Chapter 6

Luke found himself standing in a grassy, foggy area as bare as the day he was born. There was the familiar feeling of death creeping at the back of his neck.

He wasn't afraid as he was fully aware that he was in a dream. The fog dissipated into beautiful silver butterflies in the moonlight.

It was calm and peaceful. "Whatever," Luke said blankly. This is his dream, he can do whatever he wants to do.

So, he created a pen and notepad and began murmuring to himself while he was writing calculations down.

"You are the first human to be fully aware that they are in a dream," he heard a man's voice. It was deep and pleasing to the ear.

"Well, where I'm from it's not very uncommon," Luke replies blankly.

The butterflies appeared again and in front of him and a man appeared before him or at least that's what he believes the dark figure in front of him is.

Luke stops what he is doing and looks at the man curiously. "Where is your body?" he asked. "Or are you some sort of ghost here to hunt me?" he said.

The figure in front of him doesn't answer him. Luke felt himself floating in the air and remained calm. "You are seventeen thousand worlds away from home," the man said. "Just like the man my sister found," he said. "If I remember correctly, he called himself Freeman."

"That's my guardian," Luke says calmly.

The feeling of death became even more evident. "Oh, so you are related to the b**tard that double-crossed my sister and imprisoned her on the second moon," he said.

Luke frowns. "Oh," he says simply. It seems like David has been foolishly offending people he shouldn't have offended. "So are going to kill me?"

The man placed his hand on his chin. "You're an interesting one," he said. "I am going to use you."

'Use me?' Luke thought before feeling a sharp pain in his head.

"Become my angel."

The pain slowly became too excruciating for him to bear and let out a blood-curdling scream.

In the real world, Tim was cornered by the group of five, his hands were raised in surrender. 

"Who are you?" the lady demanded harshly.

Tim was about to answer, but the guy wearing a cloak said, "I suggest you answer, I'll know if you're lying."

"My name is Tim, my friends call me Tim the womanizing b**ch, my clients call me Tim, I'm a therapist, I talk to people about their feelings and help them feel like they matter and not kill themselves or others, I am here with a particularly stubborn client who wants to bring his guardian back from the dead--"

"Your story is very absurd," the cloaked person said.

Tim turns to him sharply. "Didn't you say you would know if I'm lying?" he said. "Liar," he said childishly.

The cloaked person growled in annoyance, but before he could say any other thing, a dark light shot out from the location Luke was in.

Tim's eyes widened. Questions were running through his mind. 'Did he already fix the time machine? No, that's impossible the light was blue,' he thought. His heart raced at the thought of Luke being in danger. 

If Luke dies right now, then he will no longer be able to go home. He thought fast, bent down, and kicked them all down while they were distracted, running away as fast as possible.

He was caught by someone and kicked to a tree. He sees the group standing in front of him. "You go and find the source of that magic, I'll take care of him," the lady said.

Tim felt blood dripping down his head. He was already losing consciousness. He was picked up by the collar by the girl and he was met with a cold hardened gaze.

Her eyes widened in surprise and that was the last thing he saw before becoming fully unconscious.

Luke slowly regained his consciousness and discovered that he was chained up. He tried moving but discovered he was weakened. 'I knew I shouldn't have gone to sleep,' he thought. 'I'll soon be burned to death.'

He was lying before a throne room. In front of him was a golden throne with gems on it, but there was no cushion on it.

'That has to be uncomfortable on the ass,' he thought.

He moved around and he heard people murmuring. Tim was kneeling next to him. There was dried-up blood from his head down to his neck. "What happened to you?" he said.

"I'm not in the mood to answer I'm still having a headache," he said in annoyance. He was interrogated for quite some time, but they got nothing out of him. The interrogators weren't allowed to torture him as an order from their king.

They were asking what sort of connection Luke had with the Demon King, aka, the God of Darkness. He has no idea what they were even talking about. With so little context, there's only so much he knows.

Now, he's kneeling before the throne of their king awaiting judgment with Luke who has been unconscious for nearly forty-eight hours.

"Our king has arrived to give judgment to the practitioners of black magic."

"We're going to be burned alive," Luke sang.

Tim's heart was beating fast in fear as his breathing became heavy. "Not helpful!" he shouted in despair.

"Silence criminals!" a guard, whom Luke had just noticed, said, harshly using the blunt end of his spear to jab their sides.

Luke felt that jab hard, the pain traveled fast through his nerves. "F**k that hurts!" he cursed out loud.

"Language, young man."

Luke's eyes widened as he looked up to his guardian standing ten feet away from him alive and well.

There was a little difference in looks. David looks ten years younger with black hair slicked back and no wrinkles forming on his face, his were brighter and he was standing tall.

"You're alive," Luke said.

"Yes, and fifteen years younger, too," David said flexing his muscles.

"Ugh," Luke said in disgust rolling his eyes. "Your fashion sense hasn't changed much," he said talking about the black robe his guardian was wearing, which showed his muscular chest.

"Hey," David said, then he and Luke laughed out loud.

Nearly everyone, except Tim, was confused as to what was going on. "It's nice to see you again Luke."