Chapter 48: This Venerable One’s Old Dragon

Mo Ran couldn't help but agree with him.

His master was right.

Mo Ran initially thought that he was hallucinating when he sensed a weak aura from the fake Gouchen. However, since Chu Wanning also sensed it, the possibility of it being a hallucination was very slim.

It was the aura of a corpse.

Not only was this fake Gouchen Shanggong not the real person, he wasn't even a living person!

In other words, the mastermind only took a corpse and used it as a puppet to disguise himself as the God of Weapons.

He didn't even show himself.

While he was thinking, a low chuckle suddenly came from Jin Chengchi's direction.

Immediately after that, a pale body soared out of the water like an arrow. The fake Gouchen Shanggong leaped into the air, but his appearance and behavior were extremely terrifying. His skin was all wrinkled together like a snake shedding its skin or a silkworm breaking out of its cocoon.

"Wanye Yuheng, Venerable Northern Dipper.

Grandmaster Chu, you really live up to your name. "

The fake Gouchen hovered above the sparkling lake. His peeling face seemed to have twisted into an almost twisted smile.


"For someone like you, how come the Confucian Wind Sect didn't manage to keep you here?"

Chu Wanning said coldly, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am," the fake Gouchen said. "I won't let you know who I am.

Just treat me as someone who should have died long ago. I crawled out of hell and am here to take revenge on you gentlemen! "

Wangyue said coldly, "Shameless!

The Heart-Plucking Willow has been destroyed. With your spiritual power, you can't use the forbidden technique without the power of the divine tree. You can't do anything evil! "


The fake Gouchen sneered. "You old loach, you're about to die, but you still want to ruin my plans.

You don't have the right to speak here.

Get lost! "

Chu Wanning suddenly said, "Do you have the right to speak just because you have a white piece?"

The so-called "white piece", as the name suggested, referred to the most unique piece in the exquisite chess game.


When the caster found a newly dead body and poured a part of their soul into the body, that part of the soul would fuse with the body, forming a "white chess piece" that was as white as jade.

"White Chess" was different from the "Black Chess" who only followed orders. In other words, the White Chess was actually a substitute for the caster. Other than not having as much mana as the caster, they could think and act on their own. What they saw and heard could also be empathized with the caster.

After the identity of the fake North Pole Chen was exposed, he clapped his hands and laughed, "Good, good!

Good!! "

After the three 'good's, the fake Gouchen's face became more and more distorted. It seemed that the magic of the real Gouchen was about to run out, and it could no longer maintain the movement of the white chess piece. Gradually, the original form of the corpse was revealed.

"Chu Wanning, don't be so full of yourself.

Do you think you can stop me today?

Even if the Heart Plucking Willow was destroyed, my main body could still find another source of spiritual energy.

You, on the other hand. "

As he spoke, his gradually cloudy eyes suddenly swept past Chu Wanning with ill intentions and landed on Mo Ran.

He was suddenly shocked!

The fake North Pole Chen said mockingly, "If you think I'm the only one in this world who knows the Three Great Forbidden Techniques, then I'm afraid you won't be able to live for long."


Chu Wanning frowned and said sternly, "What do you mean by that?"


However, the fake North Pole Chen suddenly stopped talking. After a moment of silence, his body suddenly exploded, scattering into smelly fragments. A white chess piece that was as white as jade burst out from his body and spun a few times against the light before falling into the fine waves of the Jincheng Pool.

It seemed that the main body of the fake North Pole Chen had finally run out of spiritual energy after losing the support of the Heart Plucking Willow.

At the same time, Wangyue, who was also relying on the spiritual energy of the Heart Plucking Willow to survive, staggered two steps and fell to the ground with a thump. She said softly, "Ah …"

Xue Meng said in shock, "Wangyue!"

Mo Ran also said, "Wangyue!"

The four of them came to Lao Jiao's side. Wangyue was already at the end of his life, and his lips were pale.

He looked at them, and his throat was as hoarse as a crow's.


"All of you … Don't … Don't believe that person's nonsense.

The things he said were all lies, far more lies than the truth … "

Shi Mei's brows were filled with concern and sorrow. He said gently, "Senior, don't talk anymore. Let me heal you."

"No, no need.

Even your master couldn't do it … You … You … "Wangyue coughed violently a few times, then gasped for breath and said," All these years, many people have come to the Jincheng Pool to ask for swords.

