Last chance

In a dimly lit room, Wilson faced the group of troublemakers who had wreaked havoc on Mindy and her friends' sale. His gaze was sharp, his expression stern. "You thought you could get away with ruining people's lives?" The cold silence filled the room, broken only by occasional creaking of the wooden floorboards.

Wilson crossed his arms, a subtle of air of authority surrounding him. "I believe you know why you're here. Who sent you to ruin the sale? Don't make this harder on yourselves."

The individuals, shifting uncomfortably in their seats, exchanged hesitant glances. They were unwilling to reveal the identity of their instigator. The men, uneasy but defiant, remained silent.

Wilson, maintaining his composed demeanor, leaned in slightly. "You may think this is a game, but you've messed with the wrong person. Now, I suggest you start talking before things take a turn you won't like."