The threats

Grace and Mindy entered the hospital room, united in their shared hope and love. Mindy carefully unpacked the breakfast she brought, placing it on the small table beside her father's bed. A soft smile crept across Grace's face as she watched her daughter taking charge, embracing her newfound responsibilities. 

The room filled with the aroma of warm food, and even in his coma, Mindy's father seemed to be at peace. She leaned down and kissed his forehead gently, whispering, "I love you, Dad. Please, get well soon."

After ensuring everything was set, Mindy turned to her mother. Grace's eyes brimmed with gratitude for her daughter's unwavering support. Mindy wrapped her arms around her mother, hugging her tightly. She whispered, "Mom, I have to go now. I'll be back to visit Dad after school. Take care of him, and take care of yourself."

Grace nodded, tears glistening in her eyes as she kissed Mindy on the forehead. "I will, dear. And thank you for being so strong for all of us."

With one final, lingering look at her father, Mindy turned and left the room, leaving her mother by his side.

Yates Enterprises was an impressive sight in the heart of the city. The grand building stood tall, a masterpiece of modern architecture. Its exterior was a mix of sleek glass panels and a polished steel, reflecting the surrounding cityscape in a symphony of lights. The company's name was etched elegantly above the entrance in bold silver letters.

Inside the building, Wilson Yates occupied the topmost floor, overseeing the city from his spacious office. His office was an epitome of sophistication, with floor-to-ceiling windows that provided a breathtaking view of the city skyline. The walls were adorned with exquisite artwork, and a stunning crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow over the room.

Wilson was seated behind his sleek, glass-topped desk, his fingers dancing across the keyboard of his state-of-the-art computer. His face bore a focused expression, his brow furrowed with concentration. The hum of activity from the city below contrasted with the calm and serenity of his office.

As he delved into his work, Wilson Yates embodied the aura of a successful businessman, fully immersed in the intricate web of his corporate empire.

A gentle knock on the door broke Wilson's concentration, and he looked up from his computer. "Come in," he called in his usual cold and detached voice, granting permission for his PA, David, to enter.

David, a poised and efficient man, stepped into the office, a report folder in hand. He approached Wilson's desk and placed the folder before him. "Mr. Yates, I have the latest report regarding the threats we've been receiving lately," he said, his tone carrying a sense of urgency.

Wilson's expression shifted from focused to concerned as he reached for the folder. He opened it and scanned the contents, the lines on his face deepening with each revelation. "This is becoming increasingly worrisome," he muttered under his breath.

David nodded in agreement. "Yes, sir. We received another threat this morning. The tone of these messages is growing more aggressive, and it's causing some unrest among the staff."

Wilson leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in deep contemplation. "I want you to coordinate with our security team. Ensure we have every possible measure in place to protect the company and its employees. We cannot take these threats lightly."

David's professional demeanor remained unwavering as he noted down Wilson's instructions. "Of course, sir. I'll make sure our security is on high alert. Is there anything else you'd like us to do?"

Wilson's jaw clenched in frustration, but he shook his head. "No, that's enough for now. Let's stay vigilant and take this seriously. The company's reputation and the safety of our team are paramount."

David nodded once more before he turned to leave. As David was about to leave, he hesitated and turned back to Wilson, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "Sir, you told me to report to you about Miss Cullen if anything happened."

Wilson, still absorbed in the reports before him, grunted in acknowledgement without looking up.

Something weighed on David's mind and he took a step closer. "Something happened," he said.

Finally, he had Wilson's full attention. Wilson's stern gaze met David's, urging him to continue.

David quickly conveyed the disheartening news. "Mindy's father is hospitalized, and the Cullen's Enterprises, the company Miss Cullen's family owns, has gone completely bankrupt. My reliable source informed me that the company had been facing serious financial issues for a while. But the person responsible for the company's downfall was someone Mr. Cullen took in and helped. This individual had been embezzling funds from the company, and it went unnoticed until it was too late. Now, this person is nowhere to be found."

Wilson's concern for Mindy deepened as he listened to David's report. He knew that they couldn't let Mindy's family suffer in silence. "David, take care of everything, including the hospital bills for Mr. Cullen. And find the person responsible for the company's downfall. I don't care how you do it, but you must find him, even if it means turning the earth upside down."

David hesitated, his words stammering as he tried to explain. "Sir, we... we can't get involved in this matter."

Wilson looked at David with a furrowed brow, his concern for Mindy unmistakable. "Why not!? Are you trying to go against my orders!?" 

David rushed to clarify. "No, no, sir. That's not it. If we get involved in this matter, it would threaten Miss Cullen's safety. We've been receiving threats, and the person responsible for them will realize how much you care about her. He might try to harm her. I suggest we find the person responsible for these threats, first, before we can get involved in the matter."

Ever since Wilson came back, David noticed that he seemed to care so much about this Mindy girl that he would not think twice before destroying anyone who tried to harm her or threatened her safety. Even now when he told him that their company had gone completely bankrupt, his reaction showed how much he cared for her. 

Wilson's expression shifted from determination to worry. David's words brought him back to his senses. He understood the gravity of the situation, especially the danger it posed to Mindy and her family. "You're right, David. We can't risk her safety. Do what needs to be done, but be discreet. I want updates on Mr. Cullen's condition and any leads on the person behind this, but no direct involvement. And, keep an eye on Mindy from a distance. Make sure she's safe."

David nodded and quickly left the room, leaving Wilson deep in though, his concern for Mindy growing more profound.