Chapter 78: This Venerable One's Shizun Has A Nightmare

That night, Chu Wanning and Mo Ran shared a room. Mo Ran was heartless and quickly fell asleep on the ground. Chu Wanning, on the other hand, could not help but feel his mind drifting. After tossing and turning for a long time, he finally managed to fall asleep.

Closing his eyes, he seemed to hear the whistling of wind blowing snow in his ears.


Chu Wanning opened his eyes and found himself kneeling in the snow.

… A dream?

But why did it feel so real? It was as if he had experienced it himself at some point in time.

It was the middle of winter. The sky was gray and the clouds were heavy. The cold wind flowed from the distant mountains all the way to the heart of the earth.

The snow had accumulated about a foot, enough to reach his ankles. Even though he was wearing a coat, it still could not withstand the cold.

Chu Wanning lowered his head to look at the sky-blue fur coat. It was embroidered with intricate curly grass patterns using silver silk thread. He felt that this coat was somewhat familiar, but this familiarity disappeared in an instant. Very soon, he could not capture it.


He did not understand why he had such a torturous dream. Chu Wanning prepared to stand up, but his body did not seem to belong to him. He continued to kneel on the ground without moving an inch. Even when the snow fell on his shoulders and ice beads condensed on his eyelashes, he still had no intention of getting up.

"Grandmaster Chu, the sun is dark. Her Majesty will not see you tonight. Let's go back."

An old, trembling voice sounded from behind.

In the dream, he did not turn around. Footsteps sounded behind him. Someone stepped on the snow with a crunching sound and held an umbrella on his left and right.

Chu Wanning heard himself say, "Thank you, Liu Gong.


You are old. Go back to the waterside pavilion and rest. I can still hold on. "

"Grandmaster …"

The old voice still wanted to say something, but Chu Wanning said, "Let's go back."

The weak voice sighed and dragged his heavy steps. He walked a few steps and turned back to hold the umbrella for Chu Wanning.


"This old servant will accompany the Grandmaster."

Chu Wanning felt himself close his eyes in the dream and did not speak.

He couldn't help but find it increasingly strange. This was truly an extremely preposterous dream.


Both he and the old man were having a conversation that no one could understand.

"Your Majesty" and "Mr. Liu" were not the world of Cultivators that he was familiar with. Instead, they seemed to be in a palace.

He tried to see through the body, to see the scene of the dream through his lowered eyelids.

This place seemed to be the pinnacle of life and death, but there was something different about it.

The houses were mostly the same as before, but many extravagant little items had been added.

The cloistered corridors around the courtyard were draped with snow green curtains embroidered with stars, and tied to them were octagonal incense bells containing auspicious beasts. When the wind blew, the bells jingled, as if they came from the Primordial Chaos.

He knelt facing the main hall. In front of the hall stood a row of Imperial Bodyguards. He had never seen them before, so he didn't know which sect they were from.


The sky gradually darkened. A line of palace maids walked out of the side door in a line. Their white hands were slender, and they lit two bronze lamps on the left and right side of the hall. The lampstand was as tall as a person and had nine floors. Each floor had forty-nine thin copper begonia. The begonia's core was brightly lit, and the candlelight scattered one after another, like the stars in the Milky Way in the sky, shining brilliantly in front of the hall.

After lighting the lamps, the head palace maid glanced at Chu Wanning and said with a strange sneer, "It's so cold at night. Who are you trying to show your bitterness to?

His Majesty and the Empress are enjoying themselves. Even if you kneel until the end of time, no one will sympathize with you. "

How presumptuous!

Chu Wanning had lived for so long, and no one dared to speak to him like this. He couldn't help but become angry. When he opened his mouth, his voice was his own, but he couldn't help but say something else.

"I didn't come here to disturb his mood. I actually have something important to discuss. Please pass the message."

"Who do you think you are? Why should I pass the message for you?" The head palace maid said with disdain. "His Majesty and the Empress are in a good mood. Who dares to disturb them?



If you want to see His Majesty, then keep kneeling. When His Majesty gets up tomorrow, maybe he'll have the heart to look at you. Humph. "

The old servant behind Chu Wanning couldn't listen anymore. He said with a trembling voice, "I know your Empress is favored, but don't you see who you're talking to?

Don't you have some virtue in your mouth? "

"Who am I talking to?

At the peak of life and death, who doesn't know that His Majesty hates him the most?

