Chapter 13

Tim was happy with the amount of stuff he found in the forest. Like wild berries, herbs, and mushrooms. He has a black rabbit following, he had unintended adopted the rabbit. You see, that was meant to be their dinner. But Tim didn't have the heart to kill something that was looking at him with big brown eyes.

When he got the place where he had left Luke he was horrified to see he was covered in blood and next to him were a bunch if weapons, which he had lined up in front of him.

It was like a scene from a horror movie. He walks closer to Luke and sees he was taking nutrients jelly as well.

Luke seems to have been waiting for him to take a step closer when he appeared in front of him with a sword. "Luke it's me," Tim said in fear for his life, after been slightly cut by the sword.

Luke immediately stops. "Oh," he said dropping the sword. "Welcome back."

Tim's knees felt weak, and he fell. "Blood," he said.

"Some of them are mine." That was Luke said and calmly.

"What happened?" Tim said, he wasn't afraid Luke might try to kill him, but still, some of that blood isn't his, they have to belong to someone else.


Luke knew the sword was aiming for his neck, but he didn't move. Fortunately, whoever was planning on killing him missed, but he was visible enough to for Luke to grab his hand and twist it, dislocating his wrist and forcing his enemy to drip the sword.

The sword was quite heavy, it would be difficult to maneuver with this, he runs his thumb across the edge of sword. It was quite sharp as well.

He was lost in his own world completely ignoring the screams of pain from person who he had just dislocated their wrist.

He turned when he heard a sharp whistling sound. The others finally decided to move.

The person who he had dislocated their wrist is no longer where he was screaming in pain.

His eyes became sharp, ignoring the weight of the sword, and dodged the arrow. 

'The only advantage of being nineteen again,' he thought. He might struggle with the weight of this sword if he were twenty two again because he malnourished.

He hears several more arrows coming fast approaching, plus, there was someone else moving. He began to moving, the sword will be his used as defense for now.

He feels a sharp pain on his arm before feeling blood drip and he knew an arrow brushed him.

But he was defending against the arrow for now. He was currently calculating where the person who is jumping around in the trees will jump down to attack him.

"Now!" he says then raises the sword with both arms and swing upwards.

He doesn't see the person when he was striking, but the warm blood on his skin that isn't his and the person dropping to the ground tell him he hadn't miscalculated.

The arrows stopped firing. And he heard a rumbling in the ground, he thought fast and activates the teleportation device on his wrist completely disappearing from sight.

Where he was standing previously, large thorns came out from the ground. 

"Where is he?"

The group of people who were planning on attacking Luke came out.

"Fern you can come out he disappeared like a coward!"

Fern didn't come out.

Luke was holding a guy named Fern, he had knocked him out and tied him up. Luke observed this person, he's no older than fifteen.

He could hear the group's concern, and he thought of an idea.

He appeared in front of the group. Holding the boy in his arms.

He had this sadistic and cold look on his face, the blood made his appearance look even more eerie. "Surrender and I don't kill the boy," he said holding the sword against the boy's neck prepared to slice.

Almost immediately, he saw almost everyone raise their hands in surrender.

He observed everyone of them, they are no older than sixteen.

They are all still young and immature. Obviously not qualified to be bounty hunters, he now feels bad for what he did to the person on the floor, they are probably a teenager too.

"Let him go!" one of them said.

Luke immediately clicked his tongue at them. "No, no," he said coldly. "I call the shots here," he said.

"What do you want?" one of them said. It was a boy with brown hair, freckles, and green eyes. He was holding his right wrist, obviously one Like had dislocated his arm.

"This might be a trick, Evan," a girl said. She has green hair with lime green eyes.

"Drop all your weapons and turn to leave," Luke said.

"And they just did that?" Tim asked in suspicion. 

"No," Luke replies, Tim pinched the bridge of his eyebrow. 

"What did you do to them?"

"I beat reason into their brains and sent them their way away though I think one of them wanted to fight to the death despite two of their friends slowly bleeding to death."

"You're cruel, you ended up slicing the boy's neck?"

"No, the girl who controlled plants," Luke replies, I went after her first when I discovered she was the one who made the thorns come out of the ground," he said coolly, like he hadn't nearly killed six teenagers.

"Couldn't you at least calm them down or something," Tim said in shaking his head.

"I have a bounty of five thousand pieces of gold coins on my head, which is a lot of money that is why I've been nearly killed twice," Luke calmly said.

"But children?" Tim said.

"I only badly injured three of them and I gave them first aid."

"That can't help with anything!" Tim said angrily.

Luke shrugged. "They shouldn't have tried to kill me then," he said.

"I thought you were suicidal," Tim said.

"I don't enjoy the thought of others killing me," Luke replies. "I want to die by my own hands."

"You're even more screwed in the head than I thought."