Chapter 79: This Venerable One's Shizun Is An Actor

If he didn't know Chu Wanning like the back of his hand, Mo Ran felt that he would really believe him when he saw how serious Chu Wanning was when he spoke.

Xia Sini was Chu Wanning's son?

What a joke, did he really think he was stupid?

However, it was not easy to lose face with Shizun, so in the following days, Mo Ran had to cooperate with Chu Wanning from time to time to show reactions like "Oh my god", "So it is like this", "I didn't expect Shizun to be such a wanton man", and so on.

It had to be said that although he didn't know what Chu Wanning wanted to do, this experience was somewhat interesting.


Mo Ran went to tease him every few days. In the morning, when they were eating in the teahouse, Mo Ran held his chin and opened his eyes wide, calling, "Shizun, Shizun."

Chu Wanning swallowed a mouthful of Yang Xian tea, raised his eyes and looked at him faintly, "Yes?"

"Why don't you recognize Shidi Xia?"

Chu Wanning said, "It's not that I don't recognize him, it's just that the time hasn't come yet."

"Then, when will we be considered to be fated?"

"It depends on his luck."

Mo Ran looked at his unfathomable appearance and held back his laughter until his ribs hurt, but he still had to put on a sympathetic expression, "Shidi Xia is really pitiful."

Another example was when they were hurrying along, Mo Ran raised his hand and broke a willow tree. Along the way, he played with cats and dogs, and when he was bored, he called Chu Wanning.

"Shizun, Shizun."

"What's the matter?"

"I want to ask you something secretly." Mo Ran said with a smile, "Shizun … what kind of person is she?

Is she beautiful? "

Chu Wanning choked, and then covered it with a light cough.


"Not bad."


Is it only passable? "

Mo Ran said in surprise, "I thought that the one who could catch Master's attention must be a beauty that could topple countries and cities."


Mo Ran rubbed his brow and brought his black horse closer to Chu Wanning's white horse. He sneakily leaned over and asked, "Does Shizun and Shiniang still keep in touch?"

"… What kind of relationship?"

Chu Wanning glanced at him coldly. He touched his lips and said in a deep voice, "Your Master's wife is already dead."

He had killed his own wife with just a few words?

Mo Ran almost choked on his saliva. "D-dead?

How did he die? "

Chu Wanning was expressionless. "Difficult labor."

"…" Puhahahahahaha.

If it wasn't for the circumstances, Mo Ran would have fallen off his horse and fallen to the ground laughing.

Mo Ran naturally wouldn't let go of such an interesting topic so easily.


The next day, she washed a bag of fresh and plump cherries and put them in a pouch for Chu Wanning to eat on the way. She tricked him into talking to her again.

"Shizun, may I know who Shiniang was? What was her name?"


Chu Wanning picked up a sweet cherry and ate it without batting an eyelid. He then said coldly, "The dead are gone. What's the use of knowing her name?"


Mo Ran played along smoothly. "Revered Master follows the path of filial piety. Even if Shiniang was a beauty, as a disciple, I should still remember her name. When the Winter Solstice is bright and clear, I have to pay my respects."

Chu Wanning continued to eat his cherries. He said indifferently, "No need.

Your Master's wife is not such a vulgar person. She doesn't like the smell of incense. "

Mo Ran curled his lips and secretly rolled his eyes. He thought to himself, It's obviously you who can't come up with Shiniang's background. You actually have the face to say that Shiniang is otherworldly and doesn't eat the food of the common populace.

But his face was still smiling. "Shiniang is so otherworldly. She must be a cultivator, right?"

Chu Wanning paused. He picked up another cherry with his snow-white fingertips and slowly chewed it. He then said, "That's right."


Mo Ran blinked his eyes curiously. "Which sect did Shiniang belong to?"

Chu Wanning estimated Xia Si Ni's age. At that time, he was still in Linyi. He then said calmly, "Confucian Wind Sect."

"Oh …" Mo Ran slightly raised his eyebrows.

This gave Chu Wanning an opening. The Confucian Wind Sect had always respected the male disciples. Although the female disciples were not mistreated in teaching martial arts, they never had the opportunity to show their faces in public. When they went out, they never left their names behind. Therefore, although the female cultivators of the Confucian Wind Sect were quite capable, people in Jianghu only knew the four words "Confucian Wind Sect female cultivators". No one knew their names and lives. Therefore, Chu Wanning randomly made up stories. In any case, there was no way to verify them.

However, Mo Ran was not a person who would give up easily. He immediately refocused and asked persistently, "Then when did Shiniang and Shiniang meet? How did they meet?"

"This …"

Chu Wanning could not make up a story. He was hesitating when his eyes met Mo Ran's bright eyes. He suddenly realized that he did not need to answer his question. He immediately pursed his lips and waved his wide sleeves. He said coldly, "Why are you asking so many questions about my personal affairs?"

As he said this, he pulled the reins and spurred his horse. His white robe left behind, leaving Mo Ran far behind him.

The two of them wandered outside for more than ten days. They went to several small sects in a row and searched around the weapons and spirit stone stalls in the market. However, they did not find any clues.


On this day, Chu Wanning used the Tang Flower to send a message as usual. After exchanging news with Xue Zhengyong, he left the inn with Mo Ran and went to the market under Lonemoon Night's sect to check on the situation.


Lonemoon Night was the world's number one sect of medicine. It was also the sect of Xue Meng's birth mother, Madam Wang.