I'm talking to him. What respect do I need?

You old thing, you have the guts to lecture me! "The head palace maid glared at him and said angrily," Someone come! "

"What do you want to do?" The old servant couldn't help but take two steps forward and stand in front of Chu Wanning.

The palace maid glared at him and said in a delicate voice, "Extinguish the two basins of charcoal outside."


Someone immediately came over and extinguished the charcoal basins in the courtyard.

Chu Wanning thought that although this palace maid's mouth was stubborn, she wasn't stupid.

The sky was cold and hard, so she didn't need to directly fight with the other party.

As long as the two basins of charcoal were extinguished, the courtyard would become like an ice cave. No matter how strong the body was, it wouldn't be able to withstand half a night.

The night grew deeper, but the palace was still warm. The sounds of music and dancing were endless.


Chu Wanning was still kneeling. His legs and feet were numb.

"Grandmaster … go back …"


The old servant's voice sounded like he was about to cry.

"Go back. Your health is important. You know His Majesty. If you freeze, he won't send a doctor to take a look. You have to take care of yourself."

Chu Wanning said softly, "I'm just a broken body. It's not worth mentioning.

If I can stop him from attacking the Kunlun Treading Snow Palace, I won't regret even if I die. "


You, why do you have to … "

Chu Wanning was extremely weak in the dream. He coughed a few times, but his eyes were still clear. "It's my fault that he ended up like this.

I … cough, cough. "

Before he could finish, he started coughing violently. Chu Wanning covered his mouth with his sleeve. There was a metallic taste in his throat. When he put down his sleeve, he saw that his hand was covered in blood. It was a glaring sight.

"Grandmaster Chu!"

"I …"

Chu Wanning still wanted to say something, but his vision turned black. He couldn't hold on anymore and fell into the snow.

There was endless chaos in his ears. It was like the sudden turmoil of war, but it was also like the sea behind layers of curtains. He couldn't hear the noise around him.

He could only vaguely hear the old servant shouting in panic. A few words drifted into his ears.

"Your Majesty!

Your Majesty … I beg you … "

"Grandmaster Chu, Grandmaster Chu is dying. I beg you to see him. I'm willing to die …"


The surroundings gradually became chaotic. There were many footsteps, and the lights were brightly lit.


The sound of drums and the woman's sweet singing suddenly stopped. It seemed that the door of the palace was wide open. A strong fragrance wrapped in the warmth of the room rushed out.

Chu Wanning felt that someone had picked him up and brought him into the warm palace.

A large hand touched his forehead, but it only probed for a moment before it was abruptly pulled back as if it had been stabbed.

Then, a familiar low male voice was screaming dangerously.

"Why didn't you report to me?"

No one answered.

The man suddenly flew into a rage. With a bang, he seemed to have thrown a pile of heavy objects. He roared angrily, accumulating the power of thunder.

"Have you all rebelled?

He is the master of the Red Lotus Pavilion, and he is my master!

He is kneeling here, but none of you came to report to me?

Why didn't you report to me?! "

With a thump, someone knelt down, trembling. It was the head palace maid who had been flaunting her power earlier.

"This servant has committed a capital crime. This servant saw that His Majesty and the Empress were in a good mood, so this servant didn't dare to disturb …"

The man paced back and forth a few times, but his anger only increased. His black robe with golden edges fluttered on the ground like black clouds. Finally, he stopped, his voice twisted to the extreme.

"His body is not good, and he is afraid of the cold.

You didn't report to me, and made him wait in the snow. You also … you also extinguished the charcoal fire in the courtyard … "


His voice trembled because of his anger. In the end, he took a deep breath, and a sentence rumbled out of his throat.


His voice was not loud, but the murderous intent in it made people feel cold.

"You want him to die."

The palace maid was so scared that her face turned pale. She banged her head on the ground, and her forehead was bruised. Her lips trembled as she screamed, "No!

That's not it!

How could this servant dare to have such thoughts!

Your Majesty!

Your Majesty has wronged me! "

"Drag him down.

He will be executed on the stage of good and evil. "

"Your Majesty!

Your Majesty — "

That sharp voice was like blood-red fingernails scratching the ear. The dream began to shake and disintegrate in the midst of her shrill screams. The surrounding scenes fell apart like snowflakes.

"I spent so much effort to bring him back from the gates of hell.

