Chapter 14

"Are you going to keep appearing in my dreams every night?" Luke calmly asks the demon king standing before him.

"This is your last chance before I choose to kill you," the demon king says.

"You know I can just push you out of my mind, right?" Luke replies. "I don't fear the concept of death," he says. "But I want to make a deal with you."

"I don't make deals with humans."

"And I don't do anything without a price," Luke replies calmly. "I don't care if you are king of all demons or gods, you listen to me or get out of my head."

He hears a chuckle. "What do you want?"

"When I die, send my therapist back home," he said. "I don't want to owe anything once I die."

"As you wish."

A month later...

Tim wishes he could travel back in time. He wouldn't have accepted Travis' deal for easy money and he surely wouldn't have gone to Luke's office for their therapy session as an excuse to ask the hot secretary out on a date.

If he hadn't done any of these, he wouldn't be lying injured and in pain regretting his life decisions.

"Nothing's broken, you're being dramatic," Luke said blankly.

"Well, I wouldn't believe my bones were broken if you hadn't decided to toss me across the forest.

Tim was taken hostage by a group of bandits that knew of Luke's bounty. They planned to kill both him and Luke, but they, sure as hell, weren't expecting Luke to heartlessly toss him across the forest like a rag doll, teleport him away midway to safety, and rob them of their beloved possessions.

"Where did you even get that strength from?" he asked, as Luke was counting the jewels and gold he got from the bounty hunters, guild members, and bandits.

"Angel of the demon king, remember?" Luke said nonchalantly.

"I thought you weren't taking his offer?" Tim asked.

"Well, I changed my mind," Luke replies. He separated the diamonds from the rest of the jewels in there.

"What do you plan on doing?" Tim asked. Now that Luke has told him he has made the deal with the king of demons, he has a feeling that he has a mission at hand.

"I have a mission," Luke replies. "I have to rescue the goddess of night from her prison on the moon like some sort of Prince charming."

"Don't you need a rocket for that kind of thing?"

"There's a road to the moon, supposedly. But it is going to be a journey of three, maybe, three and a half, years," Luke says looking at the sky and calculating how long it would take to go across the map, the demon king planted in his memory.

Tim felt like there was something he was missing all of a sudden. "Aren't you going to teleport there?" he asked.

"My device only has a map of this forest because I made it. I need a proper map, not a mental map, of where I am going."

"Anyway," Luke said then handed Tim a bag of coins. "Go and live your life for the next three or so years, don't spend it all in one place."

Tim looks at the bag of coins and then at Luke, who had returned counting and packing up money.

Luke didn't expect him to be punched with the bag of money.

"Ow," he said, his face scrunching up in pain. "What'd you do that for?"

"Did that hurt?" Tim asked mockingly.

Luke glared at him. "Of course, it does what kind of question is that?" he said rubbing the place that was punched.

"I should punch you again," Tim said raising the bag of money.

"You want to go with me?" Luke asked in confusion.

"Of course I do," Tim replies in determination. He was expecting Luke to refuse and probably insult him for being an idiot.

"Okay, I'm not responsible if you end up dying," Luke says nonchalantly. "You'll be my accountant," he commanded.

"Your accountant?" Tim questions.

"I'm probably going to be spending all my money in one bar foolishly," Luke says. "And you are technically useless to me, so why not be my accountant?"


"What do I need a therapist for?" Luke said. "You're a pain in my a**, to be honest."

Tim was annoyed by this. "I'll show you pain in the a**," he mutters.

"Pack up," Luke commanded. "We're going to be moving soon."

"You're packing as well," Tim demanded.

"Do I have to?" Luke said tiredly.

Tim raises the bag of money. "I'll smack you with it again."

"No, you can't," Luke claims.

"I already did so once, don't try me."

Luke groans and begrudgingly does it.

They had two backpacks full of gadgets and food, plus a space ring they were still learning how to use.

"I dislike what I'm wearing," Luke complained while he was carrying the backpack. "Should we try to rob some nobles of their clothes next?" he asked.

"We're not robbing anyone!" Tim exclaimed. "Besides it isn't a good idea travelling around looking easy to rob."

Luke smirked evilly. "No," Tim said warning him.

"That's a good idea."


Luke stuck his tongue out at him playfully. "You aren't my dad," he said jokingly.

"I'm going to age because of you."

"Anyway, let's go," Luke said.