Chapter 10

Thirteen-year-old Luke sat in an ambulance, his white pajamas were covered in blood and were lightly scorched. It was snowing outside, and not too far away was a burning house. The blood on his pajamas was not his, but his body had bruises and burns.

"Do you have an idea what happened?"

"No, the kid refuses to say a word, and it is quite obvious the blood isn't his."

While the police were speaking to each other, Luke looked at them dully and closed his eyes, falling unconscious.

"You are an interesting human, despite being fully aware that you are injured and in immense pain, you still refuse to allow me to heal you," the Demon King said.

Luke ignores him once again as he had done several times. There's always something he has to give during situations like this and what he has to give isn't going to be cheap. He'd rather die from the pain.

It's probably been hours since he arrived in this dreamscape, but before now, he dreamt a bit of his past before he was taken in by David. That was the first time he felt clear-headed, his small little world had expanded.

The Demon King sighed in frustration. "Very stubborn," he said, dissipating into butterflies and the dreamscape shattered.

Luke knew he was going to be waking up soon as he fell into darkness and closed his eyes.

When he opens his eyes he sees River and then Tim. They both looked very relieved to see that he was awake, he sat up in a daze and looked around. It's morning already and he's shirtless.

"Pen and notebook," he said.

"Nope," Tim said strictly, "you are taking a rest and we are not arguing about it," he said.

Luke made a face that said, "Who the f**k do you think you are?"

Tim also gave him a look that said, "And what the h*ll are you going to do about it?"

River looked at the both of them back and forth. "Are you guys friends?" she asked.

"No!" the both of them replied at the same time.

"I'm his therapist," Tim said pointing to him.

"He's a pain in my a-- I mean behind," Luke said pointing back at him.

River tilts her head to the side slightly looking confused. "What's a therapist?" she asked.

"Someone you go to help with your mental health, like when you feel like doing things that aren't particularly healthy for your mind," Tim said explaining to her.

"I didn't want one though," Luke said.

"I was hired by your best friend to help you with your depression, and it was required by the court to get a therapist," Tim said.

"Huh?" Luke said dumbly.

"You did not read the letter sent to you by the court, did you?" Tim said he wasn't even surprised by this.

"Is there something wrong with Luke's mind?" River said in worry.

"He's suicidal, depressed, and is a bit of a psycho," Tim replies.

"I'm not depressed!" Luke exclaimed.

Tim doesn't speak at all. "The court?" River asked. "Why would the court ask you to be his therapist?"

"Probably because they thought I was insane in prison," Luke said. "The guard kept hearing me muttering to myself and writing on the walls of my cell," he said blankly. "My cellmate also requested to be moved away, he begged for a month straight on this."

Tim was surprised by how much Luke had said, he felt like he was saying quite a lot to a girl

"Why would you be sent to prison?" River asked out of curiosity. Her curiosity was going too far and Luke wasn't going to answer, but he found himself answering.

"I was suspected of killing David," he said with a light frown. 

Just as River is about to ask any other questions, Luke stops her by raising his hand. "Did you do something to make me automatically make me answer your questions?" he asked suspiciously.

River was confused genuinely confused by this question. "What?" she said in surprise.

Luke felt uncomfortable immediately and raised his gun pointing to seemingly nowhere. "Come out, I won't repeat it twice," he said aggressively, readying himself to pull the trigger.

"Very sharp for a human," Quincy said as he and the rest of the group slowly appeared.

Luke immediately put the gun down. "You guys--" River was about to complain.

"Don't blame us," Quincy said nonchalantly. "We just don't trust them, especially that Luke guy," he said.

Luke stood up. "I believe you've asked enough questions," he said, then teleported away, appearing in front of the things he had taken. He took a device and put it directly on the ground activating it and a force field with hexagonal patterns on it.

"He's not leaving that place for days," Tim said sighing. He turned to see River scolding them about breaking Luke's trust and how what did was morally wrong, he stood up and walked to them.

"Hello," he said politely to them. Quincy put the same spell on him.

"You will answer our questions," he said.

Tim frowned. "I don't have anything to hide," he said confidently.

Quincy smirked. "We'll see about that," he said.

"Stop it!" River said, there was a huge magical burst pushing everyone back.

"Princess," Pat said in worry.

River was crying. Tim stood up and reached to touch her shoulder to comfort her stopping when he noticed he was being glared at by everyone.

He takes in a deep breath. 'A child being taken care of by children,' he thought, looking at every one of them. "I'm not being paid for this," he mutters and then leaves them alone to sort out whatever is going on between them.

Luke removed the force field walked to where his equipment was and sat down there putting on a pair of goggles, gloves, a lab coat, and a set of pliers, and took out the core, he hummed a song to himself as everything less heavier than him began to float around the core orbiting it. 'In such a short period, it has managed to recharge this much.

'I hope I won't die from this,' he thought as he felt the radiation of the core slowly burning him.

Despite its small size, it is very heavy. It was quite difficult for him to keep carrying it. But this wasn't enough, there was still a lot more energy needed to travel through dimensions. And he has to calculate which world he and Tim are from to actually get there.

According to that demon guy, it seems like hundreds of thousands of worlds and realities.

He sighs. 'I wish I could find a way to actually find a way to look at each of these worlds,' he thought.

He had completely forgotten about everyone else as he wrote his several theories in a book.