Family helps each other

In the midst of the school's usual activities, Isabella and Emily navigated through the corridors, the absence of their friend Mindy weighing heavily on their minds. The vibrant energy that characterized their usual conversations was replaced by a somber undertone.

During their free time, Isabella and Emily found solace in each other's company but couldn't escape the topic that loomed large in their thoughts – Mindy's recent ordeal. Isabella, in particular, wore a furrowed brow, her concern evident in every gesture and expression.

"I just can't believe what happened to Mindy," Isabella sighed, her gaze distant. "I mean, it's so unfair. She didn't deserve any of that."

Emily nodded in agreement, her sympathy mirroring Isabella's. "It's just awful. I wish there was something we could do to help her."

Gloria, joining them during their break, picked up on the heavy atmosphere. "Hey, guys, what's going on? You both look so serious."