Chapter 49: This Venerable One’s Shizun Is Always So Mad

Chu Wanning's astonishment was completely indescribable. He opened his eyes wide, looking at the Mo Ran in his dream as if he was looking at a ghost.

Mo Weiyu, who had already grown up, was very handsome. His shoulders were very wide, his legs were long, and he was even half a head taller than him.


When he lowered his eyes to look at him, there was some playfulness and ridicule in the corners of his eyes.

"My good Shizun, you really should see what you look like now."

His fingertips slid down Chu Wanning's cheeks and stopped by his ears, his eyes filled with frost.

After a few moments of silence, he coldly snorted, and then suddenly leaned forward. A soft and hot feeling swept over him, and he sucked on Chu Wanning's lips.

Caught off guard, Chu Wanning's mind exploded, as if a string ….. snapped …..

Mo Ran was kissing him.

His breath was invading him, wet, anxious, full of filthy and sinful desires.

Their lips and teeth violently entangled, and waves rolled in his chest.


Chu Wanning was almost in a daze, his phoenix eyes wide open. His mind was filled with anger and confusion, but in the dream, it was as if he had lost his spiritual power, and even ordinary strength was difficult to gather. He was simply unable to break free from Mo Ran's grip, and was firmly imprisoned in the other's arms.

For some reason, the Mo Ran in his dream was completely different from the one he was familiar with.

There was no longer the submissive and obedient attitude of the past, but instead, there was an aggressive and imposing manner.

He could even clearly feel Mo Ran's hot breath, rapid and deep.

The boiling beast desire was like magma, wanting to melt his flesh and bones into water.

Chu Wanning was so angry that his face turned green, and he wanted to vomit blood.


He could not imagine that he would be suppressed by Mo Ran without any strength to resist. What made it even more difficult for him to accept was that in this crazy and wet kiss, he actually felt his abdomen heat up, and his fingertips go soft.

He was trembling in his arms. Mo Ran's chest was so hot that it felt like he was going to melt and drown him. He wanted to struggle, but he didn't have the strength.



When the kiss ended, Chu Wanning's legs were weak. Mo Ran hugged him and turned his face to the back of his ear.

Hot and moist breaths landed on his neck as he panted.

Then he heard Mo Ran say, "Didn't you want to discuss terms with Ben?"

Mo Ran's voice was very hoarse, so hoarse that Chu Wanning felt like he was a stranger.

Chu Wanning lowered his eyes and saw his Adam's apple move. It was a swallowing motion that he was trying to hold back.

"You have no other value to me, so let's use the last thing you have left to negotiate."

Chu Wanning's voice was also hoarse. He didn't know if it was because of desire or anger. He said in a low voice, "What … …"

Mo Ran forced him to the wall, then suddenly raised his hand and fiercely pushed against the wall. He fiercely grabbed one of Chu Wanning's chained wrists.

He didn't have any evil intentions, but he also didn't have any sexual desire as he lowered his head and sucked on his earring.

Chu Wanning instantly began to tremble violently, and a terrifying numbness spread from his tailbone to his scalp.

Mo Ran's voice was low, and his breathing was very turbid and very heavy.

"If you let me do it once, I'll agree to your request."

Chu Wanning suddenly opened his eyes wide. His eyes were wet with lust, but more than that, they were filled with disbelief.

Mo Ran's other hand was already touching his waist, and his lips were rubbing against the side of his neck. His tone was gentle, but his words were vicious.


"But since I hate Shizun so much, I don't think I have much interest in Shizun's body.

If I want to have fun, I'll have to trouble you to cooperate. "

Mo Ran paused, then continued to touch his waist, hugging him even tighter.


"So, think carefully. If you're willing, you'll kneel down and lick me properly. Once I'm comfortable, you'll lie on the bed and beg me to f * ck you."

"… …"

Chu Wanning was about to go crazy.

Elder Yu Heng was prideful, pure, and cold. He didn't touch men, didn't get close to women, didn't look at erotic pictures, didn't listen to erotic songs, and was honest, chaste, and aloof.

To put it simply, he knew very little about matters of the heart.

So he was very unfortunate. Although he was angry, he could only throw away his helmet and armor in front of this intense and unfamiliar feeling. He was utterly defeated.

After Mo Ran finished speaking, he waited for a moment.

Seeing that he didn't respond, he scolded in a low voice, but he couldn't help but start to kiss him. After kissing his lips enough, he withdrew his wet tongue from his mouth, bringing with it a trace of sparkling. Then, he fiercely bit his neck, licking and kissing his neck and ears.


