Chapter 8

"Your Highness!" the people exclaimed when the commotion was over and they realized that their king was lying on the ground half-dead.

Magic circles surround David as he heals himself standing up he slowly heals, then falls back down because his knees and elbows were shot by Luke.

The people gasped seeing their king fall to his knees. The servants ran to help him up.

He grits his teeth angrily and is frustrated. The bullets are preventing him from fully healing himself, if he closes up the wound now, the bullets will still be there and it would hurt even more unless he removes them. "Whoever brings me the head of the one with the butterfly mark shall get five thousand gold coins!" he says, then he coughs out blood because he wasn't done healing and Luke has broken his neck with that second kick.

"Your Majesty!"

Tim was tied up by the woman. They were currently in the same position where he and Luke were found. 'I mean if she was into something this kinky, she should have discussed it with me,' he thought looking at the woman.

A magic circle appears and splits in two vertically.

He watched as three men appeared from the vertical circles. He was quite impressed by this. The first man was a golden-haired male with blue eyes as bright as the sky, he had sharp facial features with a neatly trimmed beard. He is also wearing an iron armor with a cloak, and he is wearing a pair of brown trousers and high boots. He looks like he could be muscular under the armor, plus, he is around six foot four inches.

"Who is this Pat Pat?" he asked, he seemed quite malicious as well.

The second man is a lot leaner, he was wearing a cloak with baggy clothes and he was holding a wooden staff with a glowing blue ball floating on it. He is about five foot eight inches, and he looks a bit cock. He has bright red hair and emerald green eyes and freckles on his face, on his forehead was a bright purple gem.

"Where is the princess?" the third man asked in a monotone voice. He has red eyes with green streaks on it. He has black hair, extremely pale skin, and pointed ears.

The woman turned around to see that the princess indeed wasn't behind her.

The blonde man pinched the bridge of his nose. "Again?" he said in frustration.

The woman looked like she was about to get scolded, but the orange-haired man chuckled, "Don't worry Pat, I know where she is," he said.

Tim just kept quiet and waited for them to come back to him. "And we're going to use him to get the princess back," the orange-haired man said.

Everyone looks at Tim and he smiles nervously. "Hey," he said shyly.

He finds himself floating in the air, he struggles out of instinct. "Okay, okay, let's talk this out," he said. He's currently floated around his height, and he's not a fan.

"We would rather not," the orange-haired man said, and then Tim felt himself becoming unconscious.

"We are going to be facing someone from the same world as that mad man, surely he is as cunning," the blonde man said crossing his arms.

"He also has a silver butterfly at the back of his neck as well," the woman named Pat said.

All of them paused, their faces were quite calm but they were a bit afraid. "I hope the princess is alright," the blonde man said.

"She wouldn't be fine if we don't hurry up," the black-haired man said impatiently. "Riser," he said.

The orange-haired man frowned, closing his eyes. "I've got it, I'm already tracking her location," he said floating and flying forward.

Luke and River were holding their weapons tightly and a rabbit hopped into the cave. "Oh," Luke said letting his guard down.

River too let her guard down. "Aw," she said.

The rabbit hopped past them and Luke turned back to pick up something. He went to the drawer where his most important assets were, that is, his nutrient packs and coffee strips.

"What are those?" the girl asked curiously as Luke unpacked them.

"Nutrient packs and coffee strips," Luke replies. "Nutrient packs keep me alive when there isn't food, coffee strips, and patches..." he said taking out a few square patches and showing it to her. "...they keep me awake, sleep is unnecessary to me, I don't need it, I think it's a waste of time."

"I am kind of hungry," River said touching her stomach.

Luke looks at her blankly. "I'll warn you once, it doesn't taste good, don't complain and whine if you find out you don't like it," he said.

He opens another cupboard where bottles of water are neatly arranged. He takes one and tosses it to her. "Wash it down with that," he said.

"This is water?" she asked.

"Yes," he replies.

"Thank you, she said happily. She looked at the nutrition pack and was confused about how to open it.

She looks at Luke for help and he groans. "You see that top cover?" he said. "Twist it once clockwise pressing it down with a bit of force, add too much force and you can rip off the cap," he said.

River nodded and did as he had instructed and opened it, she tasted it and she indeed didn't like it. She dared not complain though because Luke had warned her once.

However, she didn't hesitate to take the bottled water, she looked at Luke to help her again. "Anti-clockwise, do it until the cover loosens and you can open it," he said.

She did as he said and opened the water.

"So how'd you get here?" she asked.

Luke chuckles. "Have you heard the phrase curiosity killed the cat before?" he asked.

River shivered back in fear. "Do you want to kill me?" she asked, a little afraid.

Luke laughs out loud. "No, no," he said. "Why would you think that?" he said. 

"That's what the foreigner said before he killed my father," she replies sadly, she then begins to cry.

"Don't cry," Luke said, bending down. "I am not evil enough to try to kill a child," he said. "Okay?" he said.

River nodded wiping her tears. "How about this? I answer your questions you answer my question," he said. "I'm quite curious about a few things as well," he said.

River nodded. Luke said, "Okay to answer your initial question," he said. "I'm here because I built a time machine to save my guardian, David, the one trying to kill you, from death, something wrong happened and I ended up here."

She nodded understanding it. "Now, let me ask you a question," he said. "David took over your kingdom, right? Why are you fighting him without an army?"

"We don't have enough people who think that David is slowly poisoning our souls," River replies. "David wants to bring about an era where the Gods no longer reigned over us," she said, "instead we're the ones in control of them."

Luke nodded in understanding. "It looks like he's still living in his delusional dream of becoming god," he mutters. River had heard him muttering.

"He has always been like that?" she asked.

"Is that your next question?" Luke says

River shook her head hurriedly, just as she was about to ask her next question Luke floated up and was pushed to the corner of the wall, hitting his back harshly.