Chapter 20

Tim was guided to Xaryn's tent by Ean who waited for him.

He entered the tent and was surprised by how big it was. There was a desk in the center and Xaryn was drinking tea peacefully.

"You are here," he said.

"Ean said you wanted to see me, sir?" Tim replies politely.

"Call me Xaryn. And yes, I do," Xaryn replies. "Please sit," he said.

Tim goes to sit down on the pillow opposite Xaryn. "Would you like some tea?"

"Yes, please," Tim replies and Xaryn pours some tea into the cup in front of Tim.

"I have called you here to tell you of the future," he said still pouring him tea. Once it was nearly filled to the brim, he stopped and placed the teapot down.

"I am going to die?" Tim asked almost immediately.

Xaryn pauses. "Your human days are numbered," he said.

Tim pinched the bridge of his nose. "Is there a way to prevent it?" he asked

"I don't know, Gaia is preventing me from looking into your future," Xaryn replies looking at his tea.

"Then how--"

"There are dark wisps of death following you, even though I'm blind I am quite sensitive to people's auras, and from what I can tell death has been following you for quite some time, it is only a matter of time," Xaryn said.

"Does Luke kill himself?" Tim asked.

"No," Xaryn replies.

Tim nodded with a smile. "That's a relief to know," he said. "May I leave now?" he asked.

Xaryn nodded and Tim got up to leave. Once he left, Tim thought to himself, 'He's lying.'

He's surely going to die, but he's not. The only reason why he's sure Xaryn was lying was because of a simple sentence, 'Your human days are numbered.' He would have believed him blindly if he had said, 'Your days are numbered' or 'You are going to die.'

He also realizes something in Xaryn's body language. Despite being calm, he seemed off when talking about the future like he was afraid of what was to come.

He saw Iya coming towards him. "Do you plan on running away?" she asked him.

"You know where I come from it is rude to listen to other people's conversation," he said lightly.

"So you do plan on running away like a coward," she said.

Tim turns to her with a frown. "A pretty face with a cruel mouth," he said. "What a shame. I don't plan on running away, if I wanted to I had the chance to do so before the start of this journey when I saw what people in this world do."

"Moving in the blink of an eye, magic, supernatural abilities, being able to break the ground with a punch. Where I come from, the only thing I had to worry about was Luke not going full psycho on me and murdering me," he said lightly with a laugh.

Iya wasn't interested in what else he had to say and just left in the blink of an eye. He scratched the back of his head and sighed. "Why do I have to be the one who has to die?" he said to himself.


Luke woke up with the worst hangover he's ever felt. His head throbbed so much he thought he was dying.

Tim came into the tent. "Oh you're finally awake," he said. "I almost thought you were never going to wake up."

Luke wasn't in the mood for Tim's snarky talks. "Shut up," he groaned in pain.

"There's a drink for your hangover," Tim said, pointing to the cup behind him.

Luke takes the cup and almost immediately an awful smell overwhelms his senses. He gagged immediately. "Oh my go-- That smells awful!" he says.

Tim folds his arms. "No one asked you to drink like it's your last, don't worry, if you want to throw up there's a bucket beside you," he said.

Luke still refuses to take the drink and Tim says, "If you don't drink it, then I'm going to have to force you, and trust me you won't like it."

"Why don't you drink it first and I drink it," Luke demanded.

"Huh?" Tim said in annoyance. "What are you five?" he said.

"Don't tell me you are afraid of drinking it," Luke said mockingly.

Tim raises an eyebrow at him, takes it from him and he looks at him then at the cup in his hand. He raises it to him and then downs everything in one go. "It tastes like your disgusting nutrient jellies, now stop stalling, fortunately for you, there's an entire jug of this stuff, so you are not dodging this."

Luke felt a bit disgusted that Tim could drink such a disgusting-smelling drink, but he applauded him for doing so, however, his nausea just got worse and he pulled the bucket close to him and vomited in it feeling dizzy immediately after.

"I feel awful," he said touching his head. The headache seemed to have gotten worse and his eyes watered making him look pitiful.

Tim wasted no more time going to get that hangover drink. It worked for him so he doesn't see any reason for it not to work for Luke.

Luke took the drink without any complaints and felt alright almost immediately. "What kind of sorcery is this?" he said in surprise. "Wh-where has this been all my life?" he exclaimed happily. "Imagine how much I could have gotten done instead of nursing a headache for three hours?"

Tim's arms were folded. "Then you would become a full-blown alcoholic," he said.

"Yes, I can drink whiskey and wine, and martinis and fruity cocktails without worrying about the consequences for more than five minutes," Luke said.

"You are unbelievable," Tim said. "I hope I'm not there, you are not a pretty drunk and I would rather not have to deal with you again when you are drunk."

Luke seemed to have paused with his happiness when he heard Tim say that sentence. "What did I do?" he asked.

Tim looks at him blankly. "Well you put me in a chokehold, basically attempted murder, and twice for that matter, I was just trying to carry to bed," he said, his face was blank but his voice was filled with annoyance. "Then you wouldn't stop talking about you not wanting me to die, which I appreciate, and finally, you threw up on the both of us."

Luke seemed to be horrified by the actions of his drunk self. "No, you're lying," he said.

"I don't lie unless I need to," Tim replies watching as Luke's face turns red in embarrassment and he can't help but want to tease him. "Oh is that red I see," he said. "Don't tell me the genius Luke Freeman is embarrassed."

"I'm not embarrassed!" Luke replies covering his face immediately.

"Aw," Tim said. "If only you act like this every time and you would be adorable," he said poking Luke's side.

Luke glares at him and Tim just smiles sweetly at him. "Aw where is that cute embarrassed look?" he said laughing at him.

"Oh, f**k off," Luke said punching his ribs, making him curl up in pain.

"Excuse me, Mr. Freeman?"

"What?" Luke said in annoyance turning around to see Ean.

"Xaryn wants to see you on the message he has for you from Gaia."