However … Since Xie entered the pool, the Heart Plucking Willow was unwilling to let the divine item left behind by its master be used by him, so it destroyed tens of thousands of weapons.

The only thing left … is … is a willow vine that's on par with it, a … a High God's sword … "

When this was mentioned, Xue Meng's expression became even more gloomy. He pursed his lips and remained silent.

"The willow vine … The willow vine belongs to this little Daoist," Wangyue looked at Mo Ran, "When we were by the lake, I told you that I couldn't stop you from doing evil in the past.



I only hope that you will be kind in the future … But actually … Actually, according to the master's wishes, the Divine Martial Sword should only be given to a kind-hearted person.

So, I hope that you can … You can … "

Mo Ran saw that he was already struggling to speak, so he stopped him and said, "Senior, don't worry, I understand."

Flood Dragon Person muttered, "That's good … That's good … Then I … I'm relieved …"

He looked up at the sky, and his lips trembled slightly.

"People say that when the Jincheng Pool asks for swords, the underwater demons will … will make some requests.

Those requests in the past, most of them … were to test the character of the person who came, but there are exceptions … "

Wangyue's voice gradually weakened, and there seemed to be thousands of years in his eyes, passing through the water and withering away.

"I followed the master's promise, and after he left, I guarded the Jincheng Lake and couldn't leave … But I didn't expect that I would guard it for millions of years … The scenery I saw when I was young … For the rest of my life … I actually … actually never saw … with my own eyes …"

He slowly turned his head and looked at Mo Ran with pleading eyes. There was a warm and moist luster in his old eyes.

At that moment, Mo Ran suddenly knew what he was going to say.

As expected, Wangyue said softly, "Little Daoist, the plum blossoms on the mountainside are always bright. When I was young, I liked them very much. Since you have the Divine Martial Sword, are you willing … Are you willing …"


Mo Ran was just about to say, "Okay, I'll go get it for you."

But before he could even say 'good', the light in the Moongazer Serpent's golden brown eyes suddenly extinguished.

Jiangnan has nothing, but it's a gift of spring.

The snow mountain in the distance was majestic, and the surface of the lake was dazzling with golden light. The red light of the rising sun spread into the lake, and in the surging waves, it shattered into bits of bright red.

Wangyue returned to silence.


He was once one of the first giant dragons during the creation of the world. He was once world-shaking and could summon the wind and rain. He was also once subservient and traveled with his master.

Everyone said that he had a curse on him, and he couldn't betray his master.

But they didn't know that he respected the North Star and kept his promise for thousands of years.

In the vast world, there were only a few living beings who remembered the creation of the world.

Wangyue knew that although the real North Star's Upper Palace was a mixed-blood of the devil race, his mother was forced by the Demon Lord.

The North Star hated the devil race, so he became Fuxi's subordinate. He also used his domineering devil blood to forge the first sharp sword in the world for Fuxi.

He helped Fuxi eliminate the devil race and swept the nine continents.

However, after the world was unified, Fuxi had doubts about the North Star's Upper Palace because of his half devil blood.

The North Star's Upper Palace wasn't stupid. A hundred years later, he voluntarily left the God Realm and came to the mortal world.

Along the way, he saw the suffering of living beings and the killing of weapons. He felt that he shouldn't have created the "sword" and regretted a lot.


Therefore, he collected the weapons that he left behind in the mortal world and sealed them in the Jin Cheng Lake's armory. He planted the Heart-Picking Willow and told the living beings in the lake that those who sought the sword must have a kind heart to be worthy of possessing the Divine Martial Skill.

But now, the North Star was no more, and Wangyue had passed away.

There was no more Divine Martial Skill or Flood Dragon Person under the Jin Cheng Lake. All of the sins, regrets, distortions, and stubbornness disappeared like the Heart-Picking Willow.

For a moment, nobody said anything. In the midst of the heavy snow, the four bright red words on the stone tablet next to the Jincheng Pond were still the same as when they first saw them. The surface of the water was peaceful and tranquil. No one could tell that there had been a catastrophe or suffering under the water.

It was just like when they first climbed up Xuying Peak, they didn't know what kind of bloody story was behind the "Journey to Nowhere".

Mo Ran looked at the sky. Above the cliff, a lone eagle flew by in the snow.

He suddenly remembered that in his previous life, Wangyue gave him the Mo Sword. That Mo Sword was very powerful, but in this life, the Mo Sword he saw was just a fake. The real sword that belonged to him had probably self-destructed in the Heart-Picking Willow. He didn't have the chance to see it again in this life.


