battle.

"I'm sure you know Gohan would not approve of this method!" She tried to reason. If Gohan was no match for this Angel, then no one was.

"We shall address that issue when it arrives," he said.

Just as Gohan got up, he saw Gine being held captive. He growled and was about to charge forward, but a snapping sound was heard as Gine's body went limp, stunning everyone. The giant ape dropped to its knees at the sight. Nothing happened for a good ten seconds.

"You!?" Diana started but couldn't find the words. 'I do not understand!?' She clenched her fists in anger.

"What a shame. I really thought that would have snapped you out of your mindless enraged state, but maybe this made you angrier," he said as Gohan's great ape body began to tremble, and the entire universe started shaking.

Kakarot, Raditz, Garlia, and Bardock were just stunned, not willing to believe that Gine was just murdered. As if a floodgate burst open, three pillars of golden light burst into existence.

Despite their ascension, Kakarot, Raditz, and Garlia were in shock, feeling anger, sadness, and somewhat fearful of what just happened. Were their lives nothing? Did it mean nothing? Were they next? Sure, they achieved the legend, but what did that matter right now?

"Stay! Away!" Kakarot ordered as the remaining Saiyans huddled together. Diana, choosing to side with the Saiyans, stood back to back with each other.

"I guess we have to try with another one," Vermont said as he moved in between them and grabbed Kakarot.

"Let go of him, Vermont! I ordered you to protect them!" The voice of a great ape screamed in fury as he charged forward, attacking, but was stopped when Vermont started laughing and released Kakarot.

"Wha…" Gohan questioned as he looked on angrily. "You will pay for killing my grandmother, Vermont!" He roared as someone flew in front of him.

"I'm fine, Gohan! I'm fine! Everyone, I am fine!" Gine called out as he struggled to figure out what was going on, but Vermont spoke.

"She was fine all along, my lord. It was just some trickery, that's all," he explained as she nodded.

"It didn't even hurt." She reassured him as he seemed to calm down before he realized something.

"Wait, I am able to think…" He said as Vermont nodded.

"Indeed, I created greater anger in you all and extinguished your reason for anger by returning the person whom your anger was attached to." He explained turning to the Saiyans.

"I do apologize for the emotional turmoil and damage I have caused, however, unfortunately that is how your species activates its power." Vermont explained. 

Kakarot after finally realizing that they were being trained and that Gine was fine felt a massive weight lift off his shoulders before elation took place, he was now a Super Saiyan!?

"Next I would like to figure out how Lady Diana's power works." Vermont explained looking at the princess who was sighing in relief, she was just happy that it was just training, extreme training, but training none the less. 

"But for now, I believe Lord Gohan is approaching the pinnacle of Saiyan biology. I sensed a dormant primal power buried beneath the surface and have been attempting to ascertain how to draw out that power. The only primal power that truly exists in Saiyans is their Great Ape state."

Suddenly, Gohan felt a strange sensation as he dropped down to one knee, enveloped in a golden purple aura with lightning pulsating around him.

Sensing his immense power surging far beyond before, Diana and Strix took a step back. "His power is rising dramatically," Diana observed.

As Gohan rapidly decreased in size, it was as if he journeyed back to the primal essence of his Saiyan nature. In his mind's eye, he connected with the raw energy coursing through his veins, feeling the pulse of his Saiyan blood as it resonated with a dormant power. All around him, purple sparkles began to rain down, a manifestation of the profound energy he was tapping into. The sparkles, on contact with anything, turned it into fine dust, symbolizing the transformative force he wielded.

A violent roar erupted from Gohan, an expression of the overwhelming power now coursing through him. The sound waves reverberated, creating a cosmic tremors that would have echoed through the very fabric of the universe if it were not for Vermont.

As the dust settled, Gohan stood tall, his eyes filled with awe as he gazed upon his transformed hands. His entire form was now draped in crimson red fur, a testament to the fusion of his Saiyan heritage with this newfound power. His once black hair had turned even darker and more spiky, framing the determined expression on his face.

What stood out the most was the balance he achieved. The strain on his body felt comparable to Super Saiyan, a powerful form he had mastered. However, Gohan recognized that with continued training, this new transformation would eventually become second nature, reaching a point where the incredible power coursing through him would feel effortless and harmoniously integrated into his being. It was a manifestation of his evolution, an epitome of his Saiyan potential unleashed in a new form.

"What is that?" Raditz asked in shock, while Vermont clapped.

"Congratulations on attaining Super Saiyan 4, my lord," Vermont said. Gohan looked at him and Gine, who was now directly in front of him with proud eyes.

"If I were to mix this with my God ki, I'd be nearly unstoppable," Gohan mused, and Vermont nodded.

