Chapter 22

Two days later...

Tim was still saying goodbye to all of his friends and collecting gifts from them. "We are leaving today because he said he needed time to say goodbye to all his friends," he mutters angrily. He taps his feet impatiently as they wait for Tim to come to them.

He was wearing a storage ring as well. "Sorry for delaying," he said scratching the back of his head.

Luke didn't want to get angry, he wasn't going to waste his energy on that. 'Did you befriend everyone in the camp or something?' he thought with a weird feeling in his heart. "Thought you were going spend the rest of your life here," he said sarcastically.

"Let's just go," Tim said.

Ean was going to lead them out of the cave and had been waiting patiently for them to be ready.

He led them out of the cave. "We'll find our way from here," Luke said. "Thank you for leading us out."

"You're welcome, may the gods be with you," Ean said waving to them as they left.

Luke wanted to laugh at this but held himself and said nothing, after all, Xaryn said to respect the gods.

Ean disappeared before Luke could decide to turn back around to ask a question. "Gone so fast," he said.

"Let's go!" Tim shouts.


"Do you feel like someone is following us?" Luke asked halfway to their location.

"It feels like the same eyes watching us during our time in that underground camp," Iya said, electricity crackling around her as she prepared herself to attack.

Luke held his hand up, indicating that she shouldn't do anything yet.

"I'm going to be nice, come out or be fried," he said.

"That's lame," Tim said.

"Shut up."

When no one came out, Luke dropped his hand. "Fry them," he said.

"Hold on!" A cloaked man came out of the bushes. 

"A creepy old man?" Luke said in confusion before shaking it off. This person has been watching them since they entered the underground camp. "What do you want? Speak before I ask my travel companion to zap you."

"I know you," Tim said pointing at him. "You are Xaryn's younger brother, the creepy one everyone in the village avoids."

The creepy cloaked man laughed. "So you know who I am," he said proudly.

"It's hard to ignore the creepy tent with skulls around it and a creepy old man sitting in front of it," Tim started the obvious.

'This man is dangerous,' Iya thought squinting her eyes at him. 'He's oozing with darkness.'

"Are you a dark elf?" she asked.

"Great guessing, I am," the cloaked man said. "The name is--"

Before he could say his name. Iya attacked him luckily he set up a shield to deflect the attack. "Young demoness, weren't you taught that it's rude to attack while your elders are speaking?"

"Iya what are you doing?" Tim asked.

"He can't be trusted," she said.

"And neither can you," Luke said. "He's stronger than all of us, so if he wanted to kill us he would have," he said. "What do you want?"

"I'm bored so I want to follow you," he said nonchalantly. 

'Right, bored,' Tim thought observing this cloaked man. 'He wants something else.'

"Do we need to feed you?" Luke asked. "Or spend money on you?"

"Not at all," the cloaked man replies chuckling a bit.

Luke seemed to be thinking. 'He also knows how to fight so if he does it's not on my head,' he thought then shrugged. "Do whatever you want just don't cause us any trouble," he said.

Iya and Tim turned to him in shock. "You can't be serious," Iya said in disbelief.

"He's more powerful than all of us, he's basically a free bodyguard," Luke said. "I don't take along people I don't think are useful to me, although Tim is an exception to that."

"Gee thanks a lot," Tim said sarcastically.

Luke ignores him and asks. "What's your name?"


"Okay, let's go," Luke replies turning to leave.

Tim pinches the bridge of his nose. "For a genius, you are quite stupid," he said.

"I was taught to keep people who are valuable to your cause and ditch them when they are no longer useful, that's why I successfully managed David's company."

"Did David teach you that?" Tim asked.

"Yes," Luke replies.

'David was most definitely not a good parent,' Tim thought dumbfounded.

It suddenly became foggy. 'Fog in the afternoon?' Luke thought. He then notices that neither Tim, Iya nor their newest companion are close to him or behind him. "Guys!" he called out for them but got no response.

He became lightheaded and became unconscious.


Tim was also confused as to why there was a fog all of a sudden, but it soon cleared up and Luke was missing.

Myrin smiled under his cloak. "It seems the Angel of Darkness has been kidnapped," he said lightly.

"S**t," Tim said pushing his hair back. 'Why did this have to happen now?' he thought.


Luke woke up chained down in a dark dungeon without any windows and it smelled disgustingly moist.

He hears the dungeon doors open and sees a woman carrying a fire torch. "Hello pretty lady," he said nonchalantly with a bored smile on his face. "Did you kidnap me?"

"His Majesty wants to speak to you," she said coldly.

She put down what seemed to be a talisman and a hologram of David appeared. "Hello Luke," he said smiling.

Luke looked at him blankly in reply then turned his head to the side. "I'm not talking to you," he said huffing. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Nothing much, just the location of where you are going," David said.

Luke turns to him and laughs coldly. "I have been fighting for my life for the past month and a half because you put a f**king bounty on my head and you expect me to speak," he said in a monotone voice. "David you are a certified genius, act like it."

"Your tongue is still as sharp as ever," David said laughing lightly. "Although I was hoping you'd speak, but I guess you give me no other choice."

Luke laughs haughtily. "Give me your best shot."