What made Chu Wanning's scalp go numb was that Mo Ran's hand started to violently tear at his robe. As he tore, he muttered, "What are you pretending to be a gentleman for!

What are you pretending to be a saint for! "

When he looked up at him, his gaze was blazing and crazy. The corners of his eyes were suffused with a strange light, as if the hatred that had been accumulating for a long time had finally been vented.

It was also like the boiling lava of lust under the rock stratum, after a long period of forbearance, it gushed out wantonly.

Chu Wanning seemed to be fiercely scalded by his wolf-like gaze. He wanted to look away, but Mo Ran saw through his thoughts and pinched his face.

"Look at me."

His hoarse voice was boiling hot and slightly trembling. It was unknown whether it was because of excitement or something else.

It sounded like the hunger of a wild beast pouncing on its prey.

"I told you to look at me!"


Chu Wanning trembled and closed his eyes.

This dream was really too absurd …


The voice by his ear suddenly became gentle and soft. It was a familiar tone. "Shizun, wake up."

In his blurred state, Chu Wanning saw Mo Ran's face right in front of him. Immediately, without thinking, he slapped him accurately and fiercely. With a 'pa' sound, it landed solidly on the other's cheek.

Mo Ran was caught off guard and was hit head-on. "Ah!" He opened his eyes wide. "Shizun, why are you randomly hitting people?"

"… … …"

Chu Wanning sat up. His pair of phoenix-like eyes were raised. The corners of his eyes were filled with anger and shock.

His body was still slightly trembling. The dream and reality intertwined, driving him crazy.

"Shizun … …"

"Don't come over!"

Chu Wanning lowered his sword-like eyebrows and sternly shouted. His extreme reaction gave Mo Ran a fright.

After a while, he cautiously asked, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Nightmare … …

Yes, it was a dream … … It was just a dream.

Chu Wanning stared at the person in front of him in a daze. After a long while, he gradually came back to his senses.

He was still lying in the library of the Red Lotus Pavilion. The Dan Xin Palace and the young Mo Ran had disappeared together. What was left in front of him was only that young and childish face.


"… … Yes, in my dream … … I really hit people."

After finally waking up, Chu Wanning paused for a moment to tidy up his expression. With his slender fingers that were still slightly trembling, he pretended to be serious and said while suppressing the heat and uneasiness that had not yet dissipated.

Mo Ran rubbed his still red cheeks and gasped. "What nightmare did you have, Shizun?

You hit so hard … … "

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Chu Wanning's face. He pursed his lips and turned away half of his handsome face. He was cold and aloof and did not speak.

His face was expressionless, but his heart was in turmoil. He felt that his self-esteem was about to shatter. He actually had such an absurd dream. Such filthy and shameless words. He was simply unworthy of being a teacher.


What made him collapse even more was that his body actually failed to live up to expectations and reacted to such a humiliating dream … …

Fortunately, his robe was loose and elegant, so others could not see it.

However, Chu Wanning held his forehead. His face was still as black as the bottom of a pot.

He naturally could not vent his anger on Mo Ran in his dream, but this person in front of him who had delivered himself to him was still okay.

Thus, he slanted his eyes and asked in an angry voice, "You broke into my bedroom in the middle of the night. Do you think the Red Lotus Pavilion is your home?

Do you think you are Elder Yu Heng? "

"… …"

First, he was inexplicably slapped in the face. Then, he was scolded. Mo Ran felt wronged and whispered, "Why are you throwing a tantrum again … …"

Chu Wanning's sword-like eyebrows shot up in anger. "I'm not throwing a tantrum. I'm going to sleep. Get out!"

Mo Ran said, "But Shizun, it's already morning."

Chu Wanning: "…"


"If we hadn't waited at the Good and Evil Stage for so long without seeing Master, I wouldn't have dared to come to the Red Lotus Pavilion to look for you."

Chu Wan: "…"

The windows of the library were closed. He pushed open the window and saw that the sun was already up in the sky. Birds were chirping and insects were chirping.

Chu Wanning's expression turned even uglier.

It looked like he could summon the Heavenly Inquisition at any time.

He actually had a wet dream until it was seven in the morning. If Mo Ran hadn't come to call him, he might have continued. This realization made the veins on Chu Wanning's forehead bulge, and his knuckles turn jade white as he pinched the window frame.


It should be known that Chu Wanning's mental cultivation method had always been good at suppressing desires. Before this, he had never even had any erotic thoughts, let alone wet dreams.

Chu Wanning was like a wooden man in this way, stupid and stiff. He had cultivated his mental cultivation method to perfection and cut off all desires. When he had nothing else to do, he liked to despise this pair of lovers fooling around and despise that pair of Taoist companions practicing Dual Cultivation. In the end, he was proud of himself and thought that he was particularly virtuous.

