A lie born out of love

In the kitchen, after breakfast, Mindy set about clearing the table. She collected the empty plates and glasses, each one a sign of her efforts to keep the family together. With quiet determination, she washed the plates, the warm soapy water soothing her as she focused on each task.

As Mindy worked, the morning sun gradually filled the kitchen with a gentle light, casting a hopeful glow over the room. The scent of fresh coffee lingered in the air, a comforting reminder of their daily routines, even amid the challenging circumstances.

Once the kitchen was neat and the dishes put away, Mindy walked upstairs to her siblings' room, her heart filled with love and determination. She helped Aiden and Natasha get dressed for school, making sure their uniforms were neat and presentable. Aiden wore navy-blue slacks, a crisp white shirt, and a maroon tie, while Natasha looked adorable in her plaid pinafore dress over a white blouse.

Mindy herself had put on her school uniform: a navy-blue pleated skirt, a white blouse, and a matching blazer. She was determined to keep up with her studies and her new responsibilities despite the family's challenges. She knew her parents would be proud to see her dedication.

With their uniform in order, Aiden and Natasha, now dressed and ready for the day, waited excitedly at the front door.

Half an hour later, the trio arrived at the kindergarten. Mindy skillfully parked her new car in front of "Belleview Preschool," a renowned institution that is known for its high standards and exclusivity. Surrounded by manicured lawns and vibrant flowers, the school exuded an air of privilege that only a select few could afford.

As Mindy walked her younger siblings to the entrance, she couldn't help but notice the line of luxury cars parked in the drop-off area. Parents, impeccably dressed and clearly well-off, accompanied their children into the school, greeting one another with a sense of shared community.

Mindy watched as Aiden and Natasha chatted animatedly with their friends, seemingly unfazed by the morning's events. She knelt down to their level and wrapped them in a warm embrace. 

"Be good at school, okay?" Mindy said, her voice filled with love. "Aiden, take care of your little sister."

Aiden nodded with a sense of responsibility beyond his years. "I will, big sis. Don't worry."

"Alright. I'll pick you up later after school." With a final hug and a heartfelt smile, Mindy watched as Aiden and Natasha joined their friends before she walked back to the car and drove out of the school's premises.

Mindy thought it wise that she visited her mother and father at the hospital before she went to her school. So, immediately after she dropped her siblings to their kindergarten, she didn't go straight to her school, instead she turned the car around and went straight to the hospital where her father was hospitalized. 

Before long, Mindy parked her car in the spacious parking area of the hospital. The vehicle stood out among the other cars with its sleek lines and polished exterior. She stepped out of the car immediately. She carried a bag of containers filled with her freshly prepared breakfast. The aroma of warmth and love wafted from the containers, and she clutched them with a sense of determination. She wanted to provide a comforting meal to her mother, who had not left her father's side.

Entering the hospital, Mindy's heart ached as she passed by patients, doctors, and families navigating their own personal journeys. She was aware of the collective pain and strength that echoed through the sterile hallways. 

As she neared her father's room, Mindy saw her mother standing not far away, her phone pressed to her ear. Grace seemed to be in an intense conversation, and her eyes were glistening with tears. Mindy silently walked closer, concerned by her mother's distress. Whatever the person on the other end of the line was saying, it was clear it brought unwelcome news, as Grace's shoulders trembled with emotion.

As Mindy approached, she called out, "Mom?"

Grace was startled, her tearful conversation interrupted. She quickly wiped her tears away, her voice trembling as she responded, "Mindy, sweetheart. What are you doing here? Why aren't you in school?" Obviously, she didn't expect to see her daughter here, and she wondered in her mind, how long she had been standing there. Did she hear her conversation just now?

Mindy was keenly observant of her mother's disheveled appearance and the lingering sadness in her eyes. She didn't respond to her mother's question directly, her concern overriding all else. Instead, she gently inquired, "Mom, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Did something happen to dad?"

Mindy's inquiry was met with a pained smile from her mother. Grace tried to hide her sadness behind the facade of reassurance as she said, "Oh, don't worry, sweetheart. Your father is okay. He's resting right now."

Mindy let out a relieved sigh. The fear that had momentarily gripped her heart began to ease. She was thankful that her father was alright.

But the sight of her mother's lingering tears and the unspoken emotions in her eyes couldn't escape Mindy's notice. A perplexed frown settled on her face, and she questioned, "Mom, if Dad's okay, why are you crying? What's really going on?"

Grace hesitated, torn between her desire to protect her children from the harsh reality and her wish to be honest with them. In the end, she couldn't bring herself to tell Mindy the truth. At least, not today. So, she chose to lie to her daughter instead.

"I'm sorry, Mindy. It's just... your father is lying there, and I feel so helpless. I can't even help him," she spoke, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. 

Mindy's heart ached  for her mother. "Mom, I understand. It's so hard to see dad like this. But you're not alone. We'll get through this. The doctors will do everything they can, and dad will be okay. I promise."

Grace nodded with a forced smile. "You're right, Mindy. Your father will be okay. It's just... It's hard seeing him like this, and I wish I could do more to help him."

Mindy wrapped her arms around her mother in a comforting hug. "We're a strong family, mom. Dad will get through this, and we'll support him every step of the way. The doctors will do everything they can to help him."

Grace clung to her daughter, the weight of her lie heavy on her heart. It was a lie born out of love, a lie meant to protect Mindy from the harsh realities of their situation. As they stood there, locked in a reassuring embrace, Grace couldn't help but hope that her words would come true, and her family would emerge from this trial stronger than ever.