"Indeed, your divine strength would greatly amplify this form. You would become billions, if not trillions, of times stronger. Your potential is truly frightening, my lord," he praised.

"Super Saiyan 4?" Kakarot mused, staring slack-jawed at the Saiyan power.

"Does that mean I can get this form too?" Bardock asked as Vermont turned and nodded.

"Super Saiyan 4 seems like you do not need to have access to the first three forms, as Lord Gohan skipped the third form entirely. You just need to be able to turn into a Super Saiyan as a Great Ape," he explained as Bardock nodded but deflated.

"I would like to get this power as well, but no one would be able to stop me if I went berserk back home," he explained. Gohan walked up to him while still in Super Saiyan 4; the ground seemed to tremble with each step.

"Not a problem. I can help you here while I train to become stronger as well," Gohan said as Bardock nodded, suddenly pumped. Gohan turned to Vermont. "I was sure you had snapped her neck," he said.

"Some trickery is very easy, especially when you're in such a volatile state of mind," Vermont responded.

"Now I want Super Saiyan 4 as well!" Raditz announced as Kakarot nodded eargerly.

"Once I control Super Saiyan perfectly I WILL rise to the next level!" Kakarot vowed.

"Would you like to test that new power, my lord?" he asked as Gohan grinned. "Gladly," he said as he disappeared with Vermont, and shockwaves shook everything around them. Gohan was launched into orbit before he stabilized himself and charged at Vermont again, who smiled and blocked his attack.

He didn't want to admit it, but the form was... fun. The speed, the power, the endurance—this form felt like it was far superior to both Super Saiyan and his Great Ape strength, but with far fewer drawbacks.

"Having fun, milord?" Vermont suddenly asked as he blocked Gohan's attacks. "It seems like your senses have also been greatly enhanced."

"Yeah," Gohan started as they reappeared in the sky. "Now, let's see what this form can really do!" he declared just as the golden aura of Super Saiyan burst around him. "HAA!" Gohan screamed as he powered up as much as this Super Saiyan 4 form allowed.

"Warm-ups over." The two vanished again.

Strix watched the battle before glancing at Diana, who noticed her gaze, slowly nodding with a grin. 'Let's see who reaches that level first.' The unspoken words were understood, and their short time together led them to something akin to a friendship.

The battle continued for five minutes more before stopping as Gohan returned to the group with bruises and scratches covering him as he powered down.

"That was incredible," Kakarot commented as everyone nodded.

"This power is amazing and it did give me an idea for the future," Gohan remarked.

Soon an entire week had passed, Gohan, as a Super Saiyan 4, sat with his legs crossed as he meditated.

Bardock was currently in his Super Saiyan form, battling Diana with Vermont watching them. The rest were all in their own sparring sessions.

"Remember to pace yourselves, you cannot revert to your base." Vermont reminded.

Raditz was the first to lean back exhausted, with Kakarot following soon after. Garlia, Gine, and Bardock remained far longer, but ultimately, Garlia and Gine gave out next.

Bardock remained for many more hours battling Diana but also gave out and dropped out of Super Saiyan; he seemed even more tired than the others.

"Good, you all are progressing decently," Vermont said as he healed everyone.

Strix was further away from them as she charged a massive ki ball in her hands and held it for as long as she could, drawing the attention of everyone. Her palms started to burn as she strained and released the blast towards a moon, but the blast just evaporated the small celestial body before flying off. She reappeared in front of her attack, grabbing it, she strained to stop it before it became unstable, threatening to detonate right in front of her face.

Quickly flaring her aura, she released a massive green ki blast. The detonation was cut through by the blast, and Strix stared at the massive explosion.

She quickly got into a fighting stance as she dodged an invisible enemy but was surprised to find Gohan in front of her, also in a fighting stance.

"Come at me, Strix. Show me how far you have grown," he commanded. She nodded and charged at him, punching at his face, but the blow was blocked, shattering the ground and sending a concussive shockwave that knocked the Saiyans back.

Strix vanished in a blur of speed, appearing behind Gohan and aiming a kick towards his midsection, which he blocked. As he grabbed her leg, he was about to start swinging her, but she suddenly came towards him, her knee about to crash into his nose. However, he leaned back at the last moment, letting go of her leg.

She recovered almost instantly, aiming a sneaky ki blast at his face, surprising him, and aimed a heavy punch at his chest, which he immediately redirected her momentum, leaving her open. He landed a brutal blow to her solar plexus, dropping her to the ground.

"Very good, your strength is definitely increasing. You could take on Darkseid right now, and you two would be about even, but I suppose that's just with your strength. Your Ki attacks would definitely give you an advantage," Gohan commented as she sat up and bowed.