Who would have thought that he would stumble and fall …

And fall in the hands of his own little disciple.

The wise, noble, and elegant Master Chu didn't dare to look at Mo Ran anymore. He angrily said, "Come with me to the Good and Evil Stage for morning practice!" He flicked his sleeves and left.

Xue Meng and Shi Mei had been waiting for a long time. When Chu Wanning arrived, they were sitting under the shade of a tree and talking.

Shi Mei was very anxious. "Shizun is never late. What's going on today?

It's already so late, but we still haven't seen his shadow. "

Xue Meng was even more anxious. "Didn't Mo Ran go to find Shizun?

He hasn't come back after so long. If I had known, I would have gone with him.

Shizun isn't sick, is he? "


Shi Mei said, "I saw that the wound on Shizun's shoulder was very serious. Although he has been recuperating, his bones are weak. It's actually hard to say …"

When Xue Meng heard this, he became even more restless. He suddenly stood up. "No need to wait. Mo Ran, that unreliable dog, I'll go and see for myself!"

When he turned around, he saw Chu Wanning striding over, his white robes fluttering in the wind.

The two people under the tree said together, "Shizun!"

Chu Wanning said, "I was delayed by some matters.

Today, I'll take you to practice martial arts. Let's go. "

While Chu Wanning wasn't paying attention, Shi Mei quietly asked Mo Ran, who was following behind him, "Shizun, are you okay?

What's delayed you? "

Mo Ran rolled his eyes. "I overslept."


"Shh, pretend you don't know."

Mo Ran rubbed his cheek. The slap from before still hurt. He didn't want to be slapped by Chu Wanning for no reason.

Shi Mei's eyelashes fluttered. "Why is your left cheek red?"

Mo Ran whispered, "If you keep asking, my right cheek will turn red too. Don't ask anymore. Let's go."

The three people went to the training field. Chu Wanning let Mo Ran and Shi Mei practice on their own, leaving Xue Meng alone.

Chu Wanning said, "Sit down."

Although Xue Meng didn't understand why, he had always followed his Shizun's instructions. He immediately sat down.


Chu Wanning also sat down in front of him. He said to him, "The Sword Conference of Holy Mountain is in three years. What are your plans?"

Xue Meng lowered his eyes. After a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll win first place."

If Chu Wanning had asked him this before the trip to Jincheng Lake, Xue Meng would have answered proudly.

But at this time, when he said this, he couldn't let go of his pride and stubbornly held on.

It wasn't that he didn't know his place, but he really didn't want to give up the title of "God's Favored Child".

After saying "win first place," Xue Meng felt anxious. He stole a glance at Chu Wanning.

But Chu Wanning only glanced at him. He didn't mock or question him.

He simply said one word.


Xue Meng's eyes suddenly lit up. "Shizun, do you think — do you think I can … I …" He was so excited that he couldn't speak properly.

Chu Wanning said, "Under my tutelage, there is no disciple who gives up before a fight."

"Shizun …"

"Those who participate in the Sword Conference of Holy Mountain are all outstanding youths of various sects.

Those who don't have Divine Martial Skills naturally won't be your match. You don't have to be afraid of those who have Divine Martial Skills. "

Chu Wanning said, "Divine Martial Skills can't be controlled overnight. Although your Saber Longcheng is slightly inferior, it's still a top-grade weapon that can be forged in the mortal world.

If you practice diligently these three years and make good use of it, it's not impossible for you to win first place. "

Everyone knew that Grandmaster Chu had a keen eye for martial arts and was quite insightful.


He was also a sentimental person who would never tell white lies to motivate others. So when Xue Meng heard his words, he immediately felt excited.

"Shizun, are you speaking the truth?"

Chu Wanning narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "Xue Meng, how old are you?

I don't even coax people who are over five years old. "

When he said this, Xue Meng was a bit embarrassed. He rubbed his nose and laughed.

Chu Wanning said again, "Victory and defeat are unpredictable, but pride is not to be underestimated. Work hard. As for the result, you don't have to force it."

Xue Meng said, "Yes!"

After comforting Xue Meng, Chu Wanning went to the ling power wooden dummies behind the practice field. In order to prevent the disciples from accidentally injuring others when striking the wooden dummies, this place was built in a remote area. One had to pass through a long corridor and turn a corner to reach the pile of dummies.

Shi Mei and Mo Ran had their backs to him and were talking. They weren't too far away and he could hear them.

"You …" Chu Wanning was about to call them over, but the scene in front of him made him stop abruptly.