How are you holding up

Mindy's eyes lit up with joy as she opened the door to Emily's cheerful presence. However, a subtle search for the familiar faces of Isabella and Gloria flickered in her gaze.

"Hey, Emily! It's so good to see you," Mindy exclaimed, a warm smile gracing her face. "But where's Isabella and Gloria? I thought you were all coming over."

Emily's expression shifted, a hint of concern coloring her features. "Isabella couldn't make it today. She's facing some issues at home, and, well, her mother wouldn't allow her to leave the mansion. Gloria, will join us later." 

Mindy's smile faltered for a moment, replaced by a look of understanding. "Oh, I hope everything's okay."

"Yeah," Emily replied, her eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and concern. "But we're here for you, Mindy. How are you holding up?"