Vermont appeared with the Saiyans and Diana. "My lord, you are expected on planet Evonia," Vermont reminded him as Gohan nodded.

"I had completely forgotten about the feast," he said as he made his way towards the tree castle. "We are done for now," Gohan announced. "Rest up! You all are free to stay or have Vermont return you to Planet Bardock for now."

"We will remain here for three more days," Kakarot said.

"Taron will be coming out of his incubator in three days," Garlia reminded everyone.

"That's right. Your son will officially be born. Congratulations," Gohan said as he started floating and looked over at Diana.

"Diana, I will be back soon," Gohan said as she nodded.

"I will be even stronger when you return!" she vowed. Gohan smiled and nodded, turning to Strix.

"Come on, you are coming with me, candidate," Gohan said as she nodded and took off after Gohan towards his castle.

After thirty minutes, Gohan sat in his dining hall as he ate alone while looking through some paperwork with a list of planets. It was eerily quiet until footsteps caught his attention. It was Gine.

"Hello, grandson," she said as she took a seat near him.

"Grandma," Gohan greeted with a smile. "What can I help you with?" Gohan asked as she stared at the pile of paperwork. Gohan frowned at some text he was reading. 'Rogue Angel investigation…that sounds familiar but.'

"That's not possible," Gohan muttered as he placed the paper down, giving Gine his full attention.

"You know it's like a dream; this whole situation is ludicrous," she said.

"It's just as strange for me, believe me," Gohan agreed.

"Well, I want to ask you something," she started. "I would like to become your subordinate, like Strix." She asked, stunning Gohan slightly.

"Why? What made you come to this idea?" Gohan asked.

"I just want to be around you more, and I doubt that will happen very often once I leave here," she explained.

Gohan nodded before leaning back, thinking it over. "I would be delighted," Gohan started, and Gine could already tell he was hesitating.

"But?" She asked, already knowing it would come.

"But, you're my grandmother, Bardock is my grandfather, Kakarot is my father…kind of, and Raditz is, well, my uncle. I don't want to use my family as a fighting force, especially if you guys still have such a long way to go," Gohan pointed out.

"If you came across someone even a fraction of Darkseid's strength, I'd lose you all instantly," Gohan explained as she nodded.

"Maybe so, but we can become stronger," she said as Gohan looked at her a bit seriously.

"We?" He asked.

"Yes," Kakarot said as they entered the dining hall. Now it made sense; they all must have been conspiring as they bowed before him.

"It would be our honor to stay by your side! The entire Saiyan Race would be honored to serve you," Bardock spoke.

"Rise, all of you," Gohan said as they stood upright, and Strix and Vermont entered.

A few seconds of silence passed by before Gohan spoke again. "Alright, but only if you become as strong as Strix is now," Gohan set.

"That's easy!" Raditz quickly affirmed as Gohan chuckled before looking at Raditz.

"Alright then, let me show you the level I want you to be before you can be considered strong enough to be a subordinate of a God of Destruction," Gohan said as he looked at Strix.

"She still needs to train more, but I suppose this isn't too bad," Vermont said with a satisfied smile. "She has stabilized her Ki."

"Give me your all, don't hold back like you did earlier," Gohan ordered.

Of course, he would know she was holding back, but an order was an order as a green fire-like aura burst around her before she snap vanished, shattering the ground and shaking the planet. Her speed and power surprised Gohan as she was suddenly on him with her left fist cocked back.

Gohan tilted his head to the side, surprised, as her fist materialized, lifting her right knee with immense force, just for it to be blocked, but the force knocked Gohan into the air.

'Woah,' Gohan thought to himself as she followed up with a Ki ball that exploded at point-blank range, violently blasting the destroyer god into the sky with scratches covering his body, hurricane-level winds blew across the planet.

Gohan grunted and looked down at the surface, trying to locate her, but she was already behind him with her next attack ready.

Clasping her hands together, she struck him—or what looked like him, but his image faded just as a right hook struck her. Quickly recollecting herself, she tried to strike back at him.

Gohan grabbed her arm before swinging her through a nearby moon; the impact split the celestial body as she slammed into a larger moon further away.

The Saiyans watched the battle in silence, too captivated by the incredible fight. Vermont used his staff to broadcast the battle for them. Diana suddenly arrived.

"I felt the battle; I thought you were leaving soon, but I see I was missing out on a marvelous fight!" Diana said as she turned her attention to the broadcast.

"Indeed, a short spar was ordered by Lord Gohan," he explained as she nodded.