Other than me, no one is allowed to hurt him, not even a finger … "

The hoarse voice was very cold, but because of this extreme coldness, it gave birth to a sinister madness.

Chu Wanning felt that person come closer and stop in front of him.


He pinched his chin with one hand.

He opened his eyes vaguely, trying to see that person's appearance. In the dazzling light, he saw a blurry face. That person had dark and deep eyebrows, a straight nose, and eyes as black as ink. In the candlelight, there were faint traces of purple.

"… Mo Ran?"


The voice suddenly became clear.

Chu Wanning suddenly opened his eyes and saw that he was still lying in the room of the inn. The sky was still dark, and a single candle was trembling on the candlestick.

Mo Ran sat by the bed, one hand on his forehead, the other on the bed. He was looking at him anxiously.

"How did I …"

For a moment, he was in a daze. The dream just now was so real that he could not recover for a while.

"You had a nightmare. You kept shivering."

Mo Ran pulled the thin blanket for him. "I saw that you were very cold. I was afraid that you had a fever. Fortunately, you didn't."

Chu Wanning made a sound and turned his head to look at the slightly open window.

The sky outside was still heavy and dark, and the night was still deep.

"I had a dream. In the dream, it was snowing heavily."

He muttered to himself, then fell silent.

Chu Wanning sat up and buried his face in his hands. After a moment of silence, he sighed. "I'm probably tired."

"I'll go make a bowl of ginger tea for Master." Mo Ran looked worriedly at his pale face. "Master, your complexion is very bad."


"… …"

Seeing that Chu Wanning did not say anything, Mo Ran sighed and did not think much of it. He habitually used his forehead to touch Chu Wanning's cold and sweaty forehead.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it that you're willing."

Chu Wanning was slightly surprised by this sudden intimacy. He subconsciously leaned back. "… … En."

Mo Ran was also confused from sleep. Just like in his previous life, he rubbed his hair. Only then did he put on a coat and ran downstairs to use the kitchen.

After a while, he came up with a beech wood tray.

Mo Ran was not a person with a heart of grass. Chu Wanning came to the Peach Blossom Spring to save him and protect him. No matter how much hatred he had for this person before, at this moment, he was grateful.

On the tray, there was a pot of steaming ginger tea and a small jar filled with black sugar from the Tujia family.

He remembered that Chu Wanning did not like to eat things that were choking, but he liked sweet things.

In addition to the ginger tea, he also asked for a white steamed bun from the kitchen.

The steamed bun was cut into thin slices, soaked in fresh milk, and fried in a pot of oil. A layer of icing was sprinkled on top. It was a simple but tasty snack.

Chu Wanning held the ginger tea and slowly drank it. His face gradually regained color. His porcelain white fingertips picked up a piece of milk-flavored steamed bun. After looking at it for a while, he asked, "What is this?"

"I just made it casually. I haven't named it yet." Mo Ran scratched his head. "Shizun, try it. It's sweet."

Chu Wanning did not like fried food and hated greasy food. However, when he heard the word "sweet", he hesitated for a moment. He took a piece of steamed bun and took a bite.

"Oh … …"

"Is it good?" Mo Ran asked tentatively.

Chu Wanning looked at him and did not say anything. He then took another piece and slowly ate it with the ginger tea.


The pot of tea and the plate of snacks were quickly finished. The nightmare also disappeared in this warmth. Chu Wanning yawned and lay back on the bed. "Go to sleep."

"Wait a minute." Mo Ran suddenly raised his hand and wiped the corner of Chu Wanning's mouth with his finger. "Snack crumbs."

"… …"

Looking at the young man in front of him smiling so openly, Chu Wanning could not help but feel his ears heat up. He turned his face and said, "En." Then he ignored him.

Mo Ran put away the bowls and plates and went downstairs to return them. When he came back up, he saw Chu Wanning sleeping facing the wall. He did not know if he was asleep or not.

He went forward and gently put down the gauze curtain. Suddenly, he heard Chu Wanning say, "It's cold at night. Don't sleep on the floor."

"Then … …"

Chu Wanning's long eyes drooped. He really wanted him to stay with him, but he could not say "Sleep next to me." After hesitating for a long time, the tips of his ears became hotter.

He felt sorry for him and did not want him to sleep on the floor. He liked him and did not want him to leave.

But he was so thin-skinned. He knew that even if he asked, the other party would definitely reject him. At that time, he would lose all his face. Just thinking about it made him feel sad.

It was better to be Xia Si Ni. As a child, he could be more willful.

— — But Mo Ran treated him well today. He even remembered that when he drank ginger tea, he liked to put black sugar. Could he think that in fact, Mo Ran also cared about him more or less … …

Such thoughts made Chu Wanning feel a little hot in his heart. He blurted out in a daze.

"Come up and sleep."

"Then I'll go and see if it's quiet next door. If it's quiet, I'll go back to my room."

They said this sentence almost at the same time. After Mo Ran finished speaking, he realized what Chu Wanning said and opened his eyes slightly.

"That's great."


Chu Wanning agreed almost without hesitation, as if she was in a hurry to cover up what she had said earlier.

"Go back."

"Shizun, you … …"

"I'm tired. You can go."

"… Well, Shizun, rest early."

The young man left. The door opened and closed with a creak.

Chu Wanning opened his eyes in the dark night. His heart was beating fast and his palms were sweaty. He could not help but feel embarrassed for his loss of self-control just now.

Sure enough, after being alone for a long time, a little care from others would make him think that it was rare warmth.

Just like a fool.

He turned over in annoyance and buried his face in the pillow, sinking into deep self-loathing.

He knew that the person Mo Ran liked was Shi Mingjing. They were just a cold and polite master and disciple, but … …

The person in his dream seemed to appear clearly in front of him.

The same facial features, but compared to the current Mo Ran, he seemed to be older.

When he looked at him, his expression was perverse and paranoid. His eyes were so deep that he could not see clearly.

With a creak, the door opened again.

Chu Wanning froze in an instant. His back was tense, like a bow that had been pulled to the extreme.

A person walked to the bed and remained silent for about a foot. He felt that person sit down on the side of the bed. When he came back, there was a unique smell of clothes.


"Shizun, are you asleep?"

No one responded to him.

Mo Ran continued to speak. His voice was very calm, as if he was talking about a family matter. "There's still a ruckus next door."

He chuckled softly and leaned over to support the side of his face. He lay down beside Chu Wan Ning and glanced at the person's back that had clearly stiffened.

"Shizun just told me to sleep. Does it still count?"

"… …"

"Shizun always doesn't like to respond to people.

If you don't say anything, I'll take it that Shizun is willing again. "

"… … Hmph."

Hearing that person's cold snort from the depths of the bed, Mo Ran curved his eyes. His dark purple eyes were full of laughter.

If spoiling Shi Mei was a habit of his, then teasing his teacher was a game that he would never get tired of.

Mo Ran had never had a clear definition of his feelings for Chu Wanning. However, whenever he saw this person, his heart would itch and he would want to bare his canine teeth and bite him, making him cry or laugh uncontrollably — although most of the time, this was just Mo Ran's wishful thinking.

However, as long as there was even the slightest change in emotion on that icy face, it was because of him. Mo Ran would feel exceptionally excited.



"Nothing, I was just calling you."




"If you have something to say, say it. If not, scram."


Mo Ran laughed. He suddenly thought of something and asked half-jokingly, half-seriously, "I was just thinking about it. I feel that Junior Martial Brother Xia and Shizun are too similar. Shizun, is he your son?"


Chu Wanning's mood had probably fluctuated too much in one night. At this time, he was sulking.

Suddenly hearing Mo Ran teasing him like this, he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Pfft, I was just teasing Shizun. Shizun, you don't have to —"

"That's right." Chu Wanning coldly replied. "He is my son."

Mo Ran was still smiling. "Oh, I knew it. So it's your son — Wait!

Son??! "

As if struck by lightning, Mo Ran suddenly opened his eyes wide and his mouth wide in disbelief.

"Son, son, son, son?"


Chu Wanning simply turned his body and looked at Mo Ran seriously. His face was serious and fierce, and didn't look fake at all.

Tonight, he had done too many wrong things. He was afraid that it would be suspicious.

Since Mo Ran wanted to make a joke, he might as well take advantage of the chaos to play a trick. Anyway, he couldn't let Mo Ran know that he liked him.


Thinking of this, Chu Wanning coldly picked up his lost dignity and said coldly, "Xia Si is my illegitimate son. Even he was kept in the dark about this matter. Now, heaven, earth, you, and I know. If a third person knows, see if I don't want your dog life."

Mo Ran, "…"