This sect was built on an island called "Lin Ling Island". However, in reality, Lin Ling Island was not a real island. It was the back of a giant Black Tortoise.

That Black Tortoise had a lifespan of millions of years. It had signed a blood contract with Lonemoon Night's ancestor elder. It carried the entire sect and roamed the sea, using its unique Immortal Qi to nourish the thousands of trees and flowers on the island.

Lonemoon Night's disciples had always been mysterious and did not compete with the world.

The sect itself did not have frequent communication with the outside world. Only on the first and fifteenth of every month, the Black Tortoise would carry the entire sect near the port of Yangzhou. At this time, people from other sects would come to the island to buy medicine. There would also be merchants selling weapons and spirit stones to them, as well as some goods that could not be bought on the island.


However, the most famous sect on Lin Ling Island was not Lonemoon Night, but the "Xuan Yuan Pavilion". The Xuan Yuan Pavilion belonged to Lonemoon Night's sect. It was a famous trading company in the world of cultivation.

This trading company opened twice a month and sold Lonemoon Night's best medicine as well as rare treasures sold by various sellers.

Although the goods often touched the taboo of the world of cultivation, no one dared to make an enemy of Lonemoon Night. After all, more than half of the spiritual medicine in the world of cultivation came from this sect. From a certain point of view, Lonemoon Night's strength was not inferior to that of the current number one sect, the "Confucian Wind Sect".

"There are too many people here. Put on your cloak."

As more and more people came to Lin Ling Island, Chu Wanning pulled down the hood of his cloak and reminded Mo Ran softly.

Although the Xuan Yuan Pavilion had set up private rooms for the major sects to show respect, because this was a trading place for selling stolen goods and gray transactions, in most cases, the cultivators would not show their true faces for fear of being found out or getting killed for no reason.

Mo Ran and Chu Wanning entered the Xuan Yuan Pavilion. The pavilion was divided into three floors. In the center of the first floor stood a white jade platform with a nine-petaled lotus. It was covered with nine layers of indestructible protective enchantments. This was the place where the goods would be displayed.

With the white jade platform as the core, hundreds of benches made of red rosewood extended to the four directions of north, south, east and west. These were the most common seats.

The second floor was a private room. In front of each room was a large golden Nanmu window. In front of the window was a layer of gauze. The curtain was made of Silver Moon Yarn. From the inside, one could see the outside clearly, but from the outside, one could not see the scene inside. It was very good to protect the privacy of the guests.

However, the price was very expensive. It cost nine thousand gold per hour.

Chu Wanning did not like to squeeze with others. He took the gold leaf sent by Xue Zhengyong and spent it without feeling any heartache.

The servants who served the guests in the Xuan Yuan Pavilion had signed a life and death contract with the pavilion master. They would not leak any of the guests' private matters. Even so, Chu Wanning was still not at ease. He asked for the best room and asked the servant to bring two pots of Snow Ground Cold Fragrance, eight fresh fruits, eight candied fruits, four cakes and four candies. Then, he asked the servant to leave.



Only he and Mo Ran were left in the room. Chu Wanning raised his hand and pulled down his cloak. He stood in front of the window and looked at the crowded heads below.

"I heard from the Lord that this time, the Xuan Yuan Festival will be selling a weapon called Return."

"Return?" Mo Ran shook his head. "I've never heard of it."

"It's a Divine Weapon."

Mo Ran was shocked. "Divine Weapon?

But didn't Jin Chengchi already — "

"I know what you are getting at.

However, it's said that Return was discovered in a nameless tomb in Myriad God Ridge. It was likely that its previous owner did not have an heir when he died, so the Divine Weapon was buried with him. "

"… So that's how it is."

However, the Divine Weapon only recognized its owner. When the owner died, the Divine Weapon would recognize his heir.

Even if others obtained the Divine Weapon, they would not be able to use even a fraction of its strength. From Mo Ran's point of view, there was not much point in buying such a weapon.

Chu Wanning read Mo Ran's mind and said, "Although the Divine Weapon cannot unleash its true strength without recognizing its owner, its strength is still several times stronger than ordinary weapons.

People will still flock to it. "

Mo Ran was enlightened. "I understand what Master is getting at. Ordinary people might not even see a Divine Weapon in their entire lives. Since it is said that Return was discovered in a nameless tomb and has been around for a long time, it is likely that people will use their own spiritual energy to test it. What if they are the original owner's descendants?

There's no harm in trying. "

"That's true."

Mo Ran pondered and said, "The Divine Weapon is rare, but now, there's an ownerless one up for auction.


No matter how I look at it, it looks like the fake Gouchen's ploy. He would use a high quality replica to trick everyone into releasing their spiritual energy, so as to let him know if anyone here has the essence he is looking for. "


Chu Wanning sat down on a soft chair and poured himself a cup of Snow Ground Cold Incense before slowly drinking it.

He looked at the sea of people below and whispered, "That's true.

Regardless of whether this Divine Weapon is real or not, or if it's a trap set by the fake Gouchen, it's never wrong to test it out. "

Just as he finished speaking, there was a commotion below.

Chu Wanning and Mo Ran looked down and were slightly taken aback.

They saw the golden door of Xuanyuan Pavilion open. Among a sea of hooded cultivators, two rows of blue-robed youths with jade crowns on their heads walked out. The man leading them was slender and handsome. He did not hide his stroll in the black market at all.

Mo Ran exclaimed, "Ye Wangxi?"