They went back and forth as their fists clashed, creating horrifying shockwaves that ripped nearby planets and moons apart. Gohan blocked her punch before throwing his own, just to be met with an equal force, but this time Vermont's eyes narrowed.

"You all come here," he said as they complied while watching.

Gohan shattered through her defense, landing a solid right hook that sent her hurtling into the nearest moon. Flipping mid-air, she touched down on the moon's surface, launching off it and breaking it in half as she reappeared beside Gohan. With a swift elbow to his temple, she carved a path through the sky, following up with a punch to his gut. Spinning, she infused her leg with ki, delivering a powerful kick that sent Gohan hurtling into space, crashing through another moon. Swiftly reappearing above him, she attempted a dropkick, but Gohan smirked, vanishing and countering by grabbing her head and flinging her toward a planet, watching as she skidded off its surface, splitting it in half, now in the skies of Planet Gohan.

She quickly regained her composure, spitting out blood. Gohan materialized in front of her, landing a right hook that stunned her. Blocking her counter, he followed up with a vicious haymaker. Rolling with the hit, she turned, delivering a powerful kick to Gohan's face. Jumping back, she charged a blast and hurled it at Gohan, who deftly dodged it, only to be met by her fist slamming into his face, sending him skyward. Recovering swiftly, Gohan noticed her charging a formidable blast. As he prepared to release his own, the earlier blast caught him from behind, stunning him momentarily. The main blast hurtled towards Gohan, bathing the entire planet in green ki, unleashing a massive shockwave that rattled everything around them.

The Saiyans uncovered their eyes, slack-jawed at the battle. Gohan clapped at Strix, who was panting. "You were holding back far more than I expected," he praised as she bowed, but she felt it; she was stronger than even she anticipated, and for some reason, he could tell, perhaps because her eyes trailed back to the absolute destruction their spar created—multiple planets and moons were shattered and destroyed simply because of contact.

"You're surprised?" Gohan asked as she nodded. "I was expecting Master Vermont's training to make me stronger, but not to this extent. Ki is incredible," she remarked.

"And you say I can continuously grow stronger as long as I train my ki?" She asked as Gohan nodded.

"I am a perfect example of that," Gohan said as she relaxed her Ki.

"Folians are certainly strong," Gohan said as she nodded.

"My people possess remarkable potential for growth in various domains. Master Vermont has urged me to employ my knowledge in battle to compensate for my lack of emotions," she responded as they touched down on the ground near everyone.

"In fact, we are regarded by many as the perfect species," she explained. "I am proficient in combat, health knowledge, and have mastered the art of war on Dionysis. I have numerous accolades, but further details may verge on what you would perceive as bragging."

"You know all of that stuff?" Garlia asked, surprised, as Strix nodded. "Well, to be fair, Strix has been amazing since I met her."

"I am the only Folian that was purchased by the Eve Empire, as we command an extremely high price," she explained.

"You were bought?" Gohan asked, taken aback; this was news to him.

"What happened to your people?" Bardock asked as he stepped forward.

"Where are the rest being held?" Gine asked, sounding angry. The Saiyans present had grown quite fond of Strix during their training.

Strix shrugged. "I am fairly certain we are nearly extinct. There are around five hundred of us left, all privately owned property. We were feared by many civilizations."

"Doesn't that anger you?" Garlia asked her. "I know I would be if the Saiyans were driven to extinction and used as slaves."

"I was once angry and full of hate, but that has since changed," she explained.

"What changed?" Garlia asked, genuinely curious about how she managed to overcome the anger stemming from the inhumane treatment of her people.

"She was robbed of her emotions by her previous master," Gohan explained as he walked up to Strix and patted her head; she was quickly becoming like a little sister to him. "And I can't fix it."

"...what a bastard," Kakarot remarked.

In a dimly lit chamber, figures draped in lab coats moved in silence, shrouded by shadows. Two individuals stood, one a woman in black and one clad in military attire fixated their gaze on a colossal tank, within which floated two enigmatic humanoid forms.

"Almost complete, Director Waller. We are now in the final stages of the bio-androids. Would you like to name them?" The scientist's voice echoed through the darkness.

"I'll give it some thought. I don't want to rush. After all, these two are the culmination of the greatest powers humanity has ever seen. Everything has to be perfect..."

"This better work, Waller. You heard the words of that God, this better not doom us all," the general beside Amanda reminded, his words laced with a foreboding undertone.

"Above all else, stability is the most important aspect of their work. More power means nothing if it can't be controlled," Amanda explained, her voice a chilling whisper. "As long as you keep our budget this size, you will also have access to these... creations. Well, it's not like you can pull out now, General Eiling," she informed him, the air thick with a mysterious gravity that seemed to envelope the clandestine proceedings.