How did we end up here?

Mindy and her three close friends, Gloria, Emily and Isabela, stepped out of their classroom after their first lessons had ended. The bell rang, signaling the start of their short tea break. It was a pleasant moment to catch up with friends and enjoy some fresh air. 

As they walked towards their chosen spot for the break, Gloria was the first to speak, her voice laced with sympathy, "Mindy, I've been thinking about your dad. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you with him in the hospital."

Emily and Isabela nodded in agreement, adding their support to Gloria's words. Mindy offered a small but grateful smile. She appreciated the concern of her friends.

Soon, they found a comfortable spot and settled down to enjoy the meal they had brought from home. As they began to eat, Gloria's tone shifted, and she began, "You know, I also heard about your dad's company. It's all over the news and social media."

Mindy looked confused, putting down her sandwich. "What are you talking about, Gloria? I haven't heard anything about dad's company."

Gloria realized that Mindy might not be aware of the rumors circulating online, so she took out her phone and started showing Mindy various articles and posts discussing the downfall of her father's company.

As Gloria showed Mindy the articles and posts about the company's downfall, she couldn't help but feel a surge of envy and, secretly, a tinge of happiness deep within. However, she concealed her true emotions behind a mask of sympathy for her friend's situation.

Mindy's friends watched her closely as she took in the news on Gloria's phone. Her eyes widened, her mouth fell open, and then, to their surprise, she burst into laughter.

Gloria, Emily and Isabela exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to react to Mindy's sudden laughter.

Through giggles, Mindy finally managed to speak. "Gloria, this is unbelievable! The news is just fake. There's no way my father's company would have collapsed, and I didn't know about it. My mom would have told me."

The incredulity in Mindy's voice was clear. Her laughter had been a release of the initial shock she'd felt, and now her determination to dismiss the news as hoax was evident.

Gloria forced a sympathetic expression, although her happiness was masked well. She nodded and patted Mindy's back. "You're right, Mindy. It must be some sort of rumor. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

But deep down, Gloria couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. She had hoped the news was true and that it would somehow lessen the ever-present envy she harbored for her friend.


Grace stood in the hospital corridor, her eyes fixed on the closed door to the doctor's office. She had just had a conversation with the surgeon who was to perform the critical surgery on her husband. The news wasn't good.

As Grace tried to regain her composure, the door to the doctor's office opened, and he stepped out. She quickly approached him, her voice quivering with anxiety. "Doctor, how much money do we need for the surgery? I will do whatever it takes to save my husband."

The doctor, wearing a solemn expression, didn't mince words. "I understand your concern, Mrs. Cullen. The surgery your husband needs is complex, and it requires a substantial deposit. We're looking at two million dollars."

Grace's eyes widened as she heard the amount, and her heart sank. The figure was astronomical, far beyond what she and her family could afford, especially given their company's recent financial collapse.

Desperation and fear filled her voice as she tried to negotiate. "Doctor, please, my husband's life is at stake. I promise I'll find a way to gather the money as soon as possible. Just proceed with the surgery first."

The doctor, with empathy in his eyes, sighed deeply. "I wish it were that simple, Mrs. Cullen. But our hospital's policy is clear. We can only perform the surgery once the necessary deposit is made."

Grace turned away, her tears blurring her vision. She felt trapped and helpless, not knowing where to turn or how to secure the funds her husband so desperately needed.

Grace's steps were heavy as she staggered back to the hospital room where her husband lay, his life hanging in the balance. Tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision, as she entered the room. She walked to his bedside, her heart heavy with the weight of the news she had received. Taking a seat beside him, she held his frail hand in hers, and the floodgates of her emotions burst open.

Uncontrollable sobs wracked her body as she cried out all her fears, worries and despair. Her husband, once the pillar of their family, now lay unconscious, and her world was crumbling around her. She clung to his hand as if it were the lifeline that could pull him back to her.

In the dimly lit room, the only sound was the heartbreaking cry of a wife who felt helpless in the face of the enormous challenge ahead. 

Amidst her wrenching sobs, Grace's voice quivered as she held her husband's hand tightly, whispering a broken monologue between her tearful breaths.

"Darling, please, you have to wake up. The children need you. I need you... I can't do this alone... It's too much, and I'm not as strong as you think. How can i face this world without you by my side? We've built our life together, faced every storm hand in hand. I can't bear to go on without you, my love."

Each word was heavy with grief, and her fragile voice echoed the pain in her heart. As she spoke to her comatose husband, it was as if she was pouring her soul, a desperate plea for him to return and mend their shattered world.

Grace's tears fell freely, glistening like dewdrops as they landed on the back of her husband's hand. The room was filled with a heavy silence, the only sound her anguished pleas, the steady hum of medical equipment, and the distant bustle of the hospital beyond the door.

"You've always been my rock, my anchor. I never imagined a life without you. I thought we would grow old together, watch our children achieve their dreams, and enjoy the warmth of our love in our golden years. How did it all crumble so quickly? How did we end up here?"

In the grip of her sorrow, Grace's words lingered in the air, as if reaching out to the man who lay motionless beside her. She yearned for him to respond, to squeeze her hand, to comfort her with his presence, even if he couldn't offer words.

"But I won't give up on you," Grace vowed, her voice gaining a touch of determination amid the grief. "I'll find a way to get the money. I will move heaven and earth to make sure you have the surgery you need. Our love story can't end here. Not like this."

As she sat by his side, holding his unresponsive hand, Grace's heartache remained a raw, open wound. But her promise to her husband infused her with the strength to face the daunting challenges that lay ahead.