Chapter 17

"We have a hottie on the team," Tim whispered to Luke earning a blank glare from him. "What?" he said defensively. "I'm not lying."

"I never said anything," Luke said calmly, it was now broad daylight. And the damage done the previous night is quite evident. It was even greater than he thought. "How are we still alive?" he said in a daze. When she was hitting them with pure electricity, it was greater than when she was using a whip.

"You have lightning scars," Tim said pointing to his arms.

"I thought they would heal completely," Luke said checking out the scars in his arms. He should have a lot more than this but technology is advanced in all sections including cosmetic surgery. 'It's ugly,' he thought looking at the scar.

The woman returned, she had left to get her things. "Are we leaving now?" she asked.

'I regret asking her to join us,' Luke thought feeling a bit uncomfortable. "No," he said.

"Why not?" she asked cruelly.

"Well you destroyed things I need to fix," Luke replied. "If you have a problem with that you can leave."

The woman sneered at him and sat down folding her arms. "Fix whatever you want to fix now," she commanded.

Luke sat down too, folding his arms and imitating the look on her face, and said, "I don't answer to you."

"I'll kill you!" she threatened as electricity sparked around her.

"Feel free!" Luke replies in the same tone.

"I hate you," she said.

Luke tapped Tim. "Join the line, you are the hundred and second person to say to me," he said carefreely.

"That's messed up," Tim said.

"Is it?" Luke says nonchalantly. "Anyway," he turns to the woman. "You can't just demand something from me and expect me to answer immediately, I made a deal with you to follow not boss me around."

She began tearing up. She got up and stomped away.

"You're harsh," Tim said. "You're lucky she didn't try to kill you."

"I don't like her," Luke said.

Tim was confused about this. "If you don't like her then why did you invite her to join us?"

"She was pretty and it was out of whim, dealing with you is more than enough trouble for me."

Tim looks at him in disbelief. "You're unbelievable, " he said.

"You whistled at her last night and nearly got us roasted, you're even more unbelievable!" Luke argued.

"What does that have to do with this?" Tim said in return.

"I don't know, I just need a point to prove!"

Tim pinched the bridge of his eyebrow. "Okay, okay, I'm not going to argue with you, my mental health can not handle it."

"Some therapist you are," Luke mutters.

"What was that?" Tim said in a threatening tone.

"None of your business," Luke replies, he holds the damaged force field in his hand.

"We have more, why do you want to fix it?" Tim asked.

"It's mine, so I want to fix it. Unless it can not be fixed then I dismantle it and use it for something else."

"Are you done fixing your device, human?" the demoness asked.

Luke, who was tinkering with the damaged force field, looked at her blankly. "Are you blind or are your eyes just for decoration?" he asked.

She huffs at him and sits down watching him intensely making him feel even more uncomfortable.

'Where is Timothy's annoying presence when you need it?' he thought. Tim went to gather some wood for the fire, as well as forage for some food.

"Why are you traveling with a human that is going to hold you back?" she asked talking about Tim.

"Is he bothering you?" Luke asked not looking up.

"No, but he will die--"

"He knows, probably... I don't care, if he does though, then I'm following him to the afterlife."

The demoness looked disgusted. "Are you two lovers?" she asked.

"What?" Luke says looking at her in disbelief and weirded out. "No!" he said defensively. "He's a pain in the neck."

She squints her eyes at him suspiciously making Luke even more uncomfortable.

"Stop staring at me," he said looking back down at what he was doing.

"You are not from this world, are you?" she asks.

"It wasn't exactly a secret," Luke said.

"What's your name?" she asked.

Luke laughs a bit. "Back to basic courtesy," he said in amusement. "Luke Freeman," he said.

"Iya," she said.

Luke raised an eyebrow still not looking at her. "A human name? How ironic," he said. "You're half-human?"

"How'd you--" She sounded surprised this made Luke smirk.

"Just a guess," he said. "Being a half-human demon hybrid, you are not accepted anywhere, that's why you want to become the Demon King's angel," he said.

She was getting angry. "So what do you have a problem with that?" she said.

"I'm right?" Luke said looking up, then laughed smugly to himself holding his chin. "Maybe I should be the therapist. Timothy would be so jealous," he said.

"Maybe you should," Tim said startling him. Iya who had already noticed him simply ignored him. "Hello, my name is Tim," he said.

"Timothy," Luke said.

"My parents named me Tim, so I am Tim!" Tim said in frustration.

"Tim-o-thy," Luke said wanting to frustrate him even more. "Tim is a derivative of Timothy."

Tim looks at him with disbelief. "Are you happy doing this right now?" he asked.

"A bit," Luke replies honestly then returns to tinkering with his device.

Tim turns around to leave and Iya follows him. "When are we going to leave?" she asks him.

He was happy that the hottie on the team was talking to him rather than glaring at him. "I don't know," he replies honestly.

Just as he was about to make a move on her, Iya asked a question, "Why is a useless human like you following him on a dangerous quest?"

Tim scrunched up his face in anger. 'Suddenly she doesn't seem so attractive anymore,' he thought. "I'm following him so he doesn't end up killing himself or getting himself into more trouble," he said. "I'm only succeeding in one of that but I'm still relevant."

"Death is inevitable," Iya said.

"I know," Tim said. "I don't wish for him to kill himself, at least not yet."

"Are you his friend?" she asked, then Tim looked at her feeling weirded out.

"No, he's a pain to deal with."