
Mindy gathered her belongings and made her way to Aunt Clara's office, her steps lighter now that the bustling café had quieted down. As she approached the door, she took a deep breath to steel herself before knocking gently.

"Come in," Aunt Clara's voice called from inside.

Mindy pushed open the door and stepped into the office, her nerves resurfacing at the sight of Aunt Clara's stern expression.

"Ma'am, I've finished my tasks for the day," Mindy said, her voice steady despite the fluttering of her heart.

Aunt Clara glanced up from her paperwork, her gaze assessing as she regarded Mindy. "Good. You can leave now. Be sure to arrive on time tomorrow."

Mindy nodded, relieved that Aunt Clara's dismissal didn't come with any further reprimand. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you," she said, turning to leave the office.