After a while, he remembered something inexplicably.

Back then, he came to the Jin Cheng Lake to seek the sword.

That day, Wangyue floated to the water surface. His golden eyes looked at him gently and kindly. Then, he said to him.

— —

"The plum blossoms on the mountainside are blooming beautifully. Can you pluck one and give it to me?"

Mo Ran closed his eyes and gently covered his eyelids with his arm.


In his previous life, he didn't know what was going on and actually thought that what Wangyue asked for was nothing more than flattery …

It was many days later when they returned to the peak of life and death.

Chu Wanning's shoulder was badly injured, and the three youths were also mentally and physically exhausted. Therefore, they rested for many days in Dai City before returning to Shu.

Xue Meng didn't tell Xue Zhengyong and Madam Wang about the sword. For someone as proud as him, whether his parents were disappointed or comforted him, it was like adding salt to a knife's edge.

Chu Wanning saw this and couldn't bear to see Xue Meng like this. Therefore, he buried himself in the scroll all day long, hoping to find another way to get another Divine Weapon for Xue Meng.

Or perhaps, is there any other way in the world that can allow a mortal to fight against a Divine Weapon?

Apart from that, who was that fake North Star? Where was his real body now?

What was the meaning behind the last words of the fake North Pole's' white piece 'before it self-destructed?

There were too many things to worry about. In the Red Lotus Pavilion's library, the candlelight shone day and night. The copper pot leaked, and the complicated bamboo slips were spread all over the floor. In the depths of the scroll was Chu Wanning's slightly tired face.

"Yuheng, your shoulder is injured to this extent. Don't take any chances."

Xue Zhengyong held a cup of hot tea and sat beside him, nagging, "Elder Tanlang is skilled in medicine. When you have time, ask him to take a look at you."


"It's fine. It's already starting to heal."

Xue Zhengyong clicked his tongue. "No, no. Look at you. You haven't looked good since you came back.

Nine out of ten people who see you say you look like you're going to faint at any moment.

I think there's something wrong with your wound. Maybe there's poison or something. You should be more careful. "

Chu Wanning looked up. "I look like I'm going to faint?" He paused and sneered. "Who said that?"

Xue Zhengyong was speechless.

"Aiya, Yuheng, don't always think that you're made of iron and others are made of paper."

Chu Wanning said, "I know what I'm doing."

Xue Zhengyong muttered under his breath. From the shape of his mouth, it seemed like he was saying, "What do you know?"

Fortunately, Chu Wanning was focused on reading and did not see his little action.

After chatting for a while, Xue Zhengyong saw that it was late. He stood up and prepared to go back to accompany his wife. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind Chu Wanning, "Yuheng, you should rest early.

If Meng 'er finds out about you like this, he'll die of guilt. "

Chu Wanning didn't pay any attention to him.

Xue Zhengyong was rebuffed and was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and left.

After Chu Wanning drank the medicine, he returned to the table and continued to read the scrolls. When he saw that he was faintly dizzy, he held his forehead and felt slightly disgusted.

However, this disgust was fleeting. Chu Wanning only thought that he was tired and did not care.

When it was late at night, he finally felt drowsy and fell asleep with a frown.


His wide sleeves were piled on top of a mountain of scrolls. On his knees was a scroll of bamboo slips that he had not finished reading. The edges of his robe were withered like waves.

That night, he had a dream.

Unlike ordinary dreams, this dream was vivid and real.

He stood in the Dan Xin Palace, which was at the peak of life and death. However, this Dan Xin Palace was different from what he knew. Many details of the furnishings were different. Before he could take a closer look, the door of the palace suddenly opened and a dark red curtain fluttered.

Someone walked in.


The person was handsome and his eyes were dark and purple. Although he looked like a young man, when he curled up the corners of his mouth, he looked a little childish.

"Mo Ran?"

Chu Wanning stood up and was about to walk over when he found that his ankles were shackled by four iron chains with spiritual power. They bound him and prevented him from moving.

After the shock, Chu Wanning was furious. He stared at the chains on his ankles in disbelief. For a moment, his face was distorted with anger and he was speechless. After a long time, he raised his head and said sternly, "Mo Weiyu, are you rebelling?

Untie me! "

However, the person did not seem to hear him. With a lazy smile on his face and deep dimples, he walked over and pinched his chin.