Chapter 21

After about an hour of Luke cleaning himself up, he went to see Xaryn. He couldn't bear the thought of going to see a blind oracle with a heightened sense of smell and smell his disgusting self. He'd die of embarrassment.

He enters the tent and sits down opposite Xaryn. "Sorry I'm late," he apologized.

"It's fine," Xaryn replies being nonchalant. He was rather amused by the fact Luke went to clean himself before coming to meet him. "Do you want some tea?" he asked.

"I don't like tea," Luke replies.

"Oh," Xaryn said. "Well then let's begin," he said.

"What does Gaia's message say?" he asked.

"You really should be more respectful to the gods, Luke Freeman," Xaryn said.

Luke laughs a bit. "I know," he said casually. "They could kill me and put me in a situation worse than death," he said in a sarcastic tone.

"You don't fear the punishment of the gods?" Xaryn said, he sounded a bit surprised.

"The worst thing they can do to me is make me immortal," he said honestly. "Any other eternal suffering punishment I can handle as long as I'm no longer living."

"You wish to die," Xaryn said. "And yet it seems like the wisps of death are avoiding you, you are practically immortal at this moment," he said.

Luke simply sighed. 'It seems he's not going to let me die easily, huh?' he thought thinking of the Demon King. "Just tell me Gaia's message so I can be on my way."

"Alright," Xaryn replies. "The heavens are split and a war is about to break out between the gods."

"Why?" Luke asked. "Isn't their peace among the gods at this moment?"

Xaryn shook his head. "No," he said. "There hasn't been peace since Nyx was imprisoned on the moon. Ever since you were chosen as an angel, it was a formal declaration of war from Erebus to the Gods of Light," he said.

Luke could guess the Gods of Light. The Gods of Light are most likely the Olympian Gods and those under them. "Why don't they want Nyx to be released?" he asked.

"Nyx is the oldest and most powerful entity to exist," Xaryn replies.

"It is only natural for them to be afraid of her," Luke said in a low voice. He struggled to remember anything that had to do with Nyx and the primordial entities that existed before the Titans.

He remembered the primordial entities were Nyx, Erebus, Gaia, and Tartarus, he is usually confused by them, but there's one thing he knows well, Nyx was married to Erebus and had a bunch of children with him. Erebus is the Entity of Darkness or God of Darkness, and Erebus is the Demon King. 'Oh my goodness, I'm the angel to a dude who is banging his sister,' he thought feeling weirded out.

"Gaia's message to you is to watch your back, don't stay too close to the light, and don't stray too far into the darkness," he said. "Stay too close to the light and you will suffer eternal punishment, get too close to the dark and you will lose yourself."

'Lose myself, huh?' he thought. 'What could possibly lose myself in?'

He returned to the tent, Tim wasn't there waiting for him. He came across Iya. "Where is Tim?" he asked.

"I don't know" she replies in a monotonous voice.

"Okay," Luke replies then leaves. He searches for Tim all over the camp until he finds him where the women are and they are all laughing at something he said.

Luke wasn't amused by this. "Timothy!" he called him.

Everyone turned to him for a moment and Like took a deep breath. "A moment, please?"

Tim stood up. "Sorry ladies, but my travel companion is calling me," he said apologetically.

"So come back soon," one of them said and Tim turned to wink at them making them giggle.

Luke's face scrunched up in disgust and disbelief. "Are you flirting with twenty women who are older than you?" he said.

Tim smirked. "Are you jealous?" he asked.

"Of course not," Luke replies his voice a bit high-pitched. "I only like smart, brilliant women, none of them are my type," he said folding his arms.

"Right," Tim says raising an eyebrow at him. "So how did your session with Xaryn go? " he asked as they walked away.

"Quite well."

Tim waited for him to say something else, but there was nothing else. "Did he not tell you anything?"

"He did, why do you want to know?" Luke asked folding his arms.

"Just curious," Tim replies casually. "It's fine if you don't want to tell me."

Luke pouts. Why was he hoping for Tim to beg? "Well if you want to know so bad..." he said.

"So the gods are going to have a war because of you?" Tim said.

"If you say it like that, it makes it sound like I'm some sort of a marriage candidate everyone wants," Luke said folding his arms. "The war has been on standby for a while, but it seems my presence as the Angel of Darkness proved to be a catalyst in this situation," he said then sighed. "If I knew there was going to be a war and I wouldn't have accepted the deal, I'm sure you would be able to find a life here or something."

"Luke, I have a question to ask, may I?" Tim said.

Luke was suspicious. 'What's with this formal way of talking?' he thought. "What is it?" he said.

"Why do you want to die so badly?" Tim asked. "Trevor said you weren't the way you were before you went to prison so why are you like this?"

Luke laughed. "I've always been like that," he said. "The only reason why I wasn't as suicidal as I am is because David punished me by deleting a few photos I hold so dear."

Tim was shocked. Luke opened up to him without a medium. He smiled cheekily. "Why are you smiling like that?" Luke asked pointing to his face with disgust.

"Like what?" Tim asked still smiling.

'His smile is handsome,' Luke thought scrunching up his nose a bit. 'It's no wonder women fall for it.'

"You know what never mind. When are we returning on our journey?" Luke asked.

"I don't know, do you want to return to it as soon as possible?" Tim asked.

"Yes, the earlier the better, unless you want to wait a little longer than three and a half years?"

Tim shrugged. "Okay, then we leave the day after tomorrow?" he asked.

"Why not tomorrow?"

Tim scratches the back of his head. "Well I have to say goodbye to all of the friends I made here," he said. 

Luke rolls his eyes. "Whatever," he said leaving Tim alone. "You're lucky we hid all of our stuff before entering the city."


"Captain Zoey, we were sent by Commander Hamma."

Before Zoey were a group of three. "I thought the Commander would send more," she said.

"Don't worry Captain, we are all that is needed to capture the Angel of Darkness and bring his head to our king."

Xaryn woke up from his nap with a startle. "